[Sources: The register of apprentices of the city of Edinburgh, 1583-1666, The register of apprentices of the city of Edinburgh, 1666-1700, 1701-1755 (2 vols in one) and a later volume]
mt. = merchant; s. = son
apprentice | apprentice's designation | master | date |
Addison, Robert | s. of late Peter A., at Liberton | James Caddel, upholsterer, for 6 years | 3 Feb. 1762 |
Aitken, George | s. to Laurence A., gardener in Liberton | Thomas Alexander, dyer (B.) | 14 June 1742 |
Alexander, George | s. to William A., weaver in Stratoun, in the parish of Libberton | James Purdie, tanner (B.) | 3 Aug. 1715 |
Alison, Robert | s. of Robert A., workman in Nether Liberton | Alexander Grieve, bookbinder, for 6 years | 11 May 1797 |
Anderson, James | s. to late Louk A., in Over Liberton | Robert Nisbett, cordiner | 9 Jan. 1656 |
Bishop, James | s. to late James B., in Nether Libbertoun | Richard Alexander, weaver | 21 Jan. 1646 |
Brown, William | s. to John B., fermorer in Meadowhead of Mortounhall | Robert Reid, saddler (B.) | 27 May 1696 |
Buchanan, George | s. to late Walter B. in Cameron | Robert Buchanan, tailor | 4 Dec. 1667 |
Clerk, Simon | s. to John C., farmer in Gilmerton | John Andrew, cutler | 29 Nov. 1665 |
Cockburn, William | s. to dec. William C. in Over Libbertoun | George Mathie, candlemaker, and dispenses with the time already past by the indenters | 4 June 1684 |
Colville (Colvine), Bartholomew | s. to John C. in Mortoun | William Davidson, pirriwigemaker (B.) | 15 Feb. 1710 |
Conquergood, Alexander | s. to Thomas C., in Over Libbertoun | William Warrock, elder, skinner (who deceased) transferred to David Kinloch (20 June) | 1 Dec. 1647 19 Nov. 1651 |
Conquergood, William | s. to late Thomas C., in Over Libbertoun | Alexander Bullerwall, cordiner | 25 Jan. 1654 |
Cook, James | s. to James C., fermorer in Nether Liberton | Alexander Wardlaw, merchant | 12 Dec. 1660 |
Craig, John | s. to late Archibald C., in Over Liberton | David Bellenden, wright | 12 Jan. 1648 |
Crawford, Archibald | s. to Archibald C. in Gilmertoun | James Mitchell, locksmith | 6 Nov. 1667 |
Crawford, David | s. to Robert C., in Libertoun | Edward Galbraith, skinner | 9 Mar. 1584-5 |
Crawford, George | brother to Nicoll C., in Liberton | James Crawfurd, goldsmith | 16 Jan. 1592-3 |
Crawford, Mathew | s. to late Robert C., in Nether Libertoun | Mungo Henryson, cordiner | 16 June 1587 |
Crawford, Rodger | s. to John C., in Over Libertoun | Richard Aitkyne, hatmaker | 19 Mar. 1623 |
Crichton, James | servitor to Robert Robertson, in Bruntstoun mylne | James Neilson, slater | 18 Feb. 1646 |
Davidson, James | s. to James D., slater in Liberton | Patrick Chrystison, walker | 23 Jan. 1656 |
Davidson, William | s. of William D., farmer at Nether Liberton | Andrew Hardie, baker, for 5 years | 23 Dec. 1784 |
Denholme, James | s. to umq. James D., fermorer in Mortoun | James Linn, skinner (B.) | 18 Mar. 1691 |
Dickson, Alexander | s. to Ronald D., in Gilmertoun | John Dickson, tailor | 12 Sept 1627 |
Dickson, Charles | son to Archibald D., in Mortoun | Thomas Hyslop, cordiner | 25 Sept. 1593 |
Doig (Doick), William | s. to Stephan D., fermourer in Gilmertoun | Robert Ramage, tanner | 12 Oct. 1681 |
Ferguson, Alexander | s. of Alexander F., schoolmaster at Liberton | James Cunningham, elder, baker, for 5 years | 29 Nov. 1781 |
Ferguson, Patrick | s. to Patrick F., wright in Libertoun | Alexander Gaudilocks (or Gavinloch), mason | 13 Apr. 1687 |
Galloway, David | s. to James G., wright in Neither Libbertoun | John Henry, cordiner (B.) | 27 Oct. 1703 |
Gibson, John | s. of William G., in Morton | Robert Paterson, saddler and beltmaker, for 6 years | 7 July 1796 |
