Inverkeilor (Angus)

Records, sources & information about the Parish of Inverkeilor

Parish number 293

map of Inverkeilor

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Heritors' records
Jacobites, 1745
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Parish Church
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Rebels, 1745
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Statistical Accounts
Testaments & wills
War graves
War memorial


Although the Lunan Water is the principal watercourse of the parish of Inverkeilor, it is the insignificant Keilor Burn after which the parish of Inverkeilor is named. That burn marked the former boundary between the parish of Inverkeilor and the lands of Ethie (older spellings: Athie, Athyn), which were formerly a separate parish that belonged to the abbey of Arbroath. Ethie parish was united with Inverkeilor in 1585. The lands of Cononsyth were formerly a part of the parish of Inverkeilor, but detached from it in 1609 and became the northern part of a new parish of Carmyllie ANS.

Early forms of the name 'Inverkeilor' include 'Inuerkileder', suggesting that 'Keilor' may have the same meaning as modern 'Calder'.

The Magungie Burn marks part of the southern boundary of the parish, separating the lands of Kinblethmont from St Vigeans parish, while, in the north, the Gighty Burn divides the lands of Boysack from Kinnell parish.

Please also visit the page of general information applicable to all of Angus & Kincardineshire.


NLSNational Library of Scotland
NRSNational Records of Scotland, formerly called the National Archives of Scotland [NAS] and, before that, the Scottish Record Office [SRO]
HM General Register House, Edinburgh EH1 3YY (Tel: +44-131-535-1314)
OPROld Parish Registers of Births/baptisms, Banns/marriages & Deaths/burials (pre-1855)


Books & articles


Statistical accounts of Inverkeilor


Maps of Inverkeilor

For the full range of maps of Inverkeilor, see National Library's Maps.

map of Inverkeilor

Above: modern street map of Inverkeilor (© OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA)
Click on the map above to go to OpenStreetMap centred on Inverkeilor


Listed buildings in Inverkeilor

Listed buildings in Inverkeilor parish


Photographs of places Inverkeilor - recent photographs of Inverkeilor and area.

Remains of the tower of Redcastle

ScotlandsPlaces: Inverkeilor parish - recent & old photographs of Inverkeilor parish; also maps, plans & other records


Inverkeilor parish church (St Murdoch's)

Photograph of Inverkeilor Kirk

Another photo of Inverkeilor Kirk

Located at National Grid ref. NO665496. Partly (possibly) 16th century, heavily restored in 19th C. The building is now T-shaped. The Anniston Aisle forms the north arm of the 'T'. The date '1799' appears high in the wall of the north-west angle of the kirk, and '1862' in the west gable. The Northesk Aisle, of 1630 or shortly thereafter (see "Documentation" at Inverkeilor Parish Church), the burial vault of the earls of Northesk at the east end of the kirk, was roofless in 1958, but has since been reroofed and converted into a session room.

The font was donated by Agnes Rait of Anniston on her marriage in 1862 to H.A.F. Lindsay Carnegie of Boysack & Kinblethmont. In addition to the familiar ΙΗΣ, the font also bears the abbreviations ΠΛΠ and ΠΥΑ. The latter may stand for πνεῦμα ὕδωρ αἷμα [1 John 5:8].

There is an article, with photographs, on Inverkeilor Parish Church in A Corpus of Scottish Mediaeval Parish Churches.

Further details of the architecture and further photographs are here.

The modern cemetery (or churchyard extension) is immediately adjacent.

See also Documents relating to the churches of Inverkeilor.

arms of Rait and Ogilvie

Above (above the kirk door): arms of Rait (Or, a cross engrailed [sable]) impaled with Ogilvy of Airlie ([Argent], a lion passant guardant [gules] imperially crowned and gorged with an open crown [or]), for James Rait of Anniston & the hon. Clementina Ogilvy, dau. of David 7th earl of Airlie. Motto: "Spero meliora" - "I hope for better things".

Another example of these impaled arms is in the walled garden at Anniston; its cross has largely been lost and there is no crest above the helm. There is a substantial monument to the Raits of Anniston in the kirkyard.

arms of Carnegie and Halyburton   arms of Carnegie and Halyburton in kirk

Above, left (on the south wall of the Northesk Burial Aisle): arms of Carnegie of Kinnaird [which is now in parish of Farnell] impaled with Halyburton of Pitcur [in parish of Kettins], with the date 1636 and initials IC & MH, for sir John Carnegie (subsequently earl of Northesk lord Rosehill & Eglismauldie [Inglismaldie in Marykirk KCD]) & dame Magdalen Halyburton, his first spouse. The Northesk burial vault is at the east end of the kirk, below the present session room.

Above, right (on the Northesk or east gallery, inside the kirk): the same arms, of Carnegie of Kinnaird impaled with Halyburton of Pitcur, with the date 1635 and initials SIC & DMH

arms of lord Innermeath   arms of stewart of appin

Above, left (on south wall of kirk): arms (possibly a mirror image?) of either James or John Stewart lord Innermeath, baron of the barony of Redcastle alias Inverkeilor. Quarterly, 1st & 4th [Or], a fess chequy [azure & argent] (for Stewart); 2nd & 3rd, [Or or Argent?] a lymphad [sable] (for the lordship of Lorne, that their ancestors had held). The crest is probably a unicorn's head. The supporters are two rather curiously sculpted deer. Initials IS below. Motto, above: QVHIDDER VIL ZE [i.e., whether you want (war or peace, I am ready)]. Oars are possibly just visible on both galleys. The arms adopted by the lords Innermeath varied considerably.

Above, right (for comparison): registered arms of Stewart of Appin & Ardsheal, from G. Harvey Johnston, The Heraldry of the Stewarts (Edinburgh: W. & A.K. Johnston, 1906).

slab on Northesk aisle   Memento mori

Above, left (on the south wall of the Northesk Burial Aisle, though Jervise [Epitaphs & Inscriptions, vol. 1, p. 321] describes it as being over the entrance to that aisle): Supported by two angels, each blowing a trumpet and standing on a death's head, a cartouche, with a bell attached below, inscribed DIES MORTIS ÆTERNÆ VITÆ NATALIS EST FIDELIBUS

Above, right (on the south wall of the Northesk Burial Aisle, inscribed on the scroll at the top): MEMENTO MORI

Stained glass

South wall, west of the pulpit:

In memory of ALEXANDER CARNEGIE 30 years minister here died 1836 and ELIZABETH SKIRVING his wife died 1835

South wall, east of the pulpit:

In memory of DAVID CARNEGIE Medical Board Bombay died 1818 and ANNE PITCAIRN his wife died 1875

Monuments inside the kirk
With thanks to the Rev. Peter Phillips for opening the kirk for these photos to be taken.

Elizabeth Bettie monument

The monument to Elizabeth Be(a)ttie

Heb. ix. 27
ΑΠΟΚΕΙΤΑΙ ΤΟΙΣ ΑΝΘΡΩΠΟΙΣ ΑΠΑΞ ΑΠΟΘΑΝΕΙΝ [It is appointed unto men once to die]

Infra sepulta cum sex liberis iacet Elisabetha Bettie, prior conjunx Mri Ioannis Raithi. Mortem obiit in Dno. Kal. Novemb. A.D. 1661. Filius Joannes A.D. 1675, aetatis suae xxii. apud Indos in insula Mevi huic mundo valedixit. Ex liberis Euphamiae Mudie de Braintone conjugis Mri Ioannis Raithi, Robertus et Ianeta jacent infra sepulti.

Andrew Jervise's translation [Epitaphs & Inscriptions, vol. 1, p. 320]:

"Beneath lies buried, with six of her children, Elizabeth Bettie, first wife of Mr John Rait, who died in the Lord, 1 Nov 1661. Her son, John, bade farewell to this world in the island of Mevis [? Nevis] in the [West] Indies, A.D. 1675, in the 22d year of his age. Of the children of Euphan Mudie of Brainton, wife of Mr John Rait, Robert and Janet lie interred here."

Below the above inscription, above and below the right-hand panel:

In mortem divid(im)ur
Conjugium carna[le]

and, above and below the left-hand panel:

Omnia vincit amor Christi
Conjugium æternum

though Jervise has "mors" for "amor".

Between these panels:

Psalm LV. 6
Quis mihi dabit pennas columbæ

At the foot:

[C]onjugium Christi ac animæ mors solvere n[escit]
Sed carnale potest conjugis atque v[iri]

John Ramsay monument

The monument to a Ramsay[?]

