Parties in the Protocol Books of the Town Clerks of Arbroath

A finding aid

Source: NRS B4/1/1: 14 Oct 1575 to 31 Aug 1588

Town clerk: David Lyell

This protocol book is in the series NRS B4.

This minute of the records in NRS B4/1/1 was kindly provided by Jan Haraldson, who writes:

The Extra column includes information that I have not been able to put into the other columns, including witnesses if they can be identified by a family relationship or belong to the Ouchterlony family.

The Land column includes the properties involved in the sasine, which can include many different types of rights of heritable ownership.

The bordering column includes the owners, possessors or occupiers of the lands bordering the properties involved; more details can normally be found in the sasine.

The From and To columns include the grantor(s) and grantee(s) of the sasine and sometimes also people giving consent.

A question mark after a word means that I'm unsure about the word. It's not a transcript so some names have been standardised and others not. I have shortened some names, professions and places (e.g. Arb = Arbroath). Text within [] are my own comments or clarifications.


Alex: AlexanderAnd: AndrewArb: ArbroathBoA: Burgess of Arbroathburg: burgessDa: Daviddtr: daughter
eld: elderexer: executor(s)Geo: GeorgeJa: James
Marg: Margaretmerch: merchantPa: Patrickport: portionerRot: Robertsd: said
sp: spouseTh: Thomasumqll: umquhile [deceased]
W: witnessWalt: WalterWm: Williamyr: younger


air: heir;fear: fiar;notar: notary;oy: grandchild

Place-names in and close to Arbroath

Applegate, Barngreen, Berryfauld, Boulzie Hill, Brothock Water, Burnside, Cairnie, Common Faulds, Copegate [the south part of the High Street], Dishland, Eleemosynary [i.e. Almonry; Eleemosynary Street was the north part of the High Street; an adjacent area came to be called Almerieclose], Emislawshade, Gallowden, Grimsby, Horners Wynd, Keptie, Lady Bank, Lochlands, Lochshade, Lordburn, Marketgate (Old, New), Middleshade, Millgate, Muirden, Muirlands (Old, New, West, East), Muttonhole, Newgate, Ponderlaw, Rottenrow [the central stretch of the High Street], Seagate, Shorehead, Stobcross, Wandersknow, Warddykes, Wardmilne, Warslapshade

Place-names further from Arbroath

Anniston, Arbirlot, Auchmithie, Balblain, Balmirmer, Bonnyton (of Arbirlot; but the Woods of Bonnyton owned the Bonnyton in Maryton), Boath, Bolshan, Bonhard (of Arbirlot), Boysack, Braikie (Easter, Wester), Brax, Brunton, Bryanton, Cairnton, Colliston, Crudie, Dickmontlaw, Ethie, Fallaws (in Inverkeilor), Gilchorn, Grange of Conon, Guynd, Hodgeton, Inverkeilor, Inverpeffer, Kelly, Kinblethmont, Kinaldie, Kirkton (of St Vigeans), Letham (of St Vigeans), Muirhouse (of St Vigeans) - now called Parkhill, Newbigging (of St Vigeans), New Grange (of St Vigeans), Panlathie, Peebles (of St Vigeans), Ruives, Rhind, Seaton (Easter, Wester), Skryne, Tarrie (North & South), Whitehall


