Newtyle (Angus)

Records, sources & information about the Parish of Newtyle

Parish number 314

map of Newtyle

More maps of Newtyle

Births & baptisms
Books & articles
Census records
Church Session
Clock & watch tax
Deaths & burials
Farm horse tax
Heritors' records
Land owners
Ministers of the parish
Monumental inscriptions
Old parish registers
Parish Church
Photographs of places
Population statistics
Statistical Accounts
Testaments & wills
War memorial


Please also visit the page of general information applicable to all of Angus & Kincardineshire.


NLSNational Library of Scotland
NRSNational Records of Scotland, formerly called the National Archives of Scotland [NAS] and, before that, the Scottish Record Office [SRO]
HM General Register House, Edinburgh EH1 3YY (Tel: +44-131-535-1314)
OPROld Parish Registers of Births/baptisms, Banns/marriages & Deaths/burials (pre-1855)


Books & articles


Statistical accounts of Newtyle


Maps of Newtyle

For the full range of maps of Newtyle, see National Library's Maps.


Photographs of places Newtyle - recent photographs of Newtyle. National Grid ref. NO2941.


Parish church

Located at National Grid ref. NO296411. Built ca. 1870. See Newtyle Parish Church for exterior and interior photographs.


Parish ministers 1560-1956

Later called Newtyle West Kirk.

adm.: admitted, ass.: assistant, bapt.: baptised, contr.: contract, dem.: demitted, dep.: deposed, ind.: inducted, lic.: licensed, mar.: married, min.: minister, ord.: ordained, pres.: presented, rel.: related, res.: resigned, suc.: successor, test.: testament, tr.: translated

John Nevay of that ilk1563-1571also had Eassie and Nevay in his charge 1567; tr. to Glamis ca. 1571
Sir Andrew Ramsay1562-1581[?]vicar 20 Aug 1562 and 28 Jul 1581[?]; tutor to David Lindsay of Lenoll 1562
Robert Boyd1571[?]-1610/1min. of Glamis 1567; pres. to the vicarage 5 Jul 1571 on death of Sir Andrew Ramsay [inconsistent]; also had Nevay in charge 1574; d. 20 Sep 1610 x 21 Mar 1611
George Patullo primus1610-1657M.A. St Andrews 1601; ord. (colleague) 20 Sep 1610; pres. to vicarage 21 Mar 1611; still min. 8 Nov 1657; mar.; issue: Geo., min. here; Robert, merchant, Dundee
George Patullo secundus1647-1663M.A.; son of above; adm. (ass.) bef. 4 Aug 1647; tr. to Kingsbarns FIF 24 Sep 1663
Andrew Bruce1663-1669M.A. St Andrews 1657; ord. bef. 10 Nov 1663; adm. 26 Nov 1663; d. Nov/Dec 1669, aged ca. 33
Thomas Black1670-1684son of Thos B., clerk of St Andrews; M.A. St Andrews 1635; adm to Leslie FIF 17 Apr 1645; banned from acting as min. 24 Mar 1663; indulged by Privy Council here 3 Mar 1670; licence declared void 30 Jan 1684; d. Sep 1688 St Andrews, aged ca. 74; mar. 1657 Cath. Kirkwood, gentlewoman to lady Rothes; issue: Anna
Alexander Mackenzie1685-1695protégé and prob. relative of Sir George Mackenzie, lord advocate; adm. 26 May 1685; dep. Dec 1695; held meeting house 28 May 1710; intruded here 1715; d. 20 Sep 1722 Edinburgh, aged ca. 58
George Clephane1698-1730M.A. Edinburgh 1683; ord. 24 Nov 1698; had to hold services in manse 1715; d. 27 Jan 1730; mar. Eliz. Turnbull; issue: Thos, min. here
Thomas Clephane1731-1769b. 28 Dec 1700, son of above; ord. 15 Sep 1731; d. 8 Oct 1769; mar. 1731 Susanna, dau. of Robert Bowes, min. of Rattray; issue: Geo., Robt, Thos, James, Anna, David, Margaret, Daniel, John
James Playfair1770-1777ord. 1 Nov 1770; tr. to Meigle PER 10 Oct 1777
Alexander Small1778-1791M.A.; tr. from Kirkmichael & adm. 2 Jul 1778; tr. to Kilconquhar FIF 10 Nov 1791
Thomas Barty1792-1815tr. from Monzie PER & adm. 5 Mar 1792; tr. to Bendochy PER 6 Jul 1815
John Macpherson Cuningham1815-1818M.A.; ord. 28 Sep 1815; tr. to Kinglassie FIF 19 Mar 1818
Robert Smith1818-1825tr. from Borthwick MLN & adm 24 Sep 1818; tr. to Montrose 15 Sep 1825
John Moon1825-1862b. 1790, son of John M., farmer & linen manuf.; M.A. St Andrews 1822; chaplain Edinburgh Castle; ord. 24 Nov 1825; d. 20 Nov 1862; mar. 1828 Penelope, eldest dau. of George Moon; issue: John, Janet, Geo., Penelope, Wm, Margaret Robertson, Jane Swan, Margaret, Christian Cath., Ann Stocks
John Chalmers1863-1871M.A.; ass. here; ord. 25 Mar 1863; tr. to Ashkirk SEL 31 May 1871;
George Brown1871-1873tr. from Gartmore Chapel & adm. 29 Sep 1871; tr. to 2nd charge Montrose 25 Sep 1873
George Bell Lunan1874-1918b. 12 Mar 1846, son of Robert Lunan, min. of Kinnettles; M.A. 1865 B.D. 1869 St Andrews; ord. to Logie Chapel, Dundee 13 Jan 1873; tr. & adm. 8 Jan 1874; d. 10 Nov 1918 Newtyle; linguist, botanist; mar. 1876 Jessie, dau. of George Bell, Errol; issue: Eliz.; Geo., M.A.; Robert, banker, India; and 3 d. in infancy
Robert Wood1919-1949J.P.; b. 27 May 1875 Edinkillie MOR, son of John W., wood turner; educ. Logie Sch. & Robt Gordon's Coll.; M.A.(Aberdeen 1896); ass. master Grantown-on-Spey Grammar School; ass. St Mungo's Glasgow; ord. to Patna AYR 1 Feb 1917; tr. & adm. 16 May 1919; d. 26 Jun 1949 Newtyle; mar. 1904 Annie Eliz., dau. of John Grant, M.A.; had issue
George H.H. McBride1950-1956M.A.; tr. to Ashton Ch., Gourock 1956; mar. 1946 Edith Brewis or Gray