Andrew Jervise's comment [Epitaphs & Inscriptions, vol. 1, p. 319]:

"A slab, built into the left splay of one of the S.E. windows of the church, presents a shield, charged with (? by mistake) a double-headed eagle. The initials, M.D.R., in monogram, flank the base; I.R. and the date '1628, 2 Feb' are over the shield; and below it is a death's head. Possibly this slab has reference to some of the Ramsays, contemporary lairds of Cairnton. Euphan Mudie ... was a daughter of David Mudie (son of John Mudie of Brianton), and his wife Janet Ramsay of Cairnton."

Durie monument

The monument to Mr Joshua Durie,
minister of Inverkeilor,
& Euphan MacKane,
his wife [ref.]

Memento mori 3 SEP 1631 MID [for Magister JOSHUA DURIE; and a monogram, which may be ID and EM combined]


Andrew Jervise's rendering [Epitaphs & Inscriptions, vol. 1, p. 319]:

"That which is Durable is broken, nor appears any longer to enDure; but Durie still enDures, and flourishes with bright renown."

Arms of Durie: [Azure], three crescents [Or or Argent]

Durie monument

The monument to Mr John Rait,
minister of Inverkeilor

Eccles. XII. 7
וישב העפר עלארץ כשהיה
Mr I R
Reverendi viri Magistr[i JOHANN]
[IS] RAITHI antistitis ...
...serti perspicu...
...thum condu...
[M]ontrosarum ...
[v]er[o] ...m ....
...tora func...
Cal Dec A...
LXII a l...
I Cor. III. 6

RETÆ ...

Andrew Jervise's translation [Epitaphs & Inscriptions, vol. 1, p. 321]:

"Under this stone were laid the remains of the Rev. John Rait, a clear and eloquent preacher of the Gospel in this church, who was previously three years in Montrose. He rested from his labours 1st Dec. A.D. ____ in the 62d year of his age, &c."

Mudie monument

Monument to John Mudie of Arbikie

Sacred to the memory of JOHN MUDIE of Arbikie Esq. who died June, 1728 aged [ ] years, and of his wife MAGDALEN CARNEGY daughter of JAMES CARNEGY of Craigo, who died 27th. Dec. 1771 aged 89 years, and of their family & descendants. Of their family which consisted of six sons, & eight daughters, three daughters only came to maturity, viz. 1st. ELIZABETH married to ROBERT SMITH of Forret Esq. who left an only son WILLIAM SMITH of Forret Esq. married to his cousin german 29th. April, 1784 the aftermentioned MAGDALEN HAY. He died 2d. Feby 1785 leaving no issue. 2d. AGNES married to JAMES HAY of Cocklaw Esq. who left two sons, & a daughter, their eldest son CHARLES HAY Esq advocate afterwards Lord Newton* one of the senators of the College of Justice, a man of distinguished talents, & inflexible integrity, died Octr 1811 aged 64 years. Their youngest son JAMES HAY Esq. died at Edinr 6th. June, 1787 & was interred there. 3d. ANNE married to ROBERT STEPHEN of Letham† Esq. left an only daughter ANNE who died Novr 1806. MAGDALEN HAY only daughter of JAMES HAY Esq & AGNES MUDIE and relict of WILLIAM SMITH of Forret Esq. the last survivor of the family has erected this monument as a tribute of respect to the memory of her relations who lie buried here, and it is her desire also to be interred in the spot which contains the ashes of her husband, & of her grandmother and mother MAGDALEN CARNEGY, and AGNES MUDIE, parents with whom she was long united in the closest bonds of love and affection, whose virtues she reveres, and whose example she most earnestly wishes to follow, 1818.

[* Charles Hay (1747-1811) - he took his judicial title from Newton of Stracathro, which he owned]
[† i.e. Letham in St Vigeans]

Northesk monument

The monument to George earl of Northesk

Sacred to the memory of GEORGE VIth Earl of Northesk, admiral of the White Squadron of His Majesty's Fleet. Born 2nd August 1716, O.S. and died 22nd January 1792. And ANN LESLIE Countess of Northesk. Born 22nd February 1730, O.S. and died 11th November 1779.

[Note: O.S. = Old Style, i.e. Julian Calendar]

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The arms of the earl of Northesk (1672)
(Carnegie quartered with Earldom of Northesk)

James Hay monument

Above [erected 21 May 1890]: Erected by the congregation of Inverkeilor parish church, in memory of the Rev. JAMES HAY, D.D., born 24. Nov. 1820, died 25. Aug. 1889; minister of Inverkeilor, 1866-1889.

Arthur Rait monument    John Carnegie monument

Above, left: In loving memory of Lieut. Col. ARTHUR RAIT, C.B. of Anniston, born 1839, died 1902. And of his wife the Honble GEORGINA ARBUTHNOTT, born 1849, died 1923. And of their children GARNET, born 1878, died 1900. EILEEN, born 1880, died 1904. "In death they are not divided." This tablet is erected by ROBIN, and NANCY ARBUTHNOTT.

Above, right: By ALEXr CARNEGIE minister of Inverkielor to the memory of his father JOHN CARNEGIE late minister thereof from 20th Feby 1755, to 28th Feby 1805, when he died aged 81. And of his mother CATHARINE WALKER who died 25th Novr 1790 aged 57 and of four of his brothers who died in nonage all interred in the area before the pulpit.


Parish ministers 1560-present

adm.: admitted, ass.: assistant, bapt.: baptised, contr.: contract, dem.: demitted, dep.: deposed, ind.: inducted, lic.: licensed, mar.: married, min.: minister, ord.: ordained, pres.: presented, rel.: related, res.: resigned, suc.: successor, test.: testament, tr.: translated

