Parties in the Act Books of the Commissariot of Brechin

A finding aid

Source: NRS CC3/1/3: Edicts and Acts of Caution, 7 Feb 1610 to 24 Mar 1614

The records of the Commissariot of Brechin are in NRS CC3. The series CC3/1 are Act Books.

This minute of the records in NRS CC3/1/3 was kindly provided by Jan Haraldson, who writes:

The original does not have page numbering so the numbering is my own and it starts with the first page with any content. I have included dates sometimes and sometimes not, but there are enough dates to be of value when trying to be of guidance when finding the originals. The dates refers to the date of registration or decision in the court not the date of the deeds, which could have been much earlier.

I have added the column Notes, with suggested readings for some surnames and place-names. The vast majority of the people listed are in Angus or Kincardineshire.


Alex: AlexanderAnd: Andrewburg: burgesscit: citiner [citizen]Da: Daviddtr: daughter
eld: elderexer: executor(s)Geo: GeorgeJa: James
Marg: Margaretmerch: merchantPa: Patrickport: portionerpror: procuratorRot: Robertsd: said
sp: spouseTh: Thomasumqll: umquhile [deceased]
Walt: WalterWm: Williamyr: younger


air: heir;fear: fiar;notar: notary;oy: grandchild


11614/7/31John Fairwedder cit Brechin - Wm Murtoun cit Brechin
4Ja Robertson
61612/1/9Caution Richard Gentilman in Allagawin, John Strachan, umqll Elspet Stewart his sp
6Caution Richard Gentilman, umqll Wm Spark in Allagatoun, Da Spark his son
6Caution John Strachan in Cheppeltoun of Dinllewardis, umqll Wm Wardin in Allagauon, Richard Gentilman there
6Testat Alex Gellie cordiner cit Brechin, John Black exer to umqll Charles Balck in Kindrochit
6Testat Th Kynnard son to Pa Kynnard of that Ilk, Euphame Gray, Pa Kynnard of Inschtur her sp, umqll Marie Gray sister to Euphame
71612/1/17John Watson cit Brechin, umqll Wm Watson servitor to Ja Gardiner maltman
7Alex Ross eld cit Brechin, Jonet Ross, umqll Th Lutfutt in Brechin
7John Fernie eld cit Brechin, And Gemblow, umqll Dynnes Gemblow burg Dundee, John Dayss skipper burg Dundee
7Rot Kynneir of Botheris, John & Elspet Gynd, umqll Euphame Lwman sp to John Gynd in Pendriche
7John Fenton in Astrewie, Bessie Robert, umqll John Hendrie in Over Balgray hir sp, Ja Steill now her sp
81612/1/29John Gynd in Pendiche, Bessie Scot, John Archibald, umqll Wm Archibald in Pendriche
8Ja Scot in Carleithe, Da Wright, umqll Th Wright in Gamly
8Da Wright, Th Fenton in Murtoun, Catherine & Helen Scot children exer to umqll John Scot brabiner in Murtoun of Balfour, Ja Scot his brother
8Ja Scot in Carleithe, Ja Th Catherine & Christian Thomson exer to umqll Ja Thomson in Murtoun of Balfour, Helen Lausson relict to umqll Ja T, Th Fenton now her sp
8Alex Carnegie in Craige, Wm Storror exer to umqll John Storror in Over Crage, umqll Bessie Thomson his sp
91612/2/5John Patton notar burg Dundee, Rot Th & Geo Striuiling exer to umqll Th Striuiling merch burg Dundee their father
9Edict John Symmer yr of Brathinsche, John Lindsay brother to umqll Alex Lindsay sometime of Cultrenny, umqll Da Robertson merch Dundee
9Ja Durham in Dinfuid, umqll Th Ramsay in Cotton of Dinfuid
101612/2/19Mr Wm Balfour notar Burg Dundee, Th Muddie exer to umqll Elizabeth Scrymgeour his mother, Ja Muddie brabiner burg Dundee her sp
10Richard Duchie in Drumleiche, Ja & Elspet Torrie children exer to umqll Marg Jack sp to Rot Torrie in Drumleche
10Rot Torrie in Drumleche, Richard Duchthie, Th Taylor, Th Greige, umqll Pa Duchthie in Innhis
10Ja Walker cit Brechin, Isobell Walker relict exer to umqll Wm Stewart wright Brechin
10John Mylne in Over Kinmonchthe, John Duncan exer to umqll Walt Melville in Blarrarnot