Gibson, William | s. to William G., mason, indweller in Gilmertoun | James Ker, skinner | 23 Dec. 1640 |
Gilchrist, Alexander | s. to David G. in Libbertoun | George Watson, mt. (B.) | 26 Mar. 1735 |
Gordon, David | s. to John G., tenant in Mortonhall | Thomas Gray, cordiner (B.) | 23 June 1742 |
Graham, John | s. to William G., indweller in Gilmertown | Alexander Swan, mt. (B.) | 15 Mar. 1732 |
Greenlaw, Adam | s. to Thomas G., smith in Libbertoun | David Cockburne, locksmith | 21 Oct. 1668 |
Greig, David | s. to John G., indweller in Libertoun | Eduard Robertson, currier | 22 Dec. 1686 |
Hadden, Andrew | s. to William H. in Libbertoun | James Brown, candlemaker | 9 Nov. 1681 |
Handyside, James | s. of William H., farmer at Gilmerton | Alexander Kedie, candlemaker, for 5 years | 16 June 1785 |
Handyside, Robert | s. of William H., tenant in Gilmerton | James Cunningham, younger, baker, for 5 years | 6 June 1782 |
Hay, James | s. of late William H., tenant in Liberton | Charles Bruce, glazier, for 6 years | 19 May 1756 |
Henderson, Andrew | s. to James H., in Nether Libberton | Archibald Campbell, litster | 21 May 1606 |
Hering, John | s. to late William H., in Gilmertoun | William Dagleish, merchant | 18 Apr. 1627 |
Heriot, Thomas | s. to Michaell H., in Nether Libertoun | Richard Heriot, pantounheelmaker | 28 Sept. 1631 |
Heriot, William | s. to Michaell H., in Nether Libbertoun | Richard Heriot, pantounheelmaker | 23 Jan. 1628 |
Hiltestoun, John | s. to James H., in Gilmerton | Patrick Anderson, locksmith | 15 July 1600 |
Hiltestoun, William | s. to John H., in Gilmerton | James Towris, glassinwright | 12 Feb. 1600 |
Howison, Nicoll | s. to Nicoll H., fermorer in Libertoun milne | James Gillespie, tanner (B.) | 25 Apr. 1705 |
Hunter, Robert | s. to James H., tenant in Upper Liberton | John Harriot, candlemaker (B.) | 11 Mar. 1737 |
Inglis, Charles | s. of George I., coachman to Mr Rigg of Morton | William Mitchell, skinner, for 6 years | 12 Oct. 1763 |
Johnstoun, George | s. to Adam J. in Libbertoun | William Wast, currier | 1 Oct. 1673 |
Johnstoun, James | s. to James J., cooper in Libertoun | James Plenderleith, cooper (B.) | 12 Aug. 1691 |
Johnstoun, William | s. to John J. in Libbertoun | Walter Scot, glasier | 26 June 1672 |
Kay, William | s. to umq. Alexander K., fermourer in Libertoun | John Law, wright | 14 Dec. 1670 |
Kerr, Archibald | s. of John K., in Liberton | William Fraser, white iron smith, for 7 years | 2 Aug. 1769 |
Kerr, Thomas | s. of John K., in Liberton | James McKay, coppersmith, for 7 years | 10 Sept. 1766 |
Kniblo, William | s. to Thomas K., in Nether Libbertoun | James Dischingtoun, saddler | 30 Nov. 1608 |
Lawson, William | s. to John L. in Nether Libertoun | Alexander Cruikshanke, barber (B.) | 19 Aug. 1702 |
Leslie, Thomas | s. of John L., surveyor of land in Liberton parish | Norman McPherson, clock and watchmaker, for 7 years | 14 June 1775 |
Libbertoun, Adam | s. to late William L., in Over Libbertoun | David Leggatt, tailor | 4 Apr. 1621 |
Libbertoun, Robert | s. to William L., in Nether Libertoun | George Henderson, cordiner | 22 Mar. 1586-7 |
Libbertoun, Robert | s. to late James L., in Nether Libertoun | William Hepburn, marikynmaker | 28 Jan. 1624 |
Listoun, William | s. to late Thomas L., sometime Indweller in Gilmerton | William Dalgleish, merchant, and Janet Herring, his spouse | 6 Apr. 1631 |
Little - See also Ranken | |||
Little, Alexander | s. to late Mr William L., portioner of Over Libertoun | Alexander Speir, baillie | 8 Apr. 1635 |
McAllan, Gilbert | s. to John M., in Stenhouse, par. of Liberton | George Morison, weaver | 22 Dec. 1647 |