11575/10/14SasineJohn Durvard BoAVlm? Bardy BoAJohn Lyn?, Aline? Strachan his mother?, John Halis baillie Arb
SasinePatrick Watson BoATh Mekeson, Isobell Peter (Petre) his spin Arb
21575/10/28SasineDa Gardin, Mariore Nicholson? his spAnd Eliott, Johnstone? his spJohn Carnegiein Arb, Ponderlawfield
1575/11/6RenunciationStephan Vulcar BoA, Isobell Broun his spJa Durward port of Bruntoun1) Henry [blank], Aqueduct, 2) [blank] Ouchterlony 3) umqll Henry Fergus, Aqueduct 4) 1) @rent Prydokis(?) Wynd 2) @rent Prydolis(?) Wynd 3) Ducat Yard on Apilgate 4) @rent Apilgate
31575/11/6SasineJa Durward port of BruntounJohn Durward son & air of Ja, Grissell Pitcarne his sp1) Da Lyell, John Couper, umqll John Dunlop 2) 3) Ja Young, Geo Aikman 4) Aqueduct, John Hendrie 5) John Durward, And Ouchterlony, Henry Webster 6) umqll Henry Fergus, Aqueduct 7) 8) umqll Henry Fergus 1) Eleemosynary 2) @rent Eleemosynary John Couper 3) Rottonraw 4) Boydeks? 5) @rent Boydeks? John Hendrie 6) Apilgate 7) @rent Apilgate umqll Henry Fergus 8) @rent Apilgate umqll Th Lam?
1575/11/14SasineNairne - BryantonRot Bryanton, Catherine? Nairne his spJohn Void, umqll Richard B..., Pa Hendersonin Arb
1575/11/15John Halis BoA, And Kenny & Catherine .... his spDa Strachan, umqll Wm Strachan his brotherAnd Kenny, umqll Ja Boysin Arb
41575/11/21SasineRot Bryanton, Catherine NairnePa Henderson burg, Th Henderson his eld sonJohn Vod, umqll Richard Broun, Pa Henderson, in Arb
1575/12/23Catherine Nicolson, umqll And Nicolson BoA her brotherJohn Schakart, Catherine NicolsonDa Gardin her brother?
51575/12/23SasineCatherine Nicolson, umqll And Nicolson BoA her brotherJohn Halis son to George HalisNinian Halis BoA & Da Gardin his brotherin Arb
1575/12/23SasineGeorge Halis BoAJa Cutbert, Janet Rolland his spDa Ferror, Henry Duncan, Brothok
1575/12/31Th Ogilvy in WardmylneMr Alex Beaton archdeacon, Marg Allardice his sp, Da Beaton their sonJa Strachan, Ja Durward, Ja Pikeman, Ja Ramsay, And Schakart, Copgait, Ja Pikeman, John Nicolson, Ja Ogilvy, Copgait, umqll Henry Fegus?, Henry Craikin Arb
1575/12/31SasineMr Alex Beaton archdeacon in Loudane [Lothian]Margaret Allardice sp to Mr Alex BWest Cottonraw, And Schakart, And Ouchterlony BoA, Water of Brothock, Da Joffrason, Ja Gardinin Arb
71575/1/14SasineTh Ogilvy in WardmylneAnd Eliott BoA, Jonet Liviston [Livingston] his sp, accept by Ja Eliott his eld sonJohn Aikman, Hospitum? of lord Ogilvy [of Airlie]in Arb
1575/12/20John Ogilvy son & air to John Ogilvy of Innerkelour & Elizabeth Beaton his spKirktonAlex Ogilvy[? Beaton] brother german to sd Elizabeth[? John]
1575/12/2Wm FullartounKinblathmonth
1575//25SasineMr Alex Beaton archdeacon in Lothian, Marg Allardice his sp, Da Beaton their 2nd son
91575/7/29SasineJohn [Hamilton] commendator of the monastery of ArbroathPa Wod of BonytounLetham Newbiggin, Molendin, Kirktoun Mylne in barony of ArbroathAnd Wod brother german to sd Pa W of B
1575/7/29ResignationPa Wod of BonytounJohn [Hamilton] commendator of the monastery of ArbroathLetham Newbiggin, Molendin, Kirktoun Mylne in barony of ArbroathAnd Wod & Da Wod brother german to sd Pa W of B
1575/7/30SasineJohn [Hamilton] commendator of the monastery of ArbroathJa Wod apperand of Bonnytoun, Da Wod his brother german, Pa Wod their fatherLetham Newbiggin, MolendinJa Wod son to Roger Wod of Conge?
101575/8/18SasineWilliam Ouchterlony of SeatonAgnes & Elizabeth Ouchterlony dtrs to Wm O of SeatonBonyton & W Bonhard in the barony of KellieLand occupied by Andrew Auchinlek in Bonyton & Andrew Fethie in W Bonhard to Agnes O, Land occupied by Wm Kyd in Bonyton & And ...son in W Bonhard to Elizabeth O
1575/9/3SasineRobert GuthrieHenry GuthrieKinblamonth
1575/6/17SasineJa Pearson eld BoA, Isabella Spalding his spJohn Forret in Dundee, Jean Fletcher? his spCarny
111575/6/18SasineTh Ogilvy of Wardmylne, Mariore Spalding his spJa Pearson eld BoA, Isabella Spalding his spSasine Da Pearson baillie Arb, witness Ja Ouchterlony BoA
1575/6/27SasineJohn [Hamilton] commendator of the monastery of Arbroath, Henry Guthrie, John Guthrie his father & Isobell Ogilvy his motherJa Pearson, Isabella Quhytlaw his spDa.mylada..., Colliston in barony of Arbroath, Guthriehill?
1575/9/17SasineRot Guthrie of KinblamonthHenry Guthrie of Collistonsunny quarter of the Mains of Kinblamonth in the barony of Kinblamonth
121575/9/17SasineJohn Durward fiar of Bruntoun, consent Ja Durward & Helen BalfourAnd Wod brother german to Pa Wod of BonytounBruntoun in the barony of Arbroathwitness Ja Durward of Bruntoun
SasineJohn Ogilvy, Elizabeth BeatonInverkeilour
1576(5)/1/14SasineTh Ogilvy in WardmylneWm Young, Catherine Schakart his spJa Schakart, Wm Chrystiein Arb
1576(5)/1/14SasineDa Cunningham BoAAnd Chrystie, Marg Reid his spw Copgate, Ninian Barbourin Arb
131576(5)/1/17SasineDa Gardin, Mariore Nicholson his spJohn Halis son to George HalisJohn Schakart, Agnes Nicholsonin Arb
1576(5)/1/23SasineTh Edgar BoA, Marg his spJohn AikmanJohn Carnegie of Seton, And HalisLochshed in Arb
1576(5)/1/23SasineJa Gardin BoA, consent of Alice? Broun his spDa Cunningham BoAJohn Carnegie, Wm Ouchterlony of Seaton
141576(5)/1/26SasineAlex Durward son & air to umqll John Durward BoAJohn BardieJohn Bardie, Alex Wat, John HalisW Newgate in Arb
1576(5)/1/26SasineDa Strachan BoA, consent Jonet Watson his spHenry Mudie in Gilhorn [Gilchorn]Wm Ouchterlony, Th Cuyk?, John HalisW Copgate in Arb
1576(5)/1/27SasinePa Balfour BoADa Cunningham BoA & Th Ogilvy in Wardmyln, Dikeson?Ninian Barbour, John Balfour, Christiane Walter dtr to Stephan WalterW Copgate in Arb
151576(5)/2/3EntryJohn Halis baillie ArbAlex Young son & air to umqll Ninian Young & grand-niece to umqll Ja Young BoAJa Ramsay, Pa Balfour, Wm Ouchterlony of SeatonApilgate in Arb
1576(5)/2/7EntryJohn Halis baillie ArbJa Ogilvy son & air to umqll Ja Ogilvy & brother to Th Ogilvy in Wardmylnumqll Th Ogilvy, umqll Henry Fergusin Arb
161576(5)/2/7SasineJohn Halis baillie ArbJohn Rind BoA, OgilvyJa Ogilvy air to umqll Ja Ogilvy burg Montrose, airs to umqll Th Fergus, sd Ja Ogilvy & umqll Th Ogilvy in WardmylnW Copgait in Arb
1576(5)/2/7EntryJa Ogilvy son & air to umqll Ja Ogilvy burg MontroseHenry Burges, John RindJohn Rind, airs to umqll Henry FergusCopgait in Arb
171576(5)/2/11SasineAlex Durward son & air to umqll John Durward BoADa Christie, Mariore Forbes his spJa Guthrie, Alex Segat, W Copgait in Arb
1576(5)/2/14SasineJa Ramsay son to Ja Ramsay BoAJa Pearsonumqll John Durward, umqll Th Cuikin Arb
1576/9/8RAlex Durward son & air to umqll John Durward BoA, Helen Strachan sp to AlexJohn AikmanJa Ramsay, And Broun of CarnyW Copgait in Arb
1576/9/12SasineJa Gardin BoA, consent of [Alice] Broun his spJa CunninghamGraham?, Pa? Carnegie, John Linin Arb
191576/9/12SasineStephan? Fergus son and air to umqll Henry Fergus BoAJohn MylnarTh Lindsay, John? Wod?, Brothok, Alex? Ferrar?in Arb
1576/10/RBessie Schakart dtr to And Schakart BoADa Christie future sp to Bessie SGeo Gardin, Christie?W Apilgate in Arb