111612/3/15Th Ramsay maltman burg Dundee, Rot Th & Christiane Spainzeis/Fleming? exer to umqll Christiane Baxter their mother
11Mr Geo Ouchterlony minister Carmyllie, Th Patton in Reidfurd, Marg Patton exer to umqll Ja Baird in Graystane of Carmyllie
11Hercules Taylor merch burg Montrose, Marg Maule exer to umqll Mr Arthur Erskine burg Montrose her sp
11And Crokit mariner Dundee, John Sturrok exer to umqll Elspet Elmor sp to Adam Sturrok in Dundee
121612/4/27Ja Jack eld skipper burg Dundee, Alex Watson cordiner Dundee, Ja John Mariore & Barbara Jack children exer to umqll Ja Jack skipper burg Dundee
12Ja Wedderburne burg Dundee, Anna Walker & Peter Wedderburne her sp exer to umqll Grissell Nicoll relict to umqll Wm Walker skynner
12John Auchinleck mariner burg Dundee, Ja & Peter Wedderburne exer to umqll Rot Wedderburne eld burg Dundee
12Ja Mylne bowar burg Montrose, Jean Lowall & Rot Strounow her sp exer to umqll Da Chalmer in Montrose
131612/6/7Alex Blair burg Dundee, Pa & Catherine Clark exer to umqll Jonet Lindsay their mother
13Wm Air in Guthrie, Alex Alschende & Isobell Sympsone exer to umqll John Alschende indweller in Brechin
13Rot Clayhills burg Dundee, Geo Wm Da & Bessie Roger children exer to umqll Geo Roger burg Dundee
13Alex Kindymont walker burg Dundee, John Marg & Jonet Thain children exer to umqll John Thaine wright burg Dundee
141612/6/24Alex Kyid merch burg Dundee, Th Kyid goldsmith burg Dundee exer to umqll Rot Kyid & Jonet Strachan his sp
14Alex Kyid merch burg Dundee, Jonet Kyid exer to umqll Da Kyid burg Dundee, Th Kyid goldsmith burg Dundee father? T Jonet K
14Wm Duff maltman burg Dundee, Marione Christian & Elspet Scot exer to umqll Jonet Guld sp to Da Scot maltman in Dundee
14John Quheit pewderar cit Brechin, Da Man burg Dundee exer to umqll Alex Broun bowar burg Dundee, Da Wod, Jonet Man, Marg Greiff
14Rot Kynneir of Botheris, Ja Lindsay exer to umqll Da Lindsay in Dykheid
151612/7/11Ja Findlosone burg Dundee, John Robsone burg Dundee, Christian Mathew & Da Blythe her sp exer to umqll Geo Mathew burg Dundee
15Ja Mudde burg Dundee, Da Blythe burg Dundee, Agnes Fleming edl, Agnes Fleming yr, Christian Fleming exer to umqll Agnes Guld their mother sp to Da Fleming maltman burg Dundee, Ja Findloson burg Dundee, John Robsone burg Dundee
15John Fenton brabiner cit Brechin, John Fenton son exer to umqll John Fenton in Guthrie?
15Ja Fleschor merch burg Dundee, Ja Jonet Christian & Isobell Fleschor exer to umqll Wm Fleschor burg Dundee
161612/7/18Rot Mayne in Harwod, Archibald Mayne in Harwod exer to umqll Elspet Johnstone his sp
16John Mylne bowar burg Montrose, Ja Findlosone exer to umqll Christian Findlosone sp to John Yeoman yr burg Dundee
16Da Lindsay eld cit Brechin, Da Lindsay his son exer to umqll Elspet Lyon his sp
16Th Lyell cit Brechin, Elspet Jamesone & children to umqll Th Gawie, Da Smythe now her sp
171612/8/15John Wilson in Tilloland, Christiane Wilson exer to umqll Alex Neill in Tilloland her sp
17Th Ramsay maltman burg Dundee, Wm Flemdge exer to umqll Jonet Rait his sp
17Th Windezettis in Dubtoun alias Tillebredles, Ja Tulloche exer to umqll Catherine Tullow sp to Ja Baxster in Kirkhillok
17Ja Ramsay in Bellte, Ja & Elspet Richardson exer to umqll John Richardson in Intrarte their father
181612/10/26Th Adame in Ruthwen, Bessie Beatrix Elspet & Helen Adame exer to umqll John Adame in Mekill Derre, Jonet Nicoll his sp
18Th Adame in Ruthwen, Jonet Patton exer to umqll John Patton in Cotton of Kilrie, Pa Mathie now her sp
18Alex Thomson cremar burg Dundee, Elspet Peirie exer to umqll Elspet Black in Dundee her mother
18John Scrogge in Achmuache, Christiane Wm John Alex & Geo Scrogge children exer to umqll Rot Scrogge at the Brye of Dundee, Elspet Scroge his sp
