Bervie (Kincardineshire)

Records, sources & information about the Parish of Bervie and Royal Burgh of Inverbervie

Parish number 254

map of Bervie

Map of all Kincardineshire parishes
More maps of Bervie

Bailies of Inverbervie
Births & baptisms
Burgh of Inverbervie
Books & articles
Census records
Church Session
Deans of Guild of Inverbervie
Deaths & burials
Estate records
Heritors' records
Jacobites, 1745
Ministers of the parish
Monumental inscriptions
Old parish registers
Parish Church
Photographs of places
Places of interest
Population statistics
Provosts of Inverbervie
School records
Statistical Accounts
Testaments & wills
Town clerks of Inverbervie
Town treasurers of Inverbervie
War memorials
Window tax


The parish of Bervie was disjoined from Kinneff in 1618.

seal of Inverbervie

The Common Seal of the
Royal Burgh of Inverbervie

The coat of arms of the Royal Burgh of Inverbervie.

Please also visit the page of general information applicable to all of Angus & Kincardineshire.


NLSNational Library of Scotland
NRSNational Records of Scotland, formerly called the National Archives of Scotland [NAS] and, before that, the Scottish Record Office [SRO]
HM General Register House, Edinburgh EH1 3YY (Tel: +44-131-535-1314)
OPROld Parish Registers of Births/baptisms, Banns/marriages & Deaths/burials (pre-1855)


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The arms of Rait of Hallgreen

Books & articles


Statistical accounts of Bervie


Maps of Bervie and Inverbervie

For the full range of maps of Bervie and Inverbervie, see National Library's Maps.


Photographs of places Inverbervie - recent photographs of Inverbervie. National Grid ref. NO8372. Gourdon - recent photographs of Gourdon. National Grid ref. NO8270.

ScotlandsPlaces: Bervie (and Inverbervie)


Parish church

The ruined former kirk is located at National Grid ref. NO831726.


Parish ministers 1560-1944

adm.: admitted, ass.: assistant, bapt.: baptised, contr.: contract, dem.: demitted, dep.: deposed, ind.: inducted, lic.: licensed, mar.: married, min.: minister, ord.: ordained, pres.: presented, rel.: related, res.: resigned, suc.: successor, test.: testament, tr.: translated

