Testaments & wills for the city & parish of Brechin, Angus (pre-1824)

Brechin was in the Commissariot of Brechin.

Indexes to all extant pre-1926 testamentary records (wills & inventories of moveable property) can be searched free of charge at ScotlandsPeople. Digital (and paper) copies of the documents can be purchased at that site. See further the introduction to Angus & Kincardineshire at Testaments.

Testaments of Brechin people from the Register of Testaments of the Commissariot of Brechin, 1576-1823
'T' before the date indicates that the copy in the register is lost, but the original testament is extant.

Agnes Adamspouse to William Leuchars, merchant, citiner of Brechin22 Apr 1634
Alexander Adammerchant in Brechin8 Sep 1714 and -- 1714
James Adamin Kethik, and Margaret Walker, his spouse22 Dec 1630
John Adamtailor, citiner of Brechin22 May 1622
Thomas Adamin Cottoun of Kethik29 Mar 1634
James Adamsonat Middle Drums of Brechin8 Sep 1808
John Adamsonlate deacon of the Shoemakers of Brechin5 Sep and 14 Dec 1750
Isobel Aikmanspouse to John Allan, citiner in Brechin20 Apr 1584
John Alexanderindweller in Brechin, in Ailhoushill22 Jun 1612
Andrew Allanbailie in BrechinT. -- 1676
James Allanbailie of Brechin21 Oct 1690
Jean Allansometime spouse to James Dorrat, flesher in Brechin17 Aug 1754
Thomas Allancadger, citiner of Brechin23 Feb 1614
David Allardice of Memusmerchant in BrechinT. 2 Mar 1792 and T. 10 Jul 1793
David Allardice senior, esq.residing in Brechin17 Nov 1823
Jean Allardicerelict of the late James Allardice, weaver in BrechinT. 1 Dec 1792
Margaret Allardicedau of David Allardice, Pittendreich, now residing in Brechin21 Nov 1814
Robert Allardice of Memusmerchant in BrechinT. 10 Jul 1793
George Andersonguild officer in Brechin28 Mar 1688
Magdalen Andersonsometime residenter in BrechinT. 18 Mar 1783
Alexander Arbuthnot of Findowrie13 Jan 1703
Alexander Arbuthnot of FindowrieT. 17 Jun 1745
Mr Robert Arbuthnotson lawful to George Arbuthnot, in PitfortheT. 29 Nov 1669
Robert Arbuthnot of FindowrieT. 3 Aug 1745
James Archibaldwheelwright, burgess of BrechinT. 15 Mar 1663
William Archibaldin Pendriche29 Jan 1612
James Arnotmerchant, burgess of Brechin22 Apr 1688
Christian Arrotspouse to William Murray, elder, citiner of Brechin24 Nov 1628
Isobel Arrotin Cottoune of Arrott19 Jun 1610
Agnes Austianespouse to James Gardner, maltman, citiner of Brechin4 Jan 1621
Margaret Baillierelict of Dr Joseph Lowe, physician in Brechin22 Oct 1822
Lucres Balbirnyspouse to Robert Dempster, skinner, citiner of Brechin23 Apr 1622
James Barclaycitiner of Brechin, and Grissell Thomson, his spouse23 Jan 1613
Katherine Barriespouse to Thomas Clark, merchant, citiner of Brechin6 Sep 1610
David Barronmerchant in Brechin6 Sep 1686
John Bautiein Hauhemuir of Brechin31 Oct 1637
Catherine Baxterwife of James Burnet, baker in Brechin3 & 8 Nov 1809
William Beattiein Kethik, and Isobel Prat, his spouse4 Feb 1611
Janet Begspouse to Thomas Daw, in Tenements of Caldhame12 Jun 1626
Margaret Bellspouse to James Speid, in Pitpullokis22 Dec 1612
Margaret Bellspouse to John Scott, in Pendriche23 Jan 1628
Robert Bellin Dubtoune, and Grissell Symmer, his spouse14 Oct 1629
Thomas Bellin Hauche of Brechin, and Margaret Daikers, his spouse22 Aug 1614
Barbara Bellielawful daughter to umquhile David Bellie, merchant, burgess in Brechin20 Oct 1658
David Belliemiller, citiner of Brechin23 May 1596
David Belliein Wester Balnabriche, and Janet Kinugmont, his spouse2 Jul 1621
David Bellie, eldermerchant of Brechin, and Katherine Knox, his spouseT. 19 Nov 1646
Geilis Belliespouse to John Mathy, elder in Buttergyll16 Oct 1578
Isobel Belliespouse to John Gardner, wright, burgess in BrechinT. 11 Mar 1668
John Bellieat Balnabreiche30 Nov 1577
John Bellie, elder citiner of BrechinT. 23 Jan 1649
John Belliemerchant, burgess in Brechin, and Margaret Watson, his spouseT. 23 Feb 1674
Katherine Belliespouse to Thomas Adam, in Kethik6 Dec 1628
Margaret Bellierelict of Robert Erskine, sometime in Pitpullox20 Apr 1688
Mary Bennetindweller in BrechinT. -- Jul 1746
Marjorie Birdspouse to William Thomson, in Balnabriche22 Jan 1610
Thomas Birsesurgeon in Brechin10 Feb 1814
Mr Alexander Bissettminister at Brechin, and Margaret Fullertoun, his spouseT. 1 Nov 1644
Helen Bissettrelict of the late John Bruce, schoolmaster in BrechinT. -- 1785
Charles Blackin Kindrochit, and Matild Bellie, his spouse10 Jan 1612
Mrs David Blackin Brechin, relict of David Black, writer there13 Dec 1823
George Blackcordiner, burgess of Brechin, and Janet Bowack, his spouse22 Oct 1656
James Blackat the Mill of Ballnabriche, and Margaret Moris, his spouseT. 23 Feb 1670
James Blackin Brechin, and Agnes Dalgitie, his spouseT. -- May 1674
James Blackmerchant in Brechin13 Jun 1755
Janet Blackspouse to James Gellie, cordiner in Brechin17 Feb 1613
Jean Blackspouse to Alexander Braine, in Pittpullox19 Apr 1687
Margaret Blackspouse to John Poindlar, in Pendriche16 Apr 1610
Thomas Blackhallin Unthank4 Jan 1628
Mr David Blairlate minister in Brechin19 Jun 1770
Magdalen Blairresidenter in Brechin6 & 9 Apr 1816
James Blake, elderin Over Stanathie17 Jul 1661
James Bowackat the Hauch mill of Brechin, and Isobel Gray, his spouseT. -- 1668
James Bowerin Balnabriche, and Isobel Hunter, his spouse16 Nov 1613
John Brocasflesher, burgess in Brechin, and Isobel Edward, his spouseT. 20 Feb 1671
Christian Brownspouse to John Brokas, flesher, burgess in Brechin22 Nov 1665
Janet Brownwidow of James Kerr in Middleshade near Brechin20 Sep 1820
Andrew Bruceweaver, in Over Tenements, of CaldhameT. 31 May 1746
Elspet Brucespouse to William Geillie, cordiner, citiner of Brechin22 Oct 1633
Isobel Brucespouse to Robert Duncan, weaver in Brechin8 Aug 1685
Maldie Bruceand Thomas Rory, her spouse, citiner of Brechin10 Aug 1580
Alexander Burnin Brechin28 Aug 1818
Agnes Burnespouse to Alexander Payot, in Leuchland17 Jul 1661
Helen Burnerelict of John Mathie, in Nether PitforthieT. -- 1659
James Burne tenant in Nether Stannochie12 Aug 1742
Thomas Burnelate deacon of the Baxters of Brechin23 Apr 1688
Henry Burnetcitiner in Brechin10 Aug 1580
