Kirkden (formerly Idvie or Idvies) (Angus)

Records, sources & information about the Parish of Kirkden

Parish number 298

map of Kirkden

More maps of Kirkden

Births & baptisms
Books & articles
Census records
Church Session
Clock & watch tax
Deaths & burials
Estate records
Farm horse tax
Friockheim village
Land owners
Ministers of the parish
Monumental inscriptions
Old parish registers
Parish Church
Photographs of places
Places of interest
Population statistics
Statistical Accounts
Testaments & wills
War memorial


All information on the village of Friockheim has been moved to a new page, Friockheim.

Please also visit the page of general information applicable to all of Angus & Kincardineshire.


NLSNational Library of Scotland
NRSNational Records of Scotland, formerly called the National Archives of Scotland [NAS] and, before that, the Scottish Record Office [SRO]
HM General Register House, Edinburgh EH1 3YY (Tel: +44-131-535-1314)
OPROld Parish Registers of Births/baptisms, Banns/marriages & Deaths/burials (pre-1855)


Books & articles


Statistical accounts of Kirkden


Maps of Kirkden

For the full range of maps of Kirkden, see National Library's Maps.


Photographs of places Gardyne - recent photographs of Gardyne. National Grid ref. NO5748.


Kirkden parish church

The mediaeval church would seem to have been near Gask, beside a ford on the Vinny Water, near "the foot of the rock called Craignacre", though the exact site is unknown.

The remains of the kirk that replaced it in about 1700, and which was itself rebuilt in 1825, are located at National Grid ref. NO531485.

Site of Kirkden Kirk

Above: the remains of the former church of Kirkden of 1825 (or possibly merely some rebuilt walling on or adjacent to the site). The photo shows the burial enclosure of the Lyells of Gardyne, the bell, the 1914-18 war memorial (white, in centre of picture) and the inscription (near the left) recording the rebuilding of the kirk in 1825.

Idvie Church Bell   Plaque recording rebuilding of Kirkden Church

Above, left: the bell of Idvie Kirk, at the above site. The inscription is:


Pieter Ostens (b. 1628 Utrecht, d. 1690 Gorinchem), a bellfounder in Rotterdam, was also responsible for the bells at Carriden WLN (1674) and Kinneff KCD (1679). "Probably not a high-flier in his craft ... a bell he cast in 1671 for Dordrecht had everything wrong with it ... nonetheless, he also sold bells to Scotland" [ref.]

Above, right: Plaque recording the rebuilding of Kirkden Church in 1825:

Hanc Aedem
Rev. Davide Carruthers Pastore
D. Paterson et J. Carrie Presbyteris
Joannes Baxter de Idvie
Thomas Gardyne de Midletoun
Alexander Lyell de Gardyne
Jacobus Mudie de Pitmuies
Joannes Watt de Kinneries
Praediorum in Parochia Jacentium
denuo struendam curarunt
Andrea Spence Architecto
Don Mackay Jac Milne Geo Fyfe

John Baxter of Idvie, Thomas Gardyne of Middleton, Alexander Lyell of Gardyne, James Mudie of Pitmuies, John Watt of Kinneries, proprietors of lands situated in this parish, caused this church to be rebuilt in 1825, the Rev. David Carruthers being minister, and D. Paterson and J. Carrie, elders. Andrew Spence, architect. Donald Mackay, James Milne and George Fyfe, artificers.


Parish ministers 1560-1947

adm.: admitted, ass.: assistant, bapt.: baptised, contr.: contract, dem.: demitted, dep.: deposed, ind.: inducted, lic.: licensed, mar.: married, min.: minister, ord.: ordained, pres.: presented, rel.: related, res.: resigned, suc.: successor, test.: testament, tr.: translated