James Symson1563, 1567reader
David Rattray1589-bef. 1593tr. from Slains 1589; tr. to Philorth bef. 1593
James Rait1591-1613?tr. from Auldearn 1591; tr. to Caterline by Jul 1613; also had Kinneff in his charge until his death
Andrew Moncur1622-1625?M.A. Kings Aberdeen 1613; adm. bef. 12 May 1622; still min. 1625
James Strachan younger?-1649?M.A. St Andrews 1622; dep. Oct 1649 ?
William Wright1651-1669adm. 12 Feb 1651; d. 27 Aug 1669
William Chalmers1670-1674adm. aft. 4 May 1670; tr. to Glamis 1674
Peter Rait1674-1695b. in Angus; M.A. Kings Aberdeen 1663; adm. 2 Sep 1674; dep. 1695; d. Oct 1698 aged 56; mar. Anna Innes who survived him; issue: Robert, Mary (mar. James Carnegie, surgeon, Brechin)
James Arbuthnott1698-1713bro. of Robert Arbuthnott, bailie of Montrose; ord. 30 Aug 1698; dep. 22 Oct 1713 for disrespect of sabbath; d. Apr 1732 Montrose
William Arnott1714-1741M.A. St Andrews 1705; ord. 19 May 1714 Benholm (Bervie kirk being then barricaded); d. 20 Sep 1741; mar. Isobel Scott who d. 26 May 1763
Thomas Dow1742-1787ord. 23 Jun 1742; d. 17 Sep 1787; mar. 1751 Ann, dau. of Wm Campbell, min. of Kirkinner; no issue
Robert Croll1780-1820son of Robt C., Garvock; M.A. Marischal 1767; schoolmaster 1777; ord. (ass. & suc.) 8 Jun 1780; d. 3 Jun 1820; mar. (1) ---; (2) 1789 Margaret Thomson; (3) 1809 Christian Farquharson
John Glegg1821-1876b. 1773, son John G., farmer, Fetteresso; M.A. Marischal 1814; ord. 22 Mar 1821; d. 20 Sep 1876; mar. 1821 Ann, 3rd dau. of James Scott, min. of Benholm; mar. (2) 1834 Helen, 3rd dau. of David Reith of Loirstown; issue: Ann Farquhar (mar. Robert Moir Spence, min. of Arbuthnott)
John Brown1863-1915b. 1836 Cupar FIF, son of James B.; ass. here; ord. (ass. & suc.) 24 Jul 1863; D.D. St Andrews 1914; res. 7 Oct 1915; d. 10 May 1919 Forfar; mar. 1870 Margaret Hepburn, dau. of Andrew Russell, Cupar; issue: Agnes Russell; Cath. Lethangie; James; Margaret Hepburn Russell; Euphemia Mary
David Silver Johnston1916-1923b. 1889 Skene, son of David J.; M.A. 1911 B.D. 1915 Aberdeen; ass. Old Machar; ord. 1 Mar 1916; tr. to Newhaven Edinburgh 1923; tr. to Botriphnie 25 Mar 1931; d. 7 Oct 1946; mar. 1918 Gladys May, dau. of Wm Cowie, min. of Maud; had issue
Graham Nicoll Warner1924-1926b. 1896 Dundee, son of Robt W.; M.A. St Andrews 1921; ass. St Mark's Dundee; ord. 27 Feb 1924; D.D. St Andrews 1969; tr. to 2nd charge Elgin 16 Dec 1926; tr. to St James Clydebank 25 Jun 1931; tr. to St John's Lochwinnoch 2 May 1935; mar. 1924 Sheila Lyall Guthrie, dau. of Samuel Macauley, min. of Tealing; had issue
Neil McGill1927-1944tr. from Duntocher to Tomintoul 21 Apr 1926; tr. from Tomintoul 27 Apr 1927; d. 3 Oct 1944

Ministers of the Free Church (later, United Free Church), Bervie

James Grindlay Small?-1851-1888b. 6 Feb 1817 Edinburgh, son of George Small, piano maker; d. 11 Feb 1888 Renfrew; mar. 1865 Jane Margaret Anderson; issue: Geo. G.; Agnes G.; Eliz. C.; James J.; Adam H.


Monumental inscriptions

Monuments in Bervie Kirkyard bearing pre-1855 information (ca. 70 stones) are listed in Alison Mitchell (ed.), "Pre-1855 Monumental Inscriptions in Kincardineshire" (Edinburgh: Scottish Genealogy Soc., 1999), which can be bought from the Scottish Genealogy Society. (It's listed as "Kincardineshire MI - The Mearns" in their online shop.)

Andrew Jervise recorded some monuments at Bervie in his "Epitaphs & Inscriptions", vol. 1, pp. 23-7.


Bervie war memorials


Births, Marriages & Deaths, 1855 to present

Indexes and actual records for Statutory Registers of Births, Marriages & Deaths, beginning 1 Jan 1855, are available online, following registration and the purchase of credits, at the official web-site, ScotlandsPeople.

Burial records for Inverbervie and for Gourdon are held by the Registrar in Stonehaven. See Kincardine and Mearns Burial Grounds.

Births, Marriages & Deaths, before 1855

Indexes and actual records for all extant Old Parish Registers (OPRs) (pre-1855) of the Established Church of Scotland are available online, following registration and the purchase of credits, at the official web-site, ScotlandsPeople.