191612/11/10Gilbert Ouchterlony citiner Brechin, John Michell exer to umqll Catherine Lamb his sp
19Alex Clark merch cit Brechin, Alex Gellie cordiner in Brechin, Wm Mourtoun exer to umqll John Mourtoun merch Brechin
19Wm Mourtoun cordiner cit Brechin, Alex Clark merch cit Brechin exer to umqll Jonet Murray his sp
201612/12/11John Millar, John Millar messr Montrose his father, Agnes Young exer to umqll Rot Richie in Montrose
20John Speid of Achdowie, Da Liddell merch cit Brechin, Marg Bessie And Elspet & Jonet Wat children exer to umqll And Wat, sd Marg & Bessie children in his 1st marriage, And Elspet & Jonet children in 2nd marriage with Euphame Liddell his sp
211612/12/14John Duncan brabiner cit Brechin, John Alex Elspet Christiane Mariore & Isobell Hall exer to umqll Jonet Hall sp to Da Hall in Clayleik
21Wm Bell in Dubtoun, John Speid eld in Pitpullok, John Rot Wm Richard Agnes & Marg Speid children exer to umqll Marg Bell sp to Ja Speid in Pitpullok
21John Collace fear of Balnamon, Rot Collace of Balnamon his father exer to umqll Mr And Leiche minister Maryton
221613/1/11Hercules Taylor burg Montrose, John Young in Drumlethe exer to umqll Geills Duncan his sp
22Rot Kynneir of Botheris, Elspet & Jean Barclay exer to umqll Ja Barclay cit Brechin their father
22Ja Clark yr merch cit Brechin, Wm Johnstone exer to umqll John Johnstone in Carcare
22Alex Fyiff in Kirktoun of Teillin, Marg Fyiff relict exer to umqll Ja Durham burg Dundee
231613/2/13John Rinkin cordiner burg Dundee, Christiane Gardyne exer to umqll Alex Rinkin burg Dundee
23Wm Pittillock skynner burg Dundee, Helen Cathrow exer to umqll Pa Gardyne skynner burg Dundee, And Kynnard now her sp
23And Kynnard burg Dundee, Ja Thomson exer to umqll Jonet Thomson relict to umqll John Measone
23Alex Gelly cordiner cit Brechin, Alex Gelly exer to umqll Jonet Balck sp to Ja Gelly
23Da Dalgatie in Ullaw, Geo Ribbart exer to umqll Elspet Dalgatie in Ordy
241613/3/11Rot Mortimer in Aikinheit, John & Th Mylne exer to umqll Jonet taylor sp to sd John
24Mr Ja Eliot minister Finneven, And Dick & Isobell Wilson exer to umqll John Lindsay in Ullaw
24Wm Wod in Marytoun, And Duncan exer to umqll Ja Falconer in Auld Montrose
24Alex Hails baxter burg Dundee, Helen Ogilvy
24Peter Wedderburne burg Dundee, John Henry Ja Wm Ja & Marg Auchinleck exer to umqll Beatrix Barclay sp to John Auchinlek mariner Dundee
24Charles Goldman merch burg Dundee, umqll Rot Goldman burg Dundee
24Ja Smythe baxter cit Brechin, Marg & Agnes Wright exer to umqll John Wright fleschor cit Brechin, Wm Wallace & And Ross spouses to Marg & Agnes
251613/4/1Mr Ja Eliot minister Finneven, Da Dargie exer to umqll John Dargie in Hill of Finneven
25And Robertson in Bralamuir, Elspet & Marg Warding, John Mackmorne & Wm Loge their spouses, umqll Ja Warding in Bognicaber
25John Mackmorne & Wm Logie in Glenberne, Maryniss Robertson exer to umqll Isobell Jamesone sp to And Robertson in Bralamuir
25Alex Stevenson merch cit Brechin, Violat Riche exer to umqll Da Findlosone merch cit Brechin
261613/5/17Th Adame in Cotton of Ruthwen, Ja Barnet exer to umqll Pa Barnet in Lytill Derrie
26John Tueddell in Monboy & Th Tueddell in Dysart, Marg Tueddell exer to umqll Geo Speid in Cotton of Dysart
26Da Lindsay yr cit Brechin, Da And Jonet & Isobell Lindsay exer to umqll And Lindsay sometime of Lerkowie indweller in Dundee
26Ja Muresone cordiner burg Dundee, Alex Watson exer to umqll Isobell Baldowe his sp
26John Low cit Brechin, Henry Ja Marg Helen & Catherine Neill exer to umqll John Neill burg Montrose
271613/6/5John Pilmor notar in Panmure, Marg Wat & Henry Paterson exer to umqll Cudbert Paterson in Ballisch?
