Parties in the Protocol Books of the Town Clerks of Arbroath

A finding aid

Source: NRS GD45/12/410: 1613 to 1627

Notary: Mr James Pearson, son of Mr Alexander Pearson, town clerk of Arbroath, and himself later town clerk there

This protocol book is in the series NRS GD45/12.

This minute of the records in NRS GD45/12/410 was kindly provided by Jan Haraldson, who writes:

The Extra column includes information that I have not been able to put into the other columns, including witnesses if they can be identified by a family relationship or belong to the Ouchterlony family.

The Land column includes the properties involved in the sasine, which can include many different types of rights of heritable ownership.

The bordering column includes the owners, possessors or occupiers of the lands bordering the properties involved; more details can normally be found in the sasine.

The From and To columns include the grantor(s) and grantee(s) of the sasine and sometimes also people giving consent.

A question mark after a word means that I'm unsure about the word. It's not a transcript so some names have been standardised and others not. I have shortened some names, professions and places (e.g. Arb = Arbroath). Text within [] are my own comments or clarifications.


Alex: AlexanderAnd: AndrewArb: ArbroathBoA: Burgess of Arbroathburg: burgessDa: Daviddtr: daughter
eld: elderexer: executor(s)Geo: GeorgeJa: James
Marg: Margaretmerch: merchantPa: Patrickport: portionerRot: Robertsd: said
sp: spouseTh: Thomasumqll: umquhile [deceased]
W: witnessWalt: WalterWm: Williamyr: younger


air: heir;fear: fiar;notar: notary;oy: grandchild

Place-names in and close to Arbroath

Applegate, Barngreen, Berryfauld, Boulzie Hill, Brothock Water, Burnside, Cairnie, Common Faulds, Copegate [the south part of the High Street], Dishland, Eleemosynary [i.e. Almonry; Eleemosynary Street was the north part of the High Street; an adjacent area came to be called Almerieclose], Emislawshade, Gallowden, Grimsby, Horners Wynd, Keptie, Lady Bank, Lochlands, Lochshade, Lordburn, Marketgate (Old, New), Middleshade, Millgate, Muirden, Muirlands (Old, New, West, East), Muttonhole, Newgate, Ponderlaw, Rottenrow [the central stretch of the High Street], Seagate, Shorehead, Stobcross, Wandersknow, Warddykes, Wardmilne, Warslapshade

Place-names further from Arbroath

Anniston, Arbirlot, Auchmithie, Balblain, Balmirmer, Bonnyton (of Arbirlot; but the Woods of Bonnyton owned the Bonnyton in Maryton), Boath, Bolshan, Bonhard (of Arbirlot), Boysack, Braikie (Easter, Wester), Brax, Brunton, Bryanton, Cairnton, Colliston, Crudie, Dickmontlaw, Ethie, Fallaws (in Inverkeilor), Gilchorn, Grange of Conon, Guynd, Hodgeton, Inverkeilor, Inverpeffer, Kelly, Kinblethmont, Kinaldie, Kirkton (of St Vigeans), Letham (of St Vigeans), Muirhouse (of St Vigeans) - now called Parkhill, Newbigging (of St Vigeans), New Grange (of St Vigeans), Panlathie, Peebles (of St Vigeans), Ruives, Rhind, Seaton (Easter, Wester), Skryne, Tarrie (North & South), Whitehall