1576Da Christie BoABessie Schakart future sp to DaWm Watsonin Arb
21576/10/15SasineRichard Craitz former monk at the monastery of ArbJohn Aikman senior?John AikmanMylngatt in Arb
1576/10/17EntryGeo Mair in Elsonwir? son to umqll D... Mair BoA, Bessie Mair sp to Da Pearson baillie Arb & sister to sd Geo MAnd Wallace BoA & Christiane Meih? his spJa Ha..., Wm Baody?Apilgate in Arb
31576/10/22SasineJohn Mylnar alias RanyeWm Low, Marg Johnson his spAlex Segatt, Th LindsayNew Marketgate in Arb
1576/10/31SasineWm Scot BoAJohn Carnegie of that ilkAlex SegattWnd none [nove] [Newgate?] in Arb
41576/11/18SasineDa Pearson BoAJohn Ogilvy, Elizabeth Ramsay his spDa Pearson, Ja Skletter, Adam Lyell
1576/11/18SasineJohn Ogilvy son to umqll Th Ogilvy in WardmylnDa PearsonAnd EliottCopgate in Arb
51576/11/28SasineWm Watson BoAJohn Pearson, Bessie Christie his spDa Christie, umqll Th BalfourBrydok Wynd in Arb
1576/11/30SasineDa Gardin, Mariore Nicolson, super solo John HalisAnd Eliott BoAJohn Schakart, Agnes NicholsonWnd none [nove] [Newgate?] in Arb
1576/12/1SasineTh KydBessie PettillokRichard Pettillok, umqll Geo NicolsonCopgate in Arb
61576/12/22SasinePa Dikson BoA, Isobell Hwid? his spJohn Halis, Marg Carnegie his spAnd Christie, Wm Buchane?Copgate in Arb
1577/1/6SasineWm Scot BoAWm Ouchterlony of Seaton1) And Schakart, Ja Ramsay 2) John Lyne, sd Wm Ouchterlony of Seaton1) Apilgate in Arb 2) Old Marketgate
71577/1/18SasineWm Halis BoA, Mariore Sinclair his spAgnes Ogilvy, Pa Balfour her sp, umqll Rot Ogilvy her sister german son to umqll Th Ogilvy in Wardmyln in his marriage with Marg SpaldingJohn ...Copgate in Arb
81577/1/20Entryumqll John Dunlop BoAAnd Dunlop son to umqll & air to sd John Dunlop BoA, Giles Ramsay sp to And1) John Aikman, Geo Balfour 2) John Aikman, umqll John Dunlop 3) John Lindsay, John Aikman, John Durward 4) John Durward, Andrew DunlopNorth of Lordburn in Arb
1577/1/25SasineWm Bardy BoAWalt Hucheon, Catherine Bardy his spJa Ramsay, Alex Watborat? Rottonraw in Arb
91577/2/3ResignationWm Child in DikmontlawWm Buchane BoAJohn Mudie, Pa DiksonCopgate in Arb
1577SasineWm Buchane BoAAdam Mikeson, Elisabeth Collin his spJohn Mudie, Pa DiksonCopgate in Arb
1577/3/28Entry & sasineHenry Richardson son to umqll Charles RichardsonAnd Ouchterlony, Helen Halis his spJohn Henry, AqueductE on the Brothok in Arb
101577/3/28SasineGeo Halis BoAJohn Halis son to George Halis, Catherine B... sp to John H1) And Schakart, Wm Halis 2) Wm Halis, Ja SchakartW Copgate in ArbWitness And Halis son to sd Geo Halis, And Ouchterlony
1577/3/30Entry & sasineWm Scot BoA air to umqll And ScotDa Ferrar, Bessie Aikman his sp, Wm Ferrar son to umqll John Ferrar son to sd Da Fumqll John Ferrar, Borolishill [Boulzie Hill?]Cuckerbank? in Arb
111577/3/30SasineWm Scot BoAJohn HalisWm Ferrar, John CarnegieMerdrum? in Arb
1577/4/1SasineBessie Ramsay dtr & air to umqll ... Ramsay BoAJohn Ranye, Agnes Ramsay? his spJohn Ramsay, Th Henderson, Pa HendersonNew Marketgate
1577/4/5Entry & sasineWm ScotJohn SympsonJohn Sympson, Geo LiddellSouth Millgate in Arb
121577/4/10ResignationAlex Guthrie son & air to umqll Ja Guthrie BoA consent of Rot Guthrie of Kynblamonth & Rot Lyne of Dickmontlaw & Pa Ramsay BoA his curators, land that Wm Scot sold to his father umqll Ja GDa Pearson BoAacre of Keptye Dick
1577/4/30SasineWm Scot BoA son & air to umqll And ScotJohn AikmanJa Grant, HospitalumCopgate in Arb
1577/4/30SasineWm Scot BoA son & air to umqll And ScotJohn Halis eld BoAAlex SegatOld Marketgate in Arb
131577/5/2SasineWm Scot BoA son & air to umqll And ScotTh BrounDurward, And Broun of Carny, John Carnegie of SetounW Copgate in Arb
1577/5/11ResignationJa Ingraham BoA, Da Cunningham BoAJa Gardin BoA1) John Carnegie of that ilk, John Lin 2) John Carnegie of that ilk, Wm Ouchterlony of SeatonMeridrenali? [south ...?]
141577/5/11SasineJa Gardin BoAAdam Mikeson1) John Carnegie, John Lin 2) John Carnegie of that ilk, Wm Ouchterlony of SeatonMeridrenali?
1577/5/15SasineJohn LyellJa MackainJa Pearson, Mr Archibald PearsonEleemosynary in Arb
1577/5/20SasineSteven Hucheson alias Anderson, Bessie Futhie his spHenry Mudie1) Wm Baidye, Th Cuper 2) John BaidyeW Rottonraw & Newgate
1577/5/22ResignationJa Ramsayumqll Rot Ogilvie, Agnes Ogilvie his sister german & air, Pa Balfour her sp1) sd Ja 2) umqll John Nicolson, Ja Pekiman 3) And Eliott, umqll Rot OgilvieW Rottonraw & NewgateWitness Th Ogilvie in Wardmyln
1577/5/27SasineJa Ramsay baillie ArbJa Ouchterlony BoA, Lindsay his spMerden
1577/5/27SasineJa Ramsay baillie ArbDa Richardson BoA, his spfour acres in the land of Coes? of Arbroath
161577/5/29SasineJohn Aikman BoAMargaret Allardice sp to Mr Alex Beaton archdeacon of Lothian, Da Beaton their son & airJohn Sympson, Th MikesonMylngate
1577SasineWm Scot BoA son & air to umqll And ScotJohn Ramsay brother german to umqll John Ramsay, John Ramsay son to umqll John R1) John Ranye, John Bowar 2) John Lambe, Alex SegattMarketgate
1577/8/8Sasine... ChristieGeo Liddell BoA sp to Christie1) John Sympson, Alex Segat 2) John Watson 3) umqll Alex Aikman, And LogyeLand of Mylngat & Eleemosynary
171577/8/13SasineAnd Kenny BoAWm Young, Catherine Schakart his spPa Ramsay, Alex Hereis?, John HalisW RottonrawW: And Halis son to Geo Halis
1577/9/3SasineDa Pearson BoAJa Hamilton, resignation? Bessie Ramsay sp to Wm ChristieDa Lyell, sd Da Pearson, John Stratonbelow Eleemosynary of Arb
1577/9/3SasineJa Hamilton janitor of the monastery of ArbroathDa Pearson BoA, Bessie Youngbelow Eleemosynary of Arb
181577/9/12Entry & sasineAlex Guthrie BoA son & air to umqll Ja Guthrie BoA, consent of Isobell Guthrie dtr to sd umqll Ja G & sp to Mr Archibald PearsonMargaret Ramsay dtr to Pa Ramsay BoA future sp to sd Alex GMr Archibald Pearson?, Da Ferror, umqll Alex Aikman, Ja Pearson of Cairny, John Lyell, Geo Balfour, umqll John Ramsay, Th Henderson , Alex Segatt, Alex Gardin, And Eliott, Marg NicolsonEleemosynary of Arb
191577/9/23SasineJa Pearson of Carnye consent of Isobell Spalding his spAnd Eliott, Janet Livingstone his spDa Ferror, Pa? WodKeptie, Keptie Hill
1577/9/23SasineWm Watson BoAAnd Eliott, Janet Livingstone his sp1) John Carnegie, John Walcar?, 2) umqll Ja Pearson, And HalisPonderlawfield & water called ...?
1577/9/23SasineDa Pearson BoAAnd Eliott, Janet Livingstone his sp1) Th Strachan, And Halis 2) And EliottPonderlawfield
1577/9/23SasineJa Ramsay BoAAnd Eliott, Janet Livingstone his sp1) Da Gardyne?, And Ferrar 2) Pa Hendersone, Water of BrothockMylngate
201577/9/23SasineAnd Eliott, Janet Livingstone his spAnd Eliott son & air to sd And EKeptie & PonderlawLand that he bought from Ja Person, Da Pearson & Wm Watson
1577SasineWm ScotJohn Carnegie of that ilk, Catherine Fotheringham his sp1) And Eliott 2) John Lindsay 3) And Broun in Carnye, John Carnegie of that ilk, umqll John Dunlop, John Lyne 4) Steven Mikeson 5) ? 6) Steven Mikeson, Keptie, Brothok1) ? 2) Newgate 3) Copgate 4) Mylngate 5) Keptie 6) Mylngate