Ministers of Newtyle Free Church, later U.F. Church, later Newtyle East Church

John Fleming?-1871-1891-?b. ca. 1824 Rutherglen LKS; ret. to Longforgan PER bef. 1901; mar: 1873 Jessie Watson; issue: Mary Janet; Andrew; John Alexr
Edward Miller1900-1902b. ca. 1867 Ochiltree AYR; from St Brycedale, Kirkcaldy; tr. to Transvaal Presb. Ch., Jo'burg 1903; injured in S.A.; tr. to Bishopton 1904?; tr. to Streathara, London 1907; mar. Eliz. H. --, M.B.; issue: John L.H.
William Maxwell1903-1913-?b. 15 Dec 1873 Kirkden, son of David M., Panlathy Mill; educ. Carmyllie & Arbroath; M.A.(Edinburgh); ass. U.F. High Ch., Inverness; ord. 1 May 1903; d. 13 Jul 1945 Edinburgh; mar. 1909 Helen B. Stewart
John Mechie1923-1938M.A., J.P.; b. 1868 Kinnoull, son of James M., shoemaker; U.F. min. New Cumnock 1901; d. 20 Feb 1938 Newtyle; mar. 1898 Eliz. E. Bruce; issue: Robt M.; Geo.; Jane F.

Minister of Newtyle United Secession Church
The church was closed on 1 Feb 1880.

John Muir1838-1871b. ca. 1806 Ayr; from Darlington Place, Ayr; ord. 6 Feb 1838; res. 19 Dec 1871 on account of ill health; d. 19 Jan 1874 Newtyle; mar. Jessie, dau. of the Rev. Dr Thomson, Holm of Balfron


Monumental inscriptions

Monuments in Newtyle Kirkyard bearing pre-1855 information (ca. 120 stones) are listed in Alison Mitchell (ed.), "Pre-1855 Monumental Inscriptions in Angus, Vol. 1: Strathmore" (Edinburgh: Scottish Genealogy Soc., 1993), which can be bought from the Scottish Genealogy Society. (It's listed as "Angus MI - Vol. 1. Pre-1855 Strathmore" in their online shop.)

Andrew Jervise recorded some monuments at Newtyle in his "Epitaphs & Inscriptions", vol. 1, pp. 138-41.