2[left page missing]
[missing]Escheat & liferentAnd Adiesonumqll earl [name on the missing part of the document]Bathillet[part of the text is missing] W: Sir John Lindsay of the order of the bath, Geo Lindsay his brother german, Alex Lindsay son to [blank] Lindsay app of Vane
1613/12/26Pa bishop of Ross, Geo archbishop of St AndrewsMr Joshua Durie minister Inverkeilor
31614/4/26umqll Mr And Mortoun last minister LundieMr Henry Fethe minister LundieKirkland Hall [of Lundie]Mr Rot Rynd minister Forgund [Longforgan], Mr John Duncan minister Liff
1615/4/20Mr Henry Philip minister Arbroath, Geo archbishop of St AndrewsMr John Guthrie minister Arbirlot
41615/11/9WillMarg LauderDa Wichtoune maltman BoA her sp nominated her exer
1617/1/30WillJa Jameson BoAAgnes Logie nominated his exer
1617/6/16Sasine annualrentMr Th Ray of Kirkton of Arbroath minister St VigeansJohn Hamilton "principati coco" [principali loco?] of the noble & puissant Ja Marquis of Hamilton, Helen Pearson sp to John HKirktoun of Arbroath W: Th Ray son to sd Mr Th R
51617/7/5Sasine liferentHenry Fethe of BandochIsobella Gardyne his spW Balblane & Walkmylne
1617/7/5Sasine annualrentJohn Ramsay son to umqll John Ramsay in InscheokAlex Pearson of BalmadiesDunbartnetW: Ja Hodgetoun son to umqll Rot Hodgetoun in Haikhill
61617/7/8Sasine liferentMr Th Ray of Kirkton of Arbroath minister St VigeansBarbara Dempster his sp2 acres in Kirktoun of Arbroath possessed by Th HuntarW: Ja & Th Ray sons to sd Mr Th R
71619/1/16SasineJohn Scrymgeour in Mylntoun of Conan, Marg Guthrie his spMr Pa Carnegie now of CroftisMylntoun of Conanformerly pertaining to Rot Strachan of Croftis & Alex Strachan his son
81619/1/16Sasine liferentMr Pa Carnegie now of CroftisCatherine Hailis his spMylntoun of Conan
1619/11/15Sasine liferentHenry Wod of BonytounAnne Cockburn his spAuchscurrie Braktulloch, Mylne of Auchscurrie, Kyndies, GaskW: Th Ray son to Mr Th Ray minister St Vigeans
91620/6/4Infeftment of consignationumqll Alex Wod BoA, umqll And Wod of Brax his brother germanAlex Wod son & air to sd umqll Alex W, Ja Wod son & air to sd umqll And W1) umqll John Carnegie of that ilk, And Wod 2) umqll Alex Guthrie, umqll Alex Seagate 3) umqll John Pearson 4) umqll Th Lindsay 5) umqll Pa Henderson, umqll Alex Haggis 6) umqll Steven Mekeson, umqll Th Mekeson 7) 8) 9) umqll Wm Young, umqll Wm Haillis 10) umqll Wm Haillis, umqll Ja Stenne1) Old Marketgate 2) ibid 3) ibid 4)on Lorthburne called The Boig & Seares Croft 5) New marketgate 6) lands of umqll John Symeson on Mylngate 7) lands of Rot Guthrie at South Seares Croft 8) lands of umqll Alex Haggis on Newmarketgate 9) lands of umqll John Pearson on Copgate 10) lands of Rot Lyne on Copgatesd umqll Alex Wod & umqll John Wod Inscheok had a liferent on the sd lands
101620/6/8SasineAlex Pearson of Balmadies, Ja Pearson his son & app airSir Peter Young of SeatonDunbartnet in parish of LunanJohn Kynnimonth formerly of Methie baillie in hac part, written by Mr Ja Wedderburne son to Mr Alex Wedderburne
111620/9/12Sasine liferentMr Th Ray of Kirkton of Arbroath minister St VigeansBarbara Dempster his spCotton of KirktounW: Th Ray son to Mr Th Ray minister St Vigeans, John & Da Cowpares brothers german, John & Richard Duncan brothers german
121621/1/3Sasine annualrentHenry Guthrie of ColistounHelen & Jean & Christiane Low dtr & airs to umqll Th Low in Park of ConanPark of Conanreversion by umqll Ja Philip & umqll John Guthrie of Colistoun, Henry Fullartoun in Legatstoun sp to sd Helen, And Dall in Chapeltoun of Balmadie sp to sd Jean L
131621/1/3Sasine annualrentHelen & Jean & Christiane Low dtr & airs to umqll Th Low in Park of Conan, Henry Fullartoun in Legatstoun sp to sd Helen, And Dall in Chapeltoun of Balmadie sp to sd Jean LAnd Fullartoun in RuiffisPark of Conanreversion by umqll Ja Philip & umqll John Guthrie of Colistoun, liferent to Jean Philip mother of sd Helen & Jean & Chritsiane L
141621/4/3Sasine liferentTh Pearson of Lochlands, Mr Da Pearson his sonAgnes Irving dtr to Mr Ja Irving minister Arbirlot sp to Mr Da P1) sd Th P & sd Mr Da P, umqll Da Durie 2) sd Th P & sd Mr Da P, Da Balfour1) Eleemosynary 2) ibid 3) Lochlands 4) Peblis
151621/4/3Sasine liferentTh Pearson of LochlandsAgnes Bosuall his spLochlandsW: Mr Da P son & app air to sd Th P
1621/6/1SasineJohn Smyth in Kinnell, Janet Ramsay his spAnd Tailleor in Mains of Kinnell, Marg Ramsay his spland in Kinnellland formerly of umqll Mr Arthur Fethe minister Kinnell & Helen Stewart his sp and before that to umqll Ja lord Ogilvy of Airlie & umqll Ja master of Ogilvy his son W: Mr Ja Guthrie minister Kinnell, Mr Wm Guthrie his brother german, Walt Ramsay son to Ja Ramsay in Tannoksmyre