  1. Births & baptisms

    • 1641 - 1646
    • 1663 - 1664
    • 1671 - 1695
    • 1698 - 1854
  2. Banns & Marriages

    • 1641 - 1642
    • 1645 - 1665
    • 1671 - 1695
    • 1713 - 1717
    • 1720 - 1854
  3. Deaths & Burials

    • 1689 - 1699


Church Session Records of Bervie Parish Church

Nature of recordDatesNRS ref. CH2/34/...
Baptisms & marriages1665-16689
Minutes & accounts1655-167110
Baptisms & marriages1671-169511
Collections & disbursements1671-168111
Scroll minutes1757-176316
Proclamations1641-1642, 1645-166517
Baptisms1641-1646, 1663-166417
Baptisms & proclamations1720-173518
Accounts1683-1692, 1704-171120
Minutes1698-1720, with gaps20
Baptisms1699-1700, 1713-171720

Church Session Records of Bervie Free Church
later, United Free; Bervie East Ch. of S.; united with Bervie in 1944

Nature of recordDatesNRS ref. CH3/42/...
Communion Roll1846-18671


Bervie Heritors' records

Nature of recordDatesNRS ref. HR106/...
Minute book1876-19281
Vouchers1850-1852, 1877-18783
Cash book1902-19284
Accounts1915-1917, 1927-19285
Papers re ecclesiastical buildings, etc. (manse, church steading, glebe)1851-1876, 1914-216


Estate records

Records of Rait of Hallgreen, 1507-1723 - NRS ref. RH15/37



There are no surviving records of the Parochial Board or Parish Council.


School records

The following records are some of those held by Aberdeen City and Aberdeenshire Archives: Education & school records:

Nature of recordDatesRef.
Bervie School: Log Book1874 - 1908ED/GR6S/K8/1/1
do1908 - 1942ED/GR6S/K8/1/2
do1942 - 1985ED/GR6S/K8/1/3
Gourdon School: Log Books 1955 - 1972ED/GR6S/K22/1
John Gordon's Female School: Log Books1904 - 1919ED/KC5/113/1


Census records

Records of the official censuses of the parish in 1841, 1851, 1861, 1871, 1881, 1891, 1901, 1911 and 1921 are held in Register House, Edinburgh and are open to the public on payment of a fee.

Indexes to all the original census records, and the records themselves, can be accessed online at modest charge at ScotlandsPeople.

Microfilm copies are also widely available in libraries. The 1881 census is available on CD-ROM.

The early censuses of 1801-31 do not name individuals.


Population statistics

17551755 Dr Alexander Webster
1790Old Statistical Account

* of whom, 757 were in the burgh of Inverbervie; 238 in the village of Gourdon; 140 in the rest of the parish


Testaments & wills

Bervie was in the Commissariot of St Andrews.

Indexes to all extant pre-1926 testamentary records (wills & inventories of moveable property) can be searched free of charge at ScotlandsPeople. Digital (and paper) copies of the documents can be purchased at that site. See further the introduction to Angus & Kincardineshire at Testaments.

Testaments of Bervie people from the Register of Testaments of the Commissariot of St Andrews, 1549-1823