211577/11/5ResignationSteven Walcar BoAGeo Balfour of Terrie1) And Eliott, umqll Th Broun1) Copgate
1577/11/8SasineJohn Walcar BoATh Nicolson, Catherine Ferrar his spJa RamsayRottonraw
1577/11/18SasineGeo Balfour of TerrieMr Alex Beaton, Marg Allardice his sp, Da Beaton his son & airAnd Eliott, umqll Th Broun1) Moltydin... in Arb 2) CopgateW: Da Balfour son to sd Geo Balfour of Terrie
221577/12/20SasineMr Alex Beaton, Marg Allardice his spRot HogeMikeson, John Sympson, aquedattMylngate
1577SasineNinian DuncanRot Bryantoun BoAMarketgateW: Wm Ouchterlony BoA
1577/12/22ResignationJohn Lichtoun in Mains of EthieWm Gardiner BoA, Giles Logie his spumqll Ja Pearson, John Lyell, Mr Archibald Pearson, And BrounEleemosynary of Arb
231577/12/31ResignationDa Christie, Bessie Christie his spAnd SchakartAnd Loge, Janet HalisApilgate
1577/12/31SasineAnd Schakart BoAJohn Schakart son and air to sd And SAnd Ouchterlony, Janet HalisApilgate
1577/1/1SasineWm Gardiner BoAJa Pearson of Carnyeumqll Ja Pearson, John Lyell, Mr Archibald Pearson, And BrounEleemosynary
241577/1/1SasineMr Archibald Pearson BoAJa Pearson of CarnyeJa Pearson of Carnye, Alex Guthrie, And BrounEleemosynary
1577/1/1SasineJa Pearson of CarnyeMr Alex Beaton, Marg Allardice his spJa Pearson of Carnye, John Lyell, Mr Archibald Pearson, And Broun in CarnyeEleemosynaryWm Gardiner, Giles Logie his sp
1577/1/7SasineJohn Schakart BoAHenry Mudie1) And Ouchterlony, Janet Halis 2) John Halis dtr ... Halis1) Apilgate 2) Newgate
251577/1/20SasineAnd Ouchterlony BoA w consent of Helen Halis his spJohn Schakart, Elizabeth Feror his sp1) John Schakart, Ja Ramsay, Ja Aikman? 2) Ja Ramsay, Geo Halis, Aqueduct1) Apilgate 2) Copgate He seems to transfer part of the tenement to John Schakart
1577/1/31Entry & sasineWm Scot BoA son & air to umqll And ScotTh Dunlop son to umqll John DunlopTh Dunlop, Pa Alys?
1577/2/10Entry & sasineWm Scot BoAAnd Eliott BoAAnd Simpson, John Watson?
261577/2/24EntryGeo Gairdiner son to umqll Th Gairdiner BoAJa Ramsay, Alex Hoge, Wm BardyApilgate
1577/2/24SasineGeo Gairdiner son to umqll Th Gairdiner BoAJa Ramsay BoA, Janet Pearson his sp1) Janet Halis, Wm Bardy 2) Alex Heas?, Wm Bardy, Ja Ramsay1) Apilgate 2) Apilgate
1577/3/1SasineMr Alex Beaton archdeacon in Loudane [Lothian], Marg Allardice his spDa Alane BoAumqll Ja Pearson, John Lyell, Ja Pearson of Carny, And BrounEleemosynaryWm Gardiner, Giles Logie his sp
271577/3/3SasineMr Alex Beaton archdeacon in Loudane [Lothian], Marg Allardice his spMr Ja Melville, Catharine Douglas his spTh Broun, sd Mr Alex Beaton, John Spink, Ja GardineMarketgate
1578/4/3SasineAgnes Nicolson dtr to umqll John Nicolson BoANinian Wod future sp to sd Agnes N1) Alex Guthrie, aqua? 2) And Simpsone, John Watson 3) Geo Halis, John Halis his sonGridnusbye [Grimsby]
1578/4/7SasineBessie Petilok relict to umqll Th Kid, consent Ja Pikeman BoAJohn Spink future sp to Bessie PCopgate in Arb
281578/4/21SasineTh Nicolson? BoADa Ferror BoAJa Ramsay?, Alex PitilokRottonraw
1578/4/25SasineJohn Straton, Bessie Man? his spEleemosynary
1578/5/1SasineAlex Guthrie son & air to umqll Ja Guthrie BoADa AlaneAnd Broun, Da Alane, Ja Pearson of CarnyEleemosynary
1578/5/2SasineDa Beaton son & air to Mr Alex Beaton archdeacon Mr Ja Melville minister Arb, Catharine Douglas his spJa ..., Ja GardinMarketgateW: Da Ouchterlony
1578/5/12SasineAberbrothokJa Guthrie BoA, Christina Barron his spBrothok, Ja Guthrie BoAW part of Terrie? & part W Brothok
1578/5/12SasineJohn Durward port of Bruntoun w consent of Grisel Pettarne his spJa Guthrie son to Henry Guthrie of Collistoun1) John Herne?, Agnes Duncan, And Ouchterlony 2) umqll Henry Fergus, Agnes Duncan 3) Geo Aikman, Ja Young1) W Brydokis Wynd 2?) Apilgate 3) Rottonraw
301578/5/27SasineAlexanderDa CunninghamGeo Liddel?, John Watson, AqueductRude in Mylngatt
1578/6/18SasineJohn Straton, Bessie Mar his spJohn Aikman eldDa Gerson, Ja H...Eleemosynary
1578/8/12SasineArthur Granger chalmerlain of ArbJohn Lyne, Bessie Huntar his sp, Rot Lyne their sonDa Lyell, Ja Ramsay, Brothok,Robbie Croft in Arb
311578/8/14SasineJohn [Hamilton] commendator of monastery of ArbroathDa Pearson BoABarnegrein in barony of ArbroathW: Alex Ouchterlony in Athmuthy [Auchmithie]
1578/10/28SasineJohn Carnegie of that ilkRot Guthrie of KynblathmonthTh Brown, sd John Carnegie of tha ilkCopgate
321578/10/31Sasine[blank] Lyne son to John Lyne BoA, Bessie Buntar? his motherRot Lyne his brother germWm Halis, John HalisCopgate
1578/10/31SasineJa Gardin BoA, Broun his spAdam Mekeson1) Logie, Wm Ouchterlony1) Old Marketgate? 2) Mylngate
1578/11/12SasineWm Fergus? BoAJohn Pearson, Bessie Christie his spOld Marketgate
331578/11/26Entry & sasineGeo Heres son & air to umqll Alex HeresJohn Halis, Marg Carnegie his spJohn Halis, And Kenny, Pa balfour?, Wm Bardy, Ja RamsayApilgate
1578/12/31SasineRot? Ramsay BoAAlex Guthrie, Marg Ramsay his spJohn Rynd, KennyRottonraw
1578/1/8SasineTh Boys son to umqll Ja BoysJohn Halis, Marg Carnegie his spTh Edgar, John Halis, And Kenny?, Pa Ramsay, Wm Bardy, Ja RamsayApilgate
341578/1/22SasineTh Edgar BoA, Marg Cuper his spTh Edgar his sonJohn HalisApilgate
1578/2/10SasineHenry Craik? BoA w consent of Bessie Guthrie his spHelen Gray dtr to Hemry GrayRichard Pete..., John RyndCopgate
1578/2/23SasineJohn Ferrar son Sir? John Ferrar, Helen Bryd his spJohn Aikman eldTh Lindsay, Da Lyell, Th Lindsay, John AikmanLordburn
1579/5/27ResignationHenry Maule port of Skryne, Wm Maule his brotherMr Archibald Pearson, Isobell Guthrie his spJohn Lyell, Geo Balfour, Geo Liddell, Ja AikmanEleemosynaryJa Pearson, Isobell Spalding his sp
361579/4/22SasineDa Ferrar BoAJa Brown of Willishewin [Usan]Ja RamsayRottonrawTh Nicolson lived on the tenement
1579/4/24SasineChristopher ChapellHenry Futhe of Ballisak [Boysack].ynnteri of Arb
1579/5/1SasineBaillies? of? Arb?Ja Graham BoA, his sp1) umqll Th Balfour, umqll Henry Fergus 2) 3) Henry Cruik, umqll Henry Fergus1) Copgate 2) on Brothok 3) John Rynds tenement on Copgate
371579Sasineumqll John CuperRot DurieDa Lyell, Da HutchesonLordburn
SasineJohn [Hamilton] commendator of the monastery of ArbroathEleemosynary
38SasineJohn CuperRot Durye, Da Hucheson1) Lordburn 2) EleemosynaryW: Wm Ouchterlony of Seaton
1579/6?/7SasineWm CollieYoung his future spJa Young, Da HuchesonLordburn
1579/6/9SasineRot Lyne BoA w consent of Janet Ouchterlony his spHenry Moge, Walcar his spWm HalisCopgate
391579/6/9SasineRot Lyne BoA w consent of Janet Ouchterlony his spJa Steven, Anand? his spJohn WatsonCopgateWm Ouchterlony lived at the tenement
SasineDa CuikSteven Walcar
HalisJohn Halis, George Halis, John Halis their father1) Copgate 2) Lorydokx? Wynd
1579/7/22SasineJohn FerrarRot Lyne BoAMaybe John Ferrar is acting in offical capacity
401579/9/30SasineAlex Broun son & air to umqll Richard BrounSteven WalcarPa Henderson, Da ChristieNew Marketgate
SasineBurnetTh AikmanOgilvy, JaCopgate
SasineJohn HenrieMekesonAnd Ouchterlony
411579/11/SasineJohn Aikman?Steven?