161622/5/18SasineAlex Pearson of Balmadies, Ja Pearson his natural son, Isobella Beaton sp to sd Alex PMr Archibald Pearson 2nd son to [whom?], Isobella Pearson dtr to Th Pearson of LochlandsBalmadies in barony of Auchtermigatie
171623/4/5SasineRot Montgomery in Haltoun, Geo Montgomery brother to [blank] Montgomery of SkelmorlyJohn Ouchterlony of MuirhouseNewton of Arbroath, part of Kynblathmonth
181623/4/17Sasine marriage contractHenry Fethe of Ballindoch, Isobella Gardyne his sp, Alex Fethe their sonTh Pearson of Lochlands, Euphame Pearson his dtr relict to umqll Gilbert Ouchterlony BoABallindoch [Bandoch]reserving liferent to Giles Wishart mother to sd Henry, Mr Da Pearson advocate & brother to sd Euphame P
191623/4/21SasineJa Balfour of North Tarrie, Lucretia Beaton his sp, Ja Balfour their sonTh Pearson of Lochlands1) Land in North Tarry occupied by Alex Rinny 2) Dameley occupied by Alex Lawrence 3) Flures occupied by John Cowpper 4) Petties Land occupied by Da Richie 5) Dameloy, Buttis & Flures occupied by sd Ja B & Lucrecia B formerly by umqll Ja Jameso[n?] & Agnes Logie his spW: John Balfour brother german to Da Balfour of Guynd
201623/4/30Sasine liferentPeter Oliphant of Kirktoun of RescobieMartha Ouchterlony his spMylntoun & Mylnlands of RescobieJohn Ouchterlony of Muirhouse brother & advocate to sd Martha O W: And Ouchterlony brother german to sd John O of M
211623/5/27Sasine annualrentJa Balfour of North Tarrie, Ja Balfour his sonJean Mekeson relict to umqll Mr Geo Balfour brother german to sd Ja B of N TNorth TarryPa Mekeson brother & advocate to sd Jean M W: John Balfour brother german to Da Balfour of Guynd
221623/5/27Sasine annualrentJa Balfour of North Tarrie, Lucretia Beaton his sp, Ja Balfour their sonHenry Balfour in Fettercarne, Marg Fullartoun his spNorth TarryW: John Balfour brother german to Da Balfour of Guynd
231623/6/20SasineWm Ouchterlony of CairneAnd Ouchterlony his brother german , Isabella Pearson his spNewton of Cairneland occupied by Wm Williamson, Walt & Rot Bowaks
1623/6/21SasineAnd Ouchterlony brother german to Wm Ouchterlony of CairneJohn Hamilton chalmerlane Arb1/3 of Mains of Kirktoun of Arbroath
1623/7/1SasineDa Balfour of GuyndJohn Hamilton chalmerlane Arb, John Ouchterlony of MuirhouseEleemosynary Croft & Gestmedow
241623/8/7SasineJohn Haillis, Elspet Beddie his spDa Ramsay BoA, Pa Lyell BoAHenry Richard, John SpynkCopgate
251623/8/15Sasine liferentPa Mekeson BoAIsabella Carnegie his future sp dtr to Pa Carnegie of Croftis & Catherine Hailis his sp1) Adam Mekeson, Th Broune 2) John Sturrok, And Eliot 3) Ja Carnegie, Dr Ja Eliot 4) And Ouchterlony, umqll Th Mekeson, 5)Ja Fethe, Alex Peter, John Kid 6) Rot Hailis, And Wichtoun 7) John Aikman, Dr Henry Philip 8) Mr Alex Pearson1) Copgate 2) ibid 3) Ladiebank 4) Midilshed 5) Lochsched 6) Dischland 7) ibid 8) Keptie
261623/8/27Ja Guthrie maltman BoA, Janet Eliot his spAnd Eliot BoASeagatesd And E & Dr Henry Philip minister Arb had been cautioner for sd Ja G
271623/10/31SasineJohn Mylne in Balcathie, Elisabeth Dog his spJohn Jak BoAAlex Stencheill, John GardyneNewmarketgate
281623/11/5SasineJohn Low BoA, Marg Hayok his sp, Alex Low their sonJohn Renny yr1) Mylngate 2) EmmeslawschedWm Hay [Hayok?] taylor & Abraham Strachan resigned in favour of sd John Renny, Agnes Hayok sister sd Wm Hay[ok] in favour of sd Wm H
291623/11/28SasineJohn Smyth BoA, Helen Dear his spBarbara Ouchterlony relict to umqll Ja BrownJohn Ramsay, Ja OuchterlonyCopgate
301623/11/28SasineGeo Mylne BoA, Marg Dall his spAnd Dall in Peysiehill, Marg Fethe his spJa Carnegie, Ninian Renny, Alex Stencheill, Common WayNew Marketgate
1623/12/19Th Irnes BoA, Helen Starne his spTh Starne BoARot Lyne, Ja StachanAuld Muirelands
311624/1/14Sasine annualrentJohn Ramsay weaver BoA, Helen Man his spJonet Ramsay sister german to sd John RWm Renny, Allan TownesNew MarketgateMr Da Pearson app of Lochlands
1624/2/9SasineAlex Strachan in South Tarry, John Dickson, Isabella Strachan his spMr Henry Pearson BoASeagate
321624/3/24SasineAgnes Murray dtr to umqll Rot Murray BoA, Alex Murray her brother german Ja Mylne at Patmowes MylneJohn Mackcoull, John Ferrar, Common Way, Eleemosynary CroftEleemosynary
1624/3/29SasineChristiane Bardie dtr to umqll John Bardie BoAAlex Peter merch BoADa Donaldson, the sea, comunem viam, Mr Geo AikmanSeagate