Alexander Aberdeindeputy commissary of ordnance, in the service of the East India Co.; d. at Bervie1 & 5 Aug 1811
Robert Andersonmerchant, Bervie31 May 1813
David Arbuthnotin Barnihill of Innerbervie, par. of Kinneff21 Jun 1649
Thomas Butcharttidesman in Gourdon16 Dec 1813
Mary Carlilerelict of Mr Walter Gray, minister at Haugh-head, par. of Bervie4 Jul 1750
Elizabeth Christyspouse of James Pirrie, merchant, Bervie27 Oct 1801
Thomas Chrystie or Christieprovost of Innerbervie6 Nov 1779
Mrs Jean Couttsresiding in Bervie, widow of Charles Walker, Aberdeen13 Mar 1817
William Couttstenant in Peattie1 Dec 1818
Rev. Mr Robert Crollminister of the gospel at Bervie, spouse of Mrs Christian Farquharson23 Oct 1820
Miss Isabella Farquharsondau. of decd. Alexander Farquharson of Balfour, esq., residing in Bervie4 Jun & 1 Sep 1817
John Fettesin Barnhill, par. of Bervie24 Jan 1683
Margaret Fraserrelict of Alexander Kemlo, at Miln of Arbuthnot, thereafter in Bervie19 Sep 1788
James Gowansshipmaster in Gourdon, par. of Bervie21 Jul 1800
George Greigmerchant in Bervie28 Mar 1823
George Hudsonmerchant, etc., Inverbervie4 Dec 1809
Andrew Hutcheonresidenter, Bervie12 Nov 1801
James Imraycoastmaster at Gourdon27 Sep 1823
John Largieshipmaster in Gurdon, par. of Bervie17 Sep 1793
Alexander Milnelitster or dyer in Bervie7 May 1754
Alexander Milnein Lodging of Bervie12 Feb 1777
Mary Mowatlawful daughter to the deceased Alexander Mowat, in Ridcloak, par. of Bervie5 Nov 1695
James Napierat the Cross of Innerbervy19 Oct 1681
Mr Robert Napier of Falsydepar. of Innerbervie[16 Apr], 19 Sep and 3 Oct 1711, and 23 May 1718
William Napierlate bailie in Bervie3 Jun 1724
John OgilvieBervie28 Nov 1805
James Pickiemanin Peatie, par. of Bervie26 Jul 1686
James Pirriemerchant, Bervie27 Oct 1801
William Reatt of Halgreen [Rait of Hallgreen]25 Dec 1708, 20 Dec 1709
Issobell Soutarin Cotton of Halgreen, par. of Kinneff, spouse of John Garvey20 Jun 1605
Hugh Thomsonweaver in Bervie26 Sep 1750

Testaments registered at St Andrews that have been lost, for which only entries in the minute books are extant.

Ann Arbuthnotrelict of Captain Charles Straiton, par. of Bervie17 Jul 1728
James Burnswright in Bervie29 Mar 1738
Robert Cookcordiner in Bervie24 May 1728
Robert Gordon of Kinghornpar. of Bervie28 May 1725
John Wilsonmerchant in Bervie9 Apr 1766

Testaments of Bervie people from the Register of Testaments of the Commissariot of Brechin, 1576-1800
'T' before the date indicates that the copy in the register is lost, but the original testament is extant.

Mr James Arbuthnotresidenter in Montrose, and sometime minister at Bervie11 Oct 1732
Marjorie Bowesspouse to George Carmukis, in Bervie22 Apr 1657
Agnes Cookand Andrew Smith, in Brownsyde of Bervie2 Oct 1657
James Coutts of Halgreenlate provost of Montrose24 May 1750
Isobel Gavinand William Molleson, in Bervie, her husband22 Sep 1657
William Jaffrayin Gourdine, par. of Bervie9 Oct 1657
Margaret Napierlawful daughter of the deceased William Napier, bailie of BervieT. 30 Jan 1781
James Stevensonwobster in Bervie24 Sep 1657

Testaments of Bervie people from the Register of Testaments of the Commissariot of Edinburgh, 1514-1600

Jonet Bissetsometime spouse to Alexander Crawmond, in Bervie14 Mar 1581-2
Elspeth Drumrelict of Richard Smyth, in Bervie, par. of Kynnef in the Mearns3 Jun 1584
Margaret Gardensometime spouse to William Rait of Halgrene, par. of Kynneff, sher. of Kincardine31 Jul 1599
Isobel Leparsometime spouse to Robert Young, in Bervie, par. of Benholme, sher. of Kincardine27 Jan 1595-6
James Lindsay elder in Inverbervie in the Mearns1 Feb 1582-3
Alexander Raitburgess of Inverbervie21 Dec 1593
John Rait elderin Innerbervie20 Jun 1588
Andro Souter, alias Andersonin Innerbervie in the Mearns21 May 1585

