Lethnot & Navar (Angus)

Records, sources & information about the Parishes of Lethnot & Navar

Parish number 300

map of Lethnot and Navar

More maps of Lethnot & Navar

Births & baptisms
Books & articles
Census records
Church Session
Clock & watch tax
Deaths & burials
Farm horse tax
Land owners
Maps & plans
Ministers of the parish
Monumental inscriptions
Old parish registers
Parish Church
Photographs of places
Population statistics
Statistical Accounts
Testaments & wills
War memorial


The parishes of Navar and Lethnot were united on 6 Feb 1723.

Please also visit the page of general information applicable to all of Angus & Kincardineshire.


NLSNational Library of Scotland
NRSNational Records of Scotland, formerly called the National Archives of Scotland [NAS] and, before that, the Scottish Record Office [SRO]
HM General Register House, Edinburgh EH1 3YY (Tel: +44-131-535-1314)
OPROld Parish Registers of Births/baptisms, Banns/marriages & Deaths/burials (pre-1855)


Books & articles


Statistical accounts of Navar and Lethnot


Maps & plans of Navar and Lethnot

For the full range of maps of Navar and Lethnot, see National Library's Maps.

Plans in the National Records - a selection
The plans of 1766-7 are of farms that were the property of the earl of Panmure.

PlanDatesNRS ref.
Plan of the Netherlands of the parish of Lethnot1767RHP1666/2
Plan of Witton, the first farm in the parish of Lethnot1766RHP1666/3
Plan of Clochee, in the parish of Lethnot1766RHP1666/4
Plan of the two separate farms of Bogtown and Oldtown, in the parish of Lethnot1766RHP1666/5
Plan of Tilledovie, in the parish of Lethnot1766RHP1666/6
Plan of the separate farms of Drumfurris, Newbigging, Townhead and Mill of Lethnot1766RHP1666/7
Plan of Wester Lethnot and Glenarm1851RHP5046
Architectural plans of additions to farm steadings of
Glackburn, Wester Eggie, Whitehillocks, Kinrive and Easter Lethnot
Plan of the glebe of Lethnot1812RHP140634


Photographs of places

Geograph.org: Lethnot - recent photographs of Lethnot. National Grid ref. NO5368.


Parish churches

Lethnot Kirk (built 1827, now a ruin) is located at National Grid ref. NO542683. The mediaeval kirk was dedicated to St Mary.

Photograph of Lethnot Kirk

Another photo of Lethnot Kirk

Above: Lethnot Kirk; the large monument, at the left of the upper photo, is that of Mr Alexander Symers, minister. The railing that originally surrounded the monument has been cut down. Another photo of the kirk.

Navar Kirk, of which only the bell tower of 1773 remains, is located at National Grid ref. NO529676. The bell of Navar Kirk bore the inscription


to which the following words were rudely added locally:

Mr Fyfus, pastor, Navarensis, dono dedit.

Cornelis Jansz. Ouderogge (b. ca. 1600, d. July 1672) was a bell and gun founder in Rotterdam. See Cornelis Ouderogge [in Dutch], and references 2, 3 & 4 at Wikipedia: Ouderogge.

After Navar Kirk was no longer in use, the bell eventually found its way to Arbirlot Kirk, and is now in Forfar Museum.

Bell tower, Navar Kirk

Above: Navar Kirk - the surviving belfry


Parish ministers

adm.: admitted, ass.: assistant, bapt.: baptised, contr.: contract, dem.: demitted, dep.: deposed, ind.: inducted, lic.: licensed, mar.: married, min.: minister, ord.: ordained, pres.: presented, rel.: related, res.: resigned, suc.: successor, test.: testament, tr.: translated