27And Clark yr at Panmure Mylne, Wm Clark eld son exer to umqll Wm Clark in Ca..negston
27Da Lindsay yr cit Brechin, And Thomson exer to umqll Mariorie Hantoun his sp at Mekill Mylne of Brechin
27Alex Fawins fleschor cit Brechin, Barbara Sand exer to umqll Ja Kenzow cit Brechin
281613/6/15Wm Coullie in Petdrichie, Th Sneit? Alias Robertson exer to umqll Geills Reid in Nether Kinmont
28Geo Lambe brother to umqll John Lambe of Dunkenny, Sibillia Lambe exer to umqll Walt Lyell in Futhe
28Mr Alex Kethe of Over Dysart, Catherine Melville exer to umqll John Kynneir of Botheris
28John Lindsay notar Dundee, Ja Lindsay exer to umqll Marg Bell in Dundee his sp
28And Alesone maltman burg Dundee, Marg Moncreif sp to Ja Paterson maltman burg Dundee
291613/6/30John Fullartoun skipper burg Dundee, John & Roger Fullartoun children exer to umqll Roger Fullartoun burg Dundee
29And Alesone maltman burg Dundee, Christian Duff exer to umqll Jonet Smyth relict to umqll Rot Duff merch burg Dundee
29Alex Middiltoun brabiner burg Dundee, Da Watson exer to umqll Marg Wardropper his sp in Dundee
29Pa Purie baxter burg Dundee, Alex Middiltoun brabiner burg Dundee exer to umqll Bessie Gray his sp
29Pa Kyid burg Dundee, Wm & Th Crombie exer to umqll Marg Rollok sp to Th Crombie merch Dundee
29Gilbert Achmuttie maltman burg Dundee, Da Scot in Dundee exer to umqll Elspet Bull his sp
301613/6/31Ja Carnvat suord skipper burg Dundee, John Moreis exer to umqll Bessie Donaldson in Dundee
30Da Scot maltman burg Dundee, Jonet Smythe exer to umqll Rot Hill maltman Dundee
30Henry Ramsay of Ardownie, Ja Baldowie of that Ilk exer to umqll Marg Guthrie his sp
30And Days in Cragend, Wm Traill exer to umqll Jonet Scot sp to henry Muddie in Watterstoun
30Wm Buchart in Skryne, Henry Maule exer to umqll Henry Maule in East Peffer his father
30Sir Wm Graham of Claypottis, Alex Ogilvy exer to umqll Ja Ogilvy of Balfour
311613/9/24Ja Kinnymont port of that ilk, Rot Wedderburne burg Dundee exer to umqll Euphame Constoun his sp
31Th Erskine in Cragindowie, Henry Leiche in Tullow, Wm Paterson in Brathinsche, John Henry Bessie & Catherine Leiche exer to umqll Da Leiche in Brakow, Alex & Th Briness & sd John Henry children to sd Bessie & Catherine Leiche exer to umqll Christiane Craige sp to sd Da L
31Th Dawe in Eglismaquhen, John Normand & Mariore Briness exer to umqll Ja Bruce in Rottnall, Wm Trottar sp to sd Mariore
31And Elsplene in Cotton of Guthrie, Da Air exer to umqll Jonet Garwie in Henheid of Guthrie
321613/10/21Rot Mortimer in Aikinheit, Rot Alex John Margaret & Jonet Sampson exer to umqll John Sampson in Blerefedden, Isobell Walker his relict
32And Thomson maltman at Mekill Mylne of Brechin, Wm Dynneis exer to umqll John Dynneis in Gremden his father
32Da Alexander in Corbit, Wm Lanrenie exer to umqll Jonet Sueitt in Grenfeild
32Ja Strachan notar burg Dundee, Da & Marg Yeoman exer to umqll Da Yeoman burg Dundee their father
32Ja Strachan notar burg Dundee, Da & Marg Yeoman exer to umqll Pa Gardyne skynner burg Dundee
331613/11/15John Stracahn in Mekill Carcarie, Alex Ja John Jonet & Isobell Mylne children exer to umqll Isobell Mylne sp to Alex Mylne in Carcarie
33John Neische in Balnabriche, Isobell Huntar exer to umqll Ja Bowar in Balnabriche
33Ja Downe in Inveraritie, John Jonet & Christiane Pressane exer to umqll John Pressane in Burnsyd of Achnarie, Donald Pressane in Dullkenne his brother
33John Greige in Hopseatt, Marg Greige exer to umqll Rot Hillok in Muir of Legawin
33Ja Rait skynner cit Brechin, John Gardiner & Da Michell exer to umqll John Matheris wright Brechin
341613/12/31Mathew Oftar brabiner burg Dundee, Agnes Chartorhous exer to umqll And Wat workman in Dundee
34Wm Gray notar burg Dundee, Rot Thomson in Dundee exer to umqll Jonet Ramsay his sp
34Ja Findlosone baillie Dundee, Elspet Smythe exer to umqll Isobell Anderson her mother sp to And Smythe armorar in Dundee
