Parties in the Protocol Books of the Town Clerks of Arbroath

A finding aid

Source: NRS B4/1/6: 1 Aug 1639 to 25 Jul 1651

Town clerk: James Pearson

This protocol book is in the series">NRS B4.

This minute of the records in NRS B4/1/6 was kindly provided by Jan Haraldson, who writes:

The Extra column includes information that I have not been able to put into the other columns, including witnesses if they can be identified by a family relationship or belong to the Ouchterlony family.

The Land column includes the properties involved in the sasine, which can include many different types of rights of heritable ownership.

The bordering column includes the owners, possessors or occupiers of the lands bordering the properties involved; more details can normally be found in the sasine.

The From and To columns include the grantor(s) and grantee(s) of the sasine and sometimes also people giving consent.

A question mark after a word means that I'm unsure about the word. It's not a transcript so some names have been standardised and others not. I have shortened some names, professions and places (e.g. Arb = Arbroath). Text within [] are my own comments or clarifications.


Alex: AlexanderAnd: AndrewArb: ArbroathBoA: Burgess of Arbroathburg: burgessDa: Daviddtr: daughter
eld: elderexer: executor(s)Geo: GeorgeJa: James
Marg: Margaretmerch: merchantPa: Patrickport: portionerRot: Robertsd: said
sp: spouseTh: Thomasumqll: umquhile [deceased]
W: witnessWalt: WalterWm: Williamyr: younger


air: heir;fear: fiar;notar: notary;oy: grandchild

Place-names in and close to Arbroath

Applegate, Barngreen, Berryfauld, Boulzie Hill, Brothock Water, Burnside, Cairnie, Common Faulds, Copegate [the south part of the High Street], Dishland, Eleemosynary [i.e. Almonry; Eleemosynary Street was the north part of the High Street; an adjacent area came to be called Almerieclose], Emislawshade, Gallowden, Grimsby, Horners Wynd, Keptie, Lady Bank, Lochlands, Lochshade, Lordburn, Marketgate (Old, New), Middleshade, Millgate, Muirden, Muirlands (Old, New, West, East), Muttonhole, Newgate, Ponderlaw, Rottenrow [the central stretch of the High Street], Seagate, Shorehead, Stobcross, Wandersknow, Warddykes, Wardmilne, Warslapshade

Place-names further from Arbroath

Anniston, Arbirlot, Auchmithie, Balblain, Balmirmer, Bonnyton (of Arbirlot; but the Woods of Bonnyton owned the Bonnyton in Maryton), Boath, Bolshan, Bonhard (of Arbirlot), Boysack, Braikie (Easter, Wester), Brax, Brunton, Bryanton, Cairnton, Colliston, Crudie, Dickmontlaw, Ethie, Fallaws (in Inverkeilor), Gilchorn, Grange of Conon, Guynd, Hodgeton, Inverkeilor, Inverpeffer, Kelly, Kinblethmont, Kinaldie, Kirkton (of St Vigeans), Letham (of St Vigeans), Muirhouse (of St Vigeans) - now called Parkhill, Newbigging (of St Vigeans), New Grange (of St Vigeans), Panlathie, Peebles (of St Vigeans), Ruives, Rhind, Seaton (Easter, Wester), Skryne, Tarrie (North & South), Whitehall