Lethnot 1560-1723; Lethnot & Navar 1723-1948

Thomas Foullar (Fullarton)1567-1586prob. rel. to James F., incumbent here 1517; reader here
John Man1589-1591min. 1589, with Lochlee also in his charge; tr. to Menmuir aft. 1590
John Lindsay1591-1595son of John Lindsay of Barras, Kinneff; min. 1591; tr. to Lochlee aft. 1595; later servitor to Sir David Lindsay of Edzell; denounced rebel for his part in attack on master of Crawford and lord Spynie in Edinburgh on 5 Jul 1607, but pardoned aft. 1616
John Pigott1622-1637son of Henry Pigott of Cramond; M.A.; adm. bef. 17 May 1622; tr. to Cortachy aft. 7 Sep 1637; mar. Matilda Ogilvy; issue: Alex., Margt, Euphame
Robert Norie (Norrie)1639-1683M.A. St Andrews 1630; master of Brechin Grammar School; dem. thence bef. 19 May 1642; adm. 22 Aug 1639; still min. 5 Dec 1683; mar.; issue: 2 sons
Robert Thomson1685-1716b. ca. 1662, son of Geo. T., merchant, Aberdeen; chaplain to Lindsay of Edzell; adm. bef. 2 Dec 1685; dep. 7 Mar 1716 for intrusion at Montrose, Sep 1715 to Feb 1716, and as Jacobite; prosecuted for keeping a meeting house; thereafter episcopal min. at Stonehaven; d. 7 Nov 1737; mar. Ann Lindsay (of fam. of Edzell); had issue
Robert Ker1717-1723ord. 18 Jul 1717; tr. to Lochlee 1723
John Row1723-1745b. Leslie FIF; schoolmaster; M.A. St Andrews 1697; ord. to Navar 1 May 1718; removed here on union of parishes 4 Nov 1723; d. 24 Dec 1745, aged ca. 69; mar. 1703 Eliz. Young
William Davidson1746-1775b. 1702 ABD; M.A. Marischal 1728; schoolmaster Navar; ord. 25 Sep 1746; d. 12 Mar 1775; mar. Janet Farries; issue: Geo.; Alexr, sailor
John Taylor1775-1808M.A. Kings Aberdeen 1765; schoolmaster St Cyrus; ord. 14 Sep 1775; d. 8 Nov 1808, aged ca. 63; mar. 1788 Isabel, dau. of John Pirie, min. of Lochlee; issue: Helen (mar. Andrew Smith of Edzell); Ann; Alexr; John, of Bellfield, M.D.; Robert, M.A.; David; Margaret; Kath.
Alexander Symmers1809-1842b. 1767 Montrose; M.A. Marischal 1787; ord. 14 Sep 1809; d. 9 May 1842; mar. Clementina, dau. of James Carnegy of Balmachie, Panbride; issue: Geo., surgeon, R.N.; Thomas Lyell; Stewart Lyell Seymour, mechant, Tranent; David Lyell; Alexr, commander of the "Haidee"; John Peter; Clementina Lyell; Marjorie; Kath.; Margaret; Patricia Alison Carnegy
Alexander Gardner1842-M.A.; ord. 12 Aug 1842; tr. to 2nd charge Brechin 31 Aug 1843
John Whyte1844-1853b. 1793 Lochlee, son of James W., farmer; teacher Dollar Academy; ord. 7 Feb 1844; d. 1 Aug 1853 unmar.
Frederick Cruickshank1854-1905b. 17 May 1826 Kirriemuir, son of Wm C., weaver; teacher Kirriemuir; ass. Montrose; ord. 23 Feb 1854; res. 20 Jun 1905; d. 29 Feb 1908 Kirriemuir; mar. 1856 Isabella, dau. of David Tosh; issue: Wm; Frances Lyell Tosh; David Tosh; Jessie; Thos; Marjory; Eliza Jane; Isabella; Harry Muir
James Goodlet Robertson1905-1938b. 21 Jul 1868 Dundee, son of James R.; ass. St Paul's Dundee, Kinning Park Govan and South Dalziel LKS; ord. 27 Oct 1905; dem. 31 Jul 1938; d. 17 Feb 1943 Edzell; mar. Christina Cobb, dau. of John Chapman
A. Maclean1942-1945from Fort William; appointed minister w/o charge here Oct 1942; dem. 9 May 1945; mar.; issue: W.D.
Alexander Moffat1945-1948-b. 6 Aug 1880 Newton LKS, son of Alexr M; M.A. (1903) B.D. (1907) Glasgow; ass. St Columba's London; ord. 20 Jul 1910 St Stephen's Perth; tr. to Anderston Glasgow 15 Jun 1920; tr. to 2nd charge Campbeltown 9 Jul 1930; dem. 8 May 1945; adm. here 14 Oct 1945; mar. 1912 Margaret Moffat, dau. of Wm Morris; issue: Ninian, schoolmaster; Claire

Navar 1560-1723

George Swinton1563vicar
James Fullarton1563-1573reader 1563; min. 1567, with Lethnot also in charge; tr. to Edzell 1573
Edwards Hepburn1585-1597M.A.; pres. to the chancellary of Brechin 24 Feb 1585; tr. to Prestonkirk ELN 1597
James Schewan1597-1615min. of Dunlappie 1593; pres. 23 May 1597; still min. 1615; mar. (1) --; issue: Margaret (mar. Wm Hog, burgess of Montrose); mar. (2) Margaret Erskine
Laurence Skinner1621-1647M.A. St Andrews 1603; adm. to Dunlappie 5 Oct 1615; tr. & adm. bef. 17 Feb 1721; d. Apr 1647 of plague, aged ca. 64; mar. (1) 1617 Kath. Thain; issue: Laurence, min. here; Wm, min. of Liff; mar. (2) Eupham Cramond, who also d. Apr 1647 of plague; issue: Hercules, min. here
Laurence Skinner1648-1650son of above; M.A.; ord. 18 May 1648; tr. to 2nd charge Brechin 24 May 1650
John Fyfe1650-1658bro. of Alexr F.; ord. 24 Sep 1650; d. May/Jun 1658, prob. unmar.; gave bell to parish 1655
Hercules Skinner1658-1669son of above Laurence S., elder; M.A.; ass. 6 May 1658; ord. 22 Jul 1658; tr. to Fettercairn 29 Oct 1669
Alexander Symson1670-1707M.A. Kings Aberdeen 1666; ord. 26 May 1670; d. Jun 1707, aged ca. 64; mar. Margaret Carnegie
Henry Hamilton1708-1712elder son of Alexr Hamilton of Kinkell; M.A.; ord. 3 Mar 1708; tr. to Glenbervie 4 Apr 1712
Andrew Hamilton1713-1714yr son of Alexr Hamilton of Kinkell; M.A. St Andrews 1693; ord. 19 Feb 1713; d. 19 Feb 1714 Menmuir, aged ca. 41, unmar.; bur. Menmuir
George Leslie1714-1717ord. 23 Sep 1714; tr. to Edzell 19 Sep 1717
John Row1718-1723M.A.; ord. 1 May 1718; removed to Lethnot on union of the parishes 1723


Monumental inscriptions

Monuments in both Lethnot Kirkyard (ca. 30 stones) and Navar Kirkyard (10 stones) bearing pre-1855 information are listed in Alison Mitchell (ed.), "Pre-1855 Monumental Inscriptions in Angus, Vol. 1: Strathmore" (Edinburgh: Scottish Genealogy Soc., 1993), which can be bought from the Scottish Genealogy Society. (It's listed as "Angus MI - Vol. 1. Pre-1855 Strathmore" in their online shop.)