John Burnetburgess of Brechin, and Helen Bowacke, his spouseT. 14 Jun 1659
Thomas Burnetin Newbiggin, and Elizabeth Erskine, his spouse10 Sep 1640
Nicolas Campbelllawful daughter to umquhile Mr Dugall Campbell, Dean of Brechin18 Nov 1636
Margaret Cantin Brechin23 Mar 1665
Agnes Cargillrelict of James Perron, merchant, citiner of Brechin2 Apr 1630
Thomas Cargillcitiner of Brechin27 Jun 1596
Ann Carnegielawful daughter of the deceased James Carnegie of CockstonT. 3 Jan 1778
Catherine Carnegiespouse to George Spence, clerk of Brechin9 Jun 1704
David Carnegie of Drumgrainepar. of Brechin25 Jan 1623
George Carnegiemason in Brechin6 & 7 Feb 1817
James Carnegiesometime surgeon apothecary in BrechinT. 27 Feb 1741
Janet Carnegierelict of Thomas Naylor, burgess in Brechin17 Nov 1663
Mr Robert Carnegielawful son to umquhile Mr David Carnegie, Dean of Brechin3 Oct 1679
William Carnegieskinner, citiner of Brechin, and Isobel Dempster, his spouseT. 15 Oct 1642
Elspet Carrspouse to Alexander Smyth, smith gunmaker in the Tenements of CaldhameT. 23 Feb 1642
Hercules Carrcitiner of BrechinT. 24 Dec 1638
Jean Carrspouse sometime to George Mathie, in Nether Pitforthie T. 4 May 1671
Thomas Carr in Tenentis of CaldhameT. -- 1667
Elizabeth Cayin Brechin15 Dec 1818
Alexander Chrystiesometime writer in Edinburgh, thereafter at Brechin6 May 1709
Agnes Clarkspouse to John Cargill, merchant, citiner of Brechin27 Mar 1632
Margaret Clarkspouse to John Mylne, carter in Brechin17 Mar 1593-4
Andrew Cleatounin Magdalan-Cheppell25 Mar 1622
John Cleatounin Cottoun of Pitforthe18 Nov 1624
William Cleatounbaxter, burgess in Brechin, and Elspet Cargill, his spouseT. 1 Jul 1674
Agnes Cobbspouse to Thomas Car, in Tenements of Caldhame13 Oct 1629
John Cobbmaltman, citiner of Brechin, at the Mekill-Mylne14 Oct 1629
John Cobbcottar in Middle Drums, in par. of Kinnaird30 Aug 1754
Margaret Cobbspouse to Alexander Symie, wobster in Unthank9 Oct 1627
Janet Collaceat Brechin26 (16) Nov 1579
Mr Patrick Collaceadvocate, indweller in Balnabrech23 Sep 1661
Janet Connallspouse to Richard Quhyt, brabiner in Cottoun of Easter-Drums25 Aug 1630
John Cookwriter and messenger in Brechin11 Nov 1756
David Coull, liferenter of the Quarter portioner lands of Kethik12 Dec 1578
Elspet Couperspouse to David Micheill, maltman, citiner of Brechin22 Apr 1634
John Couperlawful son to umquhile Alexander Couper, wright, citiner of BrechinT. 5 Feb 1650
John Couperwheelwright, citiner of Brechin, and Isobel Mitchell, his spouseT. 1 Oct 1650
Mr John Couperminister in the Town of Montrose, sometime residing in Parkland, par. of Strickathrow, and thereafter residing in Nether Tenements of Caldhame23 May 1774
Andrew Cowieblacksmith in Brechin, and Margaret Fraser, his spouse28 Sep & 7 Nov 1809
Andrew Cowiesmith in Timber Market of Brechin26 & 27 Dec 1823
Henry Cowiemerchant in Brechin24 May 1739
James Cowielate bailie of Brechin15 and 21 Apr 1731
Euphemia Cramondspouse to Mr Thomas Ramsay, clerk to the Commissariot of Brechin24 Feb 1630
Ann Crocketrelict of William Lyall, mason in Brechin30 Aug 1814
Andrew Croill, portioner of Kethickpar. of Brechin28 Feb 1614
Euphemia Croilllawful daughter of umquhile George Croill, portioner of Kethik, and umquhile Margaret Cant, his spouse26 Apr 1636
George Croill, portioner of Kethikpar. of Brechin28 Feb 1622
John Croillin Kethik, and Elspet Bell, his spouse1 Oct 1625
David Cuthbertindvveller in Brechin22 Dec 1630
Grissel Cuthbertspouse to John Duncan, baxter, citiner of Brechin12 Oct 1610
David Dakersmerchant, BrechinT. 28 Feb 1781
Alexander Dallin Haugh of Brechin Castle(four) 20 Nov 1691
Janet Dallresidenter in Brechin6 Mar 1758
Robert Dalmahoymerchant and sadler in BrechinT. -- 1795
John Dand, elderin Craigend of Balnabrich, and Margaret Syme, his spouse11 Jun 1664
Henry Davidsonbrabiner, at the Mekill-mylne of Brechin, and Isobel Wobster, his spouse15 Feb 1637
Peter Davidsonmaltman and burgess of BrechinT. 26 Nov 1707, 20 May and 4 Nov 1708
Andrew Dawsmith in Tenements of Caldhame, and Katherine Davidson, his spouseT. 7 May 1642
Margaret Dawspouse to John Stevinsone, portioner of Easter Drumes21 Jul 1614
William Dawin Tenements of Caldhame27 Apr 1638
Andrew Dempstercitiner of Brechin31 Jan 1579-80
George Dempsterburgess of Brechin, and Margaret Donaldson, his spouseT. 4 Mar 1668
Isobel Dempsterrelict of George Dempster, skinner, citiner of Brechin1 Aug 1633
James Dempster, eldersometime bailie of Brechin6 Jan 1627
James Dempsterburgess of BrechinT. 10 Dec 1656 and 6 May 1657
Mr James DempsterMaster of the Grammar School of Brechin19 Feb 1685
Jean Dempsterspouse to John Fentone, merchant in Brechin11 Jan 1687
John Dempsterskinner, citiner of Brechin, lawful son to umquhile James Dempster, citiner thereT. 4 Jan 1649
Margaret Dempsterspouse to John Mathie, citiner of BrechinT. 8 Jan 1651
Richard Dempstercitiner of Brechin8 Aug 1597
Thomas Dempsterbrother-german to umquhile John Dempster of Balrovnie, indweller in Brechin27 Jan 1637
William Dicksonmessenger in Brechin, and Elizabeth Rodger, his spouse18 Mar 1724
Andrew Doigmerchant in Brechin29 Jun 1754 and 16 Jun 1761
John Doiglate provost of Brechin7 Jul 1730 and 10 Dec 1735
Ann Donresidenter in BrechinT. 28 Mar 1778
David Donaldsonlate bailie of Brechin13 May 1685 and T. -- 1686
Elizabeth Donaldsonrelict of James Spence, sometime bailie of BrechinT. 1 Apr 1747
Jean Donaldsonspouse to David Cathnes, weaver in Cotter-toun of Pitforthie25 Oct 1690
Katherine Donaldsonand John Blakhall, her spouse, at North Port of Brechin28 Aug 1601
Margaret Donaldsonrelict of George Dempster, merchant, burgess of Brechin23 Aug 1681
James Dorratflesher in Brechin9 Dec 1754
John Dorratresidenter and burgess of Brechin12 Jul 1753
Robert Dorratlate deacon convener of the Trades of Brechin17 Apr 1760
Ann Dorwardrelict of John Gardener, Brechin15 & 20 Apr 1822
William Dovertieschoolmaster in Brechin17 Apr 1810
James Dufftanner in BrechinT. 16 Jun 1778
Christian Dunnspouse to Thomas Beddy, in Cottoun of Pitpullokis29 Oct 1627
David Duncancordiner, citiner of Brechin, and Agnes Craig, his spouse10 Mar 1614