11639/8/1SasineJohn Elmeres son to Ja Elmeres BoAPa Lyell notar publ ArbMarg Ogilvy, sd Pa Lyell notar ArbCemeteryW: Mr Geo Granger son to Mr John Granger
21639/8/1SasineMarg Ogilvy dtr to umqll Archibald Ogilvy in W Craig and umqll Mariore Baxter dtr to umqll Ja Baxter BoA, consent of Ja Creigtoun in [blank] sp to sd Marg OPa Lyell notar publ BoAsd Pa Lyell notar, communem viam, sd Pa LyellEleemosynaryW: Mr Geo Granger son to Mr John Granger
1639/8/1SasineMr John Granger, umqll Helen Lyell dtr to umqll Adam Lyell & Elizabeth BrownPa Lyell notar publ BoA son to sd umqll Adam Lyell, Mr Pa Lyell son to sd Pa LcemeteryEleemosynaryW: Mr Geo Granger son to Mr John Granger
31639/9/20SasineAlex Peter merch BoA, Elizabeth Lyne his spPa Peter his son1) John Butchert, flaxin maras, common ways 2) Mr And Eliot, common way, sd Alex Peter 3) sd Alex Peter, common ways, John Mekesone 4) Mr And Eliot, sd Alex Peter, sd John Mekesone, John Hutcheon 5) John Ouchterlony jr, Alex Fethe 6) Ja Gardyne now possesed by John Ouchterlony eld 7) heirs to umqll And Wichtoun, heirs to umqll Alex Haillis, common ways 8) 9) Wm Anderson, aqueduct, common ways 10) Th Renny, heirs to umqll Alex Anderson, common way, heirs to umqll Ja Falconer 11) heirs to umall Dr Philip, common ways, John Grant 12) Wm Essie, Ja Carnegie 13) heirs to umqll Ja Wod, aqueduct Lacus de Keptie, common ways 14) aqueduct, Lacus de Keptie, John Renny possesed by John Moreis Catherine Durward relict to umqll Hector Anderson, Pa Mekesone Wm Alexander heirs to sd Dr Henry Philip heirs to sd Ja Wod aqueduct 15) Ja Lamb, da ...eddall 16) Barbara Ouchterlony, communal ...... called Merchoy1) Seagate 2) ibid 3) ibid 4) ibid 5) New Marketgate 6) New Marketgate 7) Brothok 8) Brothok 9) Apilgate 10) ibid 11) Mylngate part called Mylngatebank 12) Old marketgate 13) Clay aiker in Laberta.. botanik Demerleist 14) Lacus de Keptie 15) Warlapshed 16) ibid5) pertaining to the airs of umqll Ja Gardyne 6) @rent 8) @rent on umqll And Wichtoun tenement 9) formerly pertaining to umqll Ja InghrameJohn Ouchterlony of Hospitalfeild procurator to Alex Peter
51639/10/3Sasineumqll Catherine Lyne dtr to umqll Alex Lyne BoAheirs portioner to umqll Catherine; Elspeta Lyne, Christina Lyne, Isobella Lyne, Bessie Lyne all dtrs to umqll Rot Lyne lister burg Dundee1) Alex Peter, Mr And Eliot, sd Mr And Eliot, common way 2) heirs to umqll John Sturrok, common way, And Wod 3) common way, Ja Carnegie 4) Th Nyl.., common ways, Mr Henry Pearson 5) heirs to umqll Rot Nairne, common ways, Brothok 6) Ja Anderson, Wm Renny, common ways 7) John Mader, Agnes Yrnes 8) John/Ja Barrie1) Copgate 2) Newgate 3) ibid 4) Copgate 5) New Marketgate 6) Old Marketgate 7) Auld Muirlands 8) ibid
61639/10/14Sasineumqll Wm Ouchterlony of W SeatonJohn Ouchterlony his son and airW Seaton
71639/10/28SasineMarg Rankyne relict to umqll John Aikman BoA, Nicolas & Isobell Aikman their dtrsWm Alexander taylor BoAmagni horti, common way, Brothok & Joneta Ferror, Elemosmarium CroftLordburne called Kilras AtqueW: Mr John Kinnear son to umqll Mr Wm Kinnear formerly minister at Kynnell
81639/10/28SasineNicolas Aikman eld dtr to umqll John Aikman BoA , Marg Rankyne his relictIsobella Aikman sister german to sd Nicolas AElemosmarium Croft, formerly to Th Dunlop eld and now to Mr Alex Mylos(?), [blank], common way, Joneta Ferror & BrothokLordburneW: Mr John Kinnear son to umqll Mr Wm Kinnear formerly minister at Kynnell
1639/10/28SasineNicolas & Isobell Aikman dtrs to umqll John Aikman BoA & Marg Rankyne his relictWm Alexander taylor BoA, Barbara Aikman his spJa Anderson, John Petrie, common waysLordburne
91639/10/28SasineMr John Kinnear son to umqll Mr Wm Kinnear formerly minister at Kynnell, Marg Aikman mother to sd Mr John K and now sp to Mr Ja Philip minister at LunanWm Alexander taylor BoA, Barbara Aikman his sp1) John Kid, Ja Eisplen 2) John Petrie, Ja Gardyne 1) 1 acre in Midelsched 2) 1 acre Auld Muirlands
101639/10/28SasineNicolas & Isobell Aikman dtrs to umqll John Aikman BoA & Marg Rankyne his relictWm Alexander taylor BoA, Barbara Aikman his spLacus of Keptie
1639/10/28SasineIsobell Aikman dtr to umqll John Aikman BoA & Marg Rankyne his relictNicolas Aikman her sister german1) Ja Anderson, Ja Carnegie 2) sd Ja Anderson, Alex Peter1) Old Marketgate called Buttis 2) Flaucht
111639/10/28SasineNicolas Aikman dtr to umqll John Aikman BoA & Marg Rankyne his relictsd Nicolas Aikman & Wm Essie son to John Essie brabiner BoA following on a marriage contract1) Ja Anderson, Ja Carnegie 2) sd Ja Anderson, Alex Peter1) Old Marketgate called Buttis 2) FlauchtW: Mr John Kinnear son to umqll Mr Wm Kinnear formerly minister at Kynnell
1639/10/28Sasine marriage contractJohn Essie brabiner BoA, Joneta Murray his spWm Essie his son, Nicolas Aikman dtr to umqll John Aikman BoA & Marg Rankyne his relict and fut(?) sp1) John Carnegie, John Mekesone 2) 1) Apilgate 2) @rent2) tenement pertaining to Th Balfour BoA & Matilda Low his spW: Mr John Kinnear son to umqll Mr Wm Kinnear formerly minister at Kynnell
121639/11/1SasineJohn Kid BoA, Helen Young his spPeter Brown BoAJa Anderson, Wm AlexanderMidilschedW: Alex Kid son to sd John Kid
131639/11/6SasineDa Smart BoAElizabeth Smyth his sp, Catherine Smart their dtrWn Hoge, aqueduct, Ja Mader, common way1) Mylngate 2) @rent2) Wm Hoge
141639/11/7SasineWm Renny BoA, Marg Pearson his mother, Marg Dalgety his spPa Infrasone BoA, Isobella Hailis his spumqll John Infrasone, common way, [blank], BrothokNew MarketgateRot Haillis advocat and brother to sd Isobella H, W: John Ouchterlony eld BoA
151639/11/9SasineAlex Peter merch BoA, Pa Peter his sonAnd Wod son to umqll Ja Wod BoA1) John Butchart 2) John Ouchterlony, Alex Fethie1) Seagate 2) New Marketgate 3) @rent2) tenement of umqll Ja Gardyne
161639/11/12SasineJa Lamb in Skryne BoA, Jean Hutcheon his spAbraham Strachan BoA, Elizabeth Mader his spAuld MuirlandsW: John Ouchterlony eld BoA, John Grant jr, Da Grant his brother
1639/11/12SasineAbraham Strachan BoA, Elizabeth Mader his spJohn Strachan yr BoAAuld MuirlandsW: John Ouchterlony eld BoA, John Grant jr, Da Grant his brother
171639/11/12SasineJohn Strachan eld BoA, Isobell Edgar his spJohn Grant yr BoA1) [blank], Ninian Spink 2) heirs to umqll Th G…., John Petrie1) Emeslawsched 2) Auld MuirlandsW: John Ouchterlony eld BoA, Da Grant brother to sd John G jr
1639/11/12SasineJohn Low BoA, Marg Hayok(?) his spMariore Low his dtr[blank]Auld MuirlandsW: John Ouchterlony eld BoA, John Grant yr BoA, Da Grant his brother
181639/11/13SasineBarnard Renny BoA, Catherine Mudie his spAnd Strachan BoA, Elizabeth Mudie his spJohn Ouchterlony & Th Renny, common ways, Mariore Rynd & sd Th RennyApilgateW: Th Mudie in E Seaton father to sd Elizabeth M
191639/11/16SasineWm Alexander taylor BoA, Barbara Aikman his spPeter Brown BoAobligation
1639/11/16SasinePeter Brown BoA, umqll Ja Ritchie BoAJa Lamb in Skryne BoA, Jean Hutcheon his spEmeslawsched
201639/11/20Sasine umqll And SymsoneTh Symsone BoA his son and heir, Helena Strachan sp to Th SDa Fethie, And Fullertoun, Da WodCopgatethe tenement pertained to umqll And Symsone father to sd Th S
1639/11/20SasineTh Symsone BoAWm Stevenson BoA, Isobella Rankyne his spDa Fethie, And Fullertoun, Da WodCopgate
211639/11/28SasineWm Essie brabiner BoA, Nicolas Aikman his spPa Low brabiner BoA, [Agnes] Manny his spLarkvyndthe land was sold by Th Balfour BoA & Matilda Low his sp to John Essie brabiner BoA father of sd Wm E
