Lochlee (Angus)

Records, sources & information about the Parish of Lochlee

Parish number 303

map of Lochlee

More maps of Lochlee

Births & baptisms
Books & articles
Census records
Church Session
Clock & watch tax
Deaths & burials
Episcopal Church Records
Farm horse tax
Jacobites, 1745
Land owners
Ministers of the parish
Monumental inscriptions
Old parish registers
Parish Church
Photographs of places
Places of interest
Population statistics
Statistical Accounts
Testaments & wills
War memorial


The parish was united with Lethnot ca. 1618, but they were separated again in 1723.

Please also visit the page of general information applicable to all of Angus & Kincardineshire.


NLSNational Library of Scotland
NRSNational Records of Scotland, formerly called the National Archives of Scotland [NAS] and, before that, the Scottish Record Office [SRO]
HM General Register House, Edinburgh EH1 3YY (Tel: +44-131-535-1314)
OPROld Parish Registers of Births/baptisms, Banns/marriages & Deaths/burials (pre-1855)


Books & articles


Statistical accounts of Lochlee


Maps of Lochlee

For the full range of maps of Lochlee, see National Library's Maps.


Photographs of places

Geograph.org: Loch Lee - recent photographs at east end of Loch Lee. National Grid ref. NO4380.

Geograph.org: Invermark - recent photographs at Invermark Castle. National Grid ref. NO4480.

Geograph.org: Tarfside - recent photographs at Tarfside. National Grid ref. NO4979.


Lochlee parish church

Photograph of old Lochlee Kirk

Another photo of old Lochlee Kirk

Above: the ruins of the former parish kirk of Lochlee, at the east end of Loch Lee, National Grid ref. NO431801. The mediaeval church was dedicated to St Drostan.

Photograph of Lochlee Kirk

Above: the present parish kirk of Lochlee, located at National Grid ref. NO446804. Built in 1803.

Other churches

Maule Memorial Church

Above: Maule Memorial Church of Scotland, Tarfside, at NO496795, built in 1857 as Tarfside Free Kirk on land given by Fox Maule Ramsay, 11th earl of Dalhousie, 2nd lord Panmure of Brechin & Navar. In the east gable of the kirk are a memorial window to Ramsay, with his coat of arms (Ramsay's eagle displayed quartered with Maule), and one to Dr Thomas Guthrie, a leader of the Disruption of 1843 that led to the formation of the Free Church of Scotland.

St Drostan's episcopal church

Above: St Drostan's Episcopal Church, Tarfside, at NO491798, built in 1879 by William Forbes (Hon. Lord Forbes) in memory of his brother, Alexander Penrose Forbes (1817-1875), who was bishop of Brechin, 1847-75.


Parish ministers of Lochlee 1560-ca. 1618 & 1723-1958

adm.: admitted, bapt.: baptised, contr.: contract, dem.: demitted, dep.: deposed, lic.: licensed, mar.: married, min.: minister, ord.: ordained, pres.: presented, rel.: related, res.: resigned, test.: testament, tr.: translated