John Johnston1567reader 1567
David Guthrie1574-1578reader
James Deas1579reader
William Garroch (Garioch)1580reader
James Balfour1584-1589min. of Guthrie 1566; also had charge here; removed here 1584, with Dunnichen also in the charge until 1589; tr. to St Giles Edinburgh 8 Oct 1589; possibly mar. Barbara Melville [NRS B4/1/2 fo. 35a]
George Hay1589-1590M.A.; adm. 1589; tr. to Turriff ABD 1590
Andrew Drummond1590-1593M.A.; adm. 1590; tr. to Panbride ca. 1593
James Hepburn1594M.A.; pres. to parsonage & vicarage 18 Jul 1594 on dem. of Harry Duncan
John Lindsay1594M.A.; pres. to parsonage & vicarage 10 Sep 1594 on death of Robert Ramsay [? somewhat odd]
Gilbert Graham1594M.A.; pres. to parsonage & vicarage 9 Dec 1594 on dem. of Harry Duncan [? somewhat odd]
Charles Welwood1595-1615M.A. St Andrews 1583; min. of Inverarity 1594; pres. bef. 16 Jun 1595; d. ca. Dec 1615, aged ca. 53; mar. Agnes Chapman, who survived him; issue: Samuel; Nicolas (mar. James Peter in Dunnichen); Agnes (mar. James Pyott); Jean (mar. David Robertson in Newtyle); Eliz. (mar. John Mathers, burgess of Forfar)
Thomas Ramsay1617-1634M.A. St Andrews 1599; adm. ca. 1617; d. Apr 1634, aged ca. 55; mar.; issue: John, Robt, Thos, Patk, Helen, Barbara
Patrick Durham1623-ca. 1630M.A.; ord. (ass.) aft. 8 Oct 1623; tr. to Ardersier ca. 1630
John Rutherford1646-1649?b. 1623, son of John R., min. of Monifieth; M.A. St Andrews 1643; min. here ca. 1646; dean of St Andrews Univ. 1646; poss. dep. 1649; d. Mar 1656; mar. Margaret Auchmutie of Drumeldrie; issue: John, advocate; Janet; Eliz. (mar. contr. 1648 Andrew Erskine of Tulliarblet); Wm
John Balvaird1650-1685M.A.; ord. 13 Jun 1650; tr. to Glamis 24 Sep 1685
William Balvaird1685-1710bapt. 20 May 1655, 2nd son of above; M.A. St Andrews 1672; chaplain to Patk, earl of Strathmore; min. at Airlie 1678; adm. 8 Nov 1685; d. Apr 1710; mar. Eliz. Spalding; issue: Eliz., Cath., Grizel
John Henderson1711-1734tr. from Aberlemno; adm. 4 Jul 1711; tr. to St Vigeans 19 Dec 1734
James Moir1735-1753M.A. Marischal[? or Kings?] 1719; ass. Arbroath; ord. 30 Apr 1735; d. 28 Jan 1753; mar. 1740 Margaret Walker; issue: Cath., David, Eliz.
James Hunter1753-1774ord. 16 Aug 1753; tr. to Monikie 21 Jul 1774
William Milligan1775-1823b. 1733 Balmaghie; ord. 23 Feb 1775; d. 15 Nov 1823 unmar.
David Carruthers1824-1846b. 1784; ord. 6 Sep 1824; d. 21 Nov 1846 unmar.
James Anderson1847-1898b. Nov 1819 Greenlaw BEW, son of Wm A.; bro. of Geo. A., min. of Carmyllie; ass. Selkirk; ord. 6 May 1847; d. 6 Mar 1898 Kirkden; mar. 1855 Anne, dau. of James Soutar; issue: Wm Redpath; Cath. Alison (mar. John Strachan, min. of Cortachy); Eliz. Redpath; Janet Mary (mar. Wm Watson, farmer, Monikie); Annie
John Boyle1893-1931b. 5 Jan 1864 Farnell, son of John B., blacksmith; educ. Brechin High School; M.A. 1889 B.D. 1892 Glasgow; ass. 1st charge Montrose; ord. (ass. & suc.) 20 Dec 1893; dem. 31 Jan 1931; d. 11 Dec 1934 Perth; mar. 1901 Betsy Edward, dau. of John Anderson, merchant, Letham; had issue
John Fulton*1932-1947b. 1880; St Andrew's, Kirkintilloch ?-1922-1932; ind. Jun 1932; d. May 1947 Dunnichen

* Minister of the united charge of Dunnichen, Letham & Kirkden

Ministers of Idvie
Unclear how this is distinct from Kirkden

William Hay1571parson, 27 Jun 1571

Ministers of Dumbarrow (Antiburgher)
The church was built by Mr Andrew Arrott of Dumbarrow, sometime min. of Dunnichen, ca. 1742. After 1816, Dumbarrow church was converted into Hillkirk of Dumbarrow farmhouse. The lands of Dumbarrow were a detached part of the parish of Dunnichen until the simplification of parish boundaries in 1891, when they became part of Kirkden parish.