Alexander Forrester1561-63vicar
Charles Michaelson1563minister
Charles Rossie1563reader
John Pitcairn of Kirkton Mill1573-1604?reader; pres. to vicarage 9 Jul 1574, on death of Alexr Forrester; dem. 1604 ?
Andrew Strachan1574-75tr. from Nigg 1574, tr. to Maryton 1575
John Fullerton1576-98minister 1576; pres. to vicarage of Ethie, Jul 1597; d. Dec 1598 at Haltoun of Inverkeilor; mar. Margaret Ramsay, who survived him; left books to Henry Fullerton, son of David F., burgess of Montrose, prob. his nephew
Arthur Fithie1598-1613possibly a nephew of Henry F. of Boysack; matric. St Salvator's College, St Andrews 1576; min. of Airth STI, 1582; tr. to Kinnell, 1587; tr. & adm. 1598; a zealous episcopalian; d. 14 Aug 1613; test. 8 Jun 1615 St Andrews; mar. Helen Stewart, who survived him, sis. of James S.; issue: James b. bef. 1592, Patrick b. aft. 1592 (possibly the Patrick who became shoremaster & town councillor of Montrose), dau. Nicholas b. aft. 1592 (mar. 1616? George Wishart, yr of Drimmie), dau. Margaret (mar. contr. 1610 Mr James Strachan, min. of Barry, later min. of Kinneff); bro. of David F.; nephew David F. living in 1613
Joshua Durie1613-31b. ca. 1570, eldest s. of Mr John D., min. of 1st charge, Montrose; M.A. St Andrews 1590; min. of 2nd charge, Montrose, 1594; tr. to Forfar ca. 1596; tr. to Logie-Montrose 1603; tr. to 2nd charge St Andrews ca. 1607; pres. by James VI, 24 Oct 1613; d. 3 Sep 1631; mar. (contr. 5 Dec 1593) Eupham, dau. of James MacKane; issue: John, Nicholas (mar. Mr David Meldrum, min. of St Cyrus), & others
Andrew Elliot1631-50b. ca. 1600, eldest son of Mr James E., min. of Forfar; M.A. St Andrews 1620; pres. by Charles I, 29 Nov 1631; d. Jun 1650; mar. Margaret Lindsay; issue: James, David (appr. to Geo. Suttie, merchant, Edinburgh, 1646)
John Rait1650-85?b. ca. 1623, rel. to Raits of Hallgreen, Bervie KCD; M.A. Kings Aberdeen 1644; ord. to 2nd ch. Montrose, 1647; tr. & adm. 1650; d. Nov 1685; mar. (1) Eliz. Beattie (d. 1661); issue: James (b. 1649, d. young); James (b. 1653, d. Nevis, W. Indies, 1675) & 6 others; mar. (2) Eupham, who survived him, eldest dau. of David Mudie of Bryanton; issue: David Rait of Bryanton, Robert, Janet, Mr Francis (min. of Kinnaird)
James Rait1672-ca. 1703b. ca. 1648, nephew[?] of foregoing; M.A. St Andrews 1668; ord. as colleague, 1672; outed as non-jurist, ca. 1703; intruded as min. at Lunan 1713; deprived for Jacobitism 1717; d. bef. 1730; mar. (1) 1677, Kath., dau. of David Mudie of Bryanton; issue: Margaret (mar. contr. 1700 Wm Wallace, bailie of Arbroath); mar. (2) 1710, Eliz. Smith, Montrose
Andrew Bruce1705-24b. 1670; M.A. St Andrews 1693; ord. Cortachy, 1701; tr. & adm. 21 May 1705; d. Edinburgh 1724; mar. Kath. Rait (still living 1759); issue: David, d. 1751 Windsor, banker in London (Campbell & Bruce); Eliz.; Magdalen; rev. Geo., M.A.(Oxon.), d. 1780 London; Ann, d. 1759 London; Christian, d. 1772 London
William Hepburn1726-56b. 1694 at Hailes, East Lothian; M.A. Edinburgh 1714; lic. 3 Oct 1722; ord. 21 Jan 1726; d. unmar. 5 Feb 1756
Thomas Mathison1750-54ord. ass. & suc. 27 Sep 1750; tr. to 2nd ch. Brechin, 1754
John Carnegie1755-1805M.A. Edinburgh 1744; ord. ass. & suc. 20 Feb 1755; d. 28 Feb 1805; mar. 1760 Cath. ygst dau. of Alexr Walker of St Fort, Forgan FIF; issue: Isabella; Mr Alexander (his suc. as min.); Thos; Wm; & 6 others
Alexander Carnegie of Redhall1799-1836b. 15 Dec 1762, son of above; M.A. Aberdeen 1783; ord. as ass. 1796; adm. ass. & suc. 16 May 1799; bought Redhall in the parish of Fordoun, 1825; d. 2 Jan 1836; mar. Eliz., dau. of Adam Skirving, farmer, Garleton, E. Lothian; issue: Christian Guthrie (mar. John Kirk, min. of Arbirlot), John of Redhall, Adam; there are monuments to Mr Alexander Carnegie and Eliz. Skirving both here and at Fordoun.
John Laird1836-1843b. 1811, son. of Dr Hugh L, min. of Portmoak KRS; ass. at Arbroath, Nov 1834; ord. as ass. Arbroath, 19 Mar 1835; adm. to Inverkeilor 11 Aug 1836; joined Free Kirk, 1843; min. of Inverkeilor Free Kirk, 1843-47; min. of Free Kirk, Cupar FIF, 1853-1896; d. 19 Apr 1896; mar. Agnes Maule, dau. of Thomas Anderson, farmer, Westhaven, Carnoustie; issue: Hugh A.; Jane C.; John G.; Eliz. B.; Harry; David M.W.; Alexr A.
George Arklay1843-66b. 9 Jun 1814 Murroes, son of Geo. A.; ass. at Alyth; ord. to Guthrie 1841; tr. & adm. 13 Oct 1843; d. 19 Jun 1866 Inverkeilor; unmar.
James Hay1866-87b. 1820 Montrose, son of James H. and Helen Japp; M.A. Aberdeen 1839; ord. to St Bernards, Edinburgh 1845; tr. to Lunan 1850; tr. & adm. 8 Nov 1866; D.D. Aberdeen 1881; res. 20 Oct 1887; d. 25 Aug 1889 Montrose; unmar.
Andrew Halden1887-1928b. 1857 Paisley, son of Alex. H. and Margaret Aitken; ass. at Lady Yesters, Edinburgh, 1884-87; ord. ass. & suc. 20 Oct 1887; d. 25 May 1928 Montrose
Angus Macaskill1928-1947b. 1901 Stornoway, son of Alexr J. M.; M.A.(Aberdeen 1923); ass. Arbroath 1926; ord. (ass. & suc.) 18 Apr 1928; tr. to London Rd, Edr 12 Nov 1947; d. 2 Sep 1983 Perth; mar. 1932 Maureen Ruth, dau. of Norman Baxter Anderson, sailcloth manufacturer; issue: Alistair Angus; Norman Roy
John Richard *1949-1958B.A.; b. 1909 Motherwell; accountant with Dalzell Steel works of Colville's Ltd; Uni. Glasgow & Trinity Coll.; ass. ...; ord. & ind. Colvend, Dalbeattie Jul 1940; tr. & ind. 16 Feb 1949; tr. 1958 to Glencairn DFS; ret. 1976; d. Jul 1987 Edinburgh
Ian MacEwan *1958-1967tr. to Kincardine & Croick
Ian Lawrie Forrester *1967-1996b. 3 Oct 1936 Edinburgh; educ. Daniel Stewart's, Edinburgh; Edinburgh Uni.; Westminster Coll., Cambridge; ind. 11 Oct 1967; dem. 1 Jan 1996
David John Taverner *1996-2002B.D., M.C.I.B.S., A.C.I.S.; b. 1958 Edinburgh; ord. & ind. 1996; tr. & ind. 7 Aug 2002 to St Andrew's, Kirriemuir (with Oathlaw & Tannadice); tr. 21 Mar 2011 to Coldstream BEW linked with Eccles
Peter Phillips *2004-ind. 5 Aug 2004

* ministers of Inverkeilor & Lunan; the congregations of Inverkeilor and Lunan were united on 31 May 1953

Ministers of Inverkeilor Free Kirk (later, United Free; from 2 Oct 1929, St John's Ch. of S.)
St John's was united with the parish kirk on 7 March 1948. The former Free Kirk building is now used as the church hall.

Inverkeilor Free Kirk

Inverkeilor Free Kirk

Photograph of Dunira, which was the Free Kirk Manse (later, United Free Kirk Manse), Inverkeilor, built 1844.

John Laird1843-1847see above list of parish ministers
William Masterton, K.D.1848-1888b. bef. 5 Jan 1816 Larbert STI, son of Alexr M., blacksmith, and Helen Honeyman; ord. 1848; ret. 1888; d. 3 Jul 1895 Edinburgh; mar. 1859 Janet, dau. of James Lumsden, Dysart FIF
John Adams1888-1926b. 3 Nov 1859 Markinch FIF, son of James A., coal miner; uni. Glasgow; B.D.; from Aberdeen; ord. (ass. & suc.) 13 Dec. 1888; tr. & ind. to Colinsburgh & Lathones, 23 Jun 1926; ret. Mar 1934; d. 5 Jun 1941 Barnhill, Broughty Ferry; mar. 1889 Margaret Swinton, dau. of Thomas S., master mariner
Charles Scott Hendry1926-1948M.A.; b. 25 Dec 1869 Coupar Angus, son of William H., tailor; ass. Brycedale Free Kirk, Kirkcaldy in 1900; min. Tarland Free, then U.F. Church 1900-? ; in Lewisham, London ?-1909-11-?; min. at Kendal Church, Carlisle for 12 yrs; ind. 20 Oct 1926; ret. 14 Feb 1948; d. 17 Nov 1964 Blairgowrie; mar. 1908 Emily M.E. Laurence, dau. of Charles T.L., gunpowder manufacturer

View of ruins of St Murdoch's Chapel at Ethie

View of the remaining (east) gable of St Murdoch's Chapel, Ethie

Minister at Ethie:

David Mylne1586reader, vicar 1586


Monumental inscriptions

Approximately 350 monumental inscriptions in Inverkeilor kirkyard are at Monumental inscriptions in Inverkeilor Churchyard.


Photographs of any of the inscriptions listed at Monumental inscriptions in Inverkeilor Churchyard will be supplied on request by e-mail, insofar as I judge it possible to obtain them. The photos will be 2304 pixels by 1728 pixels, and approx. 850 kilobytes in size, taken in good lighting to show the inscriptions rather than the whole monuments. Please be prepared for a considerable delay in sending photos.

Monuments in Inverkeilor Kirkyard bearing pre-1855 information (ca. 200 stones) are listed in Alison Mitchell (ed.), "Pre-1855 Monumental Inscriptions in Angus, Vol. 2: Seacoast" (Edinburgh: Scottish Genealogy Soc., 1996), which can be bought from the Scottish Genealogy Society. (It's listed as "Angus MI - Vol. 2. Pre-1855 Sea-coast" in their online shop.)

Andrew Jervise recorded some monuments at Inverkeilor in his "Epitaphs & Inscriptions", vol. 1, pp. 318-26.

There are no monuments at St Murdoch's Chapel, Ethie.

rait of anniston monument

Above: part of the monument of the Raits of Anniston in Inverkeilor kirkyard
"A graceful group in marble representing the Spirit of Consolation, in the form of
a female figure, ministering to the support of a person in sickness." [Warden, vol. 3, p. 432].
[See Inscription on Rait monument]

The burial ground at the ancient Chapel of Whitefield, at Chapelton of Boysack (locally, ['bəizək]), is the private burial place of the lairds of Boysack & Kinblethmont - Carnegie, thereafter Lindsay Carnegie, Fullerton Lindsay Carnegie and Ramsay. It is possible that it was earlier the burial place of the Fithies of Boysack, who were vassals of the Stewart lords Innermeath from before 1450 to 1605.