331624/4/20Sasine liferentTh Renny BoAJean Fethe dtr to umqll Walt Fethe in Kirktoun of Inverkeillor, Ja Fethe her brother german, Mr Henry Fethe her brother german1)John Ouchterlony, Da Dall 2)1) Rottonraw 2) Apilgate
1624/4/23Sasine annualrentJean Mekeson relict to umqll Mr Geo Balfour brother german to Ja Balfour of North TerryAgnes Mekeson her sister germanNorth TarryW: John Granger BoA, Mr Arthur Granger his son
341624/4/29SasineJohn Ferror BoA, Marg Ramsay his spJohn Lindsay son to umqll Mr John Lindsay BoA1) Ja Mylne, Da Balfour 2) Ja Mylne1) Eleemosynary 2) Litchen?2) possessed by Mr John Granger pertaining to sd Da Balfour
351624/5/26SasineJohn Allan merch BoAKeptie
1624/5/27SasineDa Dall cordiner BoA, Marion Fethe his spJa Lamb their servant
371624/5/29SasineAnd Annand port of Dikmontlaw, Martha Auchinlek his spSir Peter Young of SeatonDikmontlawW: Ja Hepburn in Dikmontlaw, Rot Hepburn his brother german
381624/5/29SasineJa Durie BoAMr Alex Inglis minister St Vigeans, Beatrix BowmanTh Pearson, Da BalfourEleemosynary
1624/6/10SasineSir Henry Wod of Bonytoun, Anne Cockburn his spSir John Carnegie of Ethie, Da lord Carnegie of Kynnard [brother to Sir John C] Letheme & Newbigging with Kirktounmylne & Kirktoun Meadow, [in] barony of AbrboathW: Da Wod son to sd Sir Henry W
401624/6/10SasineSir Henry Wod of Bonytoun, Anne Cockburn his spSir John Carnegie of Ethie, Da lord Carnegie of Kynnard [brother to Sir John C] barony of Kinblathmont, Gilchorne, Annathtonnet, Myresyd, Inscheok, Lawtoun, Balmulliestoun, Balblain, Lethene & Newbigging, KirktounmylneW: Da Wod son to sd Sir Henry W
411624/6/11Sasine annualrentumqll Ja IngrahamAnd Ingraham BoA his son1) John Gardyne 2) And Wichtoun, Brothok1) John Ramsay tenement on New Marketgate 2) And Wichtoun tenement ibid
421624/6/11Sasine annualrentAnd Ingraham BoA son to umqll Ja IngrahamAlex Peter merch BoA1) John Gardyne 2) And Wichtoun, Brothok1) John Ramsay tenement on New Marketgate 2) And Wichtoun tenement ibid
1624/6/12SasineHenry Smyth port of Burntoun, John Hamilton chalmerlane ArbJohn Watson in Persfeild, Marg Rankin his sp1/2 BurntounW: Th Pearson of Lochlands, Mr Da Pearson his son
431624/6/12Sasine marriage contractJohn Petrie BoAsd John Petrie & Agnes Chrystie his future sp dtr to Da Chrystie merch? Burg Arb, Mariore Schakart liferent to her1) Da Wod, Da Fethe 2) Henry Kynneir, Wm Renny 3) Ja Ferrear, Ninian Renny 4) Ja Anderson, John Aikman, Common Ways1) Copgate 2) New Marketgate 3) ibid 4) LordburnW: And Eliot son to Dr Ja Eliot BoA
441624/6/21SasineJohn archbishop of St Andrews superior of sd landsAlex Pearson of Auchtermegatie [Balmadies], Isobella Beaton his sp, Ja Pearson their son & app heirbarony of Auchtermegatie alias Balmadies Henry Beaton brother & advocate to sd Isobella B
451624/6/22SasinePa Guthrie of Auchmuthie, Rot Guthrie [sometime of Kinblathmont] his fatherSir John Carnegie of Ethie, Da lord Carnegie of Kynnard [brother to Sir John C] Auchmythieland possessed by John Blak, occupied by Da Rolland, occupied by John Thomson W: John Balfour brother german to Da Balfour of Guynd
461624/6/24SasineTh Gardyne of Legastoun son to umqll Th Gardyne of LegastounDa Gardyne of Lawtoun & John Gardyne brother german to sd younger Th G of L Estertoun of Gardyne, Legastoun, Midiltoun of Gardyne, Cotton of Middiltoun of Gardyne all in barony of Gardyne
481624/6/25SasineAnd Ouchterlony son to umqll Da Ouchterlony BoAJa Gardyne of PressakEastertoun of Gardyne called Legastoun in barony of GardyneDa Gardyne of Lawtoun, John Gardyne in Muirhouse superiors of sd lands
491624/6/25SasineJa Gardyne of PressakJohn Gardyne in Muirhouse, Alison Ouchterlony his spEastertoun of Gardyne called Legastoun in barony of Gardyne
501624/7/9Sasine liferentSir Henry Wod of BonytounAnna Cockburn his spNewbigging, Kirktounmylne, Gilchorne, Balmully, Hantestoun all? in barony of Kinblathmonth
511624/7/15Sasineumqll Da Fethe BoAHenry Fethe of Balindoch nearest heir to sd umqll Da F1) Ja Guthrie, John Hucheson 2) sd John Hucheson, Ja Gardyne 3) Ja Duncan, Ja Lockie?1) New Marketgate & Seagate 2) New Marketgate 3) ibid
1624/7/15Sasine annualrentHenry Fethe of Balindochthe poor in ArbroathJohn Hucheson, Ja GardyneNew Marketgate
521624/9/1SasineJa Beaton of Westhall, Catherine Arskin [Erskine] his spJohn Beaton in Ochlaer, Helen Strachan his spWesthall in barony of Innerrarity
531624/9/22SasineDa Gardyne BoADa Wod BoAJohn Rynd, And IngrahamCopgatesd tenement posessed by Th Allan
541624/10/15SasineJohn Mackcoull BoA, Marg Liddell his spWm Pearsonsd Wm Pearson, Ja Mader, John Strachan, sd Wm PearsonEmmeslawsched