Andrew Arrott of Dumbarrow1716-1745b. ca. 1683, son of William Arrott of Dumbarrow, min. of Montrose; M.A. St Andrews 1710; ord. to Dunnichen 13 Sep 1716; joined Associate Presbytery 13 Oct 1742; dep. 5 Jun 1745; built a kirk on his property of Dumbarrow; took Antiburgher side 1747; d. 16 May 1760; mar.; issue: Wm, of Dumbarrow; Magdalen (mar. Isaac Paton, min. of Antiburgher Congreg., Temple Patrick, Ireland); David, min. at Markethill, Ulster
Michael Arthur1764-1770b. Collessie FIF, son of Wm Arthur; ord. Oct 1764; dep. 2 Oct 1770
John Young1774-1800 ord. 27 Apr 1774; dep. for drunkenness 23 Jun 1800; d. after Jul 1815


Monumental inscriptions

Monuments in Kirkden Kirkyard (ca. 60 stones) bearing pre-1855 information are listed in Alison Mitchell (ed.), "Pre-1855 Monumental Inscriptions in Angus, Vol. 1: Strathmore" (Edinburgh: Scottish Genealogy Soc., 1993), which can be bought from the Scottish Genealogy Society. (It's listed as "Angus MI - Vol. 1. Pre-1855 Strathmore" in their online shop.)

Andrew Jervise recorded several monuments at Kirkden in his "Epitaphs & Inscriptions", vol. 1, pp. 32-5.

See Inverkeilor MIs for monuments to the Gardynes of Middleton.

A partial listing for Kirkden kirkyard follows. [M1], etc., indicate Mitchell's numbering. Uncertain readings are in parentheses, (); parentheses on the stones are replaced here by braces, {}; square brackets enclose editorial comments.

Erected by THOMAS GOODFELLOW, in memory of his daughter MARY GRANT GOODFELLOW, who died at March of Gardyne Decr 2nd 1875, aged 10 years. Also his wife AGNES GRANT who died 9th April 1911, aged 75 years. The above THOMAS GOODFELLOW, died at Newton of Idvies 2nd Oct. 1926, aged 89 years

1863 Erected by JOHN GRIEVE and sons in memory of his deceased children. ELIZABETH, who died 7th May 1855, aged 2 years and 7 months. ALEXANDER. who died 11th August 1863. aged 12. years. and 9 months. ANN, died 12 July 1867, aged 21. MARY LOWSON, only daughter of DAVID, son of the above JOHN GRIEVE, she died 31st March 1874. aged 10 months. The above JOHN GRIEVE, died 24th June 1887. aged 78 years. GEORGE GRIEVE. who died 31st December 1890. aged 36 years. CLEMENTINA. grandaughter who died 29th March 1900. aged 33 years ELIZABETH GRIEVE, née FYFE, died 25th Sept 1905, aged 92 years.

[M1; table stone; also traces of further inscription] (.)A AH; IS

[M10] RA MB KB; Here lies the bodie of ALEXANDER BROUSTER sometime indwller in ground of Idvie He died ye 2 day of March 1755 of age 71 years Also MARGRET REID his wife She died the 11 day of March 1732 aged [buried]
[west] (.)B (.)B

[M2, presumably; table stone; no remaining trace of inscription]

[not in Mitchell] This stone was E(recte)d by JAMES (EWEN) and DAVID MON... [buried]
[west] 1753 ...oh... (D)re(.)o...

Erected by ELPSETH KINNEAR, in memory of her husband, ROBERT DOW {farmer Ascurry} who died on the 15 Sept 1866, aged 62 years. Also in memory of her daughter, ANNE, who died at Bowriefauld, on the 29th Sept 1893, aged 42 years The above ELSPETH KINNEAR died at Forfar on the 28th January 1901, aged 84 years.

Erected in loving memory of our father WILLIAM INVERARITY who died 1st August 1900 aged 63 years Also our sister ELIZABETH DUNCAN who died 17th May 1888 aged 18 years and our brother WILLIAM who died 7th March 1876 aged 2 years & 3 months Also our sister DOROTHEA FORBES, wife of WILLIAM ADDISON, who died 28th Nov. 1909, aged 29 years. Also our mother JANE BLAIR died at Woodville Feus 25th Jan 1931 aged 82 years. Also our brother JAMES died 24th April 1960 aged 70. late farmer Wandershill Also our sisters DAVINA died 14th Dec. 1960 aged 83. JOANN MARY INVERARITY died 28th Dec. 1963 aged 76 years.