221639/12/3SasineSir John Carnegie of EthieDa Carnegie app of Ethie his son, Jean Maule his spMeikle Perth, Connony, Ballochie, Bank, Muretoun, Mures of Meikle Perth, North Esk, Over Eglis(?), Cauldsany(?) & Prettischank, Madileglismaldie, Nether Egilsmaldie, part of the barony of Craig, Barony of Lunan & moreAnd Gray son & air of umqll Pa Gray of Loure
241639/12/24Sasine marriage contractAlex Peter merch BoA, Pa Peter his son, Elizabeth Lyne sp to Alex PMr Alex Inglis minister St Vigeans, Marg Inglis his dtr fut sp to Pa P1) heirs to umqll Dr Henry Philip, common ways, John Grant 2) Wm Essie, Ja Carnegie 3) heirs to umqll Ja Wod, aqueduct, Lacus of Keptie, common ways 4) aqueduct 5) John Renny, Catherine Durward relict to umqll Hercules Anderson, Pa Mekesone Wm Alexander heirs to umqll ....... 6) Ja Lamb, Da ...dall 7) Barbara Ouchterlony, .....1) Mylngatebank 2) Old Marketgate 3) Clay aiker called Demerlead 4) Lacus of Keptie 5) ibid 6) Warlapsched 7) ibid
251640/2/6Sasine marriage contractJohn Mylne in CotmureJohn Johnstoun in Mylntoun of Carmyllie, Sara Mylne his fut sp dtr to John MJohn Gardyne, John PetrieNew MarketgateJa Mylne advocat for Sara M his sister
261640/3/24SasinePa Renny son to John Renny BoAMariorie Renny sister germ to Pa Rheirs to umqll Ja Strachan, heirs to umqll Da AndersonApilgateW: John Wallace baillie Arb, Da Wallace his son
1640/4/3SasineGeo Scot BoAArthur Mader BoAJohn Kid, Da ChrystieLongsched
271640/4/3SasineGeo Scot BoA, Isobella Petrie his sp, Marg Scot their dtrJohn Kid, Da ChrystieLongschedW: John Ouchterlony eld BoA
1640/4/20Sasineumqll John Aikman yr son to umqll John Aikman eld BoA & Marg Rankyne relict to John A eldNicolas Aikman & Isobella Aikman sister german to sd John A yr and his heirJa Anderson, Th DunlopNew Muirlands
281640/4/20SasineNicolas Aikman & Isobella Aikman, Marg Rankyne their motherTh Dunlop lister BoAJa Anderson, sd Th DunlopNew Muirlands
1640/4/20Sasineumqll John Aikman yr son to umqll John Aikman eld BoA & Marg Rankyne relict to John A eldNicolas Aikman & Isobella Aikman sister german to sd John A yr and his heirJa Gardyne, John MackoulAuld Muirlands
1640/4/20SasineNicolas Aikman & Isobella Aikman, Marg Rankyne their motherJohn Strachan eld BoAJa Gardyne, John MackoulAuld Muirlands
291640/4/20SasineRot Rollock of Muretoun, John Rollock of MunksholmeJohn Hamilton of Bothwest of the Firthmure of ArbroathW: Pa Ouchterlony of Banhard
301640/4/20SasineJohn Hamilton of Both [Boath]Catherine Ouchterlony his spwest of the Firthmure of Arbroath
1640/4/30SasineDavid Lindsay of KinnettlesCatherine Lindsay his dtrKirktoun of Kinnettles in the barony of RescobieW: Wm Ouchterlony in Leyes, Th Lindsaay & Robert Lindsay sons to sd Da L of K
311640/4/30SasineDavid Lindsay of KinnettlesMariore Lindsay his dtrKirktoun of Kinnettles in the barony of RescobieW: Wm Ouchterlony in Leyes, Th Lindsaay & Robert Lindsay sons to sd Da L of K
1640/5/5SasineAnd Wod BoAPa Wod of BonytounCopgateW: Mr Pa Lyell son to Pa Lyell BoA
321640/5/15SasineRot Ayssone of ArthurestaneJohn Hamilton of BothCouperW: John Ouchterlony servitor to sd Rot A of A
1640/7/3SasineDavid Lindsay of KinnettlesRot Lindsay his sonKirktoun of Kinnettles in the barony of RescobieW: Ja Young son of Michael Young uncle to Peter Young of E Seaton
341640/7/28SasineJohn Renny BoAMariorie Renny his dtrKeptie Hillpertaining to Catherine Durward relict to umqll Hector Anderson BoA and possesed by John Moreis BoA & Catherine Durward
1640/8/4SasineDa Hunter BoAsd Da Hunter, Agnes Hunter his sister, Wm Renny BoA her sp1) Alex Spink, John Hutcheon, common way 2) Ja Carnegie 3) John Ouchterlony jr, Ja Anderson 4) sd John Ouchterlony jr, sd Ja Anderson 5) sd John Ouchterlony jr, heirs to umqll Mr Ja Philip 6) sd Ja Anderson, John Mekesone 7) sd John Mekesone 8) Alex Peter, [blank]1) New Marketgate 2) Newgate 3) Old Marketgate 4) ibid 5) ibid 6) Langbank 7) ibid 8) Lochsched
351641/1/12Sasine marriage contractJa Esplen maltman BoA, Da Espelen his sonCatherine Mudie fut sp to Da E sister germ to Da Mudie of Bryantoun1) 2) John Renny, Mr And Eliot 3) Pa Mekesone, Ja Carnegie1) Maders Croft in Punderlawfeild 2) Newgate 3) ….bankW: John Ouchterlony baillie Arb, John Mudie brother germ to Da Mudie of Brynatoun
361641/2/8Sasine marriage contractJa Wod BoAHelena Nairne his fut(?) sp relict tumqll Mr da Kinnear minister at KynnellJa Esplen, And DawCopgateW: John Ouchterlony yr baillie Arb, Mr Pa Lyell son to Pa Lyell BoA
371641/3/26SasineJohn Gardyne of MideltounJohn Ouchterlony eld BoA1) Wm Renny, Brothok, John Ouchterlony yr 2) sd John Ouchterlony jr, Brothok, [blank] Smythis1) New Marketgate 2) ibidW: John Ouchterlony yr baillie Arb, Ja Pearson son to Mr da Pearson of Lochlands
1641/6/1Sasine marriage contractJohn Ouchterlony of W SeatonMarg Pearson his fut sp dtr to Ja Pearson of BalmadiesSeatonW: John Ouchterlony of Hospitalfeild
381641/6/12Sasine marriage contractAlex Peter merch BoA, Ja Peter & Pa Peter his sons, Elizabeth Lyne sp to Alex PDa Ramsay eld of Cairntoun, Elizabeth Pearson his sp, Helen Ramsay their dtr fut sp to Ja P, Da Ramsay yr of Cairntoun son of Da R eld of C1) heirs to umqll John Wod(?), [blank], heirs to umqll [blank] Lyne, common way 2) And Chrystie, Ja Carnegie, Da Young & garden behind, common way 3) aland [another?] tenement & garden above-named, Ja Carnegie, Ja Jack, common way 4) [blank] Carnegie, common way, And Chrystie, John Petrie1) Copgate 2) ibid 3) ibid 4) ibid4) umqll And Butchart's tenement in a transaction with umqll Mr Alex Beaton of Carsgownie & umqll Da Beaton his son, Th Ramsay father to sd Da R eld of CW: John Ouchterlony baillie Arb
401641/6/16SasineJohn Ouchterlony yr BoA, umqll Ja Gardyne BoA, umqll Ja Forsyth BoA, Joneta Forsyth his dtr, Ja Wod BoA her spGeo Ramsay BoANew Marketgate
411641/6/16SasineMr Wm Keith of Bonitoun, Mary Stewart his spFrancis & Ja Ogilvy of Newgrangebarony of Pitnamone, barony of Balmanie both in the sheriffdom of Kincardineother parties; Ja Scot of Logy merch burg Montrose, umqll Mr Alex Keith of Benholm, Marg Keith his eld dtr, Da Barclay of Mathers her sp, Dame Agnes Falconer
431641/6/25SasineJa Carnegie of Newgate, Marg Ouchterlony his sp, Rot Carnegie their sonArthur Mader BoA, Isobella Hodge his sp[blank]MylngateW: John Chrystie BoA, And Chrystie his brother germ
441641/7/8SasineWm Hodge brabiner BoATh Hodge his son, Isobella Smyth sp to Th H, Da Smart, Elizabeth Smyth his sp, umqll Catherine Smart their dtrJohn Chrystie, Da Smart(?), MylngateW: John Ouchterlony of Hospitalfeild, John Smyth BoA brother to sd Isobella S
451641/8/16SasineRot Rollock now of MuretounFirthmure of Arbroath
461641/10/19SasineWm Ouchterlony of CairnieJohn Ouchterlony of Guynd his brother germCairnieW: Da Pearson of Lochlands, Wm Pearson his brother germ, And Ouchterlony brother germ to sd Wm O of C
1641/10/22Sasine marriage contractWm Ouchterlony of Cairnie, Catherine Symmer his sp, Ja Ouchterlony app of Cairnie their sonCatherine Spence fut sp to Ja O, umqll Th Spence baxter burg Edinburgh1) E Cairnie 2) Brigshead of Cairnie 3) Firth of Arbroath 4) Mure of Arbroath 5) part of Cairnie 6) Cotton of Cairnie 7) Smydihill & Lamblaw in CairnieW: John Ouchterlony of Guynd, John Ouchterlony yr BoA