1624/10/28SasineAbraham Strachan BoA, Elisabeth Mader his spJohn Strachan BoA, Isabella Edger his spJohn Ouchterlony, airs to umqll John RitchieEmmeslawsched
551624/10/29Sasineumqll John Grant cordiner BoA, Euphame Grant his dtr, Alex Haillis BoA her spJohn Grant his sonMylngate
1624/11/1Sasineumqll John Grant cordiner BoA, Helen Grant his dtrJohn Grant his son[same tenement as in the previous sasine?]
561624/11/2Sasine liferentJa Guthrie BoA, Janet Eliot his spJanet Auchinlek relict to umqll Da Schakart BoA, Marg Schakart her dtrSeagate
571624/11/24SasineDa Ferrear BoA, Helen Pyout relict to umqll Ja Ferrear yr BoAJohn Petrie BoAJohn Ouchterlony, Ja CarnegieAuld Muirlands
1624/11/24Sasineumqll John Grant BoA, Agnes Rynd his spJohn Grant their son1) sd John Grant, Ja Peter 2) Ja Anderson, Mylnelaid, Common Ways 3) Alex Peter, John Allan 4) sd John Allan, sd Ja Anderson1) Mylngate 2) Leikyard 3) Buttis in Mylngatebank 4) ibid
581624/11/4Sasine marriage contractJohn Grant BoAsd John Grant BoA & Marg Ogilvy his future sp natural dtr to Francis Ogilvy of Newgrange1) Mylngate 2) Leikyard 3) Buttis in Mylngatebank[date should probably be 24th of Nov]
1624/11/24Sasineumqll Bessie Craik dtr to umqll Ninian Craik BoAElisabeth & Barbara Craik dtr to sd umqll Ninian Craik & 1) Ja Carnegie, Adam Meikesone 2) Common Way, Aqueduct, heirs to umqll Da Ouchterlony, John Ouchterlony1) Vie Nove 2) garden on Brothok
591624/11/24SasineDa & Elisabeth & Barbara Craik children of umqll Ninian Craik BoAJohn Ouchterlony [jr] son & air to umqll Gilbert Ouchterlony BoA, Da & Pa & Ja & Alex Ouchterlony children of John Ouchterlony sr BoACommon Way, Aqueduct, heirs to umqll Da Ouchterlony, John Ouchterlonygarden on Brothok
601624/12/3ResignationJa Ramsay of Arbeky, Alex Ramsay fear of Arbekey his eldest sonSir Peter Young of Seaton baron of the barony of Lownnan [Lunan] and superior of the sd landsArbekytowns and land of Arbeky & 1/3 thereof called the East Thrid quhilk pertained of old to the Scots acquired by sd Ja R of A & umqll Ja Ramsay his father from Alex Scot stylleil [styled?] citiner of Brechin with 1/2 of the sd town & lands pertaining to sd Ja R and his ancestors many ages bygone W: Michael Young son to sd Sir Peter Y
1625/1/12Sasine annualrentJohn Renny sr BoA, Helen & Mariore Rowane dtr to umqll Wm Rowane BoAPa Lyell notar publ ArbTh Stevenson, Mariore BaxterNorth of Cemetery
611625/1/25Sasine annualrentPa Lyell notar public ArbAdam Lyell his eld sonTh Stevenson, Mariore BaxterNorth of Cemetery
621625/2/23Saisine clare constatumqll Geo Pearson BoAMr Henry Pearson BoA1) Dommesdaill 2) Punderlawfeild occupied by sd Mr Henry P, 3) Punderlawfeild occupied by And Eliot 4) Kepty occupied by sd And EW: Da lord Carnegie, Ja Carnegie his son, Ja Guthrie son to Pa Guthrie of Auchmuty, Wm Pearson son to umqll Th Pearson of Lochlands
631625/2/25SasineMr Henry Pearson BoAHenry Leslie, Bessie Logy his spEleemosynaryW: Ja Guthrie son to Pa Guthrie of Auchmuty, Wm Pearson son to Th Pearson of Lochlands
641625/3/14SasineTh Pearson of LochlandsMr Th Pearson his sonin North Tarry including Dameley, Fleures & Buttsland occupied by Nicolas Adieson relict to umqll Alex Laurence, occupied by sd Nicolas A, possessed by John Couper,) possessed by Da Aichie W: Ja Balfour of North Tarry, Ja Balfour his son
1625/3/25Sasine annualrentCapt Archibald Lamb son to umqll Ja Lamb, Mr And Lamb of South Tarry minister & umqll Archibald Lamb brothers german to umqll Ja LAnd Lamb in South Tarry son to umqll Da Lamb, Helen Rollok sp to sd And LSouth Tarry
651625/3/26Sasineumqll Da Dall BoAJohn Dall his son1) Th Ranny, airs to umqll Da Haillis 2) Ja Colly, airs to umqll Da Man1) Rottonraw 2) Lordburn
661625/3/26SasineJohn Dall son to umqll Da Dall BoABernard Ranny BoAJa Colly, airs to umqll Da ManLordburn
1625/3/28Sasine annualrentDa Smart of HospitalfeildJa CarnegieJa Carnegie, Ja OuchterlonyCopgate
671625/4/6SasineJa Lamb BoAAlex Peter merch BoATh Ranny, airs to umqll Da HaillisRottonrawreserving the rights of a a reversion on the sd lands made by sd Ja Lamb to umqll Da Dall cordiner BoA & Mariore Fethe his sp
681625/4/9SasineAlex Peter merch BoAMr Alex Dall BoATh Ranny, airs to umqll Da HaillisRottonrawreserving the rights of a a reversion on the sd lands made by Ja Lamb BoA to umqll Da Dall cordiner BoA & Mariore Fethe his sp
691625/4/25Sasineumqll Alex Home BoAJohn Home his sonJohn Mylne, Alex SpynkCopgate
701625/4/25SasineJohn Home son to umqll Alex Home BoA & Magdalen Smyth his relictJa Spynk BoA, Catherine Beddie his spJohn Mylne, Alex SpynkCopgate