1871 Erected by GEORGE MITCHELL, in memory of his son, JOHN S. MITCHELL, surgeon, M.B.C.M. who died at Menstry, on the 8th March 1870. in the 32nd year of his age, Also, of his children, AGNES, and GEORGE, who died in infancy. The above GEORGE MITCHELL, died 6th May 1879, aged 70, and his wife ELIZABETH STURROCK, died 16th Decr 1887, aged 81.

[M32] Erected by WILLIAM FAIRWEATHER farmer, Gask in memory of his son WILLIAM who died 24th August 1836 in infancy and his daughter BETSY who died 24th April 1844 aged 13 years. Also in memory of his father-in-law JAMES BARRIE who died 26th February 1844 aged 73 years. And his daughter JANE {Mrs HOOD} who died 17 May 1864 aged 24. Also his wife JEAN BARRIE who died 1 May 1865 aged 62.
[west] Also in memory of WILLIAM FAIRWEATHER first before named who died at Easter Ingliston Kinnettles on 5th June 1888, aged 84 years.

[M31] 1795 This stone was erected by THOMAS HERALD tennent in Bra(cti)lo and JEAN YOUNG his spouse in memory of his father JOHN HERALD late tennent in Bra(ctila) who died the 10 of Novr 1774 aged 65 years. Also ther daughter JEAN HERALD who died the 29 of Novr 1792 aged 2 years and 2 months MARY ANN JOHN ANDREW ISBEAL WILLIAM JANET JEAN HERALDs all surviving at the above deat.
[west] Here also are interred THOMAS HERALD brewer who died at Forfar 20 March 1849, aged 53. Also A(NNE) NICOL his wife who died at Forfar 3 Dec. 1851, aged 49. JEAN died May. 1792. aged 2 years. JANE [died] April. 1855. [aged] 61 [years] MARY [died] Nov. 1848. [aged] 68 [years] ANDREW [died] Sept. 1858. [aged] 73 [years] JANET [died] Aug. 1865. [aged] 73 [years] The man of years the child of youth / Heir undistinguished ly / We plenly see by heav'ns decree / That every age must die.

1879 Erected by ANN OSLER, his niece, as a tribute of respect, to the memory of her uncle, WILLIAM OSLER, late, farmer, Bractullo, Idvies, who died 8th August 1878. aged 68 years.

[M30] Erected by DAVID DORWARD, feuar Drummietermont and JANE CANT, his wife in memory of their children viz. JOHN, died 28th February 1870 aged 40 years DAVID, died 28th August 1843 aged 9 years BELLA, died 8 September 1843 aged 6 years Also of their grandson JAMES DORWARD, who died 5th September 1873 aged 22 years.

In loving memory of JAMES GARDEN farmer Mains of Gardyne - who died 4th Aug. 1907 aged 84 years. Also his widow CHRISTIAN LAING who died 24th Nov. 1921 aged 91 years. Also their son ALEXANDER LOGAN GARDEN farmer Backboath who died 19th Oct. 1959 aged 93 years. Also his widow JANET ANDERSON INVERARITY who died 29th Nov. 1967 aged 84 years. Erected by his widow and family.

[M27] Erected by DAVID SMITH in memory of his wife JANET MALCOLM, who died at Maybank, Letham 12th July 1935 aged 76 years. The above DAVID SMITH died 25th Oct. 1942, aged 76 years.

[M26] 1846 Erected by CATHRINE MILLN, in memory of her husband ALEXANDER MALCOM, who died 17th Januray 1845, aged 68 years, and also her grandson WILLIAM MALCOM, who died 9th March 1846, aged (5) years, CATHERINE MILLN. died 19th Jan 1847 aged 63 years
[west] Inscribed to the memory of WILLIAM MALCOLM who died 8th June 1898 aged 88 years and his wife ANNIE THOMS who died 10th Novr 1901 aged 85 years Also their family BETSY, died 27th March 1848 aged 11 years DAVID, [died] 27th April 1849 [aged] 2 [years] ALEXANDER [died] 30th Novr 1862 [aged] 24 [years] MARY [died] 7th Decr 1863 [aged] 7 [years] FRANK died in America 3rd Novr 1894 [aged] 41 [years] JAMES, died 28th Novr 1924, aged 79 years.