Isobel Duncanspouse to David Mill, late deacon of the Weaver Trade of Brechin6 Feb 1691
Janet Duncanrelict of Thomas Cargill, citiner of Brechin2 Apr 1630
John Duncanflax-dresser in BrechinT. 25 Sep 1771
Robert Duncanweaver, burgess of Brechin, and Isobel Williamson, his spouse24 Oct 1690
Agnes Duncansonspouse to James Allan, merchant, burgess in Brechin30 Jul 1662
Alexander Duriebrewer in Brechin25 Dec 1816
Helen Durwart spouse to Thomas Brokhouse, baxter, citiner of Brechin28 Jun 1637
Katherine Dynnesspouse to John Murray, elder in Kethik21 Jan 1628
David Edgar of Keithock13 Sep 1723
George Edward, youngerin Brechin8 Aug and 3 Sep 1711
George Edward, elderfishmonger, burgess of Brechin29 Oct 1716
John Edwardtailor, citiner of Brechin2 Jul 1610
Alexander Erskineat Brechin Castle, and factor to the Earl of Panmure, and Anna Maule, his spouseT. 27 May 1674
Anne Erskinerelict of John Ferrier, at Bridgend of Brechin10 Jun 1743 and T. 6 Apr 1749
David Erskinemerchant in Brechin13, 27 Aug 1816 & 21 Apr 1819
George Erskineat Brechin Castle26 Jun 1683
George Erskinetenant in West side, par. of Edzell, thereafter at Latchend of BrechinT. 15 Feb 1793
Margaret Erskineindweller in Brechin, relict of James Schewane, minister at Navar19 Nov 1635
Agnes Esplinespouse to John Watt, in Balnabruche3 Feb 1614
John Eyndin Pendriche29 Jan 1625
James Fairliesadler, burgess in BrechinT. -- 1666
Alexander Fairweatherlate bailie of Brechin2 Sep 1709 and 11 Mar 1710
Isobel Fairweatherspouse to David Profeitt, merchant, citiner of Brechin15 Mar 1641
Janet Fairweatherlate in Drumgrain, in par. of Brechin8 May 1758
Archibald Farquharsonin Kethick, and Anna Blair, his spouse28 Nov 1683
John Fawnsflesher, citiner of Brechin9 Feb 1600
William Fawnsflesher, burgess of Brechin, and Margaret Mathie, his spouse5 Nov 1680 and 2 Oct 1695
Isobel Fentonspouse to John Adamson, late deacon of the Shoemakers of BrechinT. 17 Apr 1747
Thomas Fentonmanufacturer in Brechin18 Aug & 15 Nov 1811
William Fentonin Unthank13 Aug 1677 and 12 Feb 1680
David Ferne, eldercitiner of Brechin, and Elspet Mylne, his spouse9 Sep 1622
Alexander Ferrier esq.surgeon, H.E.I.C.S., afterwards residing in Brechin8 Jun 1816
John Ferrierin Nether Tenements of Caldhame21 Aug 1717 and 22 Jun 1719
John Ferriermariner in Montrose, lawful son to the deceased John F., at Bridgend of Brechin15 Jun 1737
David Findlaycitiner of Brechin30 Apr 1629
Katherine Findlayspouse to George Brewhouse, in Pendrich11 Dec 1627
William Findlaymerchant, burgess of Brechin, and Janet Simpson, his spouse6 Mar 1696 and 23 Feb 171 5
William Findlay merchant in Brechin20 May 1731
David Findlaysonmerchant, citiner of Brechin, and Violet Ritchie, his spouse10 May 1613
James Findlaysonsmith, citiner of Brechin, and Isobel Wobster, his spouse15 Oct 1632
John Finnybaxter, indweller in Brechin25 Feb 1578-9
James Fordellin Cottoun of Stannoquhie25 Apr 1601
George Fotheringhamelate fishmonger in Brechin30 Jan 1776
George Fotheringhamein Brechin26 May & 2 Jun 1821
William Foxcitiner of Brechin22 Mar 1638
Mr Paul Fraser minister at Stracathrow, and Chantour of Brechin14 Sep 1609
Barbara Fyfeand David Skinner, citiner of Brechin, her husband4 May 1641
James Fyfecordiner in BrechinT. 26 Jun 1682
John Fyfemealmonger in Brechin1 May 1756
Katherine Fyfespouse to John Ross, merchant, citiner of Brechin27 Jul 1631
John Gardenmerchant in BrechinT. 28 May 1746
John Gardinerin Brechin31 Jan 1812
James Gardnermaltman, citiner of Brechin21 Mar 1623
Janet Gardnerrelict of John Langwill, citiner of Brechin21 Aug 1627
John Gardnerwheelwright in Brechin, and Catherine Mather, his spouse3 Feb 1682
John Gardnermaltman in Tenements of Caldhame24 Oct 1690
Alexander Gavinindweller in BrechinT. 24 Dec 1647
David Gellieson lawful to William Gellie, cordiner, citiner of Brechin27 Nov 1635
Katherine Gibbspouse to Thomas Speid, merchant and skinner in Brechin12 Jul 1621
William Gibsonin Tenents of Calhame, and Margaret Wilson, his spouseT. 22 Sep 1671
Robert Gilliesmerchant in Brechin3 Nov 1806
Charles Gordon of Glengarrocksometime bailie of Brechin18 Jan 1764
William Gourlayteacher in Brechin28 Feb 1812
Christian Grayspouse to Alexander Young, merchant, burgess in Brechin15 Dec 1684
David Graymerchant in Brechin11 Oct 1731
James Graymerchant in Brechin26 Apr 1750
Margaret Grayrelict of Mr Edward Leslie, bailie of Brechin8 May and 9 Sep 1776
Patrick Graylawful son to William Gray, in Isakstoun2 Apr 1630
Mr Robert Grayminister at Brechin, and Anne Swinton, his spouseT. -- 1743 and T. 27 May 1752
William Grayin Isackstone, and Christian Smith, his spouse2 Jun 1657
John Greigmaltman, citiner in Brechin, and Katherine Wobster, his spouse30 Jul 1641
Homer Grierson of Balyowniemerchant, and sometime Dean of Guild, BrechinT. 8 Jul 1786
George Grubmerchant, citiner of Brechin5 Jan 1611
Alexander Gryme (Grim)late merchant in Brechin19 Sep 1772
John Grymeweaver in Brechin30 Mar. 1688
David Guthrie of Pitforthy23 Oct 1695
Elizabeth Guthriesometime spouse to the deceased David Guthrie of Seatown, and relict of David Edgar of Keithock30 Oct 1723
Elspet Guthriespouse to Andrew Mylnie, in Balnabriche10 May 1630
James Guthrie of PitforthieT. 10 Nov 1650
Janet Guthrierelict of George Mathie, maltman, citiner of BrechinT. 8 Jan 1651
Captain John Guthriemerchant in Brechin29 Sep 1687
Margaret Guthriespouse to Hercules Car, maltman, citiner of Brechin27 Nov 1635
Katherine Hallspouse to John Sponnar, indweller in Brechin1 May 1632
Marion Hallspouse to John Duncan, brabiner, citiner of Brechin17 Jan 1621
William Hallin Brechin, lawful son of William Hall, sometime in Nether-Pitforthie9 Jun 1704
Agnes Hantonlawful daughter of Thomas Hanton, in PitpolloxT. -- Sep 1732
Marjorie Hantonspouse to Andrew Thomson, maltman, citiner of Brechin12 Jun 1613
Robert Hantonin Isackstone18 Nov 1690
Thomas Hantonin Pittpollox, and Margaret Speid, his spouseT. -- 1667
David Hendersonmerchant in Brechin2 Jul 1713
Isobel Hendersonspouse to John Chrystel, skinner, citiner of Brechin13 Feb 1636
Catherine Hendryin Brechin9 Jul 1814