711625/5/5Sasine marriage contractHenry Richard sr in North Tarry BoAHenry Richard jr his son, Helen Mylne relict to umqll [blank] Butchart future sp to sd Henry R jrJohn Hailis, Ja SpynkCopgate
1625/5/7SasineJa Hamilton of KilbrakmonthJohn [Guthrie] bishop of Moray, Nicolas Wod his spGuyndgatesuperiority of parts of Arbroaththe part & portion of the abovementioned muir in Arbroath which pertained to Alex [Lindsay] lord of Spynie
721625/5/7SasineJa Hamilton of KilbrakmonthSir John Carnegie of Ethie, Da lord Carnegie of KynnardKellygate, road to St Vigeans until the town of Grange of Conan, Leckestainesuperiority of parts of Arbroath, KynnadyMr Pa Carnegie of Croftis baillie in that part W: John Carnegie brother german to sd Mr Pa C
73162/5/12SasineDa Gray BoA, Christina Gregory his spHenry Leslie BoA, Elisabeth Logy his spBarngrein bordering the cemetery of ArbroathTh Pearson of Lochlands superior of the sd lands
751625/5/27Sasine renounciationBarbara Durie dtr to umqll Da Durie BoA, John Davidson her spJa Durie son & air to sd umqll Da DEleemosynary
1625/6/2Sasine annualrentJa GardyneJa Wod BoA air to umqll And Wod of Brax1) John Ouchterlony, Henry Fethe 2) John Hutcheon, Ja Peter1) New Marketgate 2) tenement of John Grant on Mylngate
761625/6/3SasineSir Peter Young of SeatonSir John Carnegie of Ethie, Da lord Carnegie of KynnardHalkhill in barony of LounnanW: Michael Young son to sd Sir Peter Y
771625/6/4Sasine annualrentMarg Mackene dtr to Wm Mackene merch burg Montrose, Rot Gradine [Gardine?] her spWm Mackene merch burg Montrose1/2 of ArbekySir Peter Young of Seaton superior of the sd lands, contract dated 1624 at Rotterdam
1625/6/6SasineSir Peter Young of SeatonMr Alex Keith of Feisdo [Phesdo]Newtoun, Dunbartnet, Mylne of Lunan all in barony of LunanWm Guthrie son to Hercules Guthrie in Heristoun baillie in that part W: Michael Young son to sd Sir Peter Y
781625/6/6Sasine annualrentSir Peter Young of SeatonWm Mackene merch burg Edinburgh1/2 of Arbeky
791625/6/7RenounciationMariore Ouchterlony, John Allan BoA her sp, Marg Allan their dtrJa Ouchterlony BoA, Agnes Mylne his spCopgatethe sd tenement possessed by sd Ja O
801625/6/27RenunciationCatherine Mekesone sp to Mr John Granger baillie ArbPa Mekesone, Isobell Carnegie his spJa Locky, [blank], Adam Mekesone, Comunme GateCopgatethe sd tenement possessed by sd Pa M
811625/6/27Sasine liferentPa Mekesone, Isobell Carnegie his spCatherine Mekesone sp to Mr John Granger baillie ArbJa Locky, [blank], Adam Mekesone, Comunme GateCopgate
821625/7/2SasineJa Stewart of WalkmylneMr John Durie minister InverkeillorWest Balblane in barony of InverkeillorW: Alex Stewart son to Rot Stewart of Jakstoun
831625/7/2Sasine liferentJa Stewart of Walkmylne son to umqll Ja [Stewart] lord InnermeathRot Stewart of Jakstoun brother german to sd Ja S of WWest Balblane in barony of InverkeillorAlex Stewart son & advocate to Rot Stewart of Jakstoun W: Alex Fethe son to Henry Fethe of Ballindoch, Mr Henry Fethe son to umqll Walt Fethe in Kirktoun of Inverkeillor
841625/7/24SasineJa Hamilton of KilbrakmonthDr Henry Philip minister ArbAlmery Croft, Gestmedow
1625/8/27SasinePa Guthrie of Auchmuty, Rot Guthrie [sometime of Kinblathmonth] his fatherSir John Carnegie of Ethie1/2 of Auchmutyland possessed by John Blak & Da Rolland & John Thomson
851625/9/21SasineDa Wod BoAAnd Wod BoAJohn Ouchterlony, Aqueduct, Common WayGrimsby
1625/10/1Sasine annualrentHenry Balfour in Fettercarne, Marg Fullartoun his sp, Ja Balfour of North Tarry, Lucretia Beaton his sp, Ja Balfour app of Nort Tarry their sonJohn Hamilton chalmerlane of ArbNort Tarry
861625/10/2SasineJa Gardyne of PressakJohn Gardyne of Legastoun brother german to Da G of Lawtoun1/2 of Eastertoun of Gardyne called LegastounDa Gardyne of Lawtoun superior of sd lands, reserving a reversion granted by sd Da & John G to And Ouchterlony son to umqll Da Ouchterlony BoA, also reserving a reversion by sd umqll Da O to umqll Th Gardyne of Legastoun in connection with the sale of the sd lands 1612
871625/10/20SasineJa Wod BoA, Isobell Huntar his spAlex Haillis BoA, Euphame Grant his spsd Ja Wod, Comunal VenallisEast of Brothok
881625/10/20SasinePa Gardyne son to umqll John Gardyne BoAAnd Wod BoA, Elisabeth Anderson his spCopgate
891625/10/29Sasine resignationJa Gardyne of PressakJohn Gardyne of Legastoun immediate superior of sd lands1/2 of Eastertoun of Gardyne called Legastoun