Andrew Jervise recorded some monuments at Lethnot in his "Epitaphs & Inscriptions", vol. 1, pp. 294-5 and at Navar on pp. 296-7 of that work.

A complete listing for Navar kirkyard follows. [M1], etc., indicate Mitchell's numbering. Uncertain readings are in parentheses; square brackets enclose editorial comments and occasional completions. The kirkyard is a rabbit warren and much of it is covered in nettles. There are numerous stones that were probably part of the kirk fabric, but also some narrower stones almost sunk into the ground that could be monuments. See this view of the kirkyard.


[p1521], etc., indicates that I already have a photo of the monument, and I will happily supply any of these photos free, on request by e-mail, at the full size of 2304 pixels by 1728 pixels, and approx. 850 kilobytes in size. The links on this page are to these photos, but reduced in size to 576 x 432 pixels.

[1; M1; p950] Erected by JOHN DAVIDSON tailor and residenter at Westside in memory of his spouse JEAN BUCHAN who died 16th April 1784 aged 57 years. They had procreate betwixt them six children, two of whom died in infancy; The other four viz. AGNES, JAMES, ISOBEL & MARGARET survive this date. 1791.
[west; p949; tailor's goose, shears] 1791

[2; M2] Erected by WILLIAM JOLLY in Slateford in memory of his children deceased ALEXANDER died 29th Septr 1797 in infancy WILLIAM died in infancy 1798. ANE died 22d Octr 1803 2 years & 3 months old FRANCES died 25th Octr 1804, 10 months old WILLIAM died Decr 10, 1809, 3 years & 8 months old WILLIAM died 1810 in infancy The surviving sons of WILLIAM JOLLY at this date DAVID, JAMES & JOHN. 1811. WJ.JB

[3; M3] 1792 Erected by GEORGE COBB pre[s]ently in Scarborough, County of York in England in memory of his father JAMES COBB sometime at Newbiging who died 10 October 1791 aged 66 and his mother MARGRET (HIG)H who died 8th March 1782 aged 57 and his sisters MARY died in 1769 BETTY died in 1770 both of them in the age of one year. ELIZABETH and JEANs bodies are here buried The surviving son and daughters of JAMES COBB at this date are GEORGE, ISOBEL, AGNES, ELSPET, MARGARET, and ANNE.

[4; M4; p951] Sacred to the memory of THOMAS GORDON farmer, Leightnie, who died 18th June 1886, aged 87 years. And of his wife BETSY RAMSAY who died 15th Nov. 1902, aged 89 years. Also of their family, MARY ANN died 1st March 1866, aged 18 years ALEXANDER died 15th Jan. 1871, aged 29 years AGNES died 10th Aug. 1874, aged 33 years. JOHN died 11th June 1876, aged 32 years WILLIAM died 29th Nov. 1891, aged 39 years. JAMES died 6th Feb. 1904, aged 64 years. Erected by the family.

[5; M5; p952] 1849 Erected in memory of JAMES GORDON, sometime tenant in Leightnie, who died 5th Feby 1848 aged 87 years. And his spouse HELEN CHRISTISON, who died 7th July 1834 aged 60 years, also of their family ROBERT, who died Jany 1813 ANN who died July 1818 [both] in infancy ALEXANDER, who died 2nd May 1838 aged 28 years. HELEN, who died 6th Septr 1839 aged 23 years. CHARLES who died 8th Augt 1864 aged 50 years.

[6; M6; p954] Erected by JAMES ALEXANDER, tenant, Ledmore, in memory of his beloved wife AGNES GORDON, who died 10th August 1874, aged 33 years. Their daughter LIZZIE, born 23rd June 1874, died 20th Oct. 1877. The above JAMES ALEXANDER, who died 11th Jan. 1895, aged 72 years. Also their son JAMES, who died at Cradock, Cape Colony on 10th Sept 1897, aged 24 years. Them that sleep in Jesus, will God bring with him."

[7; M7] 1771 This stone was ...

[8; a table stone, now partially collapsed, under an elder tree, with possible traces of marginal inscription; possibly the same stone as M8, which was not seen by Mitchell in 1975; the following is the inscription on M8 as given by Jervise] Here lyes the relicts of a very honest woman MARGARET FYFE, sometime spouse to JAMES MOLISON in Craigendowie, who chearfully left this life in hope of a better, the 25 of November year of God 1712, and 70th year of her age.
[Note on 8: there is, however, also a stone close to the bridge over the Burn of Calletar at Craigendowie, inscribed IM MF 1713, that apparently relates to the same couple.]

[9; presumably M9, still leaning against the bell tower, entirely defaced]

[10; M10; p955, p958, p959, p961; now leaning to the east, entirely defaced, 4 large fragments on ground and presumably other fragments with inscription not found] Erected by Davi[d] / ...[olis]on in Old Town, [in] / [mem]ory of his father ... / ...oliso[n] who died 11th Ja[n...] / [1]783 ag[ed] ... [y]ears, & (Is)... / Wis(h)...(t) [his spo]use, who ... / ...
[Note on 10: John Mollison and Isobel Wisheart were married at Brechin in 1744.]