Alexander Henry or Hendriemessenger, burgess in Brechin, and Margaret Gibson, his spouseT. 27 May 1674
Alexander Henry maltman in Brechin, and Bessie Donaldson, his spouseT. 20 Apr 1675
John Henrymerchant in Brechin13 Jul 1709
Walter Henryin Marcatfurd of Kethick4 Aug 1624
Alexander Hillmerchant tailor in Brechin20 Nov 1801
Alexander Hillin Brechin10 Feb 1813
David Hillin Arrot, and Helen Marschall, his spouse24 Feb 1630
Francis Hillin Arrotsmill, and Janet Skinner, his spouseT. 17 Jul 1677
John Hillin Easter Drumies2 Aug 1637
Margaret Hillspouse to William Prinzeill, in Over Pitforth15 Apr 1628
Thomas Hillmerchant, tailor in Brechin21 May 1750
Alexander Hoodcarter in Brechin17 Dec 1813 & 4 Jan 1814
John Hoodin Kethik12 Oct 1631
Christian Hunterspouse to David Leslie, indweller in Brechin13 Jul 1621
James Inneraritymerchant, citiner of Brechin, and Elspet Syme, his spouseT. 6 Jan 1647
James Inneraritymerchant and tanner in BrechinT. 19 Jun 1795
George Innesphysician, burgess in Brechin, and Barbara Ramsay, his spouseT. 22 Aug 1677
Patrick Irvinewright, burgess of Brechin5 Oct 1737
Alexander Jamiesonmerchant in Nether Tenements of Caldhame25 Oct 1751
Dougald Jamiesonmaltman, burgess of Brechin10 Nov 1658
Elspet Jamiesonspouse to David Mylne, brabiner, citiner of BrechinT. 6 Feb 1647
John Jamiesonlate bailie of Brechin16 Nov 1686 and 21 May 1687
Walter Jamiesonlate bailie of Brechin, and Margaret Liddell, his spouse12 Sep 1691
James Johnstontailor, citiner of Brechin5 May 1601
Margaret Johnstonand David Steinson, in Hilhead of Drums [Brechin?], her spouse11 Mar 1657
Marjorie Johnstonrelict of John Fawnies, citiner of Brechin12 Mar 1600
Thomas Jolliemerchant in Brechin4 Feb 1715
James Keithmusitiane, burgess in BrechinT. 5 May 1670
James Kenzowmerchant, citiner of Brechin, and Barbara Sand, his spouse12 Jun 1613
Robert Kinnearlawful son to umquhile John Kinnear, baxter in Brechin8 Jan 1677
Helen Kirkspouse to John Henderson, baxter, citiner of Brechin29 Jan 1622
John Kirksometime servitor to Mr Dugall Campbell, Dean of Brechin8 May 1610
John Knightbaxter, citiner of BrechinT. 12 Mar 1646
Mr Andrew Knoxminister at KinnairdT. 9 Jul 1748
George Knoxmerchant, citiner of Brechin28 Mar 1626
James Knoxskinner, citiner in Brechin22 Oct 1656
James Knoxglover, burgess of Brechin18 Oct 1682
James Knox, youngerglover, burgess in Brechin3 Nov 1680
James Knox merchant and town treasurer of Brechin25 Jul 1740
William Knoxmerchant, citiner of Brechin9 Mar 1633
William Knox glover, burgess of Brechin29 May 1719
Isobel Kyle or Brownat Dens of Brechin, and Mary Brown, her dau there5 Oct 1802
Christian Laingspouse to James Wyld, wright, citiner of Brechin28 Mar 1640
Patrick Laingtanner in Brechin23 Sep 1814
David Lambflesher, citiner of Brechin, and Elizabeth Broune, his spouse6 Feb 1610
James Lambin Cottoun of Nether Dyssert, and Geillis Gouk, his spouse11 Nov 1611
Katherine Lambspouse to John Mitchell, in Nether Pitforthie, and the said John, her spouse10 Nov 1612
James Langlandslate deacon of the Hammermen of Brechin25 May 1757
Margaret Langlandsrelict of James Weath, sometime shoemaker in Brechin3 Sep 1773
John Langwillcitiner of Brechin, and Janet Gardner, his spouse2 Jan 1622
James Laurencemerchant in Brechin17 Jul 1823
Margaret Laurence in Brechin, relict of George Mather, late at Mill of DownieT. 5 Jan 1785
Thomas Lawin Dennhead of Lewchland28 Jul 1579
John Leightonwright, Upper Tenements of Caldhame24 & 25 Jul 1821
William Leitchat Bridgend of Brechin21 Feb 1734 and 11 Jul 1735
Katherine Leonardspouse to John Morris, in Balnabriche22 Dec 1630
Marjorie Leparspouse to John Willok, in Magdalen chapel28 Jun 1598
Catherine Leucharsspouse to Patrick Longlands, in Stannochy16 Mar 1695
George Leucharsin Haughmuir, and Helen Strachan, his spouse2 Nov 1728
Elspeitt Liddellspouse to George Gruib, merchant, citiner of Brechin, and her said spouse7 Nov 1610
Mr John Liddellmerchant in Brechin17 Apr 1733
Maldie Liddellspouse to Andrew Oudney, citiner of Brechin21 May 1597
Thomas Liddell, youngercitiner of Brechin, and Agnes Murray, his spouse24 Oct 1629
Agnes Lindsayspouse to Charles Gordon, merchant, and late bailie of Brechin27 Jul 1750
Andrew Lindsaycordiner, citiner of Brechin26 Jan 1621
David Lindsaybailie of Brechin20 May 1640
Elizabeth Lindsayspouse to John Mourtoune, merchant, citiner of Brechin1 Aug 1611
James Lindsaytailor, burgess of Brechin, and Margaret Skinner, his spouseT. 3 Mar 1648
Margaret Lindsayspouse to Harry Balfour, citiner of BrechinT. 24 Dec 1647
Mary Lindsayresidenter in Brechin, relict of David Jamieson, sometime tenant in Haukhill19 Oct 1756
Alexander Littlejohnburgess in Brechin, and Christian Paterson, his spouseT. 5 Mar 1669
Magdalen Livingstonein Findowrie, relict of Mr David Campbell, sometime minister at MenmureT. 11 Jul 1705
Margaret Livingstonespouse to Patrick Blair, in Lichtounhill25 Nov 1624
Thomas Loutfuttaquavitie maker in Brechin21 Jan 1612
John Lowmerchant, and late bailie of Brechin30 Jul and 27 Nov 1751
Margaret Lowspouse to William Potter, in Mursyde of Wester Drumes6 Aug 1601
Margaret Lowindweller in Brechin2 Sep 1709
Dr Joseph Lowephysician in Brechin21 Jan & 18 Jun 1816
Grissell Lowsonrelict of Alexander Cheild, sometime in Inschewine, and now dweller in Brechin9 May 1611
William Lowson, late of Balleuniemerchant in BrechinT. -- 1745
Margaret Lucklawspouse to Colin Alison, at Kinnaird18 Jul 1739
William Lunnanin Pendriche22 Jul 1620
James Lyallcarter, Brechin16 Jul 1821 & 10 Jan 1822
Christian Lyellspouse to George Crammond, sometime of Newtoun and now in Brechin16 Mar 1580-1
James Lyell of Baikieformerly tenant of West Carcary, afterwards in Brechin1 Aug 1810
Andrew Lyon of Balgilliecitiner of BrechinT. 7 Feb 1650
Elizabeth Lyonspouse to David Lindsay, younger, citiner of Brechin28 Jul 1612
Elizabeth Lyonrelict of Robert Allardice, merchant, and late bailie of Brechin24 Apr 1754
Jean Lyonrelict of James Knox, merchant and town treasurer of Brechin18 Dec 1740
John Lyontailor in Brechin20 Apr 1688
James McKenziegunsmith in Brechin25 Sep 1816
Robert McKenziemerchant, Brechin31 May 1819, 3 & 4 Oct 1820