1579/2/28SasineMr Archibald Pearson, Isobell Guthrie his spHenry Maule, Wm Maule his brother germanJohn Lyell, Geo LiddellEleemosynary
1580/4/30SasinePa Ramsay BoA w consent of Mariore Pearson his spTh Ramsay son to Pa RJa PekimanCopgate
421580/5/5SasineTh Ramsay w consent of Pa Ramsay his father and Mariore Pearson his motherWm Ouchterlony of Seaton, Barbara Raitt his sp, Ja Ouchterlony,sasine to Pa Ouchterlony son to Wm OJa PekimanCopgate
1580/5/12SasineJohn Halis eld BoABurg of ArbroathW: Wm Ouchterlony
1580/5/12SasineBurgh of ArbroathDa Pearson BoAWest Terre? [Tarrie?]W: Wm Ouchterlony
43Walace, SmythRamsay
1580/8/2SasineJohn Pearson BoAAlex? Colmye, Mylne his sp, his sonPonderlawfield
1580/8/2SasineAlex Ouchterlony in ArbHenry Maule[?] brother to sd Alex O, Wm MauleAnd Wod, common way, Ja SchakartW CopgateSee p 200 1584/6/2
1580/8/20SasineJohn Cuper in Arb, Elizabeth Durward his spAnd DunlopJa Herne, Ja HamiltonEleemosynary gardens
1580/9/5SasineSteven FergusJohn Ranye alias Mylnar, Elizabeth Dysart his spJohn Rind, Ja IngrahamCopgate
451580/9/20Entryumqll Sir? Da ScotWm Scot BoA his nephew?airs to umqll Rot? Hucheon, ... CroftLordburneumqll Sir? Da Scot was brother german to [blank] Scot "ultimi patri" to Wm Scot
461580/10/21SasineJohn Straton, Bessie Mar his spAnd Dunlop1) Da Hucheson, Ja Pikeman1) Lordburn in Arb 2) Apilgate
1580/10/24SasineCathrine? Nicolson air? to umqll And NicolsonJohn SchakartJohn Halis
1580/10/28SasineRot Lyne BoAJohn Bardy, Sinclair his sp1) John Halis, Wm Halis 2) And Eliott, Steven Anderson1) Copgate 2) Newgate
471580/10/31ResignationJohn Halis baillie ArbArbroath burghBasarfauld in Arb
1580/10/31SasineJohn Halis baillie ArbDa PearsonJohn CarnegieWest Dischland
1580/11/8SasineDa Pearson baillie Arb1) Ja Schakart 2) John Bardy1) Dischland 2) Dischland
1580/12/5SasineCathrine? Nicolson air? to And NicolsonTh Nicolson1) Wm Ouchterlony of Seaton, Da Ferror 2) And Spence 3) Ja Ramsay, Ja Ramsay1) Vie Vecaris? 3) Mylngate
481580/12/20SasineCatherine Nicolson land that Th Nicolson bought? from John SchakartNinian Halis1) And Eliott 2) John Halis, Da CroftiW: Alex Ouchterlony
1580/12/17SasineWm BuchaneJohn Mudie of [blank], Watson his sp1) John Mudie, Pa Dickson 2) John Halis, Wm Ouchterlony of Seaton1) Copgate 2) Copgate
1580/2/20SasineRot Croftis, Anna Retro? his spHenry Futhie, Agnes Dunlop his spAlex Seagat, Ninian HalisCopgate
491580/2/20SasineHelen Pearson, Th Strachan her spNinian Middletoun, Christian Boyantoun his spSteven Anderson, umqll John RyndRottonraw
1580/2/24SasineJohn Grant w consent of Craik his spJohn Watson, Grant his spJa Steven, And ChristieCopgate
1580/2/28Resignation & sasineAdam Mekeson w consent of John HenryRot Guthrie of KynblathmonthAndrew OuchterlonyW: And Ouchterlony BoA, Wm Durward of Bruntoun
501580/3/16SasineCatherine BrounGeo Halis her sp1) Ja Ramsay, Geo Halis 2) Ja Schakart, Aqueduct 1) land of umqll Alsion Broun relict to umqll? And Schakart 2) Wokat? DukatW: John Halis their son
1580/3/16SasineHenry Maule port of SkryneMr Ja Melville minister ArbRichard Craik occupierRot Stewart captain of Arb baillie in that part
1580/3/22SasineRichard Pettilok consent from Barbour his spWm Young, Catherine Stewart his spAnd Eliott, Henry CraikCopgate
511580/3/22Entry & sasineWilliam Buchane air to [blank] Buchane his fatherJohn Mudie, his spJohn Mudie, Pa DiksonCopgate
1581/3/26SasineBernard Logie consent from Catherine Nicolson his spMargaret Allardice, [Alexander Beaton] arcdeacon of Lothian her sp, Da Beaton her sonumqll Ferrar, John SpinkCopgate
1581/5/9Entry & sasineIsabell Hucheson dtr to umqll Da HuchesonDa Robertson her future sp1) Wm Collie, And Dunlop 2) John Ferrar, John Cuper1) Lordburn 2) LordburnCatherine Strachan sp to And Walcar?
521581/5/10SasineBernard Grant, Bessie Lyell his spTh Nicolsonsd Bernard Grant, Ja Young, Ja AikmanRottonraw
1581/5/12SasineNinian HalisNinian Wod, Agnes Nicolson his spJohn Watson, And SimpsonCopgate
1581/5/13SasineTh Ramsay son & air to Pa Ramsay BoAWm FyfeAnd Kenny, umqll John RyndRottonraw
531581/5/14SasineAlex Durward BoAWm Christie BoAJa Ramsay, Th BrounCopgate
1581/5/31SasineGeo Halis consent ... Broun his sp1) John Halis his son, Pekeman son to John H 2) Geo halis son to sd Geo H1) John Schakart, Wm Halis 2) Ja Schakart, Aqueduct1) Copgate 2) Pettrowis Dykes
1581/9/20SasineDa Beaton son & air to Mr Alex Beaton archdeacon of Lothian, Marg Allardice his motherNinian Halis BoA1) And Ferrar, John Spink 2) And Simpson, John Watson1) Copgate 2) Copgate
541581/11/10ResignationSteven Walcar BoA John Lambe BoA, Da CuikRamsay, CuikCopgate
1581/11/10SasineTh Nicolson BoAAnd Eliott BoA, Janet Livingstone his sp, Ja Eliott their son1) Wm Ouchterlony of Seaton, Da Ferrar 2) And Spanze 3) Ja Ramsay 4) Ja Ramsay1) Old Marketgate 2) Old Marketgate 3) Mylngate 4) Rottonraw
551581/12/3SasineCatherine Nicolson dtr to umqll John Nicolson BoA, Ninian Halis tenementNinian WodRot Croftis, Alex SegateCopgate
1581/2/2Entry & sasineAgnes Nicolson & Catherine Nicolson dtrs & airs to umqll John NicolsonAnd Eliott BoA, Ninian Wod1) umqll John Nicolson, Rot Lyne 2|) Alex Segate, Brothok, John Guthrie 3) umqll Adam Ferrar, John Halis, John Spink, Steven Pettilok 4) lord Ogilvy, umqll And 5) Mr Archibald Pearson1) Copgate
1581/3/6SasineAlex Durward BoAEuphame Bardie dtr to Wm Bardie BoAJohn Lyne, AqueductNewgate
56Folio 56 does not exist in original
571582/3/26SasineAlex Guthrie BoA consnet from Marg Pearson his spAdam Mekeson, Elizabeth Coline his spAlex Gardyne, Alex SeygatCopgate
1582/4/10SasineAlex Haggis [Haggins] in Dvny [Downie?]And Golanht?John Wod, Wm Love?Newgate?In margin: Forio februari 1590 renunciatur ... John Futhie Mariore? Ouchterlony
1582/4/10SasineRot Guthrie of KynblathmonthAdam Mekeson, El[izabeth] Coline his sp1) Th Broun, John Carnegie1) Copgate
1582/4/12SasineJa IngrahamWm Young BoA, sd John Rynd1) umqll Th Balfour, John Mylnar 2) John Rynd, sd John MylnarCopgate
581582/4/15ResignationTh Pearson Da Pearson BoA his father1) Milnegate, And Wod 2) Da Lyell, And Dunlop 3) Rot Lyne, And Dunlop 4) And Wod, And Dunlop1) Kepty 2) 3)
1582/4/15SasineTh Pearson BoA consent from Pa Ramsay his father & Mariore Pearson his motherJohn Schakart, Elizabeth Ferror his spsd Th Pearson, Bonkillistoun
1582/4/15SasineJohn Schakart BoA w consent from [Elizabeth] Ferrar his spRot Murray accepting for Charles Murray & [blank] Ouchterlony his sp1) Geo Halis, umqll Ja Ramsay1) W Copgate
591582/4/20SasineTh Ramsay BoA umqll? Pa Ramsay his father, Mariore Pearson his motherRichard Watson, Catherine Lyell his sp
1582/4/20SasineJa Ogilvy lord Ogilvy, Joan? Forbes his sp, Ja Ogilvy master of Ogilvy1) Da Pearson BoA, Davdi Pearson his son 2) And Wod, Agnes Gardyne his spMolendins
601582/6/13SasineMr Archibald Pearson1) Ja Pearson of Carny 2) Alex Durward, [blank] Ouchterlony his spDa Craik, John FerrorSegateW: Wm Ouchterlony
1582/6/17SasineJohn BardyJa Schakart BoADischland