[11; not listed by Mitchell; face down; presumably 1855 or later]

A partial listing for Lethnot kirkyard follows. [M1], etc., indicate Mitchell's numbering. Uncertain readings are in parentheses; square brackets enclose editorial comments and occasional completions. The gaps in [M1] and [M2] are completed from Jervise.


[p1521], etc., indicates that I already have a photo of the monument, and I will happily supply any of these photos free, on request by e-mail, at the full size of 2304 pixels by 1728 pixels, and approx. 850 kilobytes in size. The links on this page are to these photos, but reduced in size to 576 x 432 pixels.

Monument to Davidsons

[M1; p924; mural, north wall of kirk, inside; see photo above] Here lies ye body of GEORGE DAVIDSON son to Mr WILL DAVIDSON minr of ye gospel in Navar and Lethnot & JANET FARRIES his spouse who died 16th Aug 1760 in ye 16th year of his age having finished his first session of Coll[e]ge His good disposition[s] sweetness of temper un common [a]pplicat[io]n progress in Latine & (G)[reek and ot](h)er amiable qualitys aff[orded ple]asing prospects mad[e his sho](r)t life endearing [to his paren]ts & his early deat[h much re]gret by all who knew [him But] blessed are ye dead w[hich die] in ye Lord His brother [ALEXANDER D]AVIDSON was born [2d No]vr 1746 & coming from Riga a sailer died 23 July 1763 & buried in Woulosound burial place in the 17 year of his age much lamented
[Note: "Woulosound" would seem to be Mollösund on the west coast of Sweden.]

[M2; p925; mural, north wall of kirk, inside] [17]47 Here lies what was mortal of the late Reverend Mr JOHN ROW minister of the gospel in the united paris[h]es of Navar and Lethnot who discharged the sacred office with unwearied diligence in the first of these parishes alone for 5 years and afterwards in both together for 22 years and whose labours thro' the blessing of God produced such effects as convinced all who observed them that he had neither run unsent nor spent his strength in vain He died upon the 24 day of Decr, 1745 while the nation was distracted with Civil Wars, but had the pleasure to see his people adhering to their religion and liberties while many others had join'd those who wanted to overturn both. And soon after affairs took such a turn as he had foretold both in publick and private, the disturbers of our pace being dispers'd by ye glorious Duke of Cumberland [His] spouse ELIZABETH YOUNG, who had lived 43 ye[ars married] with him died upon the 8 day of Septr, 1746 [and was in]terred beside him

Erected in memory of WILLIAM HUNTER Esqr, of Polmood and Parkside in the parishes of Kinnell and Brechin, formerly tenant of Waterhead, in this parish, who was born in Ballater House, parish of Ballater, on the 25th day of August 1796, and died at Parkside, on the 11th day of January 1872.

Erected by BETSY GAULD in loving memory of her husband JAMES GAULD who died at Edzell 16th June 1923, aged 67 years. Also of the above BETSY GAULD who died 24th Sept. 1944 aged 84 years.

In loving memory of MARY HOOD wife of WILLIAM McKENZIE died 4th July 1933, aged 64. And the above WILLIAM McKENZIE died 5th Feb. 1946, aged 75. Also their sons Pte. ALEXANDER McKENZIE Royal Scots died of wounds received at Arras 18th April 1917 in his 20th year JAMES who died in infancy 1911.

Erected by WILLIAM & ELIZABETH KEITH in memory of their dear son THOMAS, who died at Tillybirnie, 14th Sep. 1917, aged 28 years Also of the above WILLIAM KEITH who died 9th February 1924, aged 79 years. Interred in Brechin Cemetery.

Erected by THOMAS FERRIER in loving memory of his son TOM, who died at Hunthill, 15th May 1911, aged 26 years. Also the above named THOMAS FERRIER who died 18th May 1941, aged 79 years and his wife ROBINA GIBB who died 2nd Dec. 1938, aged 72 years. "Thy will be done."

In loving memory of DAVID DUNCAN who died at Auld Toon, Lethnot 24th Sep. 1923, aged 57 years. Also his wife JANE WILL died at Brechin Infirmary 3rd Sep. 1958. "At rest."

In memory of the Rev. ALEXANDER SYMERS, late minister of the united parishes of Navar and Lethnot, who after an incumbency of 33 years, died on the 9th May 1842, aged 76 years. And of CLEMENTINA CARNEGY, his spouse and daughter of the late JAMES CARNEGY of Balmachie, Panbride, who died on the 14th of February 1851, in the 84th year of her age. And of their children, DAVID LYELL, who died on the 6th of May 1821, aged 19 years. ALEXANDER, commander of the ship "Haidee", which was lost in the Indian Ocean in 1838; he perished with all on board in the 34th year of his age. JOHN PETER, who died on the 2nd of June 1821, aged 17 years. CLEMENTINA LYELL, who died on the 24th of August 1824, aged 18 years. MARGARET, who died in June 1820, aged 11 years. PATRICIA ALISON CARNEGY, who died in January 1817, aged 2 years.