The following is a complete listing of the inscriptions at the Chapel of Whitefield [by kind permission of Robert Ramsay of Boysack & Kinblethmont]:

[1] Lux in tenebris To the memory of H A F LINDSAY CARNEGIE of Spynie and Boysack born 25th April 1836 died 14th Nov. 1908 and of his wife AGNES RAIT of Anniston born 16th Oct. 1843 married 7th Oct. 1862 died 18th Jan. 1932 Mors janua vitae

[2] In memory of DONALD C S F LINDSAY CARNEGIE of Spynie and Boysack Major 17th Bengal Cavalry born 9th July 1840 died 16th May 1911

[3] In memory of HELEN LINDSAY CARNEGIE born 27th Nov. 1829 at Kinblethmont died 23rd April, 1921 aged 91

[4] In memory of ANNA RUTHERFORD AYTOUN of Ashintully born 5th August 1853 married 4th October 1881 died 9th September 1922 wife of DAVID CRAWFORD FULLERTON LINDSAY CARNEGIE of Boysack and Kinblethmont born 6th November 1852 died 18th February 1935 Also of GEORGINA MURIEL ARBUTHNOTT* second wife of the above born 31st July 1881 died 22nd December 1973 Love watcheth and sleeping slumbereth not

[5] In loving memory of ROBERT OTTIWELL RAMSAY of Boysack and Kinblethmont 1900 - 1996 and his beloved wife CONSTANCE AILEEN† 1905 - 2002

* dau. of the 13th viscount of Arbuthnott
† i.e. Constance Aileen German]

There is an M.I. in Greyfriars Kirkyard, Edinburgh to Susan (1790-1815), dau. of James Lindsay Carnegie of Spynie and Boysack and 1st wife of Thomas Tod, advocate.

There is an M.I. to John Mackenzie Lindsay (1792-1873), son of James Lindsay Carnegie of Spynie and Boysack, in the Dean Cemetery, Edinburgh, and another M.I. there to Jane (1824-1883), 2nd dau. of W.F. Lindsay Carnegie of Spynie and Boysack, her husband Alexander Cruickshank Lindsay and dau. Amy.


At Kinblethmont, on a lintel that is now inside the recently renovated stable block, is the inscription

16 S    D 80
  J C  M E

i.e., 1680, sir John Carnegie, 1st of Boysack, and dame Margaret Erskine, his spouse (daughter of sir Alexander Erskine, 11th of Dun).

The date, 1680, is surprising, as sir John appears to have died in 1677. Margaret Erskine survived him, so perhaps 1680 was the year of her death. Their son John Carnegie, 2nd of Boysack, acquired the lands and barony of Kinblethmont from sir John Wood of Bonnyton in 1678.


Inverkeilor war memorial, 1914-1919
Location: in the kirkyard

See also The Scottish Military Research Group - Commemorations Project - Inverkeilor WW1

Inverkeilor war memorial 1    Inverkeilor war memorial 2

Inverkeilor war memorial 3    Inverkeilor war memorial 4

This roll includes additional information from the Roll of Honour Arbroath & District 1914-1919 and CWGC records:

NameRankUnitDatePlace of deathDetails
A J Macgregor, M.C.capt13th Batt., Black Watch8 Oct 1918near Le Catelet, FranceImperial Chinese Customs, China; son of col. A.D. Macgregor and Effie Lindsay, Melrose, Guernsey; nephew of D.C. Rutherford Lindsay Carnegie of Boysack & Kinblethmont
Frederic George Garrard, M.C.2-ltGordon Highlanders22 May 1918Casualty clearing station, Dueville, Vicenza, Italyson of Frederic William Garrard, Coulsdon, Surrey and Elizabeth Rodger, formerly of Inchock, Inverkeilor
W BurnettsgtRoyal Engineers
William CrabbcplAustralian Imperial Force13 Oct 1916gardenerson of William Crabb, Nether Dysart, Lunan and Susan Stephen; gson of Wm C., Auchmithie
Arthur John Gibb, M.A.(Edin.)cpl4th Batt., Royal Scots28 Jun 1915Dardanellesappointed teacher, George Watson's College, Edinburgh; son of John G. Gibb and Ann Grant, Station House, Inverkeilor
Robert Vannettcpl1st/5th Batt., Gordon Highlanders27 Jul 1918Buzancy near Soissonsson of William Vannett, Lawton Cottage, Inverkeilor
David Chaplinl-cpl4th Batt., Gordon Highlanders13 Apr 1918-
William Ritchiel-cpl1st Batt., Black Watch15 Oct 1914near SoissonsAnderson's Buildings, Inverkeilor; porter, Arbroath Railway Station; son of James Ritchie, farm grieve, Rosehill; bro. of Mrs Ramsay, Bandoch
David Moir Stephenl-cpl'A' Co., 1st Batt., Black Watch2 Nov 1914Colchesterploughman, Leysmill; son of George Stephen and Jessie Moir, 55 Dishland St, Arbroath
George Andersonpte17th Batt., Highland Light Infantry11 Jul 1917Koksijde, West- VlaanderenAnderson Pl, Inverkeilor; carter, Ethie; son of David Anderson; mar. Nellie Kynoch Menmuir
James Brownpte6th Batt., Seaforth Highlanders16 May 1917Vimy Ridgeb. 1893 Dunnichen; farm servant, Arbikie, Lunan; son of David Small Brown, ploughman, Boghead, Inverkeilor, & Maggie Mary Scott; mar. 1915 Mary Lowden Edwards, Braehead, Lunan; eldest bro. of Sgt. George Kennedy Brown R.A.F. who died in WW2 in 1944
David Donaldsonpte5th Batt., Black Watch11 May 1915hospital, Boulognefarm servant, Ironshill, Inverkeilor; son of William Donaldson, March of Lunan
Norman Alexander Gibbpte2nd Batt., Scots Guards12 Jul 1918near Arrasrailway clerk, Dundee; son of John G. Gibb and Ann Grant, Station House, Inverkeilor
David Lindsay Howepte1st Canadian Mounted Rifles Batt.1 Oct 1916-son of James Howe and Mary ---, 168 High St, Montrose; mar. Elizabeth ---, subseq. Stewart, 35 Union St, Montrose
D KyddpteBlack Watch
Andrew KennedypteCanadians1917-ploughman near Forfar, later in Canada; son of Mrs Kennedy, Ethiehaven
D KennedypteBlack Watch
J LawsonABRoyal Naval Division
W LowepteRoyal Scots
D LambgunnerRoyal Garrison Artillery
David Christie MacauleypteBlack Watch19 May 1915Chocque Military Hosp., FranceHastings Jute Mills, Calcutta; son of Murdoch Macauley, Inverkeilor
C MacauleypteBlack Watch
A McGregorpteHighland Light Infantry
George Turnbull Orrockpte8th batt., Black Watch(wounded Loos) 29 Nov 1918Arbroath Infirmary; buried 3 Dec 1918 Inverkeilor Kirkyard, lair D/115farm servant, East Newton, St Vigeans; son of James Orrock, Redcastle, Inverkeilor & Mary Ann Ogilvy
Alexander Paulpte6th Batt., Black Watch15 (30?) Aug 1916prisoner, Germany (or k.i.a., France?)ploughman, West Hall, Dundee; son of Alexander Paul & Margaret Grant, Hodgeton, Inverkeilor
D StewartpteCameron Highlanders
George Smithpte'C' Co., 8th Batt., Black Watch14 Aug 1915Franceploughman, East Idvies, Kirkden; son of David Smith & Margaret Russell, March of Lunan, Inverkeilor
Charles Smithpte'B' Co., 1st Batt., Black Watch14 Oct 1915Franceploughman, Mains of Logie, Logie Pert; son of David Smith & Margaret Russell, March of Lunan, Inverkeilor
James Stephenpte7th platoon, 'B' Co., 49th Batt., Canadian Expeditionary Force3 Jun 1916-farmer, Strome, Alberta, Canada; son of Alexander Stephen, East Scryne, Panbride, formerly Lawton, Inverkeilor
Robert ShepherdpteHighland Light Infantry18 Nov 1916Sommeb. Dun, son of William Shepherd and Margaret ---, 8 Lowerhall St, Montrose
William ShepherdpteArgyll & Sutherland Highlanders29 Jul 1918Villemontoire near Soissonsb. Dun, son of William Shepherd and Margaret ---, 8 Lowerhall St, Montrose
John Stewartpte43rd Canadian Cameron Highlanders11 Apr 1918No. 57 Casualty clearing stationcontractor, Manitoba, Canada; son of John Stewart and Mary Stott, Anniston Lodge, Inverkeilor
Edwin Henderson SmithpteSherwood Foresters17 Oct 1918No. 12 Gen. Hospital, Rouen10 Jamieson St, Arbroath; son of Peter Smith, farmer, and Jane McCrow, Fallaw, Inverkeilor; mar. Elizabeth Robertson
David Taylorgunner73rd Siege battery, South African Horse/Heavy Artillery11 Apr 1918near La Bassée, Francelawyer; son of late William Taylor, farmer, Raesmill, Inverkeilor and Jessie Patterson, Carnoustie; married
George Laird Taylorpte8th Batt., Black Watch25 Sep 1915Loosploughman, East Newton, St Vigeans; son of George Laird Taylor and Elizabeth Turnbull, Courthill, Lunan
Roy Thomsonpte5th batt., Black Watch3 Sep 1916Sommefarm servant, West Drums, Brechin; son of Alexander Thomson, grieve, and Barbara Mitchell, Redcastle, Inverkeilor
A Vannettpte17th Batt., Highland Light Infantry1 Apr 1917Savy near St Quentinson of William Vannett, Lawton Cottage, Inverkeilor
Alexander D Valentinepte6th Batt., Cameron Highlanders19 Nov 1917No. 19 Casualty clearing stationson of Elizabeth Valentine, Meg Taylor's Land, Inverkeilor