491641/10/23SasineWm Pearson BoAAlex Haillis baxter BoA, Christiane Clerk his spcommon way, sd Wm P, [blank], Ja AndersonWandersknow in Auld Murelands
1641/11/6SasineAlex Buchan eld son to umqll Wm Buchan merch BoA & Agnes Rynd his mother, John Christie now her spJohn Ouchterlony yr BoA1) communal land, sd John O yr 2) heirs to umqll Mr Ja Philip, Ja Anderson, common ways1) Old Marketgate 2) ibidW: John Ouchterlony eld BoA
501641/11/23SasineElizabeth Lyne, Christiana Lyne Isobella Lyne Joneta Lyne & Bessie Lyne dtrs to umqll Rot Lyne lister burg Dundee, And Young merch burg Dundee sp to Elizabeth L, And Ouchterlony lister burg Dundee sp to Christiane LRot Carnegie son to Ja Carnegie of Newgate, Isobella Fotheringham sp to Rot C1) Ja Anderson, Wm Renny, communes vias 2) [blank], Agnes Irnis 3) [blank] John Barrie1) Butt on Old Marketgate 2) Auld Muirlands 3) ibid
511641/11/23SasineJa Esplen BoA, Agnes Guild his spPeter Brown BoAsd Peter Brown, John WallaceMidilsched Commonfaulds
521642/1/1SasineTh Mylne BoAmajor Geo Chrictoun of ArbekieAnd Wod, heirs to umqll [blank] LyneCopgateW: John Ouchterlony of Guynd, John Ouchterlony yr BoA
1642/1/14SasineElizabeth Lyne, Christiana Lyne Isobella Lyne Joneta Lyne & Bessie Lyne dtrs to umqll Rot Lyne lister burg Dundee, And Young merch burg Dundee sp to Elizabeth L, And Ouchterlony lister burg Dundee sp to Christiane LAnd Wod BoAheirs to umqll John Sturrok, common ways, sd And Wod1) Newgate
531642/1/14SasineJohn Mekesone merch BoA, Daniel Low maltman BoAAnd Wod BoAAlex Spink, major Geo Chrichtoun of ArbekieCopgate
541642/1/28Sasineumqll Anne & umqll Isobell Lyell dtrs to umqll Rot Lyell BoAManse Lyell their sister germ & heir, Rot Logy in Woodhewin her sp1) heirs to umqll Alex Smyth, common way, Pa Lyell, Jean Fethie 2) Jean Fethie, common way, sd John Ogilvy 3) Ja Wod, common way, John Aikman, heirs to umqll Th Strachan 4) Ja Durward, aqueduct, Alex Peter, common way 5) sd Wm Anderson, aqueduct, common ways 6) sd John Ouchterlony jr, common way, aqueduct, Da Alexander1) Eleemosynary 2) ibid 3) Rottonraw 4) Apilgate 5) ibid 6) Pettrinsdykis1) tenement of John Ogilvy 2) tenement of sd umqll Alex Smyth 3) tenemnet of John Strachan 4) land of Wm Anderson 5) land of sd Alex Peter 6) land of John Ouchterlony jr
551642/1/29Sasine marriage contractPeter Brown BoAAlex Ogilvy of Schillhill, John Ogilvy his eldest son, Helen Ogilvy dtr to Alex O of S fut sp to sd Peter B1) Alex Stenichill, sd Peter Brown, And Wod, common ways 2) common way, heirs to umqll Alex Guthrie, sd And Wod 3) sd Peter Brown, John Kid, Ja Esplen 4) Ja Anderson, sd Peter Brown1) Copgate 2) ibid 3) Midilsched 4) ibid(?)3) land of sd And Wod & liferent to Isobella Hunter his mother 4) sd John KidW: John Ouchterlony jr, Wm Brown brother germ to sd Peter Brown
571642/2/2SasineTh Stevenson brabiner BoA, Matilda Anderson his spDa Guthrie son to John Guthrie BoA, Marg Mylne sp to Da G[blank], cemetery, Pa Lyell, common wayBarnegreinMr Da Pearson of Lochlands superior of sd landsW: John Guthrie BoA brother to sd Da G
1642/2/7Sasineumqll Ninian Spynk BoAAlex Spynk his nepos [grandson] & heirJohn Hutcheon, sd major Geo Chrichtoun of Arbekie & John Dickson, common way, Mr And EliotSeagate
581642/2/7SasineAlex Spynk his nepos [grandson] & heir to umqll Ninian Spynk BoAmajor Geo Chrichtoun of ArbekieJohn Hutcheon, sd major Geo Chrichtoun of Arbekie & John Dickson, common way, Mr And EliotSeagateW: John Ouchterlony eld BoA
581642/3/4Sasine marriage contractJa Anderson BoA, Pa Anderson his son, Elizabeth Wichtoun sp to Ja AAnd Ouchterlony BoA, Jonet Ouchterlony his dtr fut sp to sd Pa A1) heirs to umqll Alex Guthrie, sd Ja Anderson 2) 3)1) Copgate 2) Pittendykis 3) Copgate 4) 4 acres Midilsched 5) 2 acres Auld Muirlands 6) 3 acres Old Marketgate 7) croft on Brothok 8) 1 acre Old Marketgate & Mylngatebanks 9) Lochsched 10) 1/2 acre Demerleat 11) Warlapsched 12) New Muirlands 13) ibid1) sold to Ja A by Th Dunlop 2) previously perteining to umqll Ja Fethie merch Dundee 3) designated to sd Ja A by John Kid 4) 5) sold to Ja A by sd umqll Ja Fethie 6 & 7) sold to Ja A by John Hamilton principalem locum to James Marquis of Hamilton & Helen Pearson sp to John H 8) sold by umqll DR Ja Eliot minister at Forfar & Euphame Lindsay his sp 9) sold to Ja A by And Hailis 10) sold to Ja A by Joneta Auchinleck relict to umqll Da Schakart & Marg Schakart his dtr 11 & 12) sold to Ja A by umqll Ja Fethie 13 sold to Ja A by John Hamilton chalmerlaine of ArbW: John Ouchterlony of Guynd, John Ouchterlony eld BoA
611642/3/4SasineMr Ja Guthrie minister Arbirlot, Isobella Durie his spTh Dunlop lister BoA, Catherine Blacketar his spNew MuirlandsJohn Ouchterlony eld procurator to Mr Ja G, W: John Ouchterlony of Guynd, And Ouchterlony BoA
1642/3/5SasinePa Guthrie of AuchmuthieAuchmuthie in the barony of Arbroath, Newtoun of Arbroath, BruntounW: Ja Clerk son to John Clerk in Auchmuthie
631642/3/28Sasineumqll Mr Rot Gardyne BoALucretia Gardyne his dtr & heir[blank] Smyth, John GardyneNew Marketgate
641642/3/28SasineLucretia Gardyne dtr to umqll Mr Rot Gardyne BoA, John Guthrie BoA her spTh Johnstone merch BoA, Joneta Furd his sp[blank] Smyth, John GardyneNew MarketgateW: John Ouchterlony eld BoA, John Ouchterlony yr BoA
1642/3/29SasineDa Mader son to umqll Ja Mader BoAArthur Mader BoA brother germ to Da M1) Ja Mader brother to sd Da M & sd Arthur M, aqueduct, Seagatfyras(?), common way 2) John Wallace1) Mylngate 2) Midilsched
651642/4/21SasineJohn Renny eld BoA, John Renny yr his eld sonDa Wallace son to John Wallace BoA1) sd John Renny eld & jr, Agnes Yrnis 2) sd John Renny eld & jr, Alex Spink1) Emeslawsched 2) ButtW: John Ouchterlony eld BoA
661642/4/21SasineJohn Wallace BoAMarg Fethie his sp1) Arthur Mader, Marchdyk, 2) Mr And Eliot, Helen Haillis1) Midilsched 2) Butt in EmeslawschedW: John Ouchterlony eld BoA
1642/4/21SasineJohn Wallace BoA, Marg Fethie his spDa Wallace his son1) Arthur Mader, Marchdyk, 2) Mr And Eliot, Helen Haillis 3) Ja E..., Arthur Mader1) Midilsched 2) Butt in Emeslawsched 3) MidilschedW: John Ouchterlony eld BoA
671642/4/21SasineWm Alexander taylor BoA, Barbara Aikman his spPa Gardyne baxter BoA, Marg Mitchell his spJohn Petrie, Ja GardyneAuld MuirlandsW: John Ouchterlony eld BoA
681642/4/21Sasineumqll Da Wichtoun BoAJean Wichtoun his dtrformerly And Ouchterlony now Da Alexander, Alex Peter, common wayson the Brothok
691642/4/21SasineJean Wichtoun dtr to umqll Da Wichtoun BoAMr Th Hunter of Restbawar(?)formerly And Ouchterlony now Da Alexander, Alex Peter, common wayson the BrothokJohn Ouchterlony eld BoA procurator to Jean W
1642/4/27SasineJohn Lamb in Berriefauld BoAAlex Lamb his son, [blank] Hodge his spArthur Mader, Da MekesoneMylngateJa Carnegie of Newgate, Rot Carnegie his sonW: John Ouchterlony eld BoA, Wm Hodge BoA, Th Hodge BoA his son
701642/4/28SasineJohn Ouchterlony eld BoAthe poor of Arb1) John Ouchterlony jr, Wm Renny 2) heirs to umqll Da Smyth, John Ouchterlony jr1) New Marketgate 2) ibid
711642/5/5SasineAlex Fethie BoAJa Ferrar BoA, Joneta Duncan his spAnd Bardie, Ja DuncanNew MarketgateW: John Ouchterlony yr BoA
1642/5/9SasineJohn Ouchterlony yr BoA, Helen Pearson his spDaniel Lyell BoA, Jean Ramsay his spTh Renny, And StrachanRottonrawW: Andrew Ouchterlony BoA
721642/5/9Sasineumqll Ja Cowie BoA, John Cowie his sonJohn Strachan yr BoA, Marg Mader his spsd John Strachan, [blank]LordburneW: Andrew Ouchterlony BoA, John Ouchterlony yr BoA