1625/10/29SasineDa Gardyne of Lawtoun superior of sd landsJohn Gardyne of Legastoun his brotherEastertoun of Gardyne called Legastounreserving a reversion granted by sd Da & John G to And Ouchterlony son to umqll Da Ouchterlony BoA 1624, also reserving a reversion by sd umqll Da O to umqll Th Gardyne of Legastoun in connection with the sale of the sd lands 1612 W: John Ouchterlony BoA
901625/11/1SasineJohn Smyth BoA, Helen Dear his spBarbara Ouchterlony relict to umqll Ja Brown BoAJa Ouchterlony, John RamsayCopgate
911625/11/19SasineJohn Ouchterlony BoA, Jonet Wedderburne his spAnd Wod BoAsd John O, Aqueduct, Common WayGrimsby
1625/12/19SasineGeo Hay of KinfaunsSir John Carnegie of Ethie, Da lord Carnegie his brotherLounnan alias Courthill Dunbartnet
931626/1/12SasineJohn Allan merch BoAJohn Allan carpenterKepty
1626/1/25SasineMr Geo Aikman notar publ Arb, John Aikman his sonAlex Peter merchDaniel? Donaldson, sd Alex PeterSeagate
941626/1/25SasinePa Wheyt BoA, Giles Williamson his sp1) Mylnegate 2) Newmuirlands
951626/2/7ObligationMr Geo Aikman notar publ Arb, John Aikman his sonJohn Renny BoA1) sd John Renny, Mr Henry Pearson 2) sd John Renny, sd Mr Henry Pearson1) Punderlawfeild 2) ibid
1626/2/23SasineDa Balfour of GuyndJohn Hamilton chalmerlane of Arbroath, John Ouchterlony of MuirhouseGuynd
961626/3/10SasineJohn Hamilton chalmerlane of Arbroath, John Ouchterlony of MuirhouseDr Henry Philip minister Arb, Isobella Peterson his spTh Pearson, Mr Alex PearsonEleemosynary
1626/3/10SasineJohn Hamilton chalmerlane of Arbroath, John Ouchterlony of Muirhouse, Da Balfour of GuyndDr Henry Philip minister Arb, Isobella Peterson his spEleemosynary Croft & Gestmedow
971626/3/16Sasineumqll Da Schakart BoAMarg Schakart his dtrJohn Thomson, Alex SmythSeagate
1626/3/16SasineJonet Auchinlek relict to umqll Da Schakart BoA & Marg Schakart their dtrWm Buchan merch BoAJohn Thomson, Alex [blank]Seagate
981626/3/21Sasineumqll Da Schakart BoAMarg Schakart his dtrPa Mekesone, Common Way, sd Demmeiled, Ja Fethe's land in WarlapshedDemmeiled
991626/3/21SasineJonet Auchinlek relict to umqll Da Schakart BoA & Marg Schakart their dtrJa Anderson merch BoAPa Mekesone, Common Way, sd Demmeiled, Ja Fethe's land in WarlapshedDemmeiled
1626/3/21SasineJa Fethe burg Dundee, Anne Thayne his spJa Anderson merch BoA1)Ja Pringill, Alex Guthrie 2) 3) 4) 5) 1)Pittruisdyik 2) John Kid's land on Copgate 3) 6 acres in Warlapshed & Midilsched 4) 2 acres in Auld Muirlands 5) 1 acre in Newmurelands
1001626/3/21SasineAlex Haillis burg Dundee, Marg Watson his spJa Anderson merch BoA1) acre in Lochsched 2) Butt on Vie Foralis
1011626/3/21Sasine annualrentAnd Ingrame BoA, Giles Tyrie his spJa Anderson merch BoA1) Copgate 2) Emmeslawsched
1626/3/25Sasineumqll Da Schakart BoAMarg Schakart his dtrAnd Dall, Wm Alexander, Common WayCopgate
1021626/3/25SasineJonet Auchinlek relict to umqll Da Schakart BoA & Marg Schakart their dtrAlex Stencheill BoA, Jonet Schakart his spAnd Dall, Wm Alexander, Common WayCopgate
1031626/3/29Sasine annualrentHenry Fethe of BallindochAlex Peter merch BoAJohn Hucheon, Ja Guthrie, Common Veinall, sd Henry FetheSeagate
1041626/4/20SasineAlex [Lindsay] lord Spynie, Alex [Lindsay] master of Spynie his eldest son, George Lindsay 2nd son to sd Alex elderLeys, Bredfuttis Gardyne, West Gardyne, Littil Gardyne
1061626/4/26SasineJohn Allan merch BoAJohn Mekesone merch BoA, Marg Kyd his sp1) Rottonraw 2) Apilgate
1071626/5/22SasineJa Balfour of North Tarry, Ja Balfour his sonSir John Carnegie of EthieNorth Tarry, Ward of Arbroath, WarddykisJa marquis of Hamilton, Anna Cunningham his sp
1091626/5/22SasineJa Balfour of North Tarry, Ja Balfour his sonSir John Carnegie of EthieNorth Tarry, Ward of Arbroath, WarddykisJa marquis of Hamilton, Anna Cunningham his sp
1111626/8/11SasineMichael Young son to Sir Peter Young of SeatonJohn Petrie BoAJa Strachan, John AikmanAuld Muirlands
1121626/8/11SasineAlex Stenicheill BoAJohn Petrie BoAGeo Mylne, Ja ForsythNew Marketgate
1626/8/16SasineDa Tueddell BoA, Catherine Strachan his sp, Ja Trueddell their sonJa Jack BoADa Young, Da ChrystieCopgate
1131626/8/25SasineHenry Fethe sometime app of Ballysak, Alex Fethe his eld son, Giles Wishart mother to sd Henry F, Isabella Gardyne sp to sd Henry F, Euphame Pearson sp to sd Alex FSir Pa Murray of TullibardineBallindoch [Bandoch] in the barony of Inverkeillor
1141626/8/25SasineJa Stewart son to umqll Ja [Stewart] lord Innermeath, Henry Fethe sometime app of Ballysak, Mr John Durie minister InverkeillorSir Pa Murray of TullibardineHiltoun & West Balblane in barony of Inverkeillor