Testaments of Bervie people from the Register of Testaments of the Commissariot of Edinburgh, 1601-1700

Isobel Petrielawful daughter to umquhile Robert Petrie, in Bervie11 Dec 1666

Testaments of Bervie people from the Register of Testaments of the Commissariot of Edinburgh, 1701-1823

James Raittacksman of Halgreen, residenter in Edinburgh26 Nov 1730


Jacobite rebels - 1745 rebellion
From: A List of Persons concerned in the Rebellion (Edinburgh, Scottish History Soc., vol. 8, 1890)

NamesDesignationsAbodeActs of rebellion
& circumstances
Where at present
John Forbes-Bervie
Alexander Robert-do
Alexander Walkerresiding indo


Window tax records

For the royal burgh of Inverbervie, 1757-1798 - NRS ref. E326/1/136


Royal burgh of Inverbervie

Records in National Records of Scotland:

Nature of recordDatesRef.
Register of sasines8 Aug 1751 - 11 Feb 1927NRS B33/1/1 to 5
Minute book of register of sasines27 Mar 1811 - 11 Feb 1927NRS B33/2/1


Provosts of Inverbervie, to 1974

NameIn officeBornDiedInfo
--- Napier?-1694-?
Alexander Arbuthnot alias Maitland of Pitrichie?-1702-1704-?Jun 1721Article
James Robertson of Crabsland?ca. 167813 Dec 1758merchant; Article
Thomas Christie?bef. 6 Nov 1779
Robert Barclay Allardice?17311797Article
--- Scott of Halgreen?-1799-?
George Hudson?-?Gibraltar21 Jun 1808manufacturer
James Farquhar of Johnston [in Laurencekirk]?-1822-?17641833Article
James Farquhar of Hallgreen?-1846-1847-?
David Duncan?-1872-?
William Jarvis?-1875-?
William Milne?-1882-1886-?14 May 1838 Fetteresso8 Nov 1916 Bervieblacksmith; senior baillie in 1881
A. Legg?-1889-1890
Alfred Gibb1890-190524 Nov 1854 Bervie6 Oct 1905manufacturer (spinner)
David Cargill Boath?-1914-1916-?13 Feb 1853 Forfar23 Apr 1927baker
-- Mitchell?-1924-192824 Feb 1928schoolmaster
William Lyon1928-1929
John Burness1929-1930
Norman Couper?-1931-1933
Rev. Neill McGill1933-19443 Oct 1944minister here 1927-44
John Burness1944-1947same man as 1929-30
William Beattie?-1948-1952-?
Christina Strachan?-1957-?teacher
R. A. Peter?-1966-?


Bailies (Magistrates) of Inverbervie, to 1974

In office1st2nd3rd
1689Robert Napier
1845-7William WatsonRobert GleggAlexander Carr


Town treasurers of Inverbervie, to 1974

NameIn officeBornDiedInfo
Robert Valentine1845-1847
-- Burness?-1929-?
A. G. Forbes?-1937-?
-- Burness?-1944-?


Deans of Guild of Inverbervie, to 1974

NameIn officeBornDiedInfo
Alexander Brown1845-1847


Town Clerks of Inverbervie, to 1974

NameIn officeBornDiedInfo
John Low?-1807-1830-?
A. Smart?-1836-?town clerk depute in 1834
James Burnes?-1837-1847-?lived in Montrose
Arthur Wellesley Kinnear?-1855-?5 Sep 1808 Dunnottar1874 Fetteressobank agent & solicitor in Stonehaven
Arthur Wellesley Kinnear, junior1869-1886-?9 Oct 1845 Fetteresso6 Apr 1909 Stonehavensolicitor in Stonehaven
John Falconer?-1935solicitor in Stonehaven
Peter Bisset1935-1955-?solicitor in Stonehaven



Maggie Law Maritime Museum, Gourdon

Places of interest


This page updated 13 Feb 2024