Newtyle war memorial

See Photographs & names.


Births, Marriages & Deaths, 1855 to present

Indexes and actual records for Statutory Registers of Births, Marriages & Deaths, beginning 1 Jan 1855, are available online, following registration and the purchase of credits, at the official web-site, ScotlandsPeople.

Births, Marriages & Deaths, before 1855

Indexes and actual records for all extant Old Parish Registers (OPRs) (pre-1855) of the Established Church of Scotland are available online, following registration and the purchase of credits, at the official web-site, ScotlandsPeople.


Church Session Records of West Newtyle Parish Church

Nature of recordDatesNRS ref. CH2/284/...
Minutes1648-1657, 1663-17101
Poor records1807-18085
Communion roll1874-191010 to 11
Congregational Board minutes1951-195912
Baptisms & proclamations1855-194914
Miscellaneaca. 189015
Concert programme14 Mar 189015
Notes on parishes of Eassie & Nevayn.d.15


Newtyle Heritors' records

Nature of recordDatesNRS ref. HR627/...
Minute book1864-19281
Account book1882-19282
Business account19273


Land owners

There were 3 proprietors of land in the parish in 1842:


Farmers / Tenants

AuchtertyreDavid Bell-1871-1881-
doMrs Margaret Bell-1891-1911-
doW.W. Bell-1921-1931-
BannatyneJohn Millar-1881-
BurnmouthGeorge Nicol-1861-
doMrs Hutcheson-1911-
doA.C. Hutcheson-1921-
doW. & J. Lyburn-1931-
CoustonAndrew Whitton-1861-
doPatrick Webster-1881-
doAndrew Whitton-1891-1911-
doRepresentatives of Andrew Whitton-1921-
doP.W. Whitton-1931-
DavidstonJames Miller-1881-
doAlexander Bell-1891-1901-
doPatrick Bell of Davidston-1911-
doJames Croll-1921-
doW.H. Barr-1931-
DenendAndrew Doig-1861-
doJohn Donaldson-1871-1891-
doMiss Jessie Donalson-1901-1911-
doR. Hill-1931-
East KeillorWilliam Barnett-1931-
HattonCharles Simpson [d. 1878]-1861-1871-
doAlexander Simpson-1881-1921-
doA. Findlay-1931-
HenderstonDavid Lindsay-1861-
High KeillorWilliam Barnett-1911-1921-
doJohn Motion-1931-
KinpurnieDavid Waddell-1861-
doMargaret Scott-1881-
doDavid McLaren-1891-
doLily Harvey-1901-
doJoseph G. Scott-1911-
do--- Anderson-1921-
doA.H. Anderson-1931-
KirktonAlison Myles-1891-
doDavid Sime-1901-1911-
doJames Guild-1921-1931-
MillholeThomas Mudie-1891-
doWilliam Campbell-1901-
doJames Smith sen.-1911-
doDavid Jamieson-1921-
doP. & N. MacFarlane-1931-
NethermillThomas Brown-1861-1881-
doPeter Brown-1891-
doPeter Brown & Elizabeth Brown-1901-
doGeorge Whittet-1931-
NewbiggingGeorge Dow-1911-
doJohn Easson-1911-
doWilliam Moon-1911-1931-
doDonald Fleming-1921-1931-
doJames Smith-1921-
doWilliam Smith-1931-
PitnappieJames Whitton-1861-
doJohn Pierie-1861-
doJames Hood-1871-
doWilliam Chalmers-1881-1891-
doThomas Whyte & Charles R. Whyte-1901-
doAlexander Jamieson-1911-1921-
doM. Steel-1931-


Census records

Records of the official censuses of the parish in 1841, 1851, 1861, 1871, 1881, 1891, 1901, 1911 and 1921 are held in Register House, Edinburgh and are open to the public on payment of a fee.

Indexes to all the original census records, and the records themselves, can be accessed online at modest charge at ScotlandsPeople.

Microfilm copies are also widely available in libraries. The 1881 census is available on CD-ROM.

The early censuses of 1801-31 do not name individuals.


Population statistics

1755913Dr Alexander Webster
1790Old Statistical Account


Testaments & wills

Newtyle was in the Commissariot of St Andrews.

Indexes to all extant pre-1926 testamentary records (wills & inventories of moveable property) can be searched free of charge at ScotlandsPeople. Digital (and paper) copies of the documents can be purchased at that site. See further the introduction to Angus & Kincardineshire at Testaments.