731642/5/24SasineHenry Petrie BoA, Christina Thomson his spAnd Chrystie BoA, Lilas Gray his spAlex Haillis, Ja SpinkCopgate
741642/5/24SasineAnd Chrystie BoADa Chrystie yr BoA, Elizabeth Chrystie his sp & dtr to sd And CDa Chrystie eld BoA, Ja Carnegie, Geo KidCopgate
1642/6/10SasineJohn Mader BoA, Euphema Edgar his sp, John Strachan eld BoAJohn Johnstone in Mylntoun of Carmyllie BoA, Sara Mylne his spJa Gardyne, John MackoulAuld MuirlandsTh Johnstoune brother to sd John J
751642/6/10SasineJohn Petrie BoA, Agnes Chrystie his spNinian Durward BoAAuld MuirlandsW: Th Johnstoune BoA, John Johnstoun BoA his brother germ
761642/6/15SasineIsobell Aikman dtr to umqll John Aikman BoA, John Strachan yr BoAWm Alexander taylor BoAEleemosynary Croft & Mr Alex Inglis, [blank], common way, John Ferrar & BrothokLordburne
1642/6/15Sasineumqll John Aikman son to umqll John Aikman BoA & umqll Marg RankyneNicolas Aikman & Isobella Aikman sister german to sd John A yr and his heirMr Alex Inglis, [blank], common wayLordburne
771642/6/15SasineNicolas Aikman & Isobella Aikman dtrs to umqll John Aikman BoA & umqll Marg RankyneMarg Dunbrak relict to umqll Ja Stevenson BoA, Marg Stevenson their dtrMr Alex Inglis, [blank], common wayLordburne
1642/6/15SasineJohn Mader BoA, Euphema Edgar his spJohn Davidson in Borrowfeild, Catherine Mekesone his sp1) Pa Low, [blank] 2) [blank], [blank]1) Lordburne 2) ibidJohn Mekesone father of sd Catherine M
781642/6/15SasineBarbara Ouchterlony relict to umqll Ja B BoAWm Alexander taylor BoAJohn Mackcoull, Alex PeterWarlapschedW: John Ouchterlony eld BoA
1642/7/25Sasineumqll Alex Wod BoA, Henry Wod son & heir to umqll Pa Wod of BonytounJa Wod brother germ & heir to sd Alex W1) Ja Esplen, And Dall 2) 3) Ja Carnegie, Aqueduct, airs to umqll Th Man, common ways1) Copgate 2) Old Marketgate 3) Park & Borg on MylngateJohn Wallace BoA & Marg Fethie his sp; Da Wod brother germ to sd umqll Pa W of BW: John Ouchterlony eld BoA
801642/7/25SasineJa Wod BoARot Carnegie son to Ja Carnegie of Newgate, Isobella Fotheringham sp to Rot C1) 2) Ja Carnegie of Newgate, Aqueduct, airs to umqll Th Man, common ways1) Old Marketgate 2) Mylngate
811642/8/29SasineJohn Hamilton of BothJohn Hamilton his 2nd sonBoth
1642/9/2Sasineumqll Daniel Watson BoA, Isobella Hay his spMariore Watson & Elizabeth Watson their dtrs heirs to their fatherheirs to umqll Mr Ja Philip, common waysquartur ad templum
821642/9/2SasineMariore Watson & Elizabeth Watson, Isobella Hay their mother, Ja Abbot in North Ferrir sp to sd Mariore WMr Ja Guthrie minister at Arbirlot, Isobella Durie his spheirs to umqll Mr Ja Philip, common waysquartur ad templumW: And Ouchterlony BoA, Wm Lyne servitor to sd And O
1642/9/16SasineWm Essie brabiner BoA, Nicolas Aikman his spJa Essie his brother germ, Ja Essie & Joneta Murray their parentsJohn Carnegie, John MekesoneApilgateW: John Ouchterlony eld BoA
831642/10/19SasineJohn Ouchterlony eld BoA, Jonet Wedderburne his spMr Da Ouchterlony minister at Kincardine son to John OBrothok, common waysBrothokAnd Ouchterlony formerly in Cuthlie BoA superior of the landJohn Ouchterlony yr baillie Arb; W: John Ouchterlony of Guynd
841642/10/19SasineHelen Haillis relict to umqll And Butchart BoA, John Renny now her sp, Wm Butchart son to Helen H & umqll And B, Mariore Renny dtr to sd John REmeslawschedthe land was sold by Jerome Ouchterlony BoAJohn Ouchterlony yr baillie Arb; W: John Ouchterlony eld BoA
851642/10/19Sasine marriage contractMarioire Renny dtr to John Renny BoAWm Butchart her fut sp son to umqll And Butchart BoA & Helen Haillis his relictKeptieW: John Ouchterlony eld BoA
1642/10/19Sasine marriage contractMarioire Renny dtr to John Renny BoAWm Butchart her fut sp son to umqll And Butchart BoA & Helen Haillis his relictheirs to umqll Ja Strachan, heirs to umqll Da AndersonApilgateJohn Ouchterlony yr baillie Arb; W: John Ouchterlony eld BoA
861642/10/19Sasine marriage contractumqll And Butchart BoAWm Butchart his son & heir, Helen Hailis his mother, Mariore Renny his fut sp dtr to John Renny BoARot Carnegie, And ChrystieCopgateJohn Ouchterlony yr baillie Arb; John Pilmor son to John Pilmor in Auchrynie; W: John Ouchterlony eld BoA
871642/10/24Sasineumqll Daniel Watson BoA, Isobella Hay his sp, Mariore Watson & Elizabeth Watson their dtrs heirs to their father, John Ouchterlony BoA, Wm Alexander BoA, Da Ramsay of CairntounMr Ja Guthrie minister at Arbirlotquartur ad templum
881642/10/29SasineAbraham Strachan BoA, Elizabeth Mader his spJohn Strachan BoA, Marg Mader his spAuld MuirlandsArthur Mader brother to Marg M
1642/10/29Sasine marriage contractArthur Mader BoAMarg Esplene his fut sp dtr to Ja Esplene BoA1) Ja Mader brother germ to sd Arthur M, aqueduct, Segates g…, common way 2) John Ouchterlony, Wm Pearson 3) And Ingraham, John Renny, Mr And Eliot1) Mylngate 2) Emeslawsched 3) ibid(?)
891642/12/3SasineRot Logie in Ullishaven, Mansea Lyell his sp dtr to Rot Lyell BoA & sister germ & heir to umqll Isobella LyellTh Wichtoun notar in Dundee, Ja Wichtoun notar his son1) heirs to umqll Alex Smyth, common way, Pa Lyell & John Couper, Jean Fethie 2) sd Jean Fethie, common way, sd John Ogilvy 3) Ja Wod, common way, John Aikman, heirs to umqll Th Strachan 4) Ja Durward, aqueduct, Alex Peter, comunem 5) Wm Anderson, aqueduct, common ways 6) sd John Ouchterlony jr, common way, aqueduct, Da Alexander(?)1) Eleemosynary 2) ibid 3) Rottonraw 4) Apilgate 5) ibid 6) Pettrinsdykis1) tenement of John Ogilvy 2) tenement of sd umqll Alex Smyth 3) tenemnet of John Strachan 4) land of Wm Anderson 5) land of sd Alex Peter 6) land of John Ouchterlony jrPa Wallace son to John Wallce baillie Arb
901642/12/10SasineAlex Hailis son & heir to umqll Alex Hailis maltman BoAAlex Peter merch BoA, Pa Peter his sonBrothokland of Ja Wod BoA & umqll Joneta Wod his sister germ
911642/12/27Sasinemajor Geo Crichtoun of ArbekieMr And Eliot minister at Inverkeilor1) And Wod, heirs to umqll [blank] Lyne 2) John Hutcheon, John Dickson, common way, sd Mr And Eliot1) Copgate 2) Seagate
921643/1/27SasineWm Pearson in Hospitalfeild son to umqll Th Pearson of LochlandsJohn Guthrie BoA, Lucrecia Gardyne his sp1) Rottonraw 2) Newgate1 & 2) tenement of Alex Allan BoADa Wallace son to John Wallace baillie Arb, Wm Wallace brother to Da W
1643/2/2SasineAlex Buchan eld son to umqll Wm Buchan merch BoA & Agnes Rynd his mother relict to sd Wm B, John Christie now her spheirs to umqll Mr Ja Philip, common waysRottonraw
931643/2/22SasineTh Mylne merch BoA, Jean Rynd his spJohn Rynd merch burg Edinburghquartur ad templumW: John Ouchterlony eld BoA
941643/2/22SasineGeo Renny BoA, Marg Ogilvy his spAnd Strachan BoA, Elizabeth Mudie his spDaniel Lyell(?), Th Renny, Marie Rynd, sd Th RennyRottonrawW: John Ouchterlony eld BoA
1643/3/7Sasinepertaining to Daniel Low BoA, Da Wod his assignatisAnd Wod BoANewgateJohn Ouchterlony son of And Ouchterlony BoA; Ja AndersonJohn Ouchterlony baillie Arb
951643/3/31SasineDa Ramsay eld of Cairntoun, Daniel Low BoAAnd Wod BoAAnd Fullartoun, Alex AllanNewgateJohn Ouchterlony yr baillie Arb
1643/4/13Sasineumqll John Ogilvy of BalfourJohn Ogilvy yr now of Balfour his sonBalfour Kirktoun, Ascroie(?), Mylne of Kincoldrum all in the barony of Kincoldrum, Baldovie, Kinclune, Meikle Kenny, Little Kenny, Aucherick