[M25] Erected in memory of FRANK MALCOLM who died at Maryfield Letham 29th Nov. 1951 aged 70 years

In Lyell enclosure [there are some anomalies in the dates, to be resolved]:

[M34] Erected by ELIZABETH GIBB LYELL, in memory of her beloved husband ALEXANDER LYELL Esqr 2nd of Gardyne, who died Nov. 1852, aged 68 years. And of their children, THOMAS, who died Nov. 1821, aged 6 months, CHARLES, [died] June 1825, [aged] 6 weeks, ANDREW, [died] Aug. 1842, [aged] 11 years, JANE, [died] Dec. 1842, [aged] 13 years, Also Dr ROBERT, who unfortunately lost his life on the night of the 3rd July 1857, in the 32nd year of his age, when quelling the insurrection at Patna during the rebellion in India and whose remains lie there. The above ELIZABETH GIBB LYELL, born 1795. died 1861. THOMAS LYELL, born 1823. died at Chefoo 15th March 1885.
[i.e. Elizabeth Gibb or Lyell; Charles was b. 30.5.1825, so was under 6 weeks old]

In memory of ALEXANDER LYELL III of Gardyne, born 4th August 1819, died 2nd[?] February 1887. And of his wife HELEN MARIA ADAMSON or LYELL born 25th September 1831, died 8th September 1910. Erected by their family.

[M35] To the memory of the children of ALEXANDER LYELL 3rd of Gardyne interred here, HELEN, born 20th Oct. 1868, died 5th Nov. 1868. THOMAS, born 1857 died 186(9). MARGARET, born 5th Nov. 1870 died (3)0th July 1874. MARJORY, born 22nd (Dec)[Feb?] 1863, died 21st July 1874. ALEXANDER LYELL, III of Gardyne, born 4th August 181(5)[?]. died 11th[?] February 1887. Erected by ALEXANDER LYELL, 3rd of Gardyne.
[south] To the memory of THOMAS LYELL, 2nd of Gardyne, born 1705, died 1800. MARJORY RENNY of Usan, his wife, born 1705, died 1788. ALEXANDER LYELL, 1st of Gardyne, born 1743[?], died 1783[?]. JEAN RENNY, of Seatown, his first wife, born 1745, died 1767. ELIZABETH RENNY, of Montrose, his second wife, born 1752, died 1812.

[mural] In memory of EDWARD VALENTINE LYELL 8th son of ALEXANDER LYELL 4th of Gardyne and ETHEL ELIZABETH his second wife born 14th Feb 1904 - died 26th April 1962

[M36; mural] In memory of ISOBEL JOAN YEAMAN wife of ALEXANDER LYELL V of Gardyne Born 16th July 1881. Died 24th April 1955 and of ALEXANDER LYELL V of Gardyne Born 23rd Sept 1882. Died 27th Decr 1958 ELIZABETH MARGARET LYELL daughter of the above Born 1st March 1913. Died 13th June 2000

[mural] In memory of JOHN BLAIR LYELL younger son of ALEXANDER LYELL V of Gardyne born 15.11.[19]20 died 8.2.[19]89

[M37; mural] In memory of ALEXANDER LYELL 6th of Gardyne born 13th May 1915 died 8th Feb 1963 and of his wife MARJORY COLVILLE LYELL born 9th Dec 1914 died 28th Aug 1995


Kirkden 1914-18 war memorial
At the site of the former parish kirk

Kirkden war memorial William J. Brown
David C. Bruce
James Douglas
James Edgar
David Edwards
Robert Lee
James C. Mollison
Alexander B. Salmond
Andrew Smith
George R. Smith
William Sturrock


Births, Marriages & Deaths, 1855 to present

Indexes and actual records for Statutory Registers of Births, Marriages & Deaths, beginning 1 Jan 1855, are available online, following registration and the purchase of credits, at the official web-site, ScotlandsPeople.

Births, Marriages & Deaths, before 1855

Indexes and actual records for all extant Old Parish Registers (OPRs) (pre-1855) of the Established Church of Scotland are available online, following registration and the purchase of credits, at the official web-site, ScotlandsPeople.


Church Session Records of Kirkden Parish Church

Nature of recordDatesNRS ref. CH2/227/...
Minutes and accounts1735-18271
Minutes and accounts1824-18935


Land owners

Heritors of the parish of Kirkden in 1783:

Heritors of the parish of Kirkden in 1825:

Heritors of the parish of Kirkden in 1840:

There were 5 individuals, and trustees, proprietors of land in the parish in 1902 [Source: 1902 Valuation Roll]. This list excludes all but a handful of houses in the village of Friockheim, q.v.