1151626/8/25SasineHenry Fethe sometime app of BallysakSir Pa Murray of TullibardineWest Balblane in parish of Inverkeillor
1161626/8/25SasineMr John Durie minister InverkeillorSir Pa Murray of TullibardineWest Balblane in parish of Inverkeillor
1626/9/15SasineHenry Fethe in Ballindoch, Isobella Gardyne his spJean Fethe their dtrEleemosynarytenement possessed by Giles Wishart mother to sd Henry F
1171626/9/15SasineHenry Fethe in Ballindoch, Isobella Gardyne his spWalt Fethe their son1) Ja Guthrie, John Hucheon 2) sd John Hucheon, Ja Gardyne 3) Ja Duncan, Ja Lockie1) New Marketgate 2) ibid, 3) ibid
1181626/9/21Sasineumqll Th Irnes BoAAgnes Irnes his dtr1) Emmeslawsched 2) Auld Muirlands
1191626/10/8SasineMr Pa Carnegie of Croftis BoAJa Anderson merch BoAbishop And [Lamb?], the sea, Common WaysSeagate
1201626/10/24Sasine matrimonialDa Livingstone of Donypace, John Livingstone his son & app heir, Barbara Forrester sp to sd Da L of DArabella Young dtr to Sir Peter Young of Seaton future sp to sd John LMeikle Perth, Connony, Coldony, Seybigs all in barony of CraigsW: Rot Douglas son to Rot Douglas of Tilliquhilly
1211626/11/12Sasine matrimonialJohn Gardyne of LegastounJean Carnegie dtr to umqll Da Carnegie of Balmaiochy future sp to sd John G of L, Da lord Carnegie, Sir Rot Arbuthnot app of ArbuthnotLegastoun in barony of GardyneDa Gardyne formerly of Leys advocate to sd Jean C
1221626/12/5SasineAlex Peter merchPa Quhyt, Giles Williamson his spMylngate
1627/1/1Sasine matrimonialAlex Guthrie BoA, umqll Elisabeth Guthrie his spMarg Allan dtr to John Allan BoA future sp to sd Alex GWm Alexander, Th DunlopCopgate
1231627/1/4Sasineumqll Ja Carnegie of BalmaiochyJa Carnegie his "nepoti" [nephew or grandson] & airBalmaiochy in the barony of PanbrydDa lord Carnegie superior of sd lands
1241627/1/9SasineAlex [Lindsay] lord SpynieAlex Fethe in BallindochMuirhous & Burnsyd in the barony of SpynieW: Wm Airth son to Da Airth in Ethie, And Lamb in Burnesyd son to umqll And Lamb in Ruiffs
1251627/1/12SasineGeo Mader eld son to Ja Mader BoA, Marg Manny sp to sd Geo Msd Ja Mader sr, the airs to umqll Geo Lyddell BoACommon Way, And Schakart, Aqueduct, Seagate yardMylngateW: Ja Mader son to sd Ja Mader sr
1261627/1/12SasineJa Mader sr BoA, Helen Durward his spDa Mader his son, the airs to umqll Geo Lyddell BoACommon Way, And Schakart, Aqueduct, Seagate yardMylngate
1271627/1/12SasineJa Mader sr BoA, Helen Durward his spDa Mader his son, the airs to umqll Geo Lyddell BoAJohn WallaceMidilsched
1627/1/12SasineJa Mader sr BoA, Helen Durward his spArthur Mader his son1) And Ingrame, John Renny 2) John Renny, airs to umqll And Eliot1) Emmeslawsched 2) Rig
1281627/1/12SasineAnd Schakart BoAJa Mader jr BoA, Helen Austen his sp, the airs to umqll Geo Lyddell BoACommon Way, Da Smart, Aqueduct, Ja Mader srMylngate
1291627/1/31SasineAlex Peter merch BoASeagateDaniel Donaldsons land on Seagate
1627/2/26Sasineumqll Adam MekesonePa Mekesone BoA his brother german & heir 1) sd Pa Mekesone, Common Way 2) Ja Carnegie, Da Craik, Common Way1) Copgate 2) Seagate
1627/2/26SasinePa Mekesone BoAsd Pa Mekesone BoA & Isabella Carnegie his spsd Pa Mekesone, Common WayCopgateJa Peter son to Alex Peter merch BoA advocate to sd Isabella C
1301627/3/8SasineJohn Gardyne of LegastounHercules Dalgety, Pa Dalgety his sonsd Hercules Dalgety, Common Way, airs to umqll Steven Pettillok, John Ouchterlony jr1) Copgate 2) tenement of Geo Ogilvy
1311627/4/8SasineGeo Scott jrGeo Scot sr BoA his fatherJohn Kyd, Da ChrystieLochsched
1627/4/8SasineGeo Scott jrGeo Scot sr BoA his fatherRottonrawthe tenement is possessed by sd Geo S sr
1321627/4/8SasineGeo Scottsd Geo Scott & [blank] his spJa Wod, Common Way, Mr Geo AikmanRottonraw
1331627/4/8SasineGeo Scott jr son to Geo Scot sr BoAJohn Kyd merch BoA, Helen Young his spland of umqll And Eliot in Midilschedland of umqll And Eliot in Midilsched
1627/5/7SasineJohn Hucheon in Newgrange BoA, Isabella Gray his spJohn Grant, Marg Ogilvy his spCommon Way, Mylnled, Aqueduct, sd John GrantMylngate
1341627/5/10SasineMr Alex Lindsay of CanterlandSir Rot Graham of MorphiePitbedlies & East & West Spittellmyres in barony of Morphieland possessed by Alex Wobster & Alex Peddie jr
1627/5/11SasineJohn Renny yr cordiner BoATh Smyth in ColystounHenry Kinneir, sd John Renny. Commune VenallisNew Marketgateland was wadset to sd John R by sd Th S

See also:

Minutes of Notaries' Protocol Books:

Parties in the Act Books of the Commissariot of Brechin:

Parties in the Register of Deeds of the Commissariot of Brechin:

This page updated 8 Jun 2019