34Ja Findlosone baillie Dundee, Marg Agnes & Elizabeth Ramsay exer to umqll Th Ramsay maltman burg Dundee their father, Geo Flemin maltman, John Sran? Maltman, Th Fleming maltman, And Muresone merch burg Dundee, John Darlin in Achtercoys
34Th Kyid goldsmith burg Dundee, Euphame Kyid exer to umqll Wm Lochmalony burg Dundee
351614/1/3Rot Duncan maltman burg Dundee, Wm & Marg Halyburton exer to umqll Marg Duncan sp to Wm Halyburton skipper Dundee
35John Fullartoun skipper burg Dundee, Ja Th Wm Pa & Da Johnstone exer to umqll Jonet Watsone sp to Alex Johnstone glassinwright in Dundee
35John Broun in Clepintoun, Helen Smythe exer to umqll Da Smythe maltman her father in Dundee
35Ja Robertson brabiner burg Dundee, Bessie Wenton & Catherine Coppin exer to umqll Th Coppin brabiner Dundee, Th Alschende sp to sd Catherine
35Geo Knytht skipper burg Dundee, Jonet Guidlit exer to umqll Da Mephin skipper burg Dundee
36Wm Small port of Liss, Marg Hay exer to umqll Ja Small in Dundee
36John Piter taylor burg Dundee, Wm Thomson in Dundee exer to umqll Geo Meassone in Dundee
36Alex Wilson in Louheid, Alex Schankis exer to umqll Bessie Mylne in Cotton of Guthrie his sp
36John Ferne merch cit Brechin, John Brune brabiner Brechin exer to umqll Catherine Scot his sp
36Wm Mylne in Hewin of Panbryd, Wm Ja John Catherine & Jonet Mylne exer to umqll Helen Cokis their mother, John Mylne her sp
36John Mylne in Panbryd, Ja John Jonet & Jean Mylne exer to umqll Marg Duncan sp to Wm Mylne in Panbryd
37Ja Duncan in Panbryd, Th Isobell & Helen Robertson exer to umqll Bessie Mylne sp to Henry Robertson in Haltoun of Panbryd
37Henry Robertson in Haltoun of Panbryd, Ja Duncan exer to umqll Jonet Paterson in Kirktoun of Panbryd his mother
37And Dayss in Cargend, Ja Alex Jonet Helen & Jean Wat exer to umqll Agnes Esplen sp to John Wat in Balnabriche, Alex Wat his wright his son
37And Esplen in Cotton of Guthrie, Pa Mylne exer to umqll Margaret Jordan his sp
37Rot Fawlis in Petconrie, Da Kard exer to umqll Ja Kard in Monqehir
381614/2/23Charles Dempster skynner cit Brechin, Wm Dysart brabiner Brechin exer to umqll Th Allane cadger Brechin
38John Taylor burg Montrose, Marg Catherine Geills & Agnes Will exer to umqll Da Will burg Montrose, Jonet Rea his relict, And Will burg Montrose
38Ja Scot in Lytell Darre, John Th & Jean Barnet exer to umqll Jonet Cuik sp to Ja Barnet
38Ja Mylne at Petmowis Mylne, Jean Euphame & Matilda Hayok exer to umqll Isobell Child sp to And Hayok in Skechin
38Wm Bell in Dubtoun, John Croill exer to umqll And Craill in Kethik his father
391614/3/3Rot Mortimer in Aikinheitt, John Smart exer to umqll Elspet Gray in Balgray his sp
39Da Lindsay yr cit Brechin, Agnes Craige exer to umqll Da Duncan cordiner cit Brechin
39Wm Murray skynner cit Brechin, Isobell & Jonet Gryme children exer to umqll Wm Gryme burg Montrose, Wm Gryme merch burg Montrose his son
39Pa Shiphird in E Drumes, Isobell Law exer to umqll Geo Law in Brechin, Isobell Allane his relict
39Edward Scot fleschor in Drumebarnot, Alex Piter at Asturrie Mylne, Alex Anderson exer to umqll John Anderson in Hill of Carmyllie
40Gardin only dtr & child of umqll Th Gardin merch burg Dundee & Christiane Mitchell his sp, Lues Lower
41Alex Robertson of Downie - John Powtar
421614/3/24John Millar notar burg Montrose, Marg Catherine Ja & Arthur Millar exer to umqll Catherine Smythe sp to John Millar burg Montrose
44Alex Robertson of Downie
45Edict Mariore Man, Th Sande her sp, Ja Clark burg, And Fell fleschor, Ja Marg Elspet & Agnes Ramsay children to Th Eamsay & umqll Marie Fleming his sp
461611/9/4Edict umqll Marg Wilson sp to John Wobster in Glendy, Christian Smyth sp to And Strachan in Dulbireik, Rot Donnald, Da Grant in Nether Tillelar, Wm Anderson in Idilstane, Rot Skrogge at the Brige of Die, Ja Skrogge his son, Ja Irving in Arly, Irving of Quhytstane