611582/6/17Sasineumqll Alex DavidsonTh Davidson his sonJohn Rany, umqll John Sturrok, BrothokNew Marketgate
1582/6/20SasineJa Pearson of CarnyCharles FuthieJohn, Mr Archibald PearsonSegate
SasineRot Bardie, Elizabeth Halis
Adam Mekeson, Catherine ChristieSeems that the first part of this is missing
1582/6/26SasineDa Pearson BoAHenry Maule port of Skryne, Catherine Bosuall his sp1a) Mylngate, And Wod 1b) Da lytill, And Dunlop 1c) And Wod, And Dunlop 1d) And Dunlop 2) Geo Pearson, Alex Guthrie 2) Mathew? Mon..., Ja Ramsay1) Kepty & 2) Ponderlawfield in barony of Arbroath
621582/6/27SasineHenry Maule port of SkryneCatherine Bosuall sp to Henry M, Wm Maule1) John Halis, Geo Liddell 2) And Wod, Ja Schakart1) El 2) Rottonraw
1582/6/28SasineJohn Halis eld BoA, Marg Carnegie his spRot Bardie, Elizabeth HalisJohn Halis, Geo Broun, Th EdgarRottonraw
631582/7/2SasineArbroath burghJa Pearson of Carnyin ArbW: And Ouchterlony BoA
1582/7/2SasineTh Sterne?Isobella Speid his future spApilgate
1582/7/4SasineJa Guthrie of E Balnabriche, Christian Barron his spHenry Maule port of Skryne, Catherine Bosuall his sp, Wm MauleAlex SegatHorners WyndW: And Ouchterlony BoA
641582/7/5SasineJohn Carnegie of that ilk, Da Smart port of KinaldieKinaldie in barony of Arb
1582/7/5SasineRot Guthrie of KynblathmonthHenry Maule port of Skryne, Catherine Bosuall his sp, Alex Guthrie, Mr Archibald Pearson, Ja Pearson of CarnyKinaldie in barony of ArbAnd Durward in Kinaldie baillie in that part
1582/7/26SasineJohn GrantJohn Grant his son, And Grant also his sonJohn Watson, umqll Alex GardineMylnegateW: Steven Melkeson & Th Mekeson his son
651582/7/28SasineAlex Guthrie BoARot Guthrie of Kynblathmonth1) And Broun, Da Ferrar, umqll Alex Aikman 2) Alex Gardine 3) And Eliott 4) Alex Durward, Ninian ...?1) Eleemosynary 2) Copgate 3) & 4) SeagateIt's not clear if the sasine is from Robert or Alex
1582/7/28ResignationJohn Aikman eld BoA1)John Pearson 2) Ja Pearson - Ja Aikman st to Alex AikmanDa Chrysone, Th Balfour1) Horners Wynd 2) Kepty
1582/7/28SasineJa Pearson of CarnyJohn Aikman eldAnd Craik, John FerrarSeagate
661582/8/2SasineAdam Mekeson BoAHenry Maule port of Skryne, Catherine Basuall his sp, Wm Maule his brother german1) John Ta..., John Lyne 2) Bernard Logie, Wm Ouchterlony, John Carnegie, Henry Maule 3) Alex Seagate1) Seagate 2) Old Marketgate 3) Mylngate
1582/8/17SasineAdam Mekeson BoAAlex Gardine - Henry Maule port of Skryne, Catherine Bosuall his sp, Wm MauleJa Mailvylle, Th HendersonNew Marketgate
1582/8/24SasineHenry Maule, Catherine Bosuall his spInsthie?
671582/9/13SasineWm Ouchterlony of West SeatonHenry MauleJohn Schakart, Ja Ramsay, John Schakart, John HindN Apilgate
1582/9/13Sasineumqll Alex Aikman, ... Aikman his dtrGeo Liddellumqll Alex Aikman, Geo LiddellEleemosynary
1582/10/11ResignationJohn Aikman eld BoABernard Logie, Catherine Nicolson his sp - Henry Maule, Catherine Bosuall his sp, Wm Maule their sonHenry Maule, lord Guthrie
681582/10/18Sasineumqll James alias Opam? GuthrieAlex Guthrie his son, Rot Guthrie of KynblathmonthPonderlawfield
1582/10/18SasineAlex GuthrieDa Pearson baillie ArbAnd EliottSeagateW: Mr Ja Rutherfurd of Muirhouse
1582/10/18SasineAlex Guthrie BoARot Guthrie of Kynblathmonth1) Da Ferror, umqll Alex Aikman, occupied by Arnot 2) Alex Gardine, Alex Seagat 3) Charles Futhie, Alex Durward1) Eleemosynary 2) Copgate 3) Seagate
691582/10/19Sasine1) 2) John Simpson 3) Wm Bardy BoAAnd Simpson his son & air, Bardie future sp to And S1) 2) Ja Pekeman Ninian Wod 3) umqll Ja Peterson?1) Mylngate 2) Copgate 3) Ponderlawfield
1582/11/1ResignationJohn Halis eld BoAPa DicksonAnd Christie, John MudieCopgate
1582/11/13SasineJa Pearson of CarnyMr Alex Beaton, Marg Allardice his sp, Da Beaton their son1) Charles Futhie, John Ferrar 2) Alex Durward, John FerrarSeagate
701582/11/13SasineRot Guthrie of KynblathmonthPa Lundie, Euphame Mader his sp, Lundie their sonJohn Milnar, AqueductApilgate
1582/11/15SasinePa Lundie, Euphame Mader his sp, Lundie their sonEdgar, Edgar his father - Rot Guthrie of Kynblathmonth
1582/11/15SasineDa Pearson baillie & BoAJohn Ogilvy lord of Ogilvy3) Steven Pettilok, Th Aikman1) Dischland 2) Kepty 3) Andre Wods tenement on Copgate
1582/11/20SasineDa Infrasone BoA w consent from [blank] Gardine his spAnd Ouchterlony BoAAnd Ouchterlony, Ja IngrahamBrothok
711582/12/11Entry & sasineumqll Alex Gardyne BoA, Agnes Gardyne his dtr, And Wod her spHenry Maule, Catherine Bosuall his sp, Wm Maule1) Henry Maule, Alex Guthrie 2) Ninian Halis 3) Th Dunlop 4) John Wod, Henry Maule 5) Alex Seagat 6) John Grant, Aqueduct 7) John Rany, umqll Ja Grant1) Copgate 2) on Brothok 3) Seagate 4) Vie Betene? 5) Mylngate 6) Mylngate 7) Copgate 8) DischlandMr John Gardyne son to Da Gardyne of Leys
721582/12/13SasineHenry Maule port of SkryneCatherine Bosuall his sp, Wm Maule his brother germane1) John Carnegie, Da Ferrar 2) Da Ferrar, Pa Henderson 3) Wm Bardy 4) John Carnegie 5) John Carnegie, And Logie 6) John Ferrar, Wm Ouchterlony 7) Wm Bardy 8) Da Pearson 9) Alex Schacart? 10) Dand Eliott, Alex Schakart? 11) John Carnegie, John Lyne1) New Marketgate 2) Duas Radus 3) Ginso? Croft 4) Vuan Rudam 5) D... Ruda. 6) 7) 8) Dischland 9) Marketgate 10) 11) Seagate
731582/12/14SasineRot Guthrie of Kynblathmonth1) Rot Cruikschank, Euphame Gardyen his sp 2) And Grant, Craik his spsd Rot Guthrie, John Henry AqueductPettrevie Dykes
1582/12/21SasineAlex Smethyman, ... Lamb his spPa Lundie, ... Smethyman his future spAqueductApilgate
1582/1/11SasineJohn Mylnar alias Rany BoA, Dysart his spHenry BurgesJa Ingraham, John RyndCopgate
1582/1/23SasineHenry Maule, John Lyne & And Ouchterlony burgs Arb consent fr Catherine Bosuall sp to Henry, consent fr Helen Halis sp to And John Schakart & Elizabeth Ferrar his sp, Henry Mudie & Janet Rynd his sp, Wm Rynd their sonJohn Schakart, umqll Ja Ramsay, Ja Pekeman Apilgate
1582/2/24SasineJohn Mudie BoA consent ... Watson his spJohn Mudie his sonJohn Dunlop, Pa DicksonCopgate
751582/3/20SasineGeo Balfour of Over TerrieAlex Ramsay of Dunndanni?Suarun of Ward in barony of ArbW: Da Balfour son to sd Geo B
1583/4/5SasineJohn Ferrar rector of St John's KirkHenry Ferrar his natural sonDa Mane, John FerrarLordburneSays, John Watson in header
761583/4/30SasineNinian Wod BoA, Agnes Nicolson his spJohn Watson, Grant his spRot Lyne, AqueductCopgate
1583/5/18SasineJohn Straton BoA, Bessie Mar his spJohn Meldrum BoADa Pearson, John Straton, Ja HamiltonEleemosynary
77Folio 77 does not exist in original
781583/5/24SasineNinian WalcarWm Halis BoAWm Low, Th Lindsay, John Milnar, Brothok, Alex GuthrieNew MarketgateW: And Ouchterlony
1583/7/10SasineDa Pearson BoATh Pearson his son, Agnes Bosuall sp to Th PCrofts in barony of ArbTh Ramsay in Kirktoun actornato to Agnes B
1583/7/10SasineJohn Mylnar alias RanyJohn Mylnar, Dysart his spEdgar, AqueductApilgate
791583/7/SasineTh Lindsay reader 1) 2 Steven Anderson 3) Steven AndersonNinian Middletoun burg1) John Bardie 2) Steven Anderson 3) Ninian & Th Cuper, Walt Hucheson