Testaments of Newtyle people from the Register of Testaments of the Commissariot of St Andrews, 1549-1823

James Andersonin Auchtertyre, par. of Newtyld24 Oct 1625
Lawrence Andersonof Burnmouth, par. of Newtyle8 Dec 1674
Alexander Badinein Burnemouth, par. of Newtyle18 Nov 1702
Agnes Beatounin Auchtertyre, par. of Newtyle21 Oct 1685
William Bissettailor in the Kirktoun of Newtyle11 and 19 Nov 1691
Mr Thomas Blacksometime minister at Newtyle29 Apr 1691
Elspet Brewsterspouse to John Rinweill, in Newtyld18 Mar 1616
John Cargillin Balmanno, par. of Newtyle17 Oct 1683
Andrew Chrystielawful son to umquhile Andrew Chrystie, in Henderstoune, par. of Newtyle6 Jul 1625
Patrick Chrystiein Athirtie, par. of Newtyle7 May 1617
William Chrystieat the Milne of Newtyle19 Feb 1718 and 24 Apr 1719
George Couperin Newtyld8 Oct 1616
Barbara Couttsspouse to Robert Forrester, of Cowstoun, par. of Newtyld2 Feb 1614
Isobel Crokatspouse to Alexander Meason, of Pitnapie, par. of Newtyle19 Oct 1687
John Cubbinsin Kinpurny, par. of Newtyld10 Jan 1616
Janet Donaldsonspouse to Patrick Gray, in Davidstoun, par. of Newtyld1 Jul 1624
Eupham Drummondrelict of Mr William Rattray, minister at Cargill, par. of Newtyle19 Apr 1749
Eupham Fairweatherspouse to John Anderson, in Burnemouth of Newtyld, par. of Newtyld25 Jun 1616
Elizabeth Grayspouse to Patrick Kid, in Henderstoun, par. of Newtyle17 Oct 1683
Janet Grayin Danesyde, par. of Newtyld, spouse to John Martin5 Nov 1599
Thomas Haldane, portioner of Easter Kelourpar. of Newtyld5 Jul 1613
Isobel Hillspouse to Andrew Millar, in Burnsyde, par. of Newtyld25 Jun 1616
John Ironsin Newbigging of Newtyle25 Jul 1698
Isobel Jacksonspouse to William Wobster, in Balmaw, par. of Newtyld12 Nov 1634
James Jobsonin Haltoun of Newtyle, par. thereof24 Feb 1675
Archibald Kydin Kinpurnie, par. of Newtyld19 Nov 1599
Thomas Laingcotterman in Kinpurnie, par. of Newtyld19 Nov 1599
Helen Mathewspouse to William Moncur, in Burnsyde of Newtyld, par. of Newtyld25 Jun 1616
Christian Mitchellspouse to John Couper, in Newbigging of Auchtirtyre, par. of Newtyld2 May 1617
James Murraytenant in Kinsparnie, par. of Newtyle4 Jul 1797
Andrew Myrtounin Pitmiddie, par. of Newtyle1 Oct 1605
Begis Neillspouse to Robert Chepline, at the Kirk of Newtyle12 Apr 1591
Elizabeth Ogilviespouse to John Forrester, of Cowstoune, par. of Newtyld4 Jun 1619
Neill Petriecotterman in Ochtirtyre, par. of Newtyld19 Nov 1599
George Porterin Newbigging, par. of Newtyld22 May 1624
Alexander Raesometime mason in Newtyle27 Nov 1717
Andrew Robertsonin the Kirktoun of Newtyld14 Dec 1591
William Robertsonin Hatherweik, shepherd there to the Laird of Inchestuir, par. of Newtyle17 Jan 1600
Janet Simpsonin Newbigging of Auchtirtyre, par. of Newtyld19 Nov 1599
David Smallsometime in Burn-mouth, thereafter of Kirkton of Newtyle, par. of Newtyle9 Apr 1783
Patrick Smallsometime servitor to Colin Campbell of Souterhouse, par. of Newtyle16 Jul 1686
Robert Smallin Newtyle3 Dec 1694
Robert Smallin Boghead, par. of Newtyle4 Aug 1775
William Soutarin Newbigging, par. of Newtyle18 Oct 1683
Agnes Stevensonspouse to James Cur, in Newbigging, par. of Newtyle18 Jun 1706
Robert Stevensoncotterman in Tillebakart, par. of Newtyld29 Nov 1599
William Stevensonin Newbigging, par. of Newtyld15 Nov 1625
Alexander Strachanin Auchtertyrie, par. of Newtyld5 Jan 1621
Robert Taskerin the Foord of Pitcur, par. of Newtyle31 Dec 1673
Barbara Thomin Newtyle, relict of Donald Dowleich, in Aitherstaine, par. of Newtyle17 Mar 1699
John Waddellsometime brewer at West Port, Dundee, thereafter residing at Keillor, par. of Newtyle11 Apr 1799
Margaret Wandlesin Pitneppie, par. of Newtyld18 Mar 1637
Andrew Whittetin Auchtertyre, par. of Newtyle14 Oct 1673
Maii Wichtanein Burnsyde of Newtyld29 Nov 1599
David Younglabourer, Newtyle29 Nov & 2 Dec 1809