47John Stracahn in Over Pitforthe, umqll Anna Arrot ar Arrot Mylne, Isobell Arrot her sister, Elspet Kynd sp to And Anderson in Leuchland, Ja Wobster in Leuchland, Wm Stevenson in Leuchland, Alex Angus in Leuchland, Jonet Richart in Uthank, John Walker in Pendriche, Jonet Harde sp to Rot Crammond, Da Scot in Ytmuir, Charles Balck in Kindrochit, Bessie Lindsay sp to John Mourton, Elspet Lyon sp to Da Lindsay Yr, Euphame Hendrie sp to Ja Guthe in Nether Dysart, Cudbert in Brechin, Catherine Lamb sp to John Michell in Petforthe
481611/7/17Edict umqll Isobell Findlosone sp to John Neische in Undeage, Jonet Bowamn sp to John Bowman in Cragheid, Barbara Eslpen sp to Th Crokit in Orde, John Nicoll in Blakdykis, Jonet Wilkie sp to John Darge eld in Hill, Th Millar in Tobie, Isobell man sp to Da Dorvart in Ordie, Catherine Dorvart relict to umqll And Young in Ordie, Alex Sympsone in Blerifeeden, Elspet Lyon sp to Alex Wat in Utlaw, Geo Craik in Craigheid, Isobell Guthrie sp to Rot Sympsone in Orde, Geo Findlosone in Orde, Th Daikeris in Haiche, John Daikeris in Sreslank, Isobell Clark sp to Wm Duncan in Hache of Finneven
48Edict umqll Marione Fleming sp to Th Ramsay maltman Dundee, Rot Bultie in Dundee, Jonet Huntar his sp both dead, Da Anderson in Hill, Jonet Guild sp to Da Scot in Hill, Wm Knyt in Fore, Bessie Loge sp to Henry Knyt in Fore, Mnan? Machen in Fore, Ja Ballarde merch burg Dundee, Ja Jack skipper, Alex Futhe mariner, Ja Rinkin taylor, Ja Isak, Ja Low hammerman, Jonet Thomson his sp, Alex Guthrie maltman, Harry Symmer mariner, Marg Greiff dtr to Jonet Man, Th Sande alias Patersone maltman, Elspet Pyot sp to Alex Broun
49Edict umqll Ja Glenny smyth in Achrenne, Da Robertson in Drumflogne, Th Ramsay there, John Storrov & Bessie Thomson there both dead, Geills Abbot there, John Adame in Mekill Derre, John Patton in Drumheid, Th Spalding in Cannok, Isobell Smyth sp to Th Erskine in Dykheid, Baxter relict to umqll And Barronie in Frenche, Jonet Barrone sp to Findlo Maknicoll in Elrik, And Cargill, John Smyth servant to Jonet Nicoll in Mekill Darrie
49Edict umqll Agnes Huntar sp to Wm Grivin, Charles Beattie in Montrose, Jonet Baxter sp to Wm Dysart in Montrose, Isobell Barclay sp to umqll John Fullartoun of Kynnaber, Elspet Erskine sp to umqll Th Guthrie in Montrose, Jonet Lytiljhohn? relict to umqll John Coull, Marior Harpar sp to Wm Lange wobster, Rot Profeit in Hellerbeck, Jonet Lesk sp to Henry Findlom in Montrose, Geills Strunlinge there, Da Profeit in Borrofeild, Th Guthrie in Montrose, umqll Lady Monbodo eld, Elspet Gray sp to Henry Ogilvy in Montrose, Alex Petiey eld, Rot Douglas chirugrane in Montrose, And Hepburn in Montrose, Ja Maken eld, Mr Arthur Erskine
501611/7/10Edict umqll Jonet Arrot
51Edict Geo Arbuthnot in Nether Pitforthe, Alex Mathe there, John Kynneir of Botheris, Da Michell taylor Brechin, And Paterson in Brechin, Alex Lindsay sometime of Culcrenny, Euphame Lwman sp to John Gynd in Pendriche, Jonet Stevenson mother to John Lvman in Pendriche, Jonet Austian relict to umqll John Wat in Hache, John Bell son to Wm Bell in Dubtoun, Wm Bell also his son, Da Anderson in Pitforthe, Isobell Profeit his sp, John Reassone in Achnacaret, Rot Hendrie in Leuchland, Jonet Wuidronie sp to John Daikeris in Balnabriche, Da Allan in Kincrage, Wm Wat in Pendriche, Jonet Daikeris sp to And Alschende in Pitforthe, Th Alschende his son, Catherine Lamb sp to John Michell there, Isobell Mairlyne mother to Ja Walker in Brechin
521611/5/15Edict umqll Alex Chrystison, Isobell Hind his sp both dead, Marg Findlosone sp to umqll Ja Bellie bothe dead, Mariore Gawie at Cragindove Mylne, John Duncan in Tillearblit, John Hendrie in Bogsyd, Alex Bruce, Th Carnegie in Tillequhilly, Jonet Soutter there bothe dead, Marg Smart sp to John Carnegie in Tillequhilly, Hendrie Aikenheid in Finoche, Isobell man in Cotton of Drumcarne, Catherine Chrystison in Tillearblit, Jonet Heiche there, Catherine Anderson in Lechnot, Da Lander in Coriefurd