961643/4/27Sasine marriage contractAnna Mackoull dtr to John Mackoull BoA, John Ouchterlony eld of Guynd, Pa Ouchterlony BoA his natural sonsd Anna Mackoull & Da Huntar BoA her fut spsd John Mackoull, common ways, ?EleemosynaryJohn Ouchterlony yr baillie Arb
1643/4/27Sasine marriage contractJohn Mackoull BoA, Anna Mackoull his dtr, John Ouchterlony eld of Guynd, Pa Ouchterlony BoA his natural sonDa Huntar BoA her fut spBarngreeneW: John Ouchterlony yr baillie Arb
971643/4/27SasineJohn Mackoull BoAPa Ouchterlony cordiner BoA, Marg Mackoull his sp dtr to sd John MBarngreeneW: John Ouchterlony yr baillie Arb
1643/4/27Sasine marriage contractJohn Mackoull BoA, Anna Mackoull his dtr, John Ouchterlony eld of Guynd, Pa Ouchterlony BoA his natural sonsd Anna Mackoull & Da Huntar BoA her fut sp1) Ja Carnegie 2) sd John Ouchterlony, Ja Anderson 3) sd John Ouchterlony, heirs to umqll Mr Ja Philip 4) sd Ja Anderson, John Mekesone 5) sd John Meksone 6) Alex Peter, [blank] 1) Newgate 2) Vie Antique Foralis 3) ibid(?) 4) Mylngatebank 5) ibid 6) LochschedJohn Ouchterlony yr baillie Arb
981643/4/27Sasineumqll Geo LiddellAnna Mackoull & Marg Mackoull his granddaughters & port heirs1) Catherine Smart, aqueduct, Arthur Mader, common way 2) sd Ja Mader, aqueduct, sd John Ouchterlony yr baillie Arb formerly Seagategrass, common way1) Mylngate 2) ibid1) @rent fr tenement of Ja Mader 2) @rent fr sd tenement of Arthur MaderJohn Ouchterlony yr baillie Arb
1643/4/27SasineAnna Mackoull & Marg Mackoull dtrs to John Mackoull BoA & granddaughters to umqll Geo LiddellAnna Mackoull & Da Huntar her sp, Marg Mackoull & Pa Ouchterlony her sp
991643/5/22SasineMariore Steven dtr to umqll And Steven BoA, Wm Hay her spJa Wod BoA, Joneta Forsyth his spJohn Strachan jr, heirs to umqll Th Strachan, common waysLordburnetenement of Ja Wod BoAW: John Ouchterlony eld BoA
1643/5/24Sasineumqll Alex Rynd merch BoAJohn Rynd merch burg Edinburgh his son & heirJa Grant, Da Strachan, John RennyRottonrawW: John Ouchterlony eld BoA
1001643/6/10SasineAlex Spink eld(?) BoA, Wm Spink his sonRot Mackoull burg Montrose, Catherine Spink his sp1) Da Chrystie, John Renny 2) sd John Renny, Mr And Eliot 3) Da Guthrie, And Wod1) Emeslawsched 2) Langbut ibid(?) 3) CopgateJohn Ouchterlony yr baillie Arb; W: John Ouchterlony eld BoA
1643/6/15SasineDa Alexander cordiner BoA & Isobella Ouchterlony his sp, Helen Gardyne her mother, William Alexander taylor BoA & Barbara Aikman his spJa Lamb in Skryne BoA, Jean Hutcheon his spsd John Ouchterlony yr baillie, Mr Th Huntar formerly to umqll And Wichtoun, aqueductBrothokJohn Ouchterlony yr baillie Arb, John Ouchterlony eld BoA
1011643/6/15SasineDa Alexander cordiner BoA & Isobella Ouchterlony his spJa Lamb in Skryne BoA, Jean Hutcheon his spAlex Kid, common way, Mr Pa Carnegie, John PeterCopgateJohn Ouchterlony yr baillie Arb, John Ouchterlony eld BoA
1643/7/3SasineAnd Ingraham BoA, Ja Ingraham his sonAnd Adam BoA, Marg Johnstoun his spouse, And Adam his eldest sonJa Lamb, Arthur MaderEmeslawsched
1021643/7/7SasineMr And Eliot minister at InverkeillorJohn Petrie BoA, Agnes Chrystie his spJohn Hutcheon, heirs to umqll John Dickson, common way, sd Mr And EliotSeagate
1031643/7/10SasineCatherine Smart dtr to umqll Da Smart sometime of Hospitalfeild, John Peter merch BoA her sp, Elizabeth Smyth her mother, Ja Smart brotehr to sd Catherine Ssd Catherine Smart, John Peter merch BoA now her sp1) Wm Hodge, aqueduct, ja Mader, common way 2) John Chrystie, aqueduct1) Mylngate 2) ibid2) land of sd Wm Hodge
1643/8/5SasineJohn Ouchterlony eld BoA, Jonet Wedderburne his spTh Johnstone merch BoA, Alex Johnstoune his sonAlex Gibson, And AdamNew Muirlands
1041643/8/8SasineJohn Hamilton eld BoATh Hamilton his son1) Vie Elemosmarie 2) Elemosmarie 3) Punderlawfeild 4) Keptie
1051643/8/8SasineJohn Hamilton eld BoA, Helen Pearson his spTh Hamilton his sonKeptieformerly pertaining to Alison Forrester heir to umqll Ja Forrester in Barrie, Richard Johnstoun faber lignarius [woodmaker(?)] burg Dundee & Isobella Scot relict to umqll Ja F mother to sd Alison F
1061643/8/8SasineJohn Hamilton eld BoAHelen Pearson his spsd John H, heirs to umqll Dr Henry PhilipKeptie
1643/8/17SasineBarbara Ouchterlony relict to umqll Ja Brown BoAJohn Johnstoun in Carmyllieheirs to umqll Ja Ouchterlony, John AdamCopgateW: John Ouchterlony eld BoA
1071643/11/14SasineJohn Hamilton eld BoA, Th Hamilton his sonDa Pearson son to umqll Wm Pearson BoAKeptie
1081643/11/14SasineJohn Hamilton eld BoA, Th Hamilton his sonJohn Pearson son to umqll Wm Pearson BoAKeptie
1091643/11/16SasineAnd Rolland son to umqll Alex Rolland BoAPeter Brown BoA, Helen Ogilvy his spheirs to umqll Henry Kinneir, common way, heirs to umqll Rot Lyne, BrothokNew Marketgate
1643/12/8Sasine marriage contractArthur Mader BoAAgnes Durward his fut sp, Walt Durward in Newgrange her father1) [blank], [blank] 2) John Wallace1) Mylngate 2) MidilschedW: John Ouchterlony eld BoA
1101643/12/29SasineJohn Henderson yr BoA, Ja Carnegie of NewgrangeJohn Guthrie BoA, Lucrecia Gardyne his sp1) Rottonraw 2) Newgate
1111644/2/14SasineDa Alexander BoA, Isobella Ouchterlony his spJa Lamb in Skryne BoA, Jean Hutcheon his spMr Pa Carnegie, John PeterCopgateW: John Ouchterlony yr BoA
1121644/2/19SasineJoan/John Kinnear & Alison Kinnear & Catherine Kinnear & Helen Kinear children to umqll Mr Da Kinnear minister at Kinnell & Helen NairneJa Wod BoA, sd Helen Nairne his spW: John Ouchterlony yr BoA
1131644/3/9SasineJohn Aikman son to umqll Mr Geo AikmanJohn Peter merch BoA, Catherine Smart his sp1) Abraham Strachan, John Couper, sd John Aikman & heirs to umqll Th Strachan & John Strachan, common way 2) sd heirs to umqll Th Strachan, sd John Couper, common way1) Rottonraw 2) LordburneW: Pa Smart brother to sd Catherine S
1141644/3/21SasineMr Alex Inglis minister St VigeansPeter Inglis his sonEleemosynaryJohn Hamilton formerly chalmerlaine ArbW: Alex Murray BoA, John Murray his son
1151644/3/21SasineMr Alex Inglis minister St VigeansPeter Inglis his sonheirs to umqll Mr Ja Philip, Th PearsonEleemosynarytenement sold by umqll Ja Durie BoAW: Alex Murray BoA, John Murray his son
1161644/3/21SasineMr Alex Inglis minister St VigeansJohn Inglis his son1) [blank], [blank] 2) heirs to umqll Ja Lodie, John Fethie, [blank], umqll Mr Ja Philip 3) Agnes Irnis(?), [blank] Grant1) Lordburne 2) Almerie Yard 3) ApilgatePeter Inglis brother to sd John I; W: Alex Murray BoA, John Murray his son
1171644/6/20SasineJa Littlejohn BoAAlex Hill son to Ja Hill BoA1) John Fethie, Peter Ferrar, sd John F now possesed by Th Richie, common way, Mr Alex Inglis 2) sd Peter Ferrar, common way, Ja Mader1) Lordburne 2) Brothok
1645/1/13Sasineumqll Da Mekesone BoAJohn Mekesone merch BoA his brother germ1) John Peter, aqueduct, Wm Dickson, common way 2) sd Wm Dickson, aqueduct, John Chrystie, common way 3) John Peter, common way 4) John Petrie, And Low1) Mylngate 2) ibid 3) New Muirlands 4) Auld Muirlands
1181645/1/13SasineJohn Davidson in Berriefauld BoA, Catherine Mekesone his spJohn Mader BoA, Euphame Edgar his sp1) Pa Low, Wm Alexander 2) John Strachan, sd Wm Alexander1) Lordburne 2) ibid
1645/1/13SasineJohn Mader BoA, Euphame Edgar his spHenry Finlo merch BoA, Isobella Carnegie his sp1) Pa Low, Wm Alexander 2) heirs to umqll Ja Wod, common way, John Strachan1) Lordburne 2) EmeslawschedJa Carnegie brother to sd Isobella C