Testaments registered at St Andrews that have been lost, for which only entries in the minute books are extant

James Alisonat Miln of Newtyld13 Aug 1740
Mr George Clephaneminister at Newtyld21 Apr 1731
Thomas Rodger and children of Thomas Rodgerin Auchtertyre, par. of Newtyld21 Feb 1739
Lawrence Soutartenant in Newtyld4 Jul 1761
Isobel Thornspouse of David Peacock, in Davidston, par. of Newtyle7 May 1743

Testaments of Newtyle people from the Register of Testaments of the Commissariot of Brechin, 1576-1823

Mr William Blairin Kirktoun of Newtyle, and Euphemia Pattillock, his relict10 Dec 1656
William Smalllawful son to the deceased Robert Small, sometime in Newtyld22 Nov 1714
Alexander Whittonformerly tenant at Auchtertyre, thereafter in Chapelshade of Dundee24 Feb 1813

Testaments of Newtyle people from the Register of Testaments of the Commissariot of Dunkeld, 1682-1800

Barbara Davidsononly lawful child of the deceased John Davidson, in Dalbeathy, and the also deceased Margaret Littlejohn, his spouse, late spouse to John Hall, in Newtile30 Nov 1732
Margaret Grimmanrelict of William Hall of Newtile2 Jun 1739
David Halllate merchant in Edinburgh, thereafter residing at Newtyle, and Helen Skinner, his spouse31 Oct 1746
James Watsonin Newtyle, and Geillis Young, his spouse26 Aug 1735

Testaments of Newtyle people from the Register of Testaments of the Commissariot of Edinburgh, 1514-1600

Christiane Andersonsometime spouse to John Anderson, in Balcraig, par. of Newtyle in Angus20 Mar 1590-1
John Andersonin the Haltoun of Newtyle in Angus19 Feb 1589-90
James Bannatyne of the Kirktoun of Newtyleburgess of Edinburgh13 Apr 1584
Jonet Blairsometime spouse to John Anderson, in the Haltoun of Newtyle3 Dec 1577
John Christiein Kinpurney, par. of Newtyle in Angus5 Jun 1591
Andro Halyburtounin Blakcraig, par. of Newtyld, sher. of Forfar21 Feb 1586-7
Elspeth Kinnearrelict of Andro Anderson, in Newtyle, sher. of Forfar7 Jun 1599
Andro Moncur, portioner of Balmawand Jane Scrymgeour, his relict, in par. of Newtyle, sher. of Forfar26 Feb 1590
Alexander Scrymgeour of Mylnehoillpar. of Newtyll, sher. of Forfar6 Apr 1587
Catherine Tailzefeirspouse of James Bannatyne of Newtyle, burgess of Edinburgh ; and the said James B.24 Nov 1570
Walter Websterand Jonet Anderson, his relict, in Pitnepie, par. of Newtyle in Angus5 Jun 1591

Testaments of Newtyle people from the Register of Testaments of the Commissariot of Edinburgh, 1601-1700

Henry Andersonin Auchtertyre, par. of Newtyle, sher. of Forfar3 Dec 1608
John Mitchellin Balmaw, par. of Newtyle, Angus27 Feb 1604
William Ramsayin Auchtertyre, par. of Newtyle, in Angus3 Aug 1608


Clock & watch tax, 1797-8

Images of the original records for Newtyle:

NRS ref. E326/12/2/43


Farm horse tax, 1797-8

Images of the original records for Newtyle:


This page updated 15 Sep 2024