Inverkeilor war memorial, 1939-1945
Location: in the kirk, on the west side of the Anniston Aisle. There is also an incised wooden panel below this plaque, with the same details.

Inverkeilor 1939-45 war memorial Sgt George K. Brown - R.A.F. *
Gnr James B. Carrie - R.A.
Sgt William G. Carrie - R.A.F. †
Pte Robert McHardy - B.W.
Spr James Pattison - R.E.
AC2 Robert Walker - R.A.F.
Pte Roderick McGregor - B.W.
Gnr Charles Adamson - R.A.
Pte Albert Paul - B.W.
Pte John T. F. Robertson - B.W.
Pte James Taylor - H.G.

* George Kennedy Birse Brown; b. 1913 Kinnell, youngest son of David Small Brown & Maggie Mary Scott; bro. of James Brown who fell in WW1

† William Gordon Carrie, wireless operator & gunner; eldest son of Mr & Mrs Carrie, Kirkton Cottages


Inverkeilor war graves

CWGC - Inverkeilor - 5 men


Births, Marriages & Deaths, 1855 to present

Indexes and actual records for Statutory Registers of Births, Marriages & Deaths, beginning 1 Jan 1855, are available online, following registration and the purchase of credits, at the official web-site, ScotlandsPeople.

Births, Marriages & Deaths, before 1855

Indexes and actual records for all extant Old Parish Registers (OPRs) (pre-1855) of the Established Church of Scotland are available online, following registration and the purchase of credits, at the official web-site, ScotlandsPeople.


Church Session Records of Inverkeilor Parish Church

Nature of recordDatesNRS ref. CH2/194/...
Minutes & accounts1782-18172
Seat rents1794-18172
Male heads of families18354
Cash book1817-18316
Seat rents1817-8, 1830-16
Cash book1831-18637
Seat rents1831-18427
Cash book1874-19198
Cash book & seat rents1920-19429
School children187410
Communion rolls1878-188613
do1913-193515, 16
Minutes of Inverkeilor & Lunan savings bank1878-188617
Minutes of Inverkeilor & Lunan savings bank1820-184318
Accounts of Inverkeilor & Lunan savings bank1815-183618
William Stewart's mortification: minutes1800-185219
William Stewart's mortification: accounts1800-185919
William Stewart's mortification: poor scholars accounts1799-184219
Minutes & accounts of joint committee of parish council & kirk session1896-194720
Driffield trust fund: minutes & accounts1931-194821
Skair & Scott mortification accounts1863-189622
Duncan & Rait mortification accounts1863-189523
General cash account1869-189524
Misc. papers, including copy extract mortification of 1790 by Wm Stewart,
son of Wm Stewart, schoolmaster, Inverkeilor, for 800 pounds

Church Session Records of Inverkeilor Free Church
later, United Free; Inverkeilor St John's Church of Scotland

Nature of recordDatesNRS ref. CH3/177/...
Session minutes1843-19351
Deacons' Court minutes1844-18992
Deacons' Court minutes1899-19483
Proclamation register1932-19774
Communion roll1927-19435
Baptismal register1926-19445
Marriage register1932-19435
Receipt for title deeds of church and manse at
Inverkeillor, deposited in New College, Edinburgh
27 May 18566


Inverkeilor Heritors' records

Nature of recordDatesNRS ref. HR363/...
Minute book (with accounts)1850-19331
Papers re ecclesiastical buildings, etc. (church, manse)1919-19213
Copy certificate of Sheriff under 1925 Act, 19301925-19304


Land owners

See also:

Inverkeilor Free Kirk

Anniston House
Demolished 1935/6 by Capt. the hon. Bruce Ogilvy,
after death of Agnes Rait of Anniston (Mrs H.A.F. Lindsay Carnegie) in 1932
[Forfarshire Illustrated, 1843]

There were 6 proprietors of land in the parish in 1835:

Proprietors of 100 acres or more land in the parish in 1872/3:

William Hopetoun Carnegie, 8th Earl of Northesk (1794-1878)*
Henry Alexander Fullerton Lindsay Carnegie of Spynie & Boysack (1836-1908)3670
Frederick Couper of Douglasmuir (Frederick Couper Wilkie of Douglasmuir)142
James Johnston of Lawton255
Alexander Milne of Milton (1801-1873) (farmer, Raesmill)257
James Rait of Anniston (1804-1877)978
William Sim of Lunanbank, F.S.A.Scot. (1806-1883) (merchant, Arbroath)100

* held 4844 acres in Angus

There were 21 individuals, and various heirs and trustees, proprietors of land in the parish in 1902 [Source: 1902 Valuation Roll]:

AbbethuneMiss Alexina Jessie Macgregor of Abbethunelodge house
AnnistonMiss Aileen Anna Arbuthnott Rait of Anniston
Boysack (incl. Kinblethmont)Henry Alexander Fullarton Lindsay Carnegie of B. & K.
doWilliam Kinnear Esplin, quarrymasterLeysmill Quarry office
BryantonWilliam Hamilton of Bryanton
DouglasmuirFrederick Couper of Douglasmuir, C.E., London
EthieDavid John Carnegie, 10th earl of Northesk
InchockAlexander Balfour of Inchock, manufacturer, Arbroath
LawtonTrustees of Patrick Allan Fraser of Hospitalfield
LunanCol. William Blair Imrie of LunanBridgend
LunanbankTrustees of William Sim of Lunanbank
Panmure (i.e. Inverkeilor or Redcastle)Arthur George Maule Ramsay, 14th earl of Dalhousie
Chapelton of BoysackMrs Mary Buick, Paddock Mire, Kinblethmonthouse, shop
Inverkeilor villageRev. Andrew Haldenmanse, glebe
doTrustees of James Bower, teacherhouses
doAlexander Cuthill, shoemakerhouse, shop
doMrs Isabella Green, wife of Gardyne Green, surfacemanRowan Cottage
doHeirs of James Andersonhouses, shops, Knockwinnock
doHeirs of James Ruxtonhouses, shop
doHeirs of James Kidd, builder, Londonhouse, shop
doAlexander Carnegie, Forebank House, Kinnaird, Brechinhouses, smithy at Marywell
Lawton MillMrs Mary Ogilvy, Lawton Millhouse, Lawton spinning mill
Leysmill villageThomas Thomson, engineer, Dublinhouses, shop
doMrs Isabella Falconer, wife of David Falconer, labourerhouse
doMrs Jane Anderson, wife of James Anderson, commission agentViewbank Cottage
doMrs Margaret Nicoll, grocerhouse, shop
doMrs Mary Ogilvy, Lawton Millhouses
doWilliam Kinnear Esplin, quarrymasterSpynie House, stable
doMiss Barbara BellBellview

Tailzies (Entails), 1685-1784

EntailerLandsDate of
Date of
NRS ref. RT1/...
FolioNo. in register
James Carnegie, 4th of BoysackLands & barony of Boysack, etc.24 Jun 17668 Mar 177116377559

The lands of Douglasmuir were later entailed. See the Application to disentail by Frederick Couper of Douglasmuir.