1191645/1/14SasineJohn Ramsay merch burg Dundee, Joneta Fletcher his sp, , umqll John Sturrock mariner burg Dundee his relict umqll Isobella CrocketIsabella Knicht relict to umqll John Mancheon formerly mariner(?) in North Ferrie of Tay burg Dundee1) Ja Bowman, Ja Lamb 2) Pa Anderson, Wm Henderson 3) Alex Kid, And Wod 4) heirs to umqll John Infrason, Brothok, common ways1) Warlapsched 2) Midlesched 3) Newgate 4)4) tenement of Th Dunlop
1201645/2/21SasineMr Ja Guthrie minister Arbirlot, Isobella Durie his spJohn Renny yr eld son to John Renny eld BoAEmeslawsched
1645/2/21SasineJa Esplene BoA, Agnes Guild his spWm Esplene in Newtoun of Leys their son, Helen Petrie his spPeter Brown, John Wallace baillie ArbCommonfaulds
1211645/2/21SasinePeter Brown BoAJa Esplene BoA, Agnes Guild his spsd Peter Brown, John WallaceMidilsched
1645/2/21SasineJa Esplene BoA, Agnes Guild his spWm Esplene in Newtoun of Leys their son, Helen Petrie his spAuld Muirlands
1221645/3/1SasineHercules Dalgety BoA, Barbara Hailis his spWm Burchart cordiner BoAformerly umqll Alex Quhytlaw now Rot Carnegie, heirs to umqll And EliotPunderlawfeildW: Ja Strachan son to Abraham Strachan BoA
1231645/4/3Sasine marriage contractJa Esplene yr BoAMarg Johnstone relict to umqll And Adam BoA fut sp to sd Ja EJohn Guthrie, heirs to umqll Ja WodCopgateJohn Johnstone brother to sd Marg J
1645/4/3SasineJa Esplene eld BoA, Agnes Guild his spAlex Esplene his sonJohn Guthrie, heirs to umqll Ja WodCopgate
1645/4/3Sasine marriage contractAlex Esplene son to Ja Esplene eld BoAJa Espene yr brother germ to sd Alex E, Marg Johnstone fut sp to sd Ja EJohn Guthrie, heirs to umqll Ja WodCopgate
1241645/4/17Sasine marriage contractJa Chrystie son to Da Chrystie eld BoACatherine Smyth dtr to And Smyth at the Mylne of Kellie fut sp to sd Ja CJa Jack, Da Chrystie jrCopgateW: And Ouchterlony BoA
1645/4/17Sasine marriage contractDa Chrystie eld BoAJa Chrystie his eld son, Catherine Smyth dtr to And Smyth at the Mylne of Kellie fut sp to sd Ja C1) heirs to umqll Geo Scot, heirs to umqll Wm Pearson 2) [blank], Rot ---1) Lochsched 2) EmeslawschedW: And Ouchterlony BoA
1251645/9/26SasineMr And Eliot minister at Inverkeillor, Lady Jean Stewart relict to umqll major Geo Chrichtoun of ArbekieJohn Mekesone merch BoAAnd Wod, heirs to umqll [blank] LyneCopgate
1645/11/6Sasine marriage contractWm Esplene in Newtoun of Leys, umqll Helen Petrie his sp, Ja Esplene BoA & Agnes Guild his sp parents to sd Wm EAgnes Anderson relict to umqll Ja Quhyt in Bollischen & fut sp to sd Wm E1) John Brown, John Wallace 2)1) Midilsched 2) Auld MuirlandsDa Anderson in Arbirlot brother to sd Agnes AW: John Ouchterlony eld BoA
1271645/11/10SasineJa Pearson clerk of Forfar, Marg Gray his spJohn Butchart in Collistoun, Barbra Butchart his sp1) heirs to umqll Ja Hamilton, John Hamilton 2) heirs to umqll Mr Ja Philip, sd heirs to umqll Ja Hamilton1) Eleemosynary 2) ibidW: John Ogilvy of Pitmowes, Ja Ogilvy his brother germ, John Ouchterlony yr BoA
1281645/11/11Sasineumqll Bernard Grant BoAJa Pearson clerk of Forfar grandson & heir to sd Bernard G & son to umqll Mr Da Pearson clerk of Forfar & umqll Helen Grant dtr to sd Bernard G1) heirs to umqll Ja Hamilton, John Butchart 2) heirs to umqll Mr Ja Philip, sd heirs to umqll Ja Hamilton1) Eleemosynary 2) ibid
1645/11/17Sasineumqll Ja Lockie yr son to umqll Ja Lockie eld BoAElizabeth Lockie sister germ & heir to Ja L jrDa Ramsay baillie Arb, Wm Stevenson, common wayCopgateW: Alex Lockie uncle to sd Elizabeth L
1291645/11/17SasineElizabeth Lockie dtr to umqll Ja Lockie BoA & Barbara Fethie his relictPa Gradyne baxter BoA, Marg Mitchell his sp1) Da Ramsay baillie Arb, Wm Stevenson, common way 2) formerly to Ja Mudie now Th Johnstoun, Pa Mekesone1) Copgate 2) ibidAlex Fethie baillie Arb & And Wod BoA & Alex Lockie uncle to sd Elizabeth her curators; 2) Da Tweddall BoA, John Renny BoAW: John Ouchterlony eld BoA
1645/11/17SasineDa Tweddall BoA, John Renny eld BoA, Helen Hailis his spheirs to umqll Ja Lockie BoA, Barbara Fethie his relict, Elizabeth Lockie his dtrformerly to Ja Mudie now Th Johnstoun, Pa MekesoneCopgateW: John Ouchterlony eld BoA
1301645/12/11Sasineumqll John Butchart BoAJohn Butchart his soncommon ways, the flux of the sea, Pa PeterSeagate
1311645/12/11Sasine marriage contractJohn Butchart son to umqll John Butchart BoAAgnes Irnes his fut sp & dtr to umqll Th Irnescommon ways, the flux of the sea, Pa PeterSeagate
1645/12/11Sasineumqll Th IrnesAgnes Irnes his dtrheirs to umqll [blank] Starne, Mr Alex InglisApilgate
1645/12/11Sasine marriage contractdtr to umqll Th Irneshis dtrJohn Butchart her fut sp1) heirs to umqll [blank] Starne, Mr Alex Inglis 2) Da Wallace, [blank], aqueduct 3) John Grant, Pa Gardyne1) Apilgate 2) Emeslawsched 3) Auld MuirlandsW: John Ouchterlony eld BoA
1321646/2/24SasineEupheme Smyth dtr to umqll Da Smyth in Wormymills(?), Normand Mar in Locheid of Leys her spCatherine Smyth sister germ to sd Euphemia SPa Infrasone, common way, John Ouchterlony, aqueductNew MarketgateW: John Ouchterlony yr BoA
1646/2/24SasineCatherine Smyth dtr to umqll Da Smyth in Wormymills(?)Euphemia Smyth her sister germ, Normand Mar in Locheid of Leys sp to sd Euphemia S, And Mar their son[blank] Kinnear, And Adam, Th Johnstoun, common wayNew MarketgateW: John Ouchterlony yr BoA
1331646/3/10SasineTh Dunlop lister BoA, Alex Hailis yr BoAWm Gray in East Heirun of SkryneJa Anderson, common wayEast Muirlands
1341646/3/11SasineMr And Eliot minister InverkeillorWm Gray in East Heirun of Skryne BoAJohn Hutcheon, John Petrie, common way, Pa Peter & Th SchakartSeagate
1646/3/11SasineMr And Eliot minister InverkeillorWm Gray in East Heirun of Skryne BoASeagatetenement formerly pertaining to umqll Ja Guthrie BoA
1351646/3/11SasineTh Dunlop lister BoAWm Gray in East Heirun of Skryne BoASeagateassigned to sd Th D by umqll Ja Guthrie BoA and Joneta Eliot his sp
1646/3/12SasineJohn Peter in BollischenJa Grant son to John Grant cordiner BoA1) Emeslawsched 2) Mid Muirlands1 & 2) assigned by umqll John Finlo to umqll Th Batchler & sold by Catherine Batchler his dtr to umqll Da Gardyne son to umqll Mr Gilbert Gardyne in Bratillo & sold by umqll Da G to umqll Ja Peter father to sd John P
1361646/3/12SasineJohn Grant yr cordiner BoAJa Grant his son1) Emeslawsched 2) Auld Muirlands1 & 2) sold by John Strachan eld baxter BoA to sd John G
1371646/4/9Sasine marriage contractDa Erskine of KirkbuddoSir Ja Ogilvie of Newgrange, Elizabeth Ogilvy his eld dtr fut sp to sd Da EEgilsjohn, Dun, Hedderweik, Claylek, Kirkbuddo, Holmylne(?)
1381646/5/4SasineJa Pearson clerk of Forfar, Marg Gray his spJohn Butchart in Colistoun1) heirs to umqll Ja Hamitlon & Th Pearson, John Hamilton 2) heirs to umqll Mr Ja Philip, sd heirs to umqll Ja Hamilton1) Eleemosynary 2) ibidW: Ja Ogilvy brother to John Ogilvie of Pitmowes, John Ouchterlony yr BoA
1646/5/28SasineJa Anderson BoAJohn Watson eld in Pers…., Isobell Lichtoun his sp, John Watson yr their son1) 2)Old Marketgate1) sold by John Lindsay son to umqll Mr John Lindsay 2) sold by umqll And Wichtoun
1391646/5/30Sasineumqll John Wod merch BoAAgnes Wod his dtrDa Wod BoA, Alex PeterCopgate
1401646/6/4SasineMr And Eliot minister InverkeillorWm Gray clerk of the sherrifdom of Forfar4) umqll Ja Carnegie, sd Da Ramsay1) Punderlawfeild 2) St Mary's 3) Punderlawfeild 4) Longsched 5) Keptie1) possesed by Agnes Wod relict to umqll And Wod BoA uncle to sd Mr And E 2) 3) land of Da Ramsay