GardyneAlexander Lyell of Gardyne
IdviesMrs Ann Catherine Brodie or Callender Brodieincl. Kinneries Farm
MiddletonMiss Mary McPherson Bruce Gardyneincl. Vinney Cottage & 2 other houses in Friockheim
PitmuiesSir Leonard Lyell of Kinnordy, bart.
Rev. John Boylemanse, glebe
Following was previously in Dunnichen:
DumbarrowTrustees of James Grant


Estate records

Records of the Gardynes & Bruce-Gardynes of Middleton - NRAS ref. NRAS22 - & in particular NRAS22/3. These are privately held papers.


Farmers / Tenants

AscurryJames Dow-1881-
doWilliam Scott-1891-1902-
doJames Scott-1906-1931-
doG.B. Phillip-1935-1942-
AscurrybankDavid Smith-1861-
doRobert Ogilvie-1881-
doCharles Ramsay-1891-1921-
doJohn M. Birse-1924-1931-
AscurrymillAndrew Hood-1861-
doRobert Ogilvie-1891-1910-
doMrs Ogilvie-1914-1942-
Blairs & PloverhillockDavid Gray-1902-1906-
Blairs of DumbarrowDavid Gray-1901-1918-
doA. & D. Gray-1921-
doDavid Gray-1924-1942-
BractulloJames Cameron-1861-
doGeorge Osler Smart-1881-
Bractullo & GatesideWilliam Anderson-1901-1902-
BractulloJohn Milne, jun.-1906-1914-
doJ. & R. Watt-1924-
doRobert Watt-1928-1942-
Bractullo MillAlexander Binnie-1871-
doJames Irons-1891-1902-
doRepresentatives of James Irons-1906-
doThomas Colville Irons-1901-1928-
doMiss Irons-1931-
doThomas Morrison-1935-1942-
BridgendAlexander Anderson [d. 1866]-1861-1866
doJames Barrie-1871-1891-
doDavid Boath-1901-1918-
doWilliam Roy, jun.-1921-1931-
doAndrew Roy-1935-1942-
DentonFrancis Burnett-1861-
doDavid Meek-1881-
doJoseph Spankie-1891-1906-
doJohn Todd-1914-1918-
doJohn Rodger-1921-
doW. Hadden-1928-1931-
doJames Smith-1935-1942-
DumbarrowAlexander Blair-1902-
Dumbarrow BridgeWilliam Black-1901-
doWilliam Mackie-1914-1918-
doD. Sherriff-1921-1942-
East Cotton of GardyneWilliam Henderson [d. 1907]-1901-1907
doC. Henderson-1910-1931-
doAndrew Charles Henderson [d. 1948]-1935-1948
East DumbarrowCharles Donald-1902-1906-
East IdviesThomas Welsh [d. 1875]-1875
doJohn Weighton [d. 1904]-1881-1904
doRepresentatives of John Weighton-1906-
doAlfred Weighton-1910-
doMrs Whamond-1914-1918-
do [Idvies]James Pattison [Paterson?]-1921-
doJames Paterson, jun. [d. 1937]-1924-1937
East Mains of DumbarrowDavid Middleton [d. 1888]-1888
doWilliam Duncan-1901-1910-
doAndrew Whitton [d. 1913]-1913
doDavid Whitton-1914-1918-
doRepresentatives of A. Whitton-1921-1924-
doRobert Pattullo Whitton [d. 1944]-1928-
doJ. Paterson-1931-1942-
Friock MainsWilliam Salmond1819-1857
doDavid Hunter Duncan [d. 1882]-1861-1882