Estate records & family papers

Records of the Lands & Baronies of Boysack/Spynie & Kinblethmont, 1432-1736 - NRS ref. GD1/383

Northesk Muniments, 1247-1922 - in Dundee City Archives

Titles to lands of Bryanton Rynd, 1484-1624 - NRS ref. GD45/28/13

Bell family of Inverkeilor and Arbroath: papers, 1902-19 - Angus Archives, ref. MS 552

Waulkmill Farm, Inverkeilor: account book, notice of Christmas show, advertisement for Blackstone improved root cutter - 1924-1929 - in Dundee City Archives, ref. GD/X92


Farmers / Tenants

See Inverkeilor farms & farmers


Field names

Names of some of the fields in the parish. I'd very much like to hear from anyone who has information about the names of other fields in Inverkeilor, especially older names.

The following present-day names at Kinblethmont and Boysack were kindly provided by Robert Ramsay, yr of Kinblethmont. The field numbers are taken from the OS 25-inch maps of 1923-24 at 040.10, 040.11, 040.14 and 040.15. Many of the fields have been combined into larger units since the 1920s.

157 + 158 + 161 + 176 + 177 + 181Templeton
167Fox Covert
224 + 590Charlie's Rest
244 + 256Spinny
258 + 299 + 301Cowstrip
346Bucky Den
563Jonny Scare
571 + 596Archie
587 + 598Garage
572 + 573 + 574 + 575 + 585Hilltank
606Home Farm
612 + 621Cauldcots
622 + 623 + 623aStankwell
625 + 624Clump
628 + 630 + 631St Margrets
636 + 637Edgar
646 + 648Windmill


School teachers

InverkeilorJohn Weir1780-1836
doGeorge Paul-1841-1850
doJames Bower1850-1886
doWilliam Gauldie-1871-1873
doCharles T. Crawford-1891-1923-36 yrs at Inverkeilor; d. 1928 Aberdeen
doAlexander Inglis-1925-1928d. 1929
doEdward J. Joss1928-1935at Stracathro to 1928; at Inverbrothock School, Arbroath from 1935
doErnest W. Carrick-1939-1949
do(infant mistress) Mrs Jane A. Leitch-1915-
do(do) Rhoda Kydd-1923-1925-
do(assistant) Miss Dowall-1899-
do(do) Miss Agnes McLennan-1901-
do(do) Rhoda Kydd-1915-
do(do) Margaret Imrie-1915-
do(do) Miss Margaret R. Moir1918-1933
do(do) Bella Torrie-1923-1925-
do(do) Gertrude Low-1923-1926-
do(do) Alison Inglis-1926-1931-
do(do) Agnes Kydd-1926-1930-
doMiss Frances M'Grotty1927-1934
do(assistant) Miss Margaret Mackay-1930-
do(teacher of maths/science) Mrs Carrick-1949
doMiss Mitchell-1949-
ChapeltonWalter Scott Linton-1881-1901-
doJ. W. McLean-1915-
doMiss A. Milne-1923-1926-



BakerJames AirthInverkeilor-1841-
doJames Kydddo-1891-
doDavid Kydddo-1894-
doMrs David Kydddo-1899-1915-
doA. Kydd &
BlacksmithWilliam ArbuthnottCraigpark-1901-
doJames BlackCraigpark-1891-
doDavid BurnsCraigpark-1923-
doJames CampbellMarch of Lunan-1901-
doJohn ChapmanCamperdown-1881-1901-
doJoseph ChapmanCamperdown-1915-1923-
doJohn DownieMarch of Lunan-1891-1894-
do-- EdwardsNewbarns-1891-
doJames Edwardsdo-1894-1923-
doStewart LindsayBalmullie Mill-1915-
doGeorge NicollChapelton-1891-1894-
doGeorge Mathieson/Mathewsondo-1899-1926-
doW. PaulCraigpark-1915-
Brick & tile makers*Alexander DunnAnniston Brick & Tile Workbef. 1862
doGeorge Duncan [left 1860]do-1860
doTo Letdo1860-61
doWilliam Robertsondo-1866
doTo Letdofrom 11 Nov 1866
doMessrs David Harris [a butcher, d. 14 Oct 1894, aged 75] & James Stewartdo-1880-1894
doJames Stewartdo1894-
doJohn Stewart & sondo-1915-1926-
doCharles Stewart [d. 20 Jul 1938]do-1938
doAnniston Brickworks Co.
doA. Fraser
Coal merchantThomas Muir, Son & PattonInverkeilor-1894-1926-
doSmith, Hood &
Cycle agentR. MitchellInverkeilor-1915-
GrocerThomas CargillEthie Haven-1891-
doWilliam CuthillInverkeilor-1891-
doMrs William Cuthilldo-1894-1901-
doMiss FinlayEthie Haven-1891-
doAlexander InglisInverkeilor-1894-1926-
doMrs David Kydddo-1915-
doA. Kydd &
doJohn McBethMarch of Lunanbank-1899-
doD. McLeodEthie Greens-1891-1901-
doAlexander SoutarMarch of Lunanbank-1891-1894-
doMrs Thomas ThomsonInverkeilor-1891-
doJames WilliamsonChapelton-1891-1915-
Inn--Chance Inn, Inverkeilor-1891-
doHenry Gordondo-1894-
doCapt. William Smithdo-1899-1901-
doWilliam McDonalddo-1915-
doJohn Cablesdo-1923-
MasonAlexander ReidMarch of Lunan-1891-1894-
MillerThomas FifeAnniston Mill-1851-
doCharles Fyfedo-1871-1874
doDavid Fifedo-1881-
doAlexander Wilsondo-1891-
doAndrew Wilsondo-1901-
doAlexander Wilsondo-1926-
doJames AddisonBoysack Mills-1871-
doThomas Matherdo-1875
doJames Miller Neavedo-1891-1897
doRobert Rossdo-1899-1901-
doG. Whittetdo-1915-1926-
doPatrick MilneKirkton Mill-1737
doDavid Milnedo-1774-
doJohn Neavedo-1861-
doWilliam Gardynedo-1871-
PostmasterA. InglisInverkeilor-1899-1901-
PostmistressMrs Kydddo-1915-
doGrace Kydddo-1923-1926-
Shoemaker-- CairncrossMarch of Lunan-1891-
doJames KyddInverkeilor-1915-1926-
doAlexander CuthillInverkeilor-1881-1901-
StorekeeperJames CarnegieInverkeilor Station-1894-1901-
doW. Robertsondo-1915-1926-
TailorJohn DavidsonInverkeilor-1923-1926-
doWilliam McBayInverkeilor-1891-
doRobert SmithInverkeilor-1899-
doThomas Valentinedo-1891-1915-
doThomas WyllieInverkeilor-1915-
WrightCharles GuthrieInverkeilor-1891-1901-
doStewart LindsayBalmullie Mill-1915-1926-
doJohn McBethMarch of Lunanbank-1899-
doJohn McBethChapelton & Balmullie Mill-1901-
doDavid McLeodEthie Greens-1881-1915-
doWilliam RitchieChapelton-1891-
doAlexander SoutarMarch of Lunan-1891-1894-
doJohn Soutar, joinerChapelton-1923-1926-

* Anniston Brick & Tile Works was in business -1860-1971


Census records

Records of the official censuses of the parish in 1841, 1851, 1861, 1871, 1881, 1891, 1901, 1911 and 1921 are held in Register House, Edinburgh and are open to the public on payment of a fee.

Indexes to all the original census records, and the records themselves, can be accessed online at modest charge at ScotlandsPeople.

Microfilm copies are also widely available in libraries. The 1881 census is available on CD-ROM.

The early censuses of 1801-31 do not name individuals.

A roll of the male heads of families in 1835 is among the kirk session records [NRS CH2/194/4].


Lists of inhabitants


Population statistics

17551286Dr Alexander Webster
17901747Old Statistical Account


Testaments & wills

Inverkeilor was in the Commissariot of St Andrews.

Indexes to all extant pre-1926 testamentary records (wills & inventories of moveable property) can be searched free of charge at ScotlandsPeople. Digital (and paper) copies of the documents can be purchased at that site. See further the introduction to Angus & Kincardineshire at Testaments.