Mash, James | s. to umq. Luke M., weaver in Over Libbertoun | John McCall, armourer | 9 Feb. 1681 |
Meggat, George | s. to late John M., in Nether Libbertoun | Richard Heriot, pantounheelmaker | 21 July 1637 |
Midleine, James | s. to John M., indweller in Cameron | Thomas Softlay, armourer (who
went abroad) transferred to Archibald Softlaw | 10 July 1650 28 Dec. 1653 |
Miller, John | s. to Thomas M., indweller in Libberton Kirke | George Batherstones, feltmaker (B.) | 7 Oct. 1704 |
Miller, Ralph | s. to Robert M., in Mortoun | John Mutar, smith | 17 Dec. 1617 |
Mitchell, David | s. to dec. Adam M., fermourer in Libertoun | James Smyth, candlemaker | 9 Nov. 1681 |
Mitchell, George | s. to David M., farmer at Libbertoun | William Douglas, litster (B.) | 5 Sept. 1722 |
Mitchell, James | s. to James M., fermorer in Gilmerton | John Candie, locksmith | 23 Mar. 1653 |
Mitchell, John | s. to William M., fermourer in Gilmertoun | James Mitchell, locksmith | 22 Sept. 1686 |
Mitchell, Walter | s. to James M., portioner of Gilmertoun | James Mitchell, locksmith | 9 July 1662 |
Mitchell, William | s. to David M., in Stanehouse, beside Libertoun | Mungo Ross, baxter | 1 Feb. 1632 |
Mitchell, William | s. to late Robert M., in Over Libertoun | Thomas Spens, baxter | 4 July 1632 |
Mitchell, William | s. to Robert M. in Mortoun | William Mitchell, yr., baxter | 26 Apr. 1676 |
Mitchell, William | s. to dec. William M. in Over Libbertoun | Alexander Mitchell, cooper (B.) | 4 Feb. 1691 |
Mitchelson, Gawin | s. to Patrick M., in Mortoun | Andrew Vallange, skinner | 25 Dec. 1583 |
Monteith, James | s. to dec. James M., wright at Liberton | Archibald Inglis, peutherer (B.) | 28 Sept. 1753 |
Morrison, George | s. to Bartilmo M., in Libertone | John Hunter, wobster | 28 Jan. 1629 |
Muir, John | s. to David M. in Libberton | Ronald Mure, candlemaker | 25 July 1666 |
Muir, William | s. to David M., in Nether Libertoun | John Ross, candlemaker | 1 Dec. 1652 |
Mylne, Adam | s. to Robert M., in Morton | George Sanderson, tailor | 12 Aug. 1607 |
Mylne, Raffe | s. to Robert M., in Mortoun | Thomas Muter, blacksmith | 26 Feb. 1606 |
Park, Thomas | s. to Thomas P., in Nether Libertoun | Thomas Park, cordiner | 1 Apr. 1646 |
Paul, Robert | s. of Robert P., servant to Mr Kinloch of Gilmerton | James Russell, upholsterer, for 6 years | 12 Feb. 1777 |
Peacock, Edward | s. to Edward P., in Brigend parish of Libbertoun | John Ker, merchant | 6 Apr. 1642 |
Peacock, Edward | s. to George P. in Libbertoun | James Browne, feltmaker | 30 Sept. 1671 |
Peacock, James | s. to Thomas P., indweller in Nether Libertoun | John Crawfurd. yr., cordiner | 14 Dec. 1642 |
Peacock, John | s. to Thomas P., in Nether Liberton | Thomas Adamson, marikin-maker | 25 Feb. 1646 |
Peacock, John | s. to George P., fermourer in Nether Libbertoun | Adam Edgar, cordiner | 17 Dec. 1673 |
Peacock, Robert | s. to Edward P., in Brigend of Nether Libbertoun | James Tynto, baxter | 28 July 1641 |
Peacock, Robert | s. to Thomas P., farmer in Nether Libertoun | Andrew Purdie, mt. (B.) | 25 Sept. 1717 |
Peacock, Robert | s. to George P. in Libbertoun | Robert Gordon, baxter(B.) | 19 Jan. 1732 |
Peacock, Thomas | s. to George P. in Nether Libbertoun | James Huntar, baxter | 5 July 1676 |
Phrissell [Fraser? Pursell?], Bartholomew | s. to Alexander P., in Over Liberton | Alexander Stevenson, candlemaker | 25 June 1645 |
Phrissell [Fraser? Pursell?], Thomas | s. to late John P., in Nether Libertoun | John Nisbett, candlemaker | 2 Dec. 1646 |
Ranken, Gabriel | s. to Gabriel R. of Libbertoun | Andrew Johnston, chir.-apoth. (B.) | 4 Nov. 1724 |