Catherine McKoorrelict of Mr Dougall Campbell, Dean of Brechin4 Dec 1661
David Machircooper in Brechin14 May 1823
Elizabeth Maitlandrelict of David Windram, merchant, and late bailie of BrechinT. 26 Apr 1746
Margaret Maitlandspouse to Alexander Quhyit, in Leuchland22 Aug 1610
Alexander Marshallwright, citiner of Brechin13 Apr 1598
Marjorie Marshallspouse to John Daw, at the Mylne of Balnabriche20 Apr 1611
William Marshalllate deacon of the Weaver Trade of Brechin10 Jun 1725
Margaret Mathespouse of Thomas Rorye, citiner of Brechin30 Apr 1582
Catherine Matherspouse to James Allan, bailie of Brechin27 Jul and 20 Nov 1688
John Matherchapman in Brechin11 Jun 1764
William Mather, elderbutcher in BrechinT. 17 Mar 1785
David Mathersweaver in BrechinT. 2 July 1800
Janet Mathersspouse to John Bruce, skinner, citiner of Brechin19 Nov 1628
John Matherswright, citiner of Brechin, and Katherine Couper, his spouse11 Dec 1613
John Matherslawful son to umquhile John M., wright, citiner of Brechin9 Apr 1627
John Mathewin PendricheT. 14 Dec 1642
Agnes Mathiespouse to Thomas Scott, merchant, citiner of Brechin6 Jun 1627
George Mathiemaltman, citiner of Brechin, and Janet Guthrie, his spouse12 Jun 1623
Helen Mathielawful daughter to umquhile John Mathie, in Leuchland19 Oct 1686
James and David Mathielawful bairns of John Mathie, citiner of Brechin, and umquhile Margaret Dempster, his spouseT. 9 Jan 1651
John Mathiein Leuchland25 Oct 1690
Mr Thomas Mathisonminister in Brechin7 Nov 1760
Robert Maulewright, sometime at Brechin CastleT. - Feb 1748
Alexander Melville in Nether Dyssertand Elspet Falconer, his spouse26 May 1610
Janet Micollspouse to Andrew Syme, wright, indweller in Brechin14 Jan 1635
John Milllint-wheel wright, burgess, and late master of the Hospitall of the Burgh of Brechin, and Jean Mill, his spouseT. -- 1692 and 8 Jul 1693
John Millwright in Brechin12 Mar 1821
John Millarat the Halche-mylne of Brechin9 Aug 1597
Margaret Millarspouse to John Schewan, notar, citiner of Brechin11 Jul 1627
Nicoll Millarcitiner of Brechin, and Agnes Cramond, his spouse3 Aug 1610
Jean Milnespouse to William Guthrie, merchant in Brechin13 May 1720
Agnes Mitchellservitrix to Robert Speid, citiner of Brechin11 Aug 1610
David Mitchellin Easter Balnabreich9 May 1758
Geillis Mitchellspouse to John Barre, cadger in Pitpullokis19 Jan 1622
George Mitchellburgess of BrechinT. 25 Feb 1749
George Mitchellfeuar in Nether Tenements of CaldhameT. 4 Oct 1777
Isobel Mitchellspouse to John Hind, portioner of Kethik6 Dec 1628
Isobel Mitchellrelict of John Bellie, burgess of Brechin18 Apr 1716
Robert Mitchellin Wester LichtounhillT. 3 Feb 1643
William Mitchellin Cottershed of Arrat30 Oct and 19 Nov 1690
Ann Molisonspouse to Alexander Stott, burgess in BrechinT. 18 Jun 1784
Francis Molisonlate bailie of Brechin9 Feb 1722
John Molisonlate provost of BrechinT. 21 Jun 1791
Thomas Molisontacksman of the bleachfield of Brechin31 Dec 1807
Thomas Mollisonmerchant and one of the bailies, afterwards provost of Brechin18 & 21 Dec 1815
Janet Morrisin Muresyde of Brechin19 Mar 1593-4
Janet Morrisspouse to David Dakers, in BalnabreichT. 16 May 1666
John Morrisin Balnabriche25 Apr 1629
Margaret Morrisin Haughmilne, relict of James Black, sometime in Balnabrich22 Feb 1682
Isobel Mortimerspouse to Thomas Loutfitt, citiner of Brechin28 Apr 1598
John Mortimermerchant, citiner of Brechin, and Katherine Thaine, his spouse28 Nov 1612
James Mougewright in Brechin12 Jul 1699
Christian Mudierelict of John Doig, late provost of Brechin15 Nov 1736
Henry Mudiein Carestoune27 Apr 1622
Agnes Murraylawful daughter of umquhile William Murray, citiner of Brechin, and Agnes Murray, his spouse1 May 1629
Janet Murrayspouse to Alexander Clark, merchant, citiner of Brechin28 Nov 1612
John Murraybrother-german to umquhile William Murray, skinner, citiner of Brechin5 June 1633
John Murrayin Kethik16 Nov 1636
Margaret Murrayspouse to William Hall, in Nether Pitforthe4 Dec 1638
Christian Murrisonspouse to John Hood, in Bake of Craig of Balnabreich16 Jul 1657
Robert Mylesmerchant in Brechin23 Apr 1768
Bessie Mylnespouse to William Nauchtie, in Leidsyde of Kethik25 Aug 1630
David Mylnewright, citiner of Brechin, and Isobel Scot, his spouse25 Apr 1636
Janet Mylnespouse to Andrew Bruce, at the Meikle Mylne of Brechin13 May 1594
John Mylne meilman, citiner of Brechin13 Dec 1625
Margaret Mylnespouse to James Tailzour, in Brechin13 Aug 1628
Richard Nauchty (Naughtie)in Raw of Leuhland, tenant to my Lord of Mar, and Janet Morris, his spouse13 Jul 1631
William Nauchty (Naughtie)sometime in Kethik, now indweller in Brechin13 Feb 1641
Thomas Naylorburgess of Brechin10 Dec 1662
Alexander Neishin West Drums, and Margaret Steinsone, his spouse12 Apr 1658
Miss Ann Gordon Neishdau of the late William Neish, tenant in Unthank and Christian Smith, his spouse14 Oct 1815 & 19 Jun 1823
Elspet Neishspouse to Thomas Brokhouse, baxter, citiner of Brechin6 Jun 1638
Euphan Neishwidow in Buttergill14 Feb 1640
George Neishin Pitpullox23 Aug 1737
John Neishin MiddledrumsT. -- 1663
Margare Neishindweller in BrechinT. 18 May 1671
John Nicollindweller in Pittforther, and Grisell Mathie, his spouseT. 17 Dec 1673
Mr James Nicolsonsometime commissar of Brechin12 Jan 1685
Isobel Norierelict of Andrew Lyone, burgess in Brechin25 Sep 1657
John Noriemaster of Masendew, citiner of Brechin21 Jul 1627
James Officiarin Cottoun of Nether Pitforthe, and Janet Quheit, his spouse28 Dec. 1611
Jean Ogilviespouse to Mr Alexander Bisset, minister at Brechin20 May 1628
Jean Ogilviespouse to John Cook, writer in Brechin2 Jul 1752
Jean Orkneylawful daughter of the deceased James Orkney, late white-fisher in Montrose, and Isobel Nicol, his spouse, who was sister-german to the deceased David Nicol, late residenter in Brechin6 Dec 1775
Alexander Ouchterlony of Pitforthie18 Jan 1737 and 12 May 1738
John Ouchterlonylate provost of Brechin, and Agnes Carnegie, his spouse23 Oct 1661
John Ouchterlonymerchant in Brechin, at Brechin CastleT. 20 Aug 1747
Nicholas Ouchterlonylawful daughter of the late John O., merchant in BrechinT. 22 Oct 1782