Testaments of Inverkeilor people from the Register of Testaments of the Commissariot of St Andrews, 1549-1823

Anna Airthin Bisock, par. of Innerkeillor10 Jan 1693
John Airthin Reasemynt [Raesmill], par. of Innerkeillor27 Oct 1685
Alexander Andersonresiding at Boysick31 Jul 1811
Helen Andersonspouse to David Esplin, in Newtoun of Leyes, par. of Innerkeillor22 Oct 1681
Isobel Auchterloniespouse to David Ross, in Border of Lyes, par. of Innerkeillour1 Aug 1662
Helen Austinspouse to David Petrie, cotterman in Cottoun of Readcastle, par. of Innerkellour10 Jun 1606
James Beggsometime in Ballindoch [Bandoch], par. of Innerkeillor31 Mar 1693
Agnes Brewsterin Bogheid of Athie, par. of Innerkelour16 Apr 1617
Henry Browntenant in Border, thereafter residing at Leysmill1 Jul 1819
Alexander Carnegiein Coaldcotts, par. of Innerkeilor11 Jul 1648
David Carnegie, 2nd Earl of Northesk4 Dec 1683
David Carnegie, 3rd Earl of Northeskpar. of Innerkeillour8 Jan 1694
George Carnegie, 6th Earl of Northeskpar. of Inverkeiller5 Jul 1792
John Carnegie, 2nd of Boysackpar. of Innerkeillor12 Jun 1683 and 24 Feb 1704
Bessie Childin Cottoun of Readcastell, par. of Innerkeillour, spouse of Walter Petrie, cotterman27 Jan 1607
Thomas Christietenant in Ironshill4 & 8 Feb 1815
Thomas Colinin Ballindoche, par. of Innerkellor17 May 1650
David Colvillin Dameye of Ethie, late officer to the Earl of Northesk, par. of Innerkeillor29 Jun 1716
Alexander Corkarin Nokbroun, par. of Innerkeillor10 May 1614
Alexander Corkarin Chapeltoune of Boysick, par. of Innerkeillor30 Aug 1700
James Cuthbertsometime servitor to my Lord Roshill, par. of Innerkeillor17 Mar 1707
James Dallin the Lonheid of Leys, par. of Innerkellour20 Feb 1617
James Davidsonin the Border, par. of Innerkeilour1 Dec 1756
Agnes Duncansometime spouse to William Morris, brabanar in Lonhead of Innerkelour12 Apr 1600
Robert Eastonin Hodgeton, par. of Innerkeillor13 Apr 1791
Mr Andrew Eliottminister at Innerkillour18 Jul 1650
John Ferrierin Borde[r] of Leys, par. of Innerkelour20 Feb 1616
Mr Arthur Fethieminister at Innerkelour8 Jun 1615
Agnes Fraserrelict of David Lichtoun, in Maynes of Ethie, par. of Innerkeillour8 Jun 1621
Henry Fullarton elderin Easter Connanseith, par. of Innerkeillour27 Jan 1618
David Gardine of Lawtounepar. of Innerkeillor24 Aug 1649
Isobel Gibbiespouse to John Bruce, in Beth, par. of Innerkeillour26 Jul 1620
James Gibsonin Kirktoune of Innerkillour18 Aug 1649
David Gourlayin Westsyde of Gilkhorne, par. of Inverkeillor14 Sep 1698
Janet Grantsometime spouse to John Bany, cotterman in Bath, par. of Innerkelour21 Apr 1600
George Graylawful son to umquhile Andrew Gray, sometime of Pitscandlie, par. of Innerkeillour23 Oct 1650 and 18 Mar 1651
David Gregoriein Walkmylns, par. of Innerkeilour2 Apr 1674
Thomas Gregoriein Boghead, par. of Innerkeillour8 Aug 1662
John Greigtenant in Inverkeilor17 May 1813
Walter Greigtenant in Kirkton Mill7 & 8 Oct 1817
Janet Hendersonin Cottoun of Annatstoune, par. of Innerkellour6 Mar 1619
William Hensliein Grange of Innerkelour, par. of Innerkelour5 Jul 1614
Elspet Hillspouse to Alexander Murray, in Cottoun of Kinblachmonth, par. of Innerkeillour21 Oct 1617
John Houstonin the Cottoun of Kinblathmount, par. of Innerkeillor12 Dec 1682
John InverarityDen of Redcastle1 Apr 1813
George Johnstontenant in Rosehill, afterwards at Raesmill, spouse of Margaret Smith8 Sep 1820
Margaret Keirsometime spouse to Walter Yrons, brabonar in Cottoun Conansyth, par. of Innerkeillour 31 Jan 1606
Helen Kydsometime spouse to John Bany, cotterman in Dumbarro, par. of Innerkelour24 Apr 1600
Helen Laingearsspouse to John Awsteine, in Kirktoune of Innerkeilor1 Nov 1641
James Lambson lawful to James L., in Gilchorne20 Jun 1616
James Lamb elderin Gilchorne, par. of Innerkelour1 Jan 1617
David Leightonin the Maines of Ethie, par. of Innerkeillour. See also Agnes Fraser8 Jun 1621 and 30 Sep 1624
Elspet Lesliespouse to Alexander Logie, in Eastertoune of Connansyth, par. of Innerkeillour15 Jul 1620
Patrick Lindsayservitor to Mrs Margaret Lindesay, Lady of Innermeyth13 Jun 1597
Col. William Lindsay of Spynie, Townhead of Arbroath18 Oct 1813
John Logiein Leys-mylne, par. of Innerkeillour29 Jul 1637
James McKrabiemerchant in Ethie, par. of Inverkeilor29 May 1799
Isobel Manniespouse to John Daa, in Lonhead, par. of Innerkeillour28 Jun 1620
Jean Maule, Countess of Northeskpar. of Erroll12 Mar 1686
Elspet Milnein Kilblathmonth, par. of Innerkelour14 Jul 1614
James Milneweaver in Mary Ann's Butts7 & 9 Sep 1822
Thomas Milnebrowstar in Kirktoune of Innerkeillour2 May 1618
David Mitchellin Cottoun of Kinblachmonth, par. of Innerkeillour21 Oct 1617
James Mogin Cottoune of Kinblathmonth, par. of Innerkeillour27 Jun 1620
George Mudie of Bryantounpar. of Innerkelour13 Mar 1617
John Mudie of Bryantounpar. of Innerkelour3 Jun 1616
John Mudieday labourer at Ethie13 & 23 Apr 1818
John Mylnemiller, pikman, as one servant at Rais-milne, par. of Ethie25 Jan 1600
Nicolas Mylnespouse to William Milne, in Cotton of Pearsfeild par. of Innerkeillor27 Jun 1682
Beatrix Neishsometime spouse to James Smart, in Kirktoune of Innerkeillor10 Jun 1606
John Oustianworkman in Cottoun Readcastell, par. of Innerkeillor10 Jun 1606
George Peterat the Haltoun milne of Innerkelour, par. of St Vigeans11 Aug 1599
James Peterin Auld-Leys, par. of Innerkeillour9 Mar 1638
Andrew Petriecotterman in Ethie, par. of Sanctmurdo4 Jan 1600
David Petriein Cottoun of Redcastle, par. of Innerkellour4 Jun 1621
Janet Petriesometime spouse to James Smyth, cotter in Kinblaithmonth, par. of Innerkelour16 Aug 1599
John Petriein the Bordour of Leys, par. of Innerkeillor20 Jan 1606
John Pitcairnin Kirktoun-milne, par. of Innerkelour27 Jul 1616
Agnes Proffeitspouse to Alexander Galloway, in Cottoun of Readcastell, par. of Innerkeillour24 Feb 1618
Mr John Raitsometime minister at Innerkeillor21 Apr 1686
Alexander Ramsaysometime of Balnobreick, par. of Inverkeillor19 Apr 1699
Margaret Rankinespouse to John Watson, in Preistfield, par. of Innerkelour21 Oct 1626
James Reidin Leur, par. of Innerkelour16 Jul 1613
Barbara Revinspouse to James Smart, in Brewland, par. of Innerkelour21 Dec 1615
Andrew Richardin Burnsyde, par. of Innerkelour17 Aug 1599
Robert Scottin North Mains of Ethie6 & 11 Dec 1819
John Shanksin the Cottoune of Wester-house, in the ground of Bysoch [Boysack], par. of Innerkeillor7 Jan 1704
Elizabeth Simat Bandoch, eldest dau. of William Sim, sometime tenant there1 & 6 Apr 1815
Robert Simtenant in Bandoch17 & 25 Aug 1814
Elizabeth Simpsonsometime spouse to John Tailzor, in Border Leys, par. of Innerkeillor20 Jan 1606
James Smartin Kirktoun of Innerkeillor17 Apr 1627
Robert Smartin Cottoun of Preisfeild, par. of Innerkeillor24 Oct 1684
Christian Smithspouse to John Torrie, in Boghead, par. of Innerkeilour23 Aug 1648
David Smithin Bogheid, par. of Ethie21 Feb 1606
Margaret Smithrelict of George Johnston, tenant in Rosehill, afterwards at Raesmill5 & 10 Dec 1821
Isobel Smythspouse to James Smyth, in Boghead, par. of Innerkeillour15 Jul 1636
James Spencein Bakilstounes Lon, par. of Innerkeillour6 Jan 1619
Isobel Stevenspouse to Alexander Mylne, in Caldcotts, par. of Innerkeilour20 Aug 1641
John Stevenin Drumheid, par. of Innerkelour4 Mar 1617
Janet Wallacespouse to John Slewin, in Ironshill, par. of Innerkelour8 Aug 1614
Grissell Watsonspouse to Robert Gairne [Gardyne], fiar of Lattin [Lawton], par. of Innerkeilor27 Oct 1685
Thomas Watsonin Ridcastle, par. of Lunan [Inverkeilor]1 Aug 1683
John Wilsonin Cottoun of Hodgestoun, par. of Innerkeillour2 Mar 1619
Grissell Wishart*relict of Henry Fethie, sometime of Boysak20 Dec 1636