Erected by JESSIE DUNCAN in memory of her husband JAMES REID who died 12th May 1889 Also her father SAMUEL DUNCAN who died 10th Jan. 1866 and her mother ANNIE COUTTS who died 19th Dec. 1885, aged 92 years. Also of her daughter ANNIE LIND REID wife of DAVID A. CHRISTISON who died 22nd July 1895, aged 25 years. Also of MARGARET daughter of the above SAMUEL DUNCAN who died 18th August 1902, aged 79 years. Also the above JESSIE DUNCAN who died at Ledmore, Menmuir 18th October 1911, aged 76 years.

1844 Erected by FRANCIES STEWART in Dalbreak in memory of his uncle WILLIAM STEWART tennant in Waterhead who died at Mill of Inveriscondy, on the 20th of October 1809 aged 61 years and of JAMES his only son who died at Brechin July 31st 1813 aged 10 years Also of HELEN ROBIE spouse of WILLIAM STEWART who died at Invereskandye on the (2nd) June 18(5)0 aged 8(7) years.
[But Helen probably born in 1772 in Cortachy]

[p933] In memory of HARRY MICHIE farmer, Braco, who died 18th February 1881, aged 66 years. Also of his wife JANET STEWART who died 26th September 1888, aged 69 years. And of their family, MARGARET who died 15th December 1865, aged 13 years. JOHN who died 24th January 1889, aged 46 years. HARRY surgeon, Nottingham, who died 13th October 1923, aged 68 years. CHARLES who died 18th October 1923, aged 64 years.

in loving memory of DAVID BIRSE farmer, Ledmore, Menmuir who died 5th May 1923, aged 72 years. Also of his wife JANE MITCHELL who died 12th November 1911 aged 60 years. And of their family, DAVID MITCHELL BIRSE who died in France 15th October 1917, aged 33 years. Also of JAMES and ELIZABETH who died in infancy.

[small shield] JOHN BIRSE died 3rd May 1895 aged 11 years.

[p931] In loving memory of ALEXANDER DUNBAR who died 21st March 1900, aged 84 years. And of his wife ELIZABETH STEWART who died 28th January 1867, aged 50 years. Also of their children DAVID and ELESON who both died in infancy. And of RACHEL DUNCAN also wife of the above who died 19th January 1913, aged 80 years. And of their son JOHN BARRIE DUNBAR who died 5th January 1944, aged 74 years. And of his wife JESSIE GRANT who died 4th March 1965, aged 78 years. And of their son JAMES GRANT who died 29th June 1975, aged 59 years. Also of their son JOHN GRANT DUNBAR who died 30th June 1989 aged 65 years. And of their daughter MARGARET GRANT DUNBAR who died 16th January 2006, aged 83 years.
[west; p934] In loving memory of ELESON MARY DUNBAR who died 14th December 2006 aged 86 years wife of the late JAMES GRANT DUNBAR

This stone was erected by ROBERT BLACK tenant in Clochie in memory of his wife JANET WEBSTER who died anno 1743 aged 38 years who left alive these children viz ALEXANDER DAVID ISABEL CHRISTIAN and ELIZABETH BLACKs A son called JOHN who died anno 174(1) (aged) 4 years is here interred As also ALEXANDER who died anno 1745 aged 17 years. A son called JAMES who died in infancy was buried at Menmuir Stop mortal man as thou goest by / This ...
[west] [left] .B .B .B .B [right] .B .B [faint inscription on scroll]

[p930] Erected by the family in memory of their father, and mother. ALEXr SMITH, Clochie who died 11th October 1880 aged 83 years. ISABELLA STEWART, who died 28th Jany. 1875, aged 73 years.

[p932] In memory of ALEXANDER MITCHELL, farmer of Townhead, Newbigging and Traffat, who died Aug. 9th 1913, aged 86 years. Also of his wife AGNES MOLLISON, who died March 14th 1911, aged 83 years. And JAMES eldest son of the above, who died at St. Brides, Edzell, 23rd March 1932, in his 78th year. Also of MARY ANN their second daughter who died at Eastbank Brechin, 27th Feb. 1938. Their daughter AGNES MOLLISON MITCHELL who died at Eastbank Brechin 8th March 1941 aged 84 and their son JOHN R. MITCHELL died Los Angeles 27th Sept. 1940
[west] Their daughter BETSY died at Argeith Brechin 5th July 1946, aged 84. DAVID S. MITCHELL died at Portland Oregon 9th June 1947, aged 78. Also WILLIAM who died at McCall, Idaho, U.S.A. March 1949, aged 84.

[table stone; no inscription]

[p929] This monument is erected by ISABELL, JANE & HELEN STEWART daughters of the late DAVID STEWART tenant in Clochie, in grateful remembrance of their father who died the 4th August 1845 aged 75 years. And of their mother JANET SMITH who died the 12th April 1824 aged 49 years And also of their sister ELIZABETH STEWART who died the 4th December 1834 aged 35 years.

[p928] Sacred to the memory of ROBERT LEIGHTON, who died at Blairgowrie, 31st August 1876, aged 66 years. Also of his children: GEORGIANNA, who died 12th March 1851, aged 4 years. ELIZA, who died 1st November 1854, aged 10 years. ALEXANDER ROBERT, who died 30th June 1859, aged 19 years. ELIZA SMART DAVIS, widow of ROBERT LEIGHTON, died at Cupar Fife 4th December 1892, aged 83 years, and was interred in the Cupar Cemetery.