1583/8/5SasineTh Lindsay reader Arb 1) Ninian HalisPa Henderson burg Dundee, Th Henderson his son & air1) Ja Ingraham, Alex Gardyne1) W BrothokCharles Futhie grants resignation to Pa & Th
1583/8/17SasineTh Lindsay reader of the kirk of ArbroathJohn Halis baillieWm Buchan, John BardieCopgate
801583/8/29SasineMr Ja Rutherfurd of MuirhouseMarg Beaton future sp to Ja R, Rot Beaton of Westhall her fatherMuirhouse in barony of ArbW: Ja Beaton son to sd Rot B of W, John Ouchterlony in Balmirmar
SasineAlex Seygat, his sp, his sonBody of sasine missing
SasineHenry Futhie of BallisakMr Da Guthrie brother german to John Guthrie of Colliston MylndaellRichard Blantyre BoA baillie in that part
SasineJohn Halis, Rachel? Quhytlaw his spJohn Halis eld baillie, John Hay in MeirdenMeirdenBernard Logie baillie in that part
811583/2/5SasineRot Croftis BoAHenry Futhie, Agnes Dunlop his spAlex Seygat, Ninian HalisCopgate
1583/2/11SasineWm Hucheson? BoA, Catherine Bardy his spWm Bardie BoA, his spSteven Anderson, Ja Ramsay
821583/2/12SasineJohn Wod of Insch...Alex Wod brother german to John W, And Wod also brother german to John W1) 2) John Carnegie, And Wod 3) Alex Guthrie, Alex Setgat 4) John .... 5) Alex Seygat 6) John Aikman, Aqueduct, Th Lindsay 7) Pa Henderson, Alex Haggins 8) Steven Mekeson, Th Mekeson, Rot Guthrie, Brothok, Aqueduct, Seras Croft 9) Wm Young? , Wm Halis 10 ) Wm Halis1) La... 2) Old Marketgate 3) Wetlandis 4) Sex... 5) Park & Boge 6) Seras? Croft 7) New Marketgate 8) John Simpsons on Mylngate 9) Alex Haggins on Newgate & John Pearson on Copgate 10) Rot Lyne on Copgate
83Sasinedtr to John Carpage is blank
1584/6/1SasineMarg Balfour sister to Geo Balfour of TerrieWm Young, Catherine Schakart his spumqll Ninian Young, John HalisSeagate
1584/6/2SasineRot Strachan lord of Baluisse, Helen Carnegie his spHenry Maule port of Skrynesunny half of Balluisse in barony of Panmure
841584/6/2Renunciation & sasineHenry Maule, Catherine Bosuall his sp, Alex OuchterlonyRot Lyne burgAnd Wod, Aqueduct, common wayW CopgateSee p120 1580/8/2
1584/6/21SasineDa Ramsay of Jordanstoun Helen Heres his sp, John Ramsay his son & air, Marg Fullartoun his spJa Ogilvy of [blank], Janet Lyell his spJordanstoun & Balharrye in barony of Percht?Ja Ogilvy of Clovay baillie in that part W: Alex Lyell apperand of Murthill, Alex Ogilvy brother to Ja O of Clovay
851584/6/29Sasine1) Da Gardyne of Leys 2) Wm Ouchterlony of Wester Seaton, Elizabeth Ouchterlony dtr to sd Wm O of WS1) Ja Murray, Isobell Quhytlaw his sp1) Nethertoun in barony of Dunnichen? in the regality of Arbroath 2) Mylntoun of TulloisRot Murray baillie in that part
1584/10/13SasineTh Lindsay reader of the kirk of Arbroath1) Mr Geo Aikman 2) John Aikman eld 3) John Aikman yr1) Th Nicolson, Wm Strachan 2) 3) Ja Young, Wm Strachan1) Rottonraw 2) Lordburne 3) Lordburne
86Folio 86 does not exist in original
871584/11/5SasinePa Lundie, Smethman his spAlex Bowak, [Catherine] Ouchterlony his sp John Mylnar, AqueductApilgateW: Wm Ouchterlony
1584/11/SasineRot Lyne BoAGeo Broun in Kynblathmonth, ... Melving? his spAnd Wod, AqueductW Copgate
1584/11/15SasineNinian Halis BoA, Catherine Graham his spJohn Durie BoA, Christian Fa... his sp2) And Eliott1) Hinchheid & Langfordan? in barony of Arb 2) Lady Bank in Arb
881584/11/18SasineDa Pearson baillie ArbMr Geo Aikman son to John Aikman BoABernard Grant, Wm StrachanRottonraw
1584/11/25SasineMr Alex PearsonJohn Lyell, Isobell Guthrie? - Henry Maule, Catherine Bosuall his spGeo Lidell?Eleemosynary
891584/12/3RenunciationJa Purdie of KynnaldieDa Pearson BoAKepty
1584/12/3SasineTh Pearson of NewbigginJohn Aikman, Christian Pearson his sp [unsure if Christian is sp to Th P or John A, probably John A]Ponderlawfield
1584/12/17SasineJa Petre in Skryne, ... Balfour his spSkryne
901584/1/1SasineGeo Broun in KynblathmonthJa Broun his son & air, ... Melvinge his spJa Schakart, And WodCopgate
1584/1/8SasineAlex Ouchterlony in CrudieWm Christie BoA, Janet Lawson his spJa Ramsay, Th Broun, AqueductCopgate
911584/1/9SasineDa Pearson BoAJohn Durie BoA, Christian Pearson his sp, umqll Rot Durie his fatherSuari.. of crofts in barony of ArbTh Statin
1584/3/4SasineGeo Liddell BoAJohn Walace BoAEleemosynary
1584/3/4SasineJohn Carnegie of that ilkAdam Mekeson BoA, ... Alinge? his sp1) Rot Guthrie of Kynblathmonth, John Carnegie of that ilk, Mr John Dunlop 2) John Carnegie occupied by John Alane1) Copgate 2) MylngateAdam gives a sasine on the tenement on Mylngate with consent of his father Steven Mekeson to John Carnegie of that ilk and Catherine Fotheringham his sp
1584/3/14SasineMirabel Mar relict to umqll Geo Goidnett?Bessie Mar relict to John Straton air to umqll Duncan Mar her father, And DunlopApilgate
1585/5/5SasineWm Ouchterlony of Wester Seaton, Barbara Reit his spMr Peter Young of Easter Seaton1) Wm Buchane, umqll Rot Neill, common ways 2)1) Copgate 2) Seagate
931585/5/6SasineLudovic [Stewart] lord of Lennox commendator of ArbroathWm Ouchterlony, Barbara Reit his spWest half of SeytonW: Ja Ouchterlony son to Wm O of WS
1585/5/15SasineBernard Logie BoAJohn WatsonBernard Grant, Ja YoungRottonraw
1585/5/17SasineJa Pearson?Ja PurdieKynnaldie in barony of Arb
941585/5/27SasineDa Ferrar, John Ferrar his sonCatherine Aikman dtr to umqll Alex AikmanGeo Balfour, Ro MurrayEleemosynary
1585/5/29SasineJohn Guthrie of CollistounJohn Aikman eldGuthrishill in barony of Arb
1585/6/3SasineArbroathNinian MiddletounDa Rynd, Steven AndersonRottonraw
951585/8/5SasineLudovic [Stewart?] lord of Lenox commendator of ArbroathAlex Quhytlaw, Lychtoun? his spNewgrange in barony of Arb
1585/8/28SasineWm BardieJohn BardieCroft in Burgage of Arbroath
1585/8/22SasineJohn AlaneJohn Mudie in Gachouvel? Bryantoun1) Newgate 2) Kepty 3) Mylngate
961585/10/9SasineMr Peter Young of Easter SeatonMary Young his eldest dtr, Marg Young her sister german2) Wm Buchane, umqll Rot Neill1) Eleemosynary 2) Copgate 3) Seagate
1585/11/20SasineBernard Logie BoARichard BlantyreGeo LidellEleemosynary
1585SasineJohn Aikman eldJohn Durward son to [blank] Durward in [blank]Lynatcri? of Arb
1585/12/15SasineDa PearsonAlex Guthrie son & air to umqll Ja Guthrie BoA, Marg Ramsay sp to Alex G, Ja Purdie of KynnaldieAnd EliottSeagate
971585/12/17SasineTh Lindsay lectorDa Cunningham BoAJohn Mudie, John WatsonCopgate
1585/12/29SasineRot Lyne BoAWm BuchaneMary Young, John HalisCopgate
1585/12/29SasineJohn Hamilton commendator of the monastery of ArbMr Peter Young of Easter Seaton1) Dickmontlaw in barony of Arb 2) West middle part of Seaton 3) EleemosynaryWm Ouchterlony of Wester Seaton baillie in that part
981585/1/12SasineMr Alex Beaton archdeacon of Laudone [Lothian], Marg Allardice his sp, Da Beaton their son & airAnd Halis BoA, ... Chrychtoun his spJohn Rany, Wm YoungCopgate
1585/1/21SasineAlex Guthrie BoAFergus MackmullaneTh BrounEleemosynary
1585/1/27SasineWm? BardieAlex Bardie his son