* she died in Arbroath

Testaments registered at St Andrews that have been lost, for which only entries in the minute books are extant

Margaret Cantspouse to William Thain, par. of Inverkeillor24 Jul 1738
Patrick Finlaymariner in Eathiehaven, par. of Inverkeilor21 Jan 1762
Walter Milnein Kirktounmill, par. of Innerkeillor1 Nov 1732
Gilbert Whitein Cottoun of Gilhorne, par. of Innerkeillor7 Sep 1737

Testaments of Inverkeilor people from the Register of Testaments of the Commissariot of Brechin, 1576-1800

Barbara Lindsay*relict of Thomas Futhie, lawful son to umquhile Henry Futhie of Boysak4 Sep 1663
Isobel Mylnespouse to Alexander Fettes, in Bredfutts-gairdin15 Jan 1597-8
James Petriein Ethie8 Nov 1599
Mr James Raittminister at Inverkeillor, late residenter in Montrose22 Feb 1730
Katherine Raittrelict of Mr David Raitt of Brayington [Bryanton]28 Jan 1726
John Watsonin Preistfield, par. of Innerkeillor12 Jun 1657
Margaret Westdaughter to umquhile Walter West, sometime at the Kirk of Innerkeillor24 Jun 1657

* she died in Dundee; her eldest son David was then furth of Scotland

Testaments of Inverkeilor people from the Register of Testaments of the Commissariot of Dunkeld, 1682-1823

Margaret Northesk Lindsay Carnegieyoungest dau. of James Lindsay Carnegie of Boysack, residing at Strathgroy21 Dec 1818

Testaments of Inverkeilor people from the Register of Testaments of the Commissariot of Edinburgh, 1514-1600

Mateild Auchinlecksometime spouse to John Lichtoune of Athie20 Jul 1581
Bessie Balfoursometime spouse to Arthur Reid, in Kemphall, par. of Innerkelour, sher. of Forfar15 Jul 1598
Eufame Boattrelict of Thomas Jack, in Rakynno, par. of St Murdo in Angus, and spouse to Walter Torry, there26 Feb 1585-6
Jonet Durwartsometime spouse to John Tailzeour, in Dam-Ey, par. of Athie6 Feb 1577-8
Isobel Ferriersometime spouse to John Stevenson, in the Mains of Leyis, par. of Innerkelour, in Angus, now in Middiltoun of Gairdin21 Jun 1598
Henry Fethie younger of Bysak[who fell at battle of Pinkie, by Musselburgh, 10 Sep 1547]29 Jul 1575
Jonet Fothringhamesometime spouse to Walter Jameson, in the Chapeltoun of Quhytfeild, par. of Innerkelour in Angus20 Jul 1588
John Fullertounin the Haltoun of Innerkelour, and minister of the said Kirk10 May 1599
David Gardin of Leyspar. of Innerkelour, sher. of Forfar27 Jul 1581 and 3 Aug 1596
Isobel Gardinsometime spouse to Patrick Watson, in Leyis-mylne, par. of Innerkelour, sher. of Forfar17 Jun 1598
William Guthrie of Kinblakmonth15 Feb 1575-6
Marion Hillsometime spouse to Andro Smert, in Inschak, par. of Innerkelour, sher. of Forfar3 Jul 1596
Thomas Jackin Rakinno, par. of St Murdois in Angus26 Feb 1585-6
Elizabeth Lichtounesometime spouse to Walter Arnot, in the Mains of Athie, par. of St Murdo, in Angus24 Jul 1596
John Lichtounein the mains of Athie in Angus11 Mar 1591-2
Dame Margaret Lindsay, Lady Innermaith [Innermeath][relict of Richard Stewart, 3rd lord Innermeath]4 Feb 1576-7
Henry Mudiein Gilchorne, par. of Innerkelour in Angus18 Jan 1593-4
Maittie Mylnepast spouse to John Schiphird, Damc-ey, par. of Ethie, sher. of Forfar10 Jul 1600
Thomas Mylneat Raismylne, par. of Athie, sher. of Forfar9 Jul 1596
Isobel Ogilviesometime spouse to Robert Guthrie of Kinblathmonth5 Jan 1578-9
Henrie Perthin Hogetoun of Inverkelour24 Jan 1575-6
Isobel Peterrelict of John Dempstar, in Balblane [Inverkeilor?]24 May 1576
Eufame Phynerelict of Andrew Rankene, in Kinghorn [Gilchorn], and last spouse to Robert Rankene there, par. of Innerkelour, sher. of Forfar17 Mar 1597-8
John Ramsay, portioner of Inscheokpar. of Innerkelour. sher. of Forfar12 Aug 1596
Andro Rankenein Gilchorne, par. of Innerkelour in Angus14 May 1590
William Rynd *in Rynd, par. of Innerkelour, sher. of Forfar3 Dec 1599
Andro Smartin Inschok, par. of Innerkelour in Angus. See also Marion Hill23 Jan 1596-7
Sir Richard Smartin Incheok, par. of Innerkelour in Angus18 Jan 1593-4
George Speidin Connounsayth, par. of Innerkelour17 Feb 1580-1
James Stewart, 5th lord Innermeath26 Nov 1586
John Stewart, 4th lord Innermeath19 Oct 1570
Katherine Watsonsometime spouse to John Logie, in Eistertoun of Connanesyth, par. of Innerkelour, sher. of Forfar21 Jun 1598

* William Rynd died June 1575; executor dative was his son Alexander, a merchant burgess of Arbroath; cautioner was Thomas Pearson of Lochlands

Testaments of Inverkeilor people from the Register of Testaments of the Commissariot of Edinburgh, 1601-1700

Dame Margaret Keithsometime spouse to Sir John Lyndesay of Wodwray, knight, in Angus27 Jul 1602
Sir John Lindsay of Wodwray, knightin Latoun [Lawton], par. of Innerkelour, in Angus(Vol. 45) 19 Dec 1609
John Lowsounecotter in the border of Leyis, par. of Innerkelour, sher. of Forfar26 Jun 1606
Margaret Lyellsometime spouse to Henry Rankene, in Myresyde, par. of Innerkelour, in Angus16 Dec 1602

Testaments of Inverkeilor people from the Registers of Testaments of the Commissariot and Sheriff Court of Edinburgh, 1701-1823
An incomplete list

Lady Christian Carnegiedaughter of the deceased David, Earl of Northesk19 Nov 1788
James Carnegie, 4th of Boysick30 Nov 1769
James Lindsay Carnegie of Spynie & BoysackCommander in the Royal Navy8 Jul 1815 [SC70/1/13]
James Mudieson of the deceased John Mudie, in the Green of Ethie, par. of Innerkeilor25 May 1793
Mary Elizabeth Strachanresiding in Edinburgh, widow of James Lindsay Carnegie of Boysack16 Sep 1817 [SC70/1/16]


Jacobite rebels - 1745 rebellion
From: A List of Persons concerned in the Rebellion (Edinburgh, Scottish History Soc., vol. 8, 1890)

NamesDesignationsAbodeActs of rebellion
& circumstances
Where at present
David Garden, junr-LawtonCarried arms as Captain in Lord Ogilvie's Rebel Regimentnot known
Robert HendersoncottarCotton of Ringblythmount [Kinblethmont]Carried arms, was at Culloden battle, has Carried off his wife & childrenBegging
Alexander SmithfarmerBoysuch Miln [Boysack Mill]Carried arms at the battle of Falkirk, was very active in raising men and pressing horses for the Pretender's service and in plundering houses. Was a serjeantKilled
Alexander SmithservantGitchhorn [Gilchorn]Was hired and carried arms at Falkirk and went north with the rebelsKilled
John StrachancottarmanCotton of GrangeCarried arms at Culloden battle being hiredKilled


Clock & watch tax, 1797-8

Images of the original records for Inverkeilor:

NRS ref. E326/12/2/51


Farm horse tax, 1797-8

Images of the original records for Inverkeilor:


Places of interest



This page updated 10 Feb 2024