James Fullarton1567M.A.; had charge also of Edzell, Dunlappie, Lethnot & Navar
William Hay1567-1587reader
Thomas Fullarton1588-1590reader
George Donaldson1607-1611min. in 1607; tr. to Dunlappie 1611
David Wood1615M.A.; min. of Edzell; also held Lochlee 1615
Robert Ker1723-1728b. 1 Jun 1707, son of James K., min. of Dun; ord. Lethnot 18 Jul 1717; removed here when the parish was re-erected 1723; dem. 9 Oct 1728; d. Feb 1735
David Blair1729-1733M.A.; ord. 10 Sep 1729; tr. to 2nd charge Brechin 6 Jun 1733
John Scott1734-1749ord. 25 Apr 1734; thrown from horse & killed near Tarfside 23 Jan 1749; mar. 1735 Magdalen Mill
Alexander Ross1749-1773b. 1684, eldest son of Alex. R., farmer, Kincardine O'Neil ABD; M.A. Marischal Aberdeen 1718; ord. assistant at Auchindoir ABD 1 Oct 1746; thereafter assistant Pitsligo ABD; adm. 4 Oct 1749; d. 20 Mar 1773; mar. 1750 Elizabeth, probably dau. of William Thain, min. of Auchindoir
John Pirie1771-1806son. of John P., Arbuthnott KCD; schoolmaster of Brechin; ord. assistant & successor 4 Dec 1771; d. 3 Feb 1806; mar. 1763 Helen Webster; issue: Jean; Isabel (mar. John Taylor, min. of Lethnot); John, schoolmaster, Lochlee; James; Margaret; Robert; Kath.; Ann
David Inglis1806-1837b. 1771 Dairsie FIF, son of David I.; M.A. King's Aberdeen 1797; ord. 18 Sep 1806; d. 18 Jan 1837; mar. Cath., dau. of Thomas Collier; issue: David; Robert, min. of this par. & Edzell; Agnes (mar. Thomas Merry, farmer); Charlotte (mar. Robert Brand, shipmaster); Jane; Wm B.; Jane C.; Christina (mar. James Warden Urquhart, banker); Wilhelmina B. (mar. James Stormonth, farmer)
Robert Inglis1837-1841M.A.; son of above; ord. 8 Jun 1837; tr. to Edzell 20 Oct 1841
Alexander Todd1842-1843ord. 28 Apr 1842; tr. to Monifieth 13 Dec 1843
Walter Low1844-1887b. 19 Jul 1801 Arbroath, son of Walter L.; schoolmaster at Ladyloan, Arbroath; preacher Auchmithie Chapel; ord. 18 Apr 1844; d. 22 Mar 1887; mar. 1824 Marjory, dau. of John Malcolm; issue: Jean J., Walter, James B., Ann, Robert T., Isabella, Alex., Eliz. D., David, Mary Ann, Wm, Panmure & 4 others
John Stewart1885-1921b. 23 May 1852 Little Dunkeld, son of Thos S., farmer; M.A. Edinburgh 1879; assistant at Fodderty and Blair Atholl PER; ord. assistant & successor 22 Dec 1885; d. 18 Dec 1921; mar. 1908 Annie Morris Venters; issue: Janet May
John McRorie Kay1922-1932formerly min. of Ardrishaig; adm. 19 May 1922; dem. 15 May 1932; mar. (1) Christina McMartin; (2) 1934 Janet Ferguson Macfarlane
George Laing Brander McAlister*1932-1958-?M.A.; b. 11 Feb 1906 Troon; educ. Ayr Academy; Trinty College of Theology, Glasgow, 1927-1930; ord. & ind. Jul 1932; d. 1978 Bonnyrigg; mar. 1936 Fanny E. McLaughlin

* ministers of Glenesk Church, the result of union of the parish church with Maule Memorial Church in 1937.

Ministers of Maule Memorial Church, Tarfside (Free Church; later, United Free Church)

Andrew McIlwraith1847-1881-?b. 9 Oct 1811 Ayr, son of John McI., plumber; educ. Ayr Academy; Glasgow Uni.; ord. Mar 1847; d. 6 Jan 1886 Edinburgh; mar.(1) 1852 in London, Frances (who d. 17 Nov 1854), dau. of Wm H. Davis; (2) 1867 Janet Thomson, dau. of James Gray
David Aitchison Dickson1885-1890b. 28 Nov 1857 Edinburgh, son of Robt D., glass mercht; M.A.(Edinburgh 1877); ord. 12 Mar 1885 as colleague & succ.; res. 15 Jun 1890; d. 1897 Edinburgh; mar. 1888 Elizabeth E. Seggie
James Paul1890-1919b. 15 May 1859 Longforgan PER, son of John P., ploughman; ord. 1890; d. 8 Mar 1919 Lochlee; mar. 1890 Caroline Mary Goldie; issue: James Goldie, Kenneth Warren