Patrick Ouchterlonylawful son to John O., late provost of Brechin16 Sep 1662
Margaret Oudneyspouse to Robert Rollok, elder, citiner of Brechin6 Jan 1621
Christian Patersonrelict of Alexander Littlejohn, burgess in BrechinT. 27 Mar 1671
Isobel Patersonspouse to John Murray, citiner of Brechin24 Feb 1630
Isobel Patersonspouse to John Lamb, in BrechinT. 7 Aug 1668
James Patonservitor to William Gray, in Isakstoun2 Apr 1630
Christell Peatin Kethuik27 Jan 1 580-1
Sara Peddiespouse to Arthour Mader, younger, in Bothers12 Oct 1609
James Peirssmerchant, citiner of Brechin, and Agnes Cargill, his spouse29 Apr. 1629
James Peterservitor to umquhile Thomas Skinner, bailie of BrechinT. 8 Dec 1647
James Peterbrewer in Brechin27 Jul 1803
Agnes Petrieresidenter in Brechin, daughter of the deceased Mr John P., sometime minister of DrumlithieT. 10 Feb 1775
Isobel Petrieresidenter in Tenements of CaldhamT. 8 Oct 1741
John Pinnellsometime in Easter Balnabreich16 Jan 1718
Isobel Praittrelict of William Beattie, in Kethok4 Feb 1611
John Prinzealltailor, citiner of Brechin, lawful son to William Prinzeall, citiner thereof25 Aug 1630
William Prinzeallcitiner of Brechin, and Marjorie Duncan, his spouse30 Jul 1635
Margaret Proctorrelict to Andrew Cook, sometime in Brechin1 Aug 1710
Alexander Pyottin Leuchland30 Jun 1686
Thomas Raenotar, son lawful to John Rea, maltman, citiner of Brechin28 May 1627
Christian Ramsayspouse to James Clark, merchant, citiner of Brechin, now in Forfar13 Feb 1633
David Ramsaymessenger, citiner of Brechin, and Margaret Millar, his spouse15 Mar 1626 and 9 May 1628
John Ramsayin Arrat6 Dec 1681
John Raymaltman, citiner of Brechin17 Mar 1641
Dr David Reediephysician in Brechin27 Jan 1817
Jean Reidresidenter in Brechin12 Sep 1765
John Reidweaver in Brechin9 Jan 1691
John Reidweaver in Brechin, and William Reid, also weaver in said burgh, his sonT. 25 Jul 1743
John Rhind, youngerin Kethock, and Elspet Peirson, his spouse18 Oct 1614
William Rincksounin Cottertoun of Dyssert, and Margaret Tweedalle, his spouse17 Jan 1634
David Robertworkman, sometime at Quingo, thereafter at Pitforthie4 May 1768
Andrew Robertsoncitiner of Brechin30 Jul 1638
David Robertsoncitiner of Brechin21 Mar 1638
David Robertsonlate Treasurer of Brechin18 Dec 1732
Elizabeth Isobel Robertsonrelict of Mr Andrew Doig, merchant, and late bailie of Brechin29 Jun 1754
Alexander Robiein Brechin, only surviving son of Andrew Robie, tenant of Kirktown of Clova29 May 1821
James Rogerwheelwright in BrechinT. 3 Jul 1782
Margaret Rollospouse to Thomas Ogilvie, citiner of Brechin11 Sep 1627
George Rossin BrechinT. -- 1659
Alexander Roylate of the 32nd Foot, out-pensioner of Chelsea Hospital, residing in Brechin6 Apr 1818
Margaret Sandspouse to Alexander F'awnis, flesher, citiner of Brechin11 Jul 1610
Alexander Sandemanin Braklowburne3 Feb 1632
Thomas Schellanenotar, clerk of the city of BrechinT. 14 Oct 1642
Agnes Scottlawful daughter of umquhile William Scott, merchant, citiner of Brechin, and Margaret Smith, his spouseT. 6 Oct 1651
Catherine Scottrelict of Robert Fentone, sometime burgess in BrechinT. 21 Aug 1673
George ScottGold Yards, Brechin29 Oct & 9 Nov 1819
Janet Scottrelict of Thomas Traill, in Little Watterstoun, and spouse to Henry Muddie there26 Jul 1613
John Scottlawful son to Thomas Scott, merchant, citiner of Brechin, by umquhile Agnes Mathie, his spouse8 Dec 1627
John Scottmerchant, burgess of BrechinT. 24 Dec 1647
John Scottin Leuchland, and Isobel Mathie, his spouse18 Feb 1659
John Scottmerchant, burgess in BrechinT. 27 May 1675
John Scottlabourer in Brechin28 Mar & 4 Apr 1809
Katherine Scottspouse to John Bruce, brabiner, citiner of Brechin19 Jan 1614
William Scottmerchant, citiner of Brechin, and Margaret Smythe, his spouse4 Nov 1634
Mr William Shandminister at BrechinT. 4 Apr 1745
James Sheirsslater, burgess of Brechin31 May 1736
Isobel Shepherdspouse to James Alschender, merchant, citiner of Brechin20 Jul 1629
William Shepherdmerchant in BrechinT. 16 Jul 1771 and 8 Mar 1775
Catherine Sievwright (Siffwricht)spouse to George Paterson, in BrechinT. 8 Dec 1647
James Sievwrightin Brechin29 Apr 1579
John Sievwrightburgess of Brechin, and Catherine Quhyt, his spouseT. 8 Dec 1647
Thomas Sievwright, elderburgess of Brechin8 Apr 1658
Thomas Sievwrightin Nether Tenements of Caldhame, and Mary Gairdner, his spouse24 Dec 1684
David Simeweaver in Nether Tenements of Caldhame30 Apr 1768
John Simetailor, burgess of Brechin, and Janet Liche, his spouseT. 9 Dec 1645
Janet Simsonrelict of William Findlay, merchant in Brechin16 Mar 1715 and 20 May 1731
Bessie Skairspouse to George Falconer, cordiner, citiner of BrechinT. 19 Nov 1646
David or John Skinnerlate provost of Brechin7 Nov 1679
George Skinnerglover in Brechin5 Feb 1692
Janet Skinnereldest lawful daughter to the deceased Mr Laurence Skinner, sometime minister of Brechin4 Sep 1711
Katherine Skinnerrelict of James Tailyeor, smith, burgess in Brechin- Jan 1677
Laurence Skinnerlate bailie of Brechin13 Feb 1691
Margaret Skinnerspouse to umquhile James Lyndesay, tailor, burgess of BrechinT. 26 Dec 1649
James Smartchapman in Brechin11 Nov 1729
James Smartwright in Brechin20 Aug 1774
Catherine Smithwidow, lately of George Street, Portland Chapel, par. of Marylebone, Middlesex, now in Brechin19 Dec 1808
Christian Smithrelict of John Millar, at the Halche-mylne of Brechin9 Aug 1597
Christian Smithspouse to Andrew Fairlie, sadler, citiner of Brechin22 Dec 1630
James Smithbaxter, citiner of Brechin, and Isobel Hoy, his spouse12 Oct 1610
James Smithmerchant in Brechin26 Oct & 18 Nov 1815
Jean Smithrelict of David Greig, feuar in Nether Tenements of CaldhameT. 27 Jun 1794
John Smith, eldermerchant in Brechin11 Feb 1774
John Smithprovost of BrechinT. 23 Feb 1800
Robert Smithweaver and bleacher in BrechinT. 28 Feb 1781
William Smyttansurgeon in Brechin12 Mar 1821 & 20 Feb 1822
Christian Soutarspouse to Thomas Allardes, in Easter Drumies2 Aug 1637
John Soutarin Cottoun of Wester Drumes24 Jan 1624
Bessie Speidspouse to John Stevinson, in Wester Drums11 Mar 1626
John Speidin Mursyde of Drumes9 Jul 1610