Ranken, Henry | s. to Gabriel Little alias Ranken of Libbertoun | David Eason, cordiner (B.) | 5 Sept. 1733 |
Richardson, Robert | s. to umq. Richard R., maltman in Libberton | David Henrisone, barber | 10 July 1700 |
Richardson, William | s. to dec. James R., tenant in Over Libbertoun | William Somervaill, skinner (B.) | 14 Nov. 1722 |
Robertson, Eduard | s. to umq. William R., indweller in Libbertoun | George Falconer, currier | 10 Dec. 1673 |
Simpson, Alexander | s. to John S., in Brunstoun | James Murison, merchant | 1 Nov. 1654 |
Simpson, Andrew | s. to John S., in Brunstoun | John Tait, merchant | 1 Nov. 1654 |
Simpson, James | s. to James S., tenant in Brunstane | William Ewing, wright (B.) | 19 Feb. 1724 |
Sinclair, James | s. to late William S., in Brunstoun Mylne | David Wilson, cordiner | 3 Jan. 1588-9 |
Sinclair, William | s. to late Mathew S., in Mortonhall | Henry Admistoun, baxter | 29 Nov. 1597 |
Skirving, James | s. of late William S., farmer at Nether Liberton | Adam Murray, baker, for 5 years | 13 Feb. 1783 |
Smith, William | s. to John S. in Gaitsyd, within the parochin of Libbertoun | James Sympson, cordiner | 25 June 1679 |
Steedman, Walter | s. of James S., shepherd at Mortonhall | Alexander Kedie, candlemaker, for 7 years | 20 July 1770 |
Stewart, James | s. to John S., in Nether Libbertoun | John Murdoch, currier | 26 Nov. 1662 |
Straittoun, James | s. to Alexander S., in Libbertoun | James Straittoun, hatmaker | 28 Jan. 1618 |
Straittoun, Robert | s. to Symon S., in Nether Liberton | James Crawfurd, goldsmith | 7 Mar. 1597-8 |
Syme (Sim), David | s. of late John S., servant to Thomas Rigg of Morton | George Begbie, younger, locksmith, for 7 years | 10 May 1775 |
Syme, James | s. of late John S., servant to Mr Thomas Rigg of Morton | George Begbie, younger, locksmith, for 7 years | 8 Mar. 1769 |
Tweedie, James | s. to James T., mealmonger in Gilmertoun | Edward Ramsay, locksmith (B.) | 9 Apr. 1729 |
Walker, George | s. of John W., mealmonger in Nether Liberton | William Davidson, cooper, for 6 years | 5 Aug. 1763 |
Wardlaw, James | s. to late James W., in Nether Libertoun | Thomas Forsyth, cordiner | 4 Sept. 1616 |
Wardlaw, John | s. to Mr John W., in Libertoun | William Crawfurd, goldsmith | 4 Aug. 1630 |
Wardlaw, Robert | s. to late Mr John W., in Nether Libbertoun | Andrew Ainslie, merchant | 13 Aug. 1640 |
Warrock, Andrew | s. to late Alexander W., smith at Libbertoun | William Warrok, skinner | 13 Aug. 1656 |
Warrock, James | s. to Clement W., in Over Libbertoun | Mr James Scott, merchant | 17 May 1637 |
Warrock, James | s. to Thomas W. in Gilmertoun | James Warock, mt. | 11 July 1677 |
Warrock, Patrick | s. to dec. Patrick W., fermourer in Over Libbertoun | James Boe, wright | 26 May 1686 |
Warrock, Thomas | s. to late John W., in Over Libberton | Richard Smith, wright | 9 Aug. 1643 |
Warrock, William | s. to John W., in Over Libberton | John Courtie, skinner | 4 Apr. 1598 |
Warrock, William | s. to Clement W., in Over Libbertoun | William Warrock, skinner | 14 Dec. 1631 |
Warrock (Worrock), William | s. to Patrick W., farmer in Over Libbertoun | James Worrock, merchant | 14 June 1665 |
Warrock, William | s. to Thomas W., bailie in Gilmertoun | James Middletoun, armourer | 5 Dec. 1683 |
Wast, William | s. to late Thomas W., in Nether Liberton | Andrew Layng, currier | 28 Mar. 1655 |
Watt, Andrew | s. of late James W., in the parish of Liberton | George Begbie, younger, locksmith, for 6 years | 11 Mar. 1778 |
Wauchope, William | s. to Archibald W., bailie of Libbertoun | James Somervell, skinner | 30 Nov. 1631 |
Young, Robert | s. to Walter Y., in Mortoun | William Muirhead, cordiner | 30 Aug. 1603 |