doJames Fleming [d. 1942]1885-1914
doAndrew Duncan Doctor [d. 1941]1914-1937
doHugh Thomson Morison1937-1989
Gardyne Home FarmAlexander (III) Lyell of Gardyne [d. 1887]-1881-1887
doAlexander (IV) Lyell of Gardyne-1906-
GardyneJohn Watson-1924-1931-
doAlexander Smith-1935-1942-
GaskGeorge Lindsay-1881-
doWilliam Brown-1891-1914-
doJames R. Jamieson-1924-1931-
doAndrew Lumgair-1935-1946-
Greens of GardyneRobert law-1861-
doAlexander Alexander-1871-
Hillhead of Ascurry
[Hillhead of Idvies;
Hillhead of Gask]
David Lumgair-1891-1901
doAlexander Lumgair-1901-
doWalter Dickson-1906-
doGeorge Carter Norrie [d. 1923]-1910-1923
doMrs Norrie-1928-
doJ. Stephen-1931-1942-
Hillkirk of DumbarrowMrs C. Alexander [Agnes]-1901-1921-
doJ. Alexander-1924-
doJ. Inverarity-1928-
doWilliam Ritchie-1931-1942-
doFrederick S. Watson-1945-
IdviesJames Pattison [Paterson?]-1921-
doJohn McFarlane-1935-1942-
KinneriesJames Lindsay-1861-
doBenjamin Carruthers-1871-
doGeorge Robertson-1901-1906-
doDavid Stewart [d. 1914]-1910-1914
doWilliam Alexander-1923-1931-
doSharp & Cargill-1935-1942-
KnockhillJames Middleton-1861-
doJames Leslie-1881-1902-
doMrs Jessie Leslie-1901-
doRepresentatives of James Leslie-1906-1910-
doJohn Leslie-1914-1942-
LegastonJames Salmond of Legaston [d. 1902]-1861-1902
doMrs Salmond-1906-
doCharles Smith Salmond [d. 1939]-1910-1914-
doHarry Hart-1918-1924-
doJames Harry Hart-1928-1931-
doJohn Brown-1935-1942-
Mains of DumbarrowWilliam Young-1901-1914-
doJohn Alexander [d. 1943]-1921-1942
March of GardyneJames Paterson-1881-
Newton of IdviesTo LetMar 1871
doJohn Lester-1881-
doThomas Goodfellow1889-1914-
doGeorge H. Goodfellow [d. 1951]-1918-1951
North DumbarrowJohn Alexander-1906-1918-
doWilliam Inverarity-1921-
doMrs Inverarity-1924-
Pitmuies MillJohn Young-1861-
doHector Young-1881-
doAndrew Brown [d. 1893]-1891-1893
doMrs Agnes Cummine-1901-
doRepresentatives of Alexander Cummine-1902-
doMrs Agnes & David Cummine-1906-
doMrs Agnes Cummine-1910-1918-
doJohn Jack-1921-
doMessrs Jack-1924-
doJ. Walker-1928-1931-
doWilliam Robertson-1935-
doJohn Caird-1938-1942-
PressockJames Pattullo-1881-
doFrederick R. Murray-1948-
West IdviesJames Carruthers-1861-
doJohn Muckart-1891-
West & Mid IdviesGeorge Moray Henry-1901-1902-
doCharles Reid-1906-1921-
West IdviesCharles Reid-1924-1928
doDavid Stewart [d. 1949]1928-1949
West Cotton of GardyneJohn Lawson-1881-
doArthur Paul-1901-1942-
West Mains of GardyneJames & Alexander Garden-1901-1906-
doAlexander Garden-1910-1914-
doAlexander Lindsay-1924-1942-