Erected by ALEXANDER LEIGHTON, Drumcairn, in memory of his son JAMES LEIGHTON, surgeon E.I.C.S. who died at Kirriemuir, 17th April 1840, aged 33 years. Also of his daughters, ELIZA MARTHA, who died 10th July 1810, aged 2 years. And LOUISA CATHERINE, who died 28th April 1824, aged 3 years. And of his son ALEXANDER, who died 23d Novr 1824, aged 13 years. Also of his spouse CATHERINE SMART who died 29th July 1855, aged 77 years. Beloved by the poor and esteemed by the rich.
[west; p945] In memory of JAMES LEIGHTON sometime tenant in Drumcairn who died 1st January 1795 aged 65 years Also of his spouse JANET BLACK who died 2nd August 1783 aged 36 years And of his son ROBERT LEIGHTON likewise tenant in Drumcairn who died 3rd May 1798 aged 27 years. ALEXANDER LEIGHTON Drumcairn who erected this stone died 26th June 1857 aged 78 years.

[flat stone; long faint inscription] ... soon ... pass for hea... ... praise be given ...

[p937] 1750 AG IG This stone was erected by DAVID GIB in memory of his father JOHN GIB sometime tenant in Argeeth who died Novr 1747 aged 50 years. JANE LOW his spouse died Novr 1748 aged 64 years and was interred at Edzel Remember man as thou goest by / As thou art now so once was I / Remember man that thou must die Also JOHN GIBB born 1789 died Nov. 9 1864.
[west] [on shield] JG JL Pulvis et umbra sumus

[p936; cross] To the memory of CHARLES WILL tenant in Tillybardines, who died 22nd Dec. 1868, and BETSY MILNE his spouse who died 16th January 1897. Also of their sons CHARLES, also tenant there who died 12th Nov. 1904, and DAVID who died in infancy.
[north] [to be completed]

[p938] In memory of DAVID TINDAL died 1st April 1930 ELIZABETH TINDAL died 14th July 1948 ANDREW DUNCAN died 1st March 1943 Also his wife WILLIAMINA TINDAL died 17th March 1973 MARJORY TINDAL died 4th Sept. 1990


Lethnot war memorial, 1914-18

See Scottish War Memorials Project: Lethnot & Navar, WW1.


Births, Marriages & Deaths, 1855 to present

Indexes and actual records for Statutory Registers of Births, Marriages & Deaths, beginning 1 Jan 1855, are available online, following registration and the purchase of credits, at the official web-site, ScotlandsPeople.

Births, Marriages & Deaths, before 1855

Indexes and actual records for all extant Old Parish Registers (OPRs) (pre-1855) of the Established Church of Scotland are available online, following registration and the purchase of credits, at the official web-site, ScotlandsPeople.


Church Session Records of Navar & Lethnot Parish Church

Nature of recordDatesNRS ref. CH2/628/...
Heritors' minutes1829-18871
List of male heads of families (Lethnot)1834-18426
Communion roll1856-18827
Communion roll1906-195211
Cruickshank Papers, pt 1 - items of correspondence believed
to have been in possession of Rev. F. Cruickshank
do, pt 21719-193515
do, pt 31719-192516
do, pt 41714-184717
Plans - removed to RHP series1812-181418


Land owners

There were 2 proprietors of land in the parish in 1843:


Farmers / Tenants

Achowrie [Auchowrie]James Smart-1851-1871-
doDavid Birse-1881-1902-
doAdam G. Gowans-1914-1921-
doArchibald Allison, jun.-1924-
doArchibald N. Allison-1928-1931-
doJames McKay-1935-
doD.M. Cameron-1938-1942-
BlairnoJames Speid-1861-1881-
doDavid Binny-1891-1902-
Blairno & LedbaikieWilliam Binny-1906-
BlairnoWilliam Binny [d. 1947]-1910-1935-
doPeter F. Pattullo & --- Craig-1937-1943-
BogtonDavid Rickard-1851-1871-
doMrs Betsy Rickard-1881-
doJames Rickard-1891-
doRobert Drummond-1906-1921-
doAndrew Duncan-1924-1942-
doJoseph Fawns-1948-
BracoJohn Gordon-1851-
doDavid Stewart-1871-
doHarry Michie [d. 1881]-1881
doA. Findlay-1928-1935-
doGeorge Skeldon-1938-1942-
ClochieRobert Black-1743-
doDavid Stewart [d. 1845]-1845
doAlexander Smith-1861-1863-
doDavid Smith [d. 1911]-1876-1911
doHugh Grant [d. 1914]-1914
doWalter A. Reid, jun.-1924-1931-
doMessrs Nicol-1935-
doWalter Nicol-1938-1942-
doAlexander Strachan-1953-
CraigendowieMrs May Mollison-1861-
doThomas Mollison-1871-1881-
doGeorge Caithness [d. 1910]-1891-1910
doGeorge Caithness [d. 1931]-1914-1931
doGeorge Caithness-1935-1942-
DrumcairnJames Leighton [d. 1795]-1795
doRobert Leighton [d. 1798]-1798
doAlexander Leighton-1851-
doJames Young-1902-
doDavid Robertson-1906-1910-
doHenry Don Keith [d. 1915]1911-1915
doTrustees of Henry Don Keith-1924-
doMrs Keith-1928-1935-
doJames Duncan-1936-
doCharles Duncan-1938-1942-
GlascorryWilliam Stewart-1851-
doD. & J. Smith-1902-
Glascory, Tillybardine & WaterheadCapt. William H. Tomasson-1906-
GlascorryWilliam Haughs-1938-1942-
Lichtnie [Leightnie]James Gordon [d. 1848]-1848
doThomas Gordon [d. 1886]-1851-1886
doWilliam Gordon-1891-
Lichtnie & Navar GlebeHenry Don Keith-1902-1906-
Lichtnie [Leightnie]Henry Don Keith-1911
doJohn Clark Johnston [d. 1942]1910-1935
doNorman G. Stewart-1934-1935
doFor sale/To let (115 ac. arable; 223 ac. pasture)
[Part of Careston Estate]
Apr 1935
doAlexander D. Robertson-1938-1942-
MargieWilliam Fettes, sen. & jun.-1906-
Mill of LethnotJames Burnett-1861-
doJoseph Mollison-1871-
doRobert Drummond-1881-1891-
doJ.F. Will-1928-
doCharles Fitchet-1943
NathroDavid Stewart-1851-1861-
doWilliam Shaw Adamson-1906-
doWilliam C. Adamson-1910-1921-
doW.S. Adamson-1935-1942-
NewbiggingJohn Ramsay-1851-1871-
doAlexander Mitchell-1891-
doThomas Ferrier-1928-1931-
doE. & W. Innes-1935-1942-
TillyarbletMrs Margaret Wyllie-1851-
Tillyarblet (Easter, Wester & Mid)John Binny [d. 1876]-1861-1876
doMrs Margaret Binny-1881-
doWilliam Binny-1891-
doDavid Binny-1902-1931-
doDavid & D.J. Binny-1935-1943-
TillybardineCharles Will [d. 1868]-1851-1868
doMrs Betsy Will-1881-
doCharles Will-1902-
doThomas Ferrier, sen.-1910-1921-
doThomas Ferrier-1924-
doThomas Ferrier-1935-1942-
TillybirnieGeorge Barrie-1906-1921-
doTrustees of George Barrie-1924-1928-
doJames McLaren-1931-1935-
doGeorge W. Welsh-1938-1942-
TillydovieAlexander Smith-1851-
doDavid Clark-1881-1891-
doJames Silver-1902-1928-
doGeorge Soutar-1931-1949
TownheadJames Mollison-1851-
doAlexander Mitchell-1861-1881-
Townhead, Newbigging & TraffatAlexander Mitchell [d. 1913]-1902-
doJames Mitchell-1906-
TownheadJames Mitchell [d. 1932]-1910-1921-
WestsideMrs Janet Michie-1881-
doCharles Michie-1891-
Westside & BracoCharles Michie-1902-1906-
WestsideCharles Michie-1910-1924-
WoodtonDavid Ramsay-1851-1871-
doAndrew Robbie-1902-
doMrs Janet Robbie-1906-1921-
doAndrew Gibson-1924-1931-
doA.B. Balfour-1935-1942-


Census records

Records of the official censuses of the parish in 1841, 1851, 1861, 1871, 1881, 1891, 1901, 1911 and 1921 are held in Register House, Edinburgh and are open to the public on payment of a fee.

Indexes to all the original census records, and the records themselves, can be accessed online at modest charge at ScotlandsPeople.

Microfilm copies are also widely available in libraries. The 1881 census is available on CD-ROM.

The early censuses of 1801-31 do not name individuals.

There are rolls of the male heads of families in Lethnot, 1834-1842, in the Kirk Session records [NRS CH2/628/6].


Population statistics

1755635Dr Alexander Webster
1790256249505Old Statistical Account


Testaments & wills

Navar and Lethnot were both in the Commissariot of Brechin.

Indexes to all extant pre-1926 testamentary records (wills & inventories of moveable property) can be searched free of charge at ScotlandsPeople. Digital (and paper) copies of the documents can be purchased at that site. See further the introduction to Angus & Kincardineshire at Testaments.

Testaments of Navar & Lethnot people from the Register of Testaments of the Commissariot of Brechin, 1576-1823
'T' before the date indicates that the copy in the register is lost, but the original testament is extant.