Ministers of St Drostan's Episcopal Church, Tarfside

Alexander Simpson?-1841-1851-?b. ca. 1814 Old Meldrum ABD; mar. 1844 Ann Henderson; issue: John T. D.; Margaret J.
William Presslie1871-1914b. ca. 1831 Ellon ABD; ord. 1869; min. at Yell SHI in 1871; d. 17 Jan 1914 Tarfside; mar. Jean ---; issue: Thos Geo. S.; John


Monumental inscriptions

Monuments in Lochlee Old Kirkyard (ca. 20 stones) and in Lochlee New Kirkyard (ca. 20 stones) bearing pre-1855 information are listed in Alison Mitchell (ed.), "Pre-1855 Monumental Inscriptions in Angus, Vol. 1: Strathmore" (Edinburgh: Scottish Genealogy Soc., 1993), which can be bought from the Scottish Genealogy Society. (It's listed as "Angus MI - Vol. 1. Pre-1855 Strathmore" in their online shop.)

Andrew Jervise recorded some monuments at Lochlee in his "Epitaphs & Inscriptions", vol. 1, pp. 127-31.


Lochlee war memorial, 1914-18
In Tarfside village

Lochlee war memorial Sergt A. Duncan, Gordon Highlanders
Pte J. O. Cruickshank, do
Pte R. Christison, Black Watch
Pte A. Dunbar, do
Pte J. Stewart, do
Pte W. Stewart, do
Pte D. P. Stormonth, do

See also Scottish War Memorials Project: Lochlee, WW1 for further photographs and details.


Births, Marriages & Deaths, 1855 to present

Indexes and actual records for Statutory Registers of Births, Marriages & Deaths, beginning 1 Jan 1855, are available online, following registration and the purchase of credits, at the official web-site, ScotlandsPeople.

Births, Marriages & Deaths, before 1855

Indexes and actual records for all extant Old Parish Registers (OPRs) (pre-1855) of the Established Church of Scotland are available online, following registration and the purchase of credits, at the official web-site, ScotlandsPeople.


Church Session Records of Lochlee Old Parish Church

Nature of recordDatesNRS ref. CH2/455/...
Minutes & accounts1775-18401
Communion roll1879-19154

Church Session Records of Lochlee Free Church
later, United Free; united in 1932 with Tarfside Maule Memorial as Glenesk Ch. of S.

Nature of recordDatesNRS ref. CH3/218/...
Deacons' Court minutes1856-19163
Account book1848-18615
Collection book1879-18909
Register of Members and Contributions1872-189911
Communion roll1866-190812
Boxes containing miscellaneous papers, mainly vouchers
and accounts, collecting books, library catalogue
of 1886, and disjunction certificate book
Congregational board minutes1932-197018


Land owners

There was one proprietor of land in the parish in 1833:


Episcopal Church Records

Various records, 1840-1914, for Tarfside Episcopal Church are among the Brechin Diocesan Library Manuscripts at Dundee University Archives [ref. BrMS 11].


Census records

Records of the official censuses of the parish in 1841, 1851, 1861, 1871, 1881, 1891, 1901, 1911 and 1921 are held in Register House, Edinburgh and are open to the public on payment of a fee.

Indexes to all the original census records, and the records themselves, can be accessed online at modest charge at ScotlandsPeople.

Microfilm copies are also widely available in libraries. The 1881 census is available on CD-ROM.

The early censuses of 1801-31 do not name individuals.


Population statistics

1755686Dr Alexander Webster
1792608Old Statistical Account


Testaments & wills

Lochlee was in the Commissariot of Brechin.

Indexes to all extant pre-1926 testamentary records (wills & inventories of moveable property) can be searched free of charge at ScotlandsPeople. Digital (and paper) copies of the documents can be purchased at that site. See further the introduction to Angus & Kincardineshire at Testaments.