Census records

Records of the official censuses of the parish in 1841, 1851, 1861, 1871, 1881, 1891, 1901, 1911 and 1921 are held in Register House, Edinburgh and are open to the public on payment of a fee.

Indexes to all the original census records, and the records themselves, can be accessed online at modest charge at ScotlandsPeople.

Microfilm copies are also widely available in libraries. The 1881 census is available on CD-ROM.

The early censuses of 1801-31 do not name individuals.


Population statistics

1755563?, 585?Dr Alexander Webster
1790627Old Statistical Account

After change of parish boundary:



Testaments & wills

Kirkden was in the Commissariot of St Andrews.

Indexes to all extant pre-1926 testamentary records (wills & inventories of moveable property) can be searched free of charge at ScotlandsPeople. Digital (and paper) copies of the documents can be purchased at that site. See further the introduction to Angus & Kincardineshire at Testaments.

Testaments of Kirkden people from the Register of Testaments of the Commissariot of St Andrews, 1549-1823

Archibald Annan(d)in Cottoun of Gardun, par. of Idvie1 Aug 1682
David Bothsometime in Cottoun of Gardin, and Jonet Deuchars, his spouse, par. of Idvie15 Feb 1606
Thomas Cairncrossin Braktullo, in the Barony of Rescobie, par. of Idvie29 Apr 1615
Andrew Cookin Easter Idvie12 Feb 1614
David Cookin Wester Idvy30 Apr 1674
Robert Deucharsin Old Cotton of Garden, par. of Kirkden8 Apr 1747
John Dicksonmaltman at Pittenweem-mylne, par. of Idvie20 Jul 1685
Thomas Fairweatherin Gask, par. of Idvie28 Oct 1685
James Gardyne of Midletounpar. of Arbroath2 Dec 1790
John Gardinesometime in Eidvie1 Oct 1605
Thomas Gardine of Legatstounpar. of Idvie30 May 1614
William Irelandland surveyor, Middleton28, 29 Sep & 19 Nov 1808
Alexander Langlandsin Coattown of Pressock, par. of Idvie27 Oct 1714
Robert Lawsonsometime in Cottown of Pressack, par. of Idvie, alias Kirkden29 Jan 1756
Alexander Lyell of Gardynepar. of Kirkden16 Nov 1789
Thomas Lyell of Gourdine [Gardyne]par. of Arbroath2 Oct 1793
Rev. William Milliganminister of the gospel at Kirkden29 Mar 1823
David Morganin Bragtillo, par. of Idvie1 Aug 1682
David Mylneat Pitmowie mylne, par. of Idvie31 Oct 1674
John Nicollof Lime Street Square, then Threadneedle St., London, thereafter of Kinneris27 Sep 1816
William Nicollresident at Kinnearis29 Mar 1823
Miss/Mrs Elizabeth Ogilvieresiding at Friock, sister of Mrs Margaret O., also of Friock24 Apr & 8 May 1811
Elizabeth OgilvieFrioch, spouse of William Pyot, sometime merchant in Frioch10 Jun & 29 Jul 1812
John Ogilvie of Pitmais [Pitmuies]par. of Idvie28 Aug 1685
William Ormondlate tenant in Smiddiehill, in the ground of Garden, par. of Idvie5 May 1708
James Patersonin Old Coltoun of Gardin, par. of Idvie31 Jul 1662
Margaret Pierson (Pearson)youngest lawful daughter to the deceased Mr Robert Pierson, of Pitmuie[s], advocate, Forfar9 Jul 1772
Mr Thomas Ramsayminister at the Kirk of Idvy30 Apr 1635
Richard Russellin the Westmaines of Gairdne, par. of Idvie2 Apr 1628
William Ruthven of Gardinepar. of Idvie29 Mar 1641
William Ruthvenin Dunnoone, lawful son to the deceased William Ruthven of Garden30 Apr 1703
Mr Alexander Smith, seniorresiding at Middleton by Arbroath, factor for hon. Wm Maule of Panmure25 May 1816
Francis Soutartenant in Gateside of Bractollie, spouse of Isobel Smith12 Jan 1820
Catharine Strachansometime spouse to Walter Berty, cotterman in Cottertoun of Ascurrie, par. of Idvie29 Apr 1600
Helen Stuillspouse to John Lawdor, in Braktullo, cotterman, par. of Eidvie31 Jan 1606
Alison Swanin Cottoun of Braktullo, par. of Idvie16 Jun 1615
Thomas Thaynesometime in Westertoun of Idvie1 Oct 1605
Mr Charles Welwoodsometime minister at Idvie30 Jul 1617
John Woodin ... of Gairne, par. of Idvie12 Sep 1692

Testaments registered at St Andrews that have been lost, for which only entries in the minute books are extant.

George Kirkcaldytenant in Kirkden29 Aug 1765
John Morganin Milton of Ascurrie, par. of Kirkden27 May 1730
Ann Ogilviedaughter of John Ogilvie of Pitmonis [Pitmouis], par. of Kirkden25 Feb 1736
David Scottin Kineres, par. of Kirkden24 Jul 1728
David Windrammerchant at Idvie, par. of Kirkden26 Aug 1737

Testaments of Kirkden people from the Register of Testaments of the Commissariot of Brechin, 1576-1800
'T' before the date indicates that the copy in the register is lost, but the original testament is extant.

Thomas Rossie, sometime of Kynnerespar. of IdvieT. 7 Jul 1652

Testaments of Kirkden people from the Register of Testaments of the Commissariot of Edinburgh, 1514-1600

Mr Robert Ramsayparson of Idvie, sher. of Forfar29 Mar 1594
Geillis Robertsonalias Littlejohn, spouse to John Gairdin, in Edvie, sher. of Forfar6 Dec 1598

Testaments of Kirkden people from the Register of Testaments of the Commissariot of Edinburgh, 1601-1700

Mr Gilbert Gardyne (Garden) of Botheand Isobel Strachauchine, his relict, par. of Idvie, sher. of Forfar17 Jul 1605
John Gawin Gask, par. of Idvie, sher. of Forfar29 Oct 1601


Clock & watch tax, 1797-8

Images of the original records for Kirkden:

NRS ref. E326/12/2/55


Farm horse tax, 1797-8

Images of the original records for Kirkden:


Places of interest


This page updated 9 Mar 2025