Andrew Archibaldat Corry of Leightney2 Feb 1814
Janet Blackspouse to David Low, in Argeith, and the said David, her spouse, par. of Lethnot25 Aug 1641
Janet Blacklawful daughter of the deceased James Black, at Mill of LethnotT. 27 Jan 1743
Margaret Bowesin LethnotT. 26 Jul 1792
Alexander Cobbtenant in Ledbaikie9 Jun 1819
John Cobbtenant in Tillybirnie12 Jul 1810
Robert Cowiein Lethnot4 Aug 1628
Alexander Davidsonin Drumcairne, par. of Lethnot, and Margaret Nicoll, his spouse26 Apr 1693
John Davidsonin Blakhall, and Mage Bie, his spouse, par. of Lethnot12 Apr 1597
Mr William Davidsonminister of Navar and Lethnot12 Jun 1775
Alexander Duncan elderin Lichtine, par. of Naver7 Oct 1623
John Duncanin Tilliarblet, par. of Navar1 Aug 1683
Margaret Duncan relict of John Lindsay, late tenant in Tulliebairdin, par. of Lethnot20 Apr 1742
Thomas Duncanin Flobeitt, par. of Naver, and Janet Young, his spouse30 Apr 1610
Thomas Duncanin Bracow, par. of Navar, and Barbara Smith, his spouseT. 30 Jun 1674
Alexander Durwartin Craigendowie, par. of Navar, and Margaret Wobster, his spouseT. 15 Jan 1668
John Duthieat Mill of Glescarrie, par. of LethnotT. 13 Jul 1748
Margaret Erskineindweller in Brechin, relict of James Schewane, minister at Navar19 Nov 1635
George Fairweatherin Braiko, in the par. of NavarT. -- 1741
Mr John Fyfe[minister] at Novar17 Jun 1658
Margaret Fyfespouse to James Molison, in Craigendowie28 May, 1 Jun & 4 Jul 1717
Alexander Goldtenant in Ardgeith, parishes of Lethnot and NavarT. 4 Jan 1793
James Gold in Drumcarne, and Margaret Strathauchine, his spouse, par. of Lethnot24 Mar 1614
Katherine Gold spouse to David Dagatie, in Drumcarne, par. of Lethnot17 Oct 1631
Robert Goldin Braco, par. of Navar, and Barbara Smith, his spouse10 Jul 1683
John Gourlayin Tillearbit, par. of Navar, and Janet Mill, his spouse18 Mar 1681
Mr Andrew Hamiltonlate minister of Navar3 Dec 1714
John Henryin Bogside of Tillearblit, and Helen Paterson, his spouse, par. of Naver13 Jul 1611
Isobel Hillockspouse to James Mylne, in Bogheid of Blairno, par. of Naver8 Jul 1611
John Innestenant at Mill of LethnotT. 6 Apr 1749
John Kinninmonthtraveller, par. of Lethnot27 May 1597
David Leitchin Brackow, and Christian Craig, his spouse, par. of Naver11 Oct 1613
Margaret Lindsayspouse to David Chrystisoune, of Tillebirnie, par. of Naver25 Aug 1630
Isobel Mairspouse to Alexander Gib, in Dykheid of Drumcarne, par. of Lethnot26 Aug 1611
James Mairin Hunthill of Glennesk, and Katherine Brek, his spouse, par. of Lethnot23 Apr 1624
Janet Milnespouse to John Cobb, in Tilliarblet, par. of Navar13 Jul 1685
James Molisonsometime in Craigendowie19 Jun 1717
Jean Molisonrelict of James Wyllie, sometime tenant in TilliearbletT. 4 Jul 1744
John Neishin the Mansion of NavarT. 15 Dec 1658
Robert Patersonsubtenant in Reedfaulds, par. of LethnotT. 15 Oct 1771
John Rodgerin Bracow, par. of NavarT. 20 Dec 1676
Mr John Row minister of Navar and LethnotT. 1 Apr 1746
Mr Laurance Skinnerminister at Naver, and Euphemia Cramond, his spouseT. 23 Mar 1650
Andrew Smartin Argeith, par. of Lethnot4 Jul 1684
Isobel Smartrelict of William Niddrie, in Balnakattell, and last spouse to David Lyell, in Cottoun of Margie, par. of Lethnot28 Apr 1614
John Smartat Auchurie30 Aug 1815
James Smythin Cloche, par. of Lethnot, and Barbara Carnegy, his spouse24 Jul 1637
John Soutarin Fynnache, par. of Lethnot14 Jun 1626
Janet Stevensonspouse to Alexander Duncan, in Lichtoun, par. of Naver27 Nov 1637
Margaret Strachanspouse to John Hay, in Drumcarne, par. of Lethnot17 Sep 1632
Katherine Thainspouse to Mr. Laurence Skinner, minister at Naver29 Mar 1627 and T. 22 Mar 1650
David Toshochin Clochie, par. of Lethnot, and Katherine Antoun, his spouse10 Dec 1677
Margaret Websterspouse to James Malleson or Mollyson, in CragendouieT. 13 Apr 1675
Margaret Wilkiespouse to David Fairweather, in Blairnow, par. of Naver22 Apr 1624
Agnes Will spouse to John Paterson, in Tillebarns, par. of Lethnot10 Nov 1637
Agnes Willspouse to Robert Gibb, in Old Town of Lethnot13 Mar 1688
Robert Willin Wittoun, and Elspet Wat, his spouse, par. of Lethnot12 May 1634
Robert Will in the par. of Lethnot11 Dec 1695
John Winter spouse to Katherine Carnegy, in Makindab, par. of Lethnot27 May 1597
Elizabeth Youngrelict of Mr John Row, minister, par. of Navar and LethnotT. 9 Oct 1746

Testaments of Navar & Lethnot people from the Register of Testaments of the Commissariot of Edinburgh, 1514-1600

John Jackin Balkerie, par. of Navar [probably error for Nevay], sher. of Forfar7 Dec 1598

Testaments of Navar & Lethnot people from the Register of Testaments of the Commissariot of St Andrews, 1549-1823

William Stewartfarmer in Waterhead, par. of Lethnot, afterwards residing at Inverscandy, par. of Edzell16 & 17 Jul 1810

Testaments of Navar & Lethnot people from the Register of Testaments of the Commissariot of Edinburgh, 1601-1700

John Duncanin Tilliarbetis, par. of Naver, sher. of Forfar19 Jan 1603

Testaments of Navar & Lethnot people from the Register of Testaments of the Commissariot of Edinburgh, 1701-1800

Alexander Lindsayonly lawful son to the deceased George Lindsay of Lethnet, in sher. of Forfar, and sometime sailor aboard the ship ...16 Mar 1727


Clock & watch tax, 1797-8

Images of the original records for Lethnot:

NRS ref. E326/12/2/47


Farm horse tax, 1797-8

Images of the original records for Lethnot:


This page updated 22 Sep 2022