531610/8/22Edict umqll Helen sp to John Farquhar in Schanfurd, Christiane Cokkar sp to John Wobster in Glendy, Christiane Smyth sp to And Strachan in Dulbreck, Rot Donnald in E Finnely, Da Grant in Nether Tillelair, Wm Anderson in Idilsta, Grissell Ross sp to Da Filner, Isobell Skrogge sp to John Neill in Nether Tillelair
541611/4/3Edict umqll Th Ogilvy indweller Dundee, Alesone Graham sp to Rot Spainze alias Wobster, And Thomson in Crege, And Thomson skipper burg Dundee, Jean Lindsay sp to Pa Lindsay in Crege, Catherine Findlosone sp to Da Fleschor there, Alex Duncan there, Beatrix Kynneir his sp both dead, And Watson bonnetmaker in Hill, And Fell in Dundee, Catherine Cant there, Rot Duff ndd[?], Elspet Davidson sp to John Smyth cordiner, Catherine Patersone sp to Ja Prent bonnatmaker, Christiane Anderson sp to John Traill there, Da Fyiff merchant Dundee, Catherine Thomson mother to And Alesone there, Harry Symmer there, Da Scheir wobster Dundee, gardiner sp to Wm Gibson bonnatmaker, Alex Christo there, Catherin & Bessie Barclay dtrs to umqll Wm Barclay, Da Fyiff son to sd umqll Da F
551610/8/15Edict umqll Pa Duncan in Rottinlaw of Panbryd, Richard Duncan in Rottinlaw of Panbryd, Wm Thomson in Rottinlaw of Panbryd, Henry Guld in Panbryd, Bessie Gib in Ballischone of Panmure, Henry Lyell in Cotton of Panmure, Marg Schankis in Cotton of Panmure, Helen Glaidstanis in Cotton of Panmure, And Eliot in Cotton of Panmure, Isobell Cokburne in Skryne, Alex Broun in Skryne, Agnes Kyid in Newtoun, Burne in Peteitie, Henry Robertson in Balhousse, Richardson, Alex balfour in Panbryd, Helen Christie in Cotton of Carnegie, Ja Duncan in Panbryd
561610/8/1Edict umqll Ja Lindsay at Kenney Mylne, Isobell Johnson sp to Th Bailze in Lenmor, Ja Gold in Coharrowtie, John Smart in Dulbrek, John Mylne in Dulbrek, Wm Heiche in Migvie, Th Chrystisone in Mylntoun, John Mathe in Asselrie, John Low in Carmers, Jonet Chrystisone his sp bothe dead, Marg Bailze also sp to John C, Jonet Duncan sp to John Ross in Auchrony, Duncan Paterson in Glenmark, Jonet Syd his sp bothe dead, Geo Low in Achlochne, Jonet Muirtoun sp to John Michell in Bailie, Rot Chrystisone in Glenmark, Helen Smart his sp bothe dead, Jonet Chrystisone sp to John Mylne in Achrenny, Marg Mylne sp to Alex Syd in Dulbrek, Chrystisone alias Campbell sp to John Schands in Bailze, Jonet Paterson sp to John Tod in Achrenny
571610/5/30Edict Elizabeth Conttie sp to Pa Gardyne skynner in Dundee?, Jonet Thomson sp to Ja Low hammerman, Henry Auchinleck in Dundee?, John Maxwell in Dundee?, Pa Pittilock in Dundee?, John Goldman son to Wm Goldman in Dundee?, And Mathew in Dundee?, Marg Duncan sp to Alex Blair in Dundee?, John Jack yr in Dundee?, Wm Fell in Dundee, John Fell in Dundee?, Th Ogilvy in Dundee, Rot Jack & Barbara Rollok his sp both dead, Wm Gurley, Barbara, Barre sp to And Black mariner, Isobell Boyis sp to Th Guild cordiner, Rot Carmichael, Marg Kynnimont sp to John Muddy bonnatmaker in Velgett
57Edict umqll Christiane Stratton sp to Arthur Malder in Aribt, Grissel Ramsay sp to Geo Wischart yr of Drenny, Alex Fettons in Cotton of Drenny, Alex Law, John Lowin Stracathrow, And Low in Stracathrow, Arthur Eleot at the Mylne of Syid, John Jamesone in Capo, Isobell Carnecrorss his sp
581610/6/20Edict umqll Wm Fullartoun, Catherine Young in Knowis of Marytoun, Gellis Tendell sp to John Patton in Cotton of Bonytoun, Makalister sp to John Moncred in Auld Montrose, Burnet in Cotton of Auld Montrose, Da Ogilvy in Mains of Rossie?, And Watsone eld in Balkelly, And Watsone yr, Da Watsone at Rossie Mylne, Jonet Stratton sp to Ja Guthrie in Cotton of Auld Montrose, Rot Allane in Rossie, Agnes Speid in Auld Montrose, And Syme in Lykertstoun, Alex Ferrar at Over Dysart Mylne, Rot Taylor in Over Dysart, John Medden in Auld Montrose