Testaments of Lochlee people from the Register of Testaments of the Commissariot of Brechin, 1576-1800
'T' before the date indicates that the copy in the register is lost, but the original testament is extant.

John Balfourtenant in Shelly, par. of LochleeT. 15 May 1799
Katherine Campbellspouse to William Nicoll, in Migvie, par. of Lochlie13 Aug 1627
Bessie Chrystiespouse to James Bruce, in Achloche, par. of Lochlie6 Aug 1627
William Chrystiein Quhiggintoune, par. of Lochlie, and Katherine Chrystisoun, his spouse5 Sep 1636
James Chrystisonin Whigginton of GleneskT. 26 Aug 1793
John Chrystisonin Assailzie, par. of Lochlie11 Aug 1627
John Chrystisonin Mylntoun of Glennesk, and Janet Chrystisoune, his spouse3 Dec 1627
John Chrystisonlawful son to umquhile John C., in Mylntoun, par. of Lochlie3 Dec 1627
Margaret Chrystisonspouse to William Low, in Glentennet, par. of Lochlie6 Aug 1627
John Couttssometime in par. of Lochlie10 Nov 1741
Katherine Duncanspouse to Alexander Mylne, in Achronie, par. of Lochlie3 Sep 1627
Duncan Flagerin Kirktoun of Lochlie, and Agnes Bowman, his spouse13 Aug 1627
Janet Goldlawful daughter to umquhile William Gold, in Cadloche, par. of Lochlee6 Aug 1627
Margaret Goldspouse to David Low, in Glentennet, par. of Lochlee6 Aug 1627
Janet Innerdalein Skellie, in par. of Lochlee28 Mar 1758
John Innerdalelate in Kirn, par. of Lochlee26 Jul 1753
Mr Robert Kerrlate minister at Lochlee12 Mar and 23 Jul 1735
Andrew Lindsayservitor to John Gellie, in Ardow, par. of Lochlie9 May 1638
David Lowin Sleugleyne, in Glenesk [parish of Lochlee?]T. 20 Sep 1671
John Lowin Carncorss, par. of Lochlie, and Helen Ross, his spouse13 Aug 1627
Alexander McEwanin Achrenie, par. of LochlieT. 4 Jun 1669
John McGregorin Inshgrundell, par. of Lochlie8 Nov 1681
Magdaline Millrelict of the late Mr John Scott, minister at LochleeT. 24 Nov 1781
John Mylnein Achronie, par. of Lochlie3 Sep 1627
Alexander Nicolllate servant to John Nicoll, in Keeny, par. of Lochlee27 Jun 1751
David Nicollat Aucheen, par. of LochleeT. 27 Sep 1799
Katherine Rawinin Carharncorss, par. of Lochlie6 Aug 1627
Bessie Rossrelict of Thomas Chrystisoun, in Mylntoune, par. of Lochlie3 Dec 1627
Mr John Scottminister at LochleeT. 16 Mar 1749
John Shand in Bailzie, par. of Lochlie15 May 1626
Janet Tod spouse to William Bowman, in Glenlie, par. of Lochlee10 Dec 1627
John Watt indweller in the Kirktoun of GleneskT. 12 Jul 1649
Robert Wilkinsonservant to Robert Donaldson, in Drustie, par. of Lochlee2 Jan 1753


Jacobite rebels - 1745 rebellion
From: A List of Persons concerned in the Rebellion (Edinburgh, Scottish History Soc., vol. 8, 1890)

NamesDesignationsAbodeActs of rebellion
& circumstances
Where at present
David BuchanservantMilton of Glenesk
Robert Duncanfarmerdo
Thomas Kinnier [Kinnear]farmerdo


Clock & watch tax, 1797-8

Images of the original records for Lochlee:

NRS ref. E326/12/2/47


Farm horse tax, 1797-8

Images of the original records for Lochlee:


Places of interest

Invermark castle
Invermark Castle
at NO442804

Glenesk Folk Museum


This page updated 24 Sep 2022