991585/2/1SasineBarbara Lyne, Ja Livingstone BoARot Lyne her brotherCrofts on west of Brothock
1585/2/6SasineWm Durward consent from Mylne his spRichard Abercrombie of PoltounBurntoun in barony of ArbroathW: John Durward in Burntoun
1585/2/6SasineNinian Halis BoA, Catherine Graham his spJa Lambe, And Lambe his fatherWaters of Langfredayes and Hincheid [Heuch-heid?] in barony of Arbroath
1585/2/6RenunciationHelen Lindsay, Rot Barrie her sp burg Dundee, Th Lindsay her fatherTh DunlopWm LowWater of BrothockW: And Ouchterlony
1001586/6/17SasineJohn Fe...John Aikman eld, Mr Geo AikmanMr Alex Beaton, Pa HendersonMarketgate
1586/7/17SasineJohn Rany1) 2) Ninian Rany his son 3) 4) 5) Wm Rany also his son1) Ja Grant, And Halis 2) Pa Henderson, Th Davidson 3) Pa Henderson, Ninian Did... 4) John Ramsay 5) Da Beaton, Wm Ferrar1) Copgate 2) Marketgate 3) 4) 5) Marketgate
1586/7/17Renunciation & SasineHenry Gray in Barrie, Helen Gray his dtr - Henry Craik John Ramsay, Ja Ramsay his sonJohn Young, Wm YoungCopgateW: Alex Ouchterlony in Auchmuthie
1011586/9/14SasineWm BuchaneWm ClerkJohn Halis, Peter YoungCopgate
1586/9/14SasineWm RowaneS..ips..., Grant his spW: And Ouchterlony BoA
1586/12/8SasineJohn Guthrie of CollistounJa Pearson of CairneMairland in barony of Arbroath
1021587/3/25SasineJohn Schakart BoA w consent of [blank] Schakart(?) [Ferror?] his spAlex Ouchterlony BoA, And Ouchterlony his son1) Geo Halis, John Ramsay 2) Pa Ramsay, common way 3) 1)Rottonraw 2) Newgate 3) Newgate
1587/4/25SasineAnd Dunlop? BoADa Philip1) Ja Pekeman1) Lordburn 2) Apilgate
1587/4/19SasineJohn Aikman, Mr Geo Aikman his son - John FerrorJohn Aikman, Mr Geo Aikman his sonPa Henderson, SeagateMarketgateW: Ja Ouchterlony apperand of W Seaton
1031587/5/7SasineAlex Ferrar in Grange of CononFerrar his son1) John Rany 2)1) Marketgate 2) Copgate
1587/6/10SasineDa Gardin [Gardyne] of Leys, Da Gardin his son and airMr Th Lyon of Baldukie master of GlamisTulloche in barony of Dunnychin [Dunnichen] in regality of Arbroath, Craquhy [Craichie] in barony of Dunnychin
1587/6/14SasineJohn Ramsay weaver BoA... Jafrasone future sp to John RAlex Bovak, Alex Seygat, Th DunlopMarketgate
1041587/6/19SasineAnd? Wallace BoATh Dunlop1) Wm Bardy, Ja Halis 2) John Morrisone1) Apilgate 2) Apilgate
1587/6/29SasineAlex Guthrie apperand of that ilk, Agnes Falconer his spJa Guthrie burg Dundee?, Marg Williamson his spin Arbroath
1587/7/2SasineAlex Guthrie apperand of Kincaldrum, Alex Guthrie in Dwne, Alex Guthrie of Craquhy Mylne his sonMr Th Lyon of Baldukie master of GlamisCraquhy [Craichie] Mylne in barony of Dunnychin
1051587/7/3SasineJa Ingraham BoAHenry Futhie1) umqll Th Balfour, John Milnar 2)1) Copgate 2) Marketgate
1587/7/7SasineNinian? Halis BoA, Catherine Graham his spAdam Mekeson, [Elizabeth] Colin his spAnd EliottLady Bank in Arb
1587/7/14SasineAlex Guthrie of that ilk, Gabriel Guthrie his sonJohn Rany, Wm Rany his son1) And Halis, John Rany, Ja Grant 2)1) Copgate 2) Marketgate
1061587/8/9SasineNeill, son to umqll Rot Neill BoAWatsone son/brother to Ja Watsone in Ballisse1) Seras Croft, Wm Strachan 2) Marie Young, Wm Ouchterlony1) Apilgate 2) Seagate
1587/8/21SasineHenry FerrarTh Dunlop in LordburnDa May, John FerrarLordburn
1587/8/24SasineAlex Guthrie BoA, Marg Ramsay his spAdam MekesoneSeygate
1587/9/4SasineWm Chrystie BoADavid & Wm Chrystie sons to Wm CJa Ramsay, Th BrounCopgate
1071587/9/17SasineJohn Aikman eldJohn Aikman yr & Th Aikman sons to John A eld, Mr Geo AikmanLains of Keptie
1587/9/18SasineJohn Halis baillie ArbAlex & John Rynd, John Rynd their fatherHenry CraikCopgate
1587/9/27Sasine & ResignationJa Young, Bessie Halis his spTh Dunlop BoAJohn Watsone, John RamsayLordburn
1587/9/27SasineJohn Lyell BoADa Lyell son to John L, Catherine Guthrie future sp to Da LDa Pearson, Ja Pearson of CairnyEleemosynary of Arbroath
1081587/11/8SasineAnd Wod, And Dunlop, Ja Pekeman, John Halis, Ninian Barbour, Alex Seygatt, Agnes Logie, Adam Mekesone, Mr Alex Pearson, Da Ferrar, Wm Strachan?Th Ramsay son to Pa R, Th Pearson BoA son to sd Pa Ramsay [?]KeptieLand of Keptie formerly belonging to Wm Scott and sold to Pa Ramsay under reversion, John Scott his son? W: And Ouchterlony
1091587/11/9SasineJohn Watsone BoAAnd Seaton? in Kincr...Ja Young, Bernard GrantLordburn
1587/11/30SasineJohn Ramsay son to umqll Ja RamsayTh Robertson BoATh Henderson, Da Chrystie, Geo BalfourMarketgateumqll Alex Broun
1587/12/1Entryumqll Ja RamsayJohn Ramsay son to umqll Ja R1) John Schakart, Walt Hutcheon 2) John Morisone, John Halis, Walt HutcheonRottonraw
1587/12/9SasineTh DunlopJohn Farar, Helen Brydie his spLordburn
1587/12/22SasineTh DunlopAnd Eliott1) Wm Bardie, Ja Halis 2) John Morisone1) Apilgate 2)And Wallace
1101588(7)/1/16SasineCatherine Cuik dtr to umqll Th Cuik BoAGeo Ramsay future sp to Catherine CHenry MudieCopgate
1588(7)/2/8SasineAdam Mekesone, his sp
1588(7)/2/28Sasine1) Ja Pearson of Cairny 2) Da Pearson father of Mr Alex PMr Alex Pearson, Jonet Lyell his sp1) Wm Lyell, Da Lyell 2) Ja Henry, Ja Young1) Eleemosynary 2) Lordburne
1588(7)/3/13SasineRichard Blantyre BoAWm Young BoAMr Geo Aikman, John WatsonRottonraw
1111588/3/25SasineJohn Schakart BoA w consent of [Elizabeth] Ferror his spAlex Ouchterlony BoA, And Ouchterlony his son1) Geo Halis, John Ramsay 2) Pa Ramsay, common way 3)1)Rottonraw 2) [Newgate] 3) Newgate
1588/8/9RedemptionsJohn Pearson burg Dundee, John Pearson BoAAlex Wod1) Wm Young, Wm Halis 2)1) Copgate 2)
1588/8/10SasineJa Guthrie w consent of Marg Williamson his spWm Young BoAOccupied by John Halis son to Geo Halis
1121588/8/12SasineJohn YoungDa Halis, Egedie Farar his spWm Young, John FararRottonraw
1588/8/31SasineDa Beaton, Mr Alex Beaton his fatherAnd Wichtand, his spJohn Farar, John SpinkCopgateW: Alex Ouchterlony officar?
1620??Margaret Lyell dtr to umqll Da Lyell sometime clerk of ArbroathMr Ja Pearson present clerk of Arbroath
1131577/6/3?Ja ...
114Wm Maule
1582/10/10SasineAlex Pearson?Da Pearson
1581/2/SasineNinian? HalisAnd Eliott, his sp
1582SasineJa Pearson?... Maule
SasineAlex ....Henry Maule, his sp
1582SasineJohn ...Henry Maule, his sp
1582?/4/12Charles Murray, his sp, Rot Murray his son Rot Murray his son
1582/4/20SasineAnd BosuallCatherine Bosuall, Henry Maule her spSkryne, Burnsyde
1582/4/24Henry Maule Lord Ogilvy, his spMylne of Arbroath
1582/4/27Henry Maule Mr Pa QuhitlawNewgrange
1580/5/15Henry Maule Wm Ouchterlony?
1580/5/15Wm Ouchterlony?Mr Archibald Pearson
1580/5/19SasineGeo Balfour, his spJa Balfour
Bernard Grant?, his sp
Ja Mudie, his spWm Buchan?
Ja Guthrie
Ninian ...
John Watson, his sp
John Guthrie of Colliston
[in margin]
1161580Geo HalisJohn Haliswhere Alison Br... lives
Mr Ja ...Da Chart...
1580Wm YoungPettilok
1581/3/28Da Gardyne of LeysGeo Balfour
1580Wm/John FullartounColliston
Wm Maule

See also:

Minutes of Notaries' Protocol Books for Arbroath

Parties in the Act Books of the Commissariot of Brechin

Parties in the Register of Deeds of the Commissariot of Brechin

This page updated 8 Jun 2019