John Speid, elderin Pitpulokis, heritable proprietor of the lands of the back of the Crage of the Hill of BalnabreichT. 26 Dec 1649
John Speidservitor to Thomas Hampton, in Pitpullox29 Jun 1658
John Speid of Ardiviepar. of BrechinT. 13 Jun 1676
Katherine Speidspouse to John Syme, in Back of the Leiye of Balnabrich20 Jul 1629
Richard Speid, elderin Pitpullokis, and Elspeth Mather, his spouse25 Aug 1630
Robert Speidin Pitpullokis19 Jun 1610
Thomas Speidcotterman in Petpullox10 Nov 1578
Thomas Speidin Cottoun of Halche4 May 1601
Thomas Speid, fiar of Achdowiedwelland in Mursyde, and Helen Arbuthnot, his spouse27 May 1635
Mr Alexander Spencemerchant in Brechin2 Mar 1802
Elizabeth Spencerelict of David Windram, merchant in BrechinT. 3 Apr 1746
Elizabeth Spencein Brechin29 Aug 1818
George Spencelate clerk of Brechin13 Jun 1752
Isobel Spencerelict of the late David Allardice, of Memus, merchant in BrechinT. 20 Jun 1797
James Spencelate bailie of Brechin17 Apr 1729 and 14 Mar 1730
Jean Spencespouse to the deceased William Lowson of Ballewny, merchant in BrechinT. 5 Dec 1744
John SpenceCommisar Clerk of Brechin, and Elizabeth Lyon, his spouse23 Oct 1691
John Spencelate Commissary of BrechinT. 8 Jul 1791
Agnes Sponnarspouse to John Kid, in Cragend of Drums8 Sep 1623
Agnes Spruntspouse to John Allan, in Cottoune of Over Pitforthie18 May 1599
George Steellbailie of Brechin, and Catherine Bellie, his spouse7 Oct 1687
Robert Steellin Mains of Arrot14 Jan 1731
Alexander Stevensonlawful son to umquhile Alexander S., merchant, citiner of Brechin, and Agnes Findloson, his spouse31 May 1621
Jean Stevensonlawful daughter to umquhile Alexander Stevinson, merchant, citiner of Brechin11 Jan 1628
Jean Stevensonrelict of William Clerk, merchant, and late bailie of BrechinT. 24 Nov 1746
John Stevensonsometime portioner of Easter Drums4 May 1601
William Stevensonin Raw of Leuchland24 Nov 1579
James Stewartweaver in BrechinT. 4 Sep 1778
William Stewartwright, citiner of Brechin, and Isobel Walker, his spouse18 Mar 1612
Christian Strachanspouse to Alexander Gellie, cordinar, citiner of Brechin29 Oct 1601
David Strachanmerchant in Brechin17 Mar 1593-4
David StrachanBishop of Brechin, and Anna Barclay, his spouseT. 29 Dec 1671 and 28 Jun 1682
James Strachanin Keithock30 May 1687
James Strachanlate Commissar of Brechin10 Aug 1685
John Strachanindweller in Brechin21 May 1628
Alexander Stratonsurgeon apothecary in Brechin16 Dec 1713
George Stratonminister of the episcopal congregation in Brechin17 Nov 1823
Elizabeth Sturrockspouse of Alexander Mitchell, merchant in Brechin22 Apr 1820
David Symmerbonat-maker, citiner of Brechin11 May 1594
William Tavindaleweaver in Brechin31 Mar 1773
James Taylorshoemaker in Brechin, and Catherine Mill, his spouse8 Mar 1688
John Taylorcitiner of Brechin, and Isobel Broune, his spouse4 Feb 1600
Andrew Thomsonin Tenements of Caldhame, and Margaret Fyfe, his spouse13 Jun 1627
James Thoulascitiner of Brechin15 Oct 1631
Normand Torrielitster, citiner of Brechin, and Bessie Malcolm, his spouse23 Apr 1636
John Tullowin Tenements of Caldham, and Elizabeth Tanndale, his spouse13 Aug 1633
Alexander Valentinein Kincraige23 Feb 1597-8
Alexander Valentinemerchant in BrechinT. 28 Feb 1795
Margaret Valentinespouse to Walter Lamb, citiner of Brechin8 Jul 1628
John Waithin DubtounT. 16 Feb 1643
David Walkerin Masendew, and Janet Gryme, his spouse6 Nov 1632
David Walkerindweller in Brechin, and Elspet Donaldson, his spouseT. 25 Apr 1642
John Walkerlabourer in Brechin9 & 11 Aug 1814
Margaret Walkerspouse to John Stevenson, brabiner in the Meikle Mill of BrechinT. 1 Feb 1670
Robert Walkerbrabiner, citiner of Brechin, and Bessie Fettous, his spouse16 May 1635
Agnes Watsonrelict of Andrew Allan, sometime bailie of Brechin12 Oct 1687
Elizabeth Watsonspouse to Walter Knox, tailor, citiner of Brechin17 Sep 1611
George Watsonin Cottoune of Easter Drumes30 Aug 1599
George Watsonmerchant in Brechin24 Jan 1817
Janet Watsonspouse to David Black, in Hilhead of Stannoche25 Aug 1630
John Watsonmerchant, burgess in Brechin, and Elizabeth Sym, his spouseT. 23 Sep 1669
John Watsonson lawful to James Watson, at the Meikle Mill of BrechinT. - Dec 1670
Thomas Watsonmerchant, citiner of Brechin9 Jan 1635
William Watsonservitor to James Gardiner, maltman, citiner of Brechin17 Jan 1612
Adam Wattmerchant, citiner of Brechin8 Dec 1628
Agnes Wattonly daughter of umquhile James W., merchant, citiner of Brechin, and Elspet Cant, his spouse8 Jan 1624
Agnes Wattspouse to George Brewhouse, in Pendriche17 Oct 1636
Alexander Watt, elderburgess in Brechin10 Jul 1661
Andrew Wattmerchant, citiner of Brechin, and Euphame Liddell, his spouse11 Dec 1612
Andrew Wattmerchant, citiner of Brechin22 Dec 1630
Bessie Wattspouse to Richard Speid, maltman, citiner of Brechin2 Apr 1630
Elizabeth Wattlawful daughter of the deceased Alexander Watt, merchant in Breehin16 Jun 1735
John Wattin the Halche of Brechin21 May 1597
John Wattglover, burgess in BrechinT. 27 Jan 1666
Margaret Wattspouse to William Buchart, merchant, citiner of Brechin17 Jun 1624
William Wattwheelwright, burgess in Brechin, and Elizabeth Guthrie, his spouseT. 16 May 1670
Marjorie Watterstounspouse to James Dempster, lawful son to James Dempster, sometime of Peithill, and now citiner of Brechin12 Jan 1600
George Weathmanufacturer in Brechin6 Jul 1815
Andrew Websterin Unthank, and Christian Bellie, his spouse28 Jul 1635
David Websterweaver in Over Tenements of Caldhame25 Jan 1689
David Websterweaver at Trinity Muir21 & 26 Sep 1814
John Webstermaltman in Tenements of Caldhame24 Sep 1629
John Websterbrabiner, burgess of Brechin, and Isobel Walker, his spouseT. 18 Mar 1659
John Websterchapman in Angus, in Over Tenements of CaldhomeT. -- 1738
Margaret Websterspouse to John Japp, shoemaker in Over Tenements of Caldhame13 Jul 1709
Thomas Websterin Brechin4 Nov 1631
William Webstercitiner in Brechin10 Sep 1582
John Wemyssindweller in Brechin, and Margaret Laing, his spouseT. 28 May 1650
Janet Whitespouse of David Bait, in Hauchmour of Brechin19 Feb 1580-1
John Whitein Windeage, and Margaret Maitland, his spouse10 Jul 1610