591610/5/9Edict umqll Ja Ogilvy of Balfour, Ja Ogilvy of Achquharrache, John Pedde in Kinclwne, Th Meassone in Achcharache, And Rossie in Muttenknow, Elspet Spalding sp to John Petter millar in Kincoldrum, Ardy Carden, Th Wright & Elspet Mackie his sp both dead, Agnes Barnet sp to John Dick in Carlyt, Elspet Grein sp to Wm Palmer in Persie, John Young, Ja Roger in Bradmuir, umqll Mylne sp to Pa Millar in Persie, John Hendrie, Gawin Hepburn, Elspet Annand sister to the Laird of Persie, Helen Smyth sp to Ja Smythe, Walt Carnow, Sara Spalding sp to Da Low
601610/5/16Edict umqll Alex Melville in Dysart, Catherine Melville his dtr, John Speid in Muirsyd, Geo Cudbert in Brechin, Rot Gray in Carrestoun, John Souttar in Hilheid, And Walker in Pendriche
611610/4/18Edict umqll John Stevenson in Drumbarrow, Isobell Clark his sp both dead, Wm Benny in Ouchterlovnie, Marg Malysone his sp both dead, Marg Wilson sp to Da Gardyner in Drumnecarmond, Christiane Pyott sp to John Cromb in Pykertoun, Ja Gardyn? of Drumbarro, Gilbert Cairr in Drumnecarmont, John Car in Craiche his father, Alex Carden in Craiche
61Edict umqll Pa Davidson in Garthe of Balhunye, Marg Steven in Dwne
621610/5/2Edict umqll Da Fyiff in Newtoun of Carmyllie, John Chrystie in Graystane, And Stratton in Louheid, Euphane Croftis mother to John Belly in Easthill of Carmyllie
641610/7/2Edict umqll Wm Millar in Haichemuir of Brechin, Helen Leuchars his relict, Jonet Gray sp to Th Alschende in Drumgrane, Geo Cudbert cit Brechin, Marg Marschell sp to John Daw in Balnabriche, Isobell Arrot in Caldcotis, Bessie Rikkart mother to And Wobster in Unthank, Christiane Anderson mother to Alex Bowar in Masiondew, Marg Sand sp to Alex Fawins in Brechin, Th Lutfut in Brechin, John Cod in Unthank, Bessie Mylne, John Souttar in Hilheid his sp bothe dead, Th Houssat, Hugh Reid, John Kirk sometime servitor to Mr Dougall Campbell, Agnes Liddell sp to Th Barre in Brechin, Ninian Ferrar taylor in Brechin, Th Millar at Haiche Mylne, Nicoll Millar in Brechin, Agnes Greige? his sp, Mathew Dempster cit Brechin
65John Souttar, Da Allan, Wm Cotthill
65Richard Gentilman, umqll John Strachan in Aligievn
66John Lennex? messr Dundee, Ja Strachan coup?., Geo Steill clerk deputy, Geo Steill yr
671612/9/10Wm Bell in Dubtoun - Sir Da Carnegie of Kynnard - Th Bell in Hache of Brechin
67John Black, Alex Dulkep, John Dalke his father - Wm Blair of Bolgillo - Rot Neische
681613/6/11Alex Fawins, Barbara Sand relict exer to umqll Ja Kenzow merch cit Brechin
68Da Allan in Cotton of Balli?.., Souttar in Cotton of Balli?.., Wm Cothill in Cotton of Balli?.. son in law to sd Da A - Ja Ramsay in Tannatsmyir
691611Marg Ramsay sp to And Lyon
69John Ogilvy at the ?.. of Kynnell, Alex Fyiff merch Brechin
69Da Tailyone in Mursyd - John Paterson merch cit Brechin
701611/11/13John Fairwedder in Lichne? - John Ouchterlony citiner? in Brechin
70Lord Ogilvy
711609/8/18Testament Testamentar Rot Jack merch burg Dundee, Barbara Rollok his sp, Gilbert Gardyne skipper burg Dundee, Wm Davidson eld merch burg Dundee, Th Jack merch burg Dundee, Th Jack brother to sd Rot J, John Browne skipper, Da Watson skipper, Ja Pearson, Th Cowie in Aberdeen, Alex Mylne merch Dundee, Peter Bal.... merch Dundee, John Neills in Montrose, Isobell Cunninghame, Wm Davidson yr merch Dundee, Catherine Broun, Gilbert Gardyne her sp, Marg Beane his mother, Wm Guthrie, Allan Bennet, Wm Rollok, Wm Ja Rot & Th Jack sons to umqll Rot
74Contract Sir John Lindsay, Dame Catherine his sp, umqll ... Young, Alex Wollam, Mariore Barclay his sp?
761602Contract umqll Ja Tyrie, Alex Tyrie his son & air, Ja Halyburton, Steven Curror fear of Logiemegill, Da Tyrie in Neway
77Alexander Wod, Da Wod his father, umqll Young of Polygarrok?, Sir John Lindsay, Dame Catherine his sp, Alex Wollam, Alex Wollam, Mariore Barclay his sp?

See also:

Parties in the Act Books of the Commissariot of Brechin

Parties in the Register of Deeds of the Commissariot of Brechin

This page updated 8 Jun 2019