John Whitelawful son to the deceased Robert White, provost of Brechin10 Sep 1736
Margaret Whitespouse to Thomas Blackball, in Unthank31 Oct 1627
Robert Whitelate provost of Brechin7 Jul 1730 and 23 Nov 1751
John Willcordiner, burgess of BrechinT. 19 Nov 1646
David Williamsonin Holmylne4 Dec 1634
John Williein Carestoun, and Isobel Forsythe, his spouse28 Aug 1626
John Williein Stanachie1 Jan 1684
Alexander Willienmerchant in Brechin19 Jan 1714
David Wilsonin Kincraige, and Elspet Meddene, his spouse20 Jan 1636
Elizabeth Wilsonspouse to William Bruce, brabiner, citiner in Brechin3 Feb 1595-6
Grissell Wilsonspouse to Alexander Carnegy, maltman, citiner of Brechin20 Mar 1638
Janet Wilsonspouse to John Watson, in KinrageT. 10 Nov 1642
John Wilsonin Leadhead, and Isobel Coull, his spouse10 Jun 1661
Katherine Wilsonindweller in the city of Brechin23 Jul 1611
David Windrammerchant, and late bailie of BrechinT. -- 1745
Janet Windramspouse to John Daikeriot, in Balnabriche8 Apr 1611
John Windrammerchant in Brechin26 Nov 1739
Magdalen Winzettspouse to John Low, smith, burgess in BrechinT. 25 Feb 1674
Alexander Wishartglover, burgess of Brechin, and Jean Longsandie, his spouse28 May 1683
Isobel Wishartrelict of James Dirrow, merchant, and late town-treasurer of Brechin12 Jun 1751
John Wishartmerchant and glover in Brechin31 May 1736
George Wrightnotar, citiner of Brechin1 Oct 1623
John Wrightflesher, citiner of Brechin, and Margaret Fairwedder, his spouse1 Apr 1613
James Wyldwright, burgess of BrechinT. 9 Dec 1645
Isobel Wylliespouse to Henry Robert, town officer in BrechinT. -- 1665
Janet Wylliespouse to David Palmer, merchant at Wardend of Keithock12 Apr 1750
John Wyllieresidenter in BrechinT. 27 Apr 1744
David Youngin BarhillT. 19 Jan 1649
David Youngmillwright in Brechin11 Jul 1822
Helen Youngspouse to James Reid, brabiner, citiner of Brechin10 Jul 1610
Mrs Helen Youngsometime residing in Montrose, thereafter in Brechin, sister of Dr James Young of Balmano24 Apr 1806

Testaments of Brechin people from the Register of Testaments of the Commissariot of St Andrews, 1549-1823

Helen Carnegie*lawful daughter to umquhile Robert Carnegie of Leuchland, Forfar13 Aug 1662
John Duncanlawful son to the deceased Robert Duncan, weaver, burges of Brechin, par. of Tannadyce16 Aug 1705
Mr John Spencetenant of Canterland, par. of St Cyrus, sometime town clerk of Brechin, spouse of Jean Greig, eldest dau of decd. David Greig, feuar in nether Tenemants of Caldham28 May 1816

* In spite of this evidence, this Helen, b. 1633, is listed on countless web pages as having married Henry Fithie (later, provost of Arbroath) in 1661, and having had children up to 1672. The Helen Carnegie who married Fithie was a daughter of Carnegie of Newgate, Arbroath.

Testaments of Brechin people from the Register of Testaments of the Commissariot of Edinburgh, 1514-1600

Captain Thomas Bowmancitizen in Brechin3 Oct 1595
Sir John Carnegie of Kynnaird, knight par. of Brechin28 Mar 1598
Marjorie Carnegierelict of Thomas Smyth, citizen of Brechin20 Dec 1596
John Chalmercitizen in Brechin13 Aug 1590
David Cowiemerchant in Cuttshillok in the Mearns, sometime citizen in Brechin10 Oct 1587
Agnes Crawmond (Crawmount)sometime spouse to Alexander Lour, citizen of Brechin15 Jun 1596
John Dawin Louchland23 Jun 1586
Bessie Dempstarsometime spouse to Robert Fyfe, in Burnesyd of Pitforky, in Brechin par.30 Oct 1590
Isobel Dempstarsometime spouse to umquhile George Speid of Auchdowy3 Nov 1580
John Dempstarcitizen in Brechin10 Oct 1578
Elizabeth Donaldsonrelict of John Low, elder, citizen in Brechin10 Jul 1578
Thomas Erskinein Tayok8 and 10 Jan 1592
Katherine Fentounsometime spouse to umquhile Thomas Speid of Auchdowey9 Jan 1584-5
John Findlay (Finlay)in Isakstoun13 Jan 1578-9
William Gallowayat the Craigend of Bannabreich19 Apr 1594
Robert Langlandsin Brechin16 Jul 1590
Patrik Lesliecitizen of Brechin27 Jun 1597
Nichol Liddellmaltman, citizen in Brechin22 Jun 1596
Alexander Lour alias Kyninmonthcitizen in Brechin8 Dec 1598
John Low, eldercitizen in Brechin11 Feb 1575-6 and 3 Mar 1583-4
John Low, youngerburgess of Brechin1 Jan 1582-3
Katherine Meddanesometime spouse to James Fyff, younger, in Wester-Balnabreich26 Jun 1599
John Morriscitizen of Brechin1 Apr 1581
William Murraycitizen in Brechin6 Feb 1595-6
Thomas Mylnecitizen of Brechin21 Aug 1599 and 21 May 1607
Alexander Norie citizen of Brechin18 Dec 1582
John Owdnyin Dubtoun28 Jan 1583-4
William Perise citizen in Brechin26 Jun 1600
Mr James Pitcarnearchiden of Brechin1 Feb 1565
David Schewanecitizen of Brechin17 Feb 1573-4
James Schortenecitizen in Brechin23 Apr 1569
John Smythcordiner, citizen of Brechin1 Apr 1597
William Speidin Petpullox27 Jun 1594
John Watt, youngerin Hauch of Brechin4 Mar 1583-4
David Whytecotter in Leuchland25 May 1583
John Whyteat the Mylne of Drummis5 Nov 1588
Jonet Willsometime spouse to David Guthrie, cordiner, citizen in Brechin1 Apr 1597
Thomas Willcordiner, citizen in Brechin9 May 1586

Testaments of Brechin people from the Register of Testaments of the Commissariot of Edinburgh, 1601-1700

Margaret Baxtersometime spouse to Thomas Bell, in Wester Balnabreich, in Angus19 May 1607
Katherine Fullartounsometime spouse to James Grahame, in Leuchland, in Angus17 Feb 1607
James Fyfein Wester-Balnabreiche, par. of Brechen, in Angus22 Jul 1601
Margaret Goldrelict of James Fyff, in Balnabreich, par. of Brichen, sher. of Forfar in Angus5 Jun 1602
David Thomsonin Hauch of Brichen, in Angus22 Aug 1608
William Wilsonin Kincraig, sher. of Angus16 Feb 1603

Testaments of Brechin people from the Register of Testaments of the Commissariot of Edinburgh, 1701-1823

Mr Robert Carnegielawful son to the deceased Mr Charles Carnegie, Dean of Brechin26 Mar 1723
William Cookson to the deceased John Cook, writer in Brechin15 Feb 1753
John Duncanstamp-master in Brechin5 Feb 1747
Margaret Mathiesondau of Thomas Mathieson, minister at Brechin10 Jul 1807
Alexander Robertsonyoungest lawful son to David Robertson, merchant, late treasurer in Brechin25 Jun 1707 and 23 Jun 1710
This page updated 29 Jun 2021