1646/6/4SasineMr And Eliot minister InverkeillorWm Gray clerk of the sherrifdom of Forfar1) Copgate 2) ibid 3) Rottonraw 4) Copgate 5) ibid 6) Emeslawsched1) possesed by Agnes Wod relict to umqll And Wod BoA father to Mr And E 2) formerly pertaining to umqll Alex Allan now pertaining to John Guthrie 3) formerly to umqll Th Nicolson now to heirs to umqll Wm Buchan 4) tenement of Da Wod 5) pertaining to heirs to umqll John Wod 6) sd Agnes Wod tenement
1411646/6/16Sasineumqll Wm Mekesone BoAJohn Mekesone merch BoA his son & heirAlex Lamb, Wm HodgeMylngate
1646/6/16SasineJohn Mekesone merch BoA son to umqll Wm Mekesone BoAMarg Ouchterlony relict to umqll Ja Carnegie of Newgate, Rot Carnegie his sonAlex Lamb, Wm HodgeMylngate
1421646/6/16SasineJohn Mekesone merch BoA son to umqll Wm Mekesone BoARot Littlejohn in Colistoun, Th Littlejohn BoA his son, [blank] Melville sp to Th LAlex Lamb, Wm HodgeMylngateMarg Ouchterlony relict to umqll Ja Carnegie of Newgate, Rot Carnegie his son
1646/6/16SasineAlex Fethie baillie Arb, Mr Simon Durie minister ArbDa Butchart brabiner BoA, Elizabeth Kinnear his spPa Peter, [blank] HayApilgate
1431646/6/20SasineJa [Murray] earl of TullibardinSir Henry Bruce colonel, Lady Martha Hadden his spRedcastle
1441646/7/17Sasine marriage contractTh Dunlop lister BoALucretia Granger his fut sp dtr to Mr John Granger BoA1) John Renny, Da Kinnear, common ways 2) heirs to umqll John Infrasone, Brothok, common ways1) New Marketgate / Horners Wynd 2) New MarketgateMr Arthur Granger minister at Panbryd brother to sd Lucretia G
1451646/9/21Sasineumqll Marg Symson dtr to umqll And Symson brabiner BoA & sp to Wm Couper eld brabinerWm Couper yr their son heir to sd umqll Marg SPa Gardyne, Da WodCopgate
1646/9/21SasineWm Couper yr son to umqll Marg SymsonWm Stevenson BoA, Isobella Rankyne his spPa Gardyne, Da WodCopgateW: And Symson brother to sd umqll Marg S
1461646/10/3SasineJohn Peter in Bollischen BoAWm Stevenson BoA, Isobella Rankyne his sp1) John Grant, John Mekesone, common way 2) And Low, John Mekesone1) Mylngate 2) New MuirlandsAnd Ouchterlony not(?)
1646/10/20SasineTh Renny cordiner BoA, Wm Renny his eld sonElizabeth Durward sp to sd Wm R1) Alex Haillis, Daniel Lyell 2) And Strachan, Marie Rynd & Pa Peter, Da Boutchart, sd Th Renny former garden1) Hourars Wynd 2) Apilgate
1471646/11/11SasineAgnes Wod dtr to umqll John Wod merch BoAJa Auchinlek in Bromehill, Anne Lyon his spDa Wod, Alex PeterCopgateW: And Ouchterlony BoA, Da Wod BoA, And Wod BoA his brother
1481647/1/21SasineAlex Hailis yr BoA, Marg Dunlop his spTh Dunlop lister BoA, Lucretia Granger his sp1) J… Hutcheon, Rot ... 2) Mariore Low, John Wallace baillie Arb1) Auld Muirlands 2) ibidMr Geo Granger brother to sd Lucrecia
1491647/2/6Sasine marriage contractWm Anderson taylor BoA, Jean Strachan his sp, John Anderson his sonElizabeth Mudie his fut sp dtr to umqll Ja Mudie mariner BoA, Christiane Abercombie her motherKeptieMr Da Abercombie consangmner [kinsman?] to sd Elizabeth M
1647/2/6Sasine marriage contractWm Anderson taylor BoA, Jean Strachan his sp, John Anderson his sonElizabeth Mudie his fut sp dtr to umqll Ja Mudie mariner BoA, Christiane Abercombie her mother1) heirs to umqll Wm Pearson, the Abbey garden, heirs to sd umqll Wm Pearson, common way 2)Rot Hailis(?), common way, heirs to umqll Mr Ja Philip1) Rottonraw 2) ibidMr Da Abercombie consangmner [kinsman?] to sd Elizabeth M
1501647/2/27SasinePa Peter merch BoA, Alex Peter his fatherAlex Butchart in Brax BoA, Catherine Furde his sp1) Th Renny, heirs to umqll Alex Anderson, common way, Da Butchart 2) Wm Anderson, aqueduct, common ways1) Apilgate 2) ibid
1511647/2/27SasineJohn Couper BoA, Marg Bennet his spGeo Lamb, Isobella Guthrie his spJohn Peter & Abraham Strachan, heirs to umqll [blank] Hoig, heirs to umqll Alex Fullartoun, common wayLordburne
1647/3/1Sasine marriage contractAnd Strachan cordiner BoAIsobella Dall his fut sp dtr to umqll Ja dall in CarkarieDaniel Lyell, Th Renny, common ways, Marie Rynd, garden of sd Th RennyRottonraw/ApilgateJa Dall in Carkarie brother to sd Isobella D
1521647/3/13Sasine marriage contractDa Strachan BoA, Elizabeth Eliot his motherIsobella Ouchterlony his fut sp, Wm Ouchterlony of Cairnie her father Ja Ouchterlony her brotherBernard Grant, sd Da Strachan & sd Elizabeth Eliot & John Wallace baillie, John Guthrie & sd da Strachan & Elizabeth EliotRottonrawW: Henry Guthrie son to Alex Guthrie of that ilk
1531647/3/17SasineWm Essie son to John Essie eld brabiner BoA, Nicolas Aikman sp to Wm EJohn Essie yr son to sd Wm Essie & Nicolas A1) [blank] Anderson, Rot Carnegie 2) sd [blank] Anderson, Pa Peter1) Old Marketgate/Butts 2) Fla…Ja Essie son to sd John E sr
1647/4/14SasineJohn Barrie BoA, Christina Gourlay his sp, Th Dunlop lister BoA, Henry Guthrie of Collistoun, Mr Ja Guthrie minister at ArbirlotJohn Hucheon in NewgrangeRot Carnegie, Ninian Durward, common waysAuld Muirlands
1541647/5/12SasineJohn Ouchterlony yr app of GuyndJohn Ouchterlony eld of Guynd his fatherHospitalfeildW: Wm Ouchterlony of Cairnie, John Ouchterlony baillie Arb, Henry Guthrie son to umqll Alex Guthrie of that ilk
1551647/5/20SasineJa Anderson BoAAlex Peter merch BoA, Pa Peter his sonflaxium mare, heirs to umqll Ja Lamb of South Tarrie, common waysSeagateJohn Ouchterlony baillie Arb; W: Henry Anderson son to sd Ja A
1647/5/20SasineMr Th Huntar of ReswallaeJa Anderson BoAJa Lamb, Pa Peter, common waysBrothokJohn Ouchterlony baillie Arb
1561647/5/20SasinePa Peter merch BoA, Alex Peter his fatherJa Anderson BoABrothokformerly pertaining to umqll Ja IngrahamJohn Ouchterlony baillie Arb
1647/5/20SasineJa Anderson BoAHenry Anderson his sonBrothokformerly pertaining to umqll Ja IngrahamJohn Ouchterlony baillie Arb
1571647/5/22SasineJohn Hamilton BoA, Helen Pearson his spTh Hamilton his son & app heir1) Eleemosynary 2) Punderlaw 3) Keptie
1647/5/22SasineTh Hamilton son & app heir to John Hamilton eld BoAsd John HKeptie
1581647/5/22SasineJohn Hamilton eld BoA, Helen Pearson his spTh Hamilton his son & app heirKeptiethe teindscheves of the lands pertains to Alison Forrester dtr & heir to umqll Ja Forrester in Barrie, Bartolomew Johnstone smith burg Dundee & Isobella Scot relict to sd umqll Ja F & mother to sd Alison F
1647/6/4Sasine marriage contractTh Renny cordiner BoA, Wm Renny his eld son, Elizabeth Durward sp to sd Th RMarg Rankyne fut(?) sp to sd Wm R & dtr to Ja Rankyne in Geil…1) Alex Haillis, Daniel Lyell 2) And Strachan, Marie Rynd & Alex Boutchart, Da Butchart, sd Th Renny1) Rottonraw 2) Apilgate
1591647/8/11SasineJohn Renny cordiner BoA, Peter Renny his sonNinian Durward cordiner BoA, Marg Beaton his spheirs to umqll Archibald Rynd, John RyndRottonrawJohn Ouchterlony baillie Arb
1601647/8/21SasineGeo Erskine of Kirkbuddo, Elizabeth Guthrie his spDa Erskine 1st son to sd Geo E , Alex Erskine 2nd son & Archibald Guthrie 3rd son to sd Geo EKirkbuddo, Holmylne, BurneCaptain Da Guthrie sheriff(?) of Forfar son to Henry Guthrie of CollistounW: And Gray son to umqll Pa Gray sometime of Lour
1611647/8/21Sasineumqll John Erskine of KirkbuddoDa Erskine of Kirkbuddo his grandson & heirKirkbuddoSir Alex Erskyne of Dun superior of the sd lands; Captain Da Guthrie sheriff(?) of Forfar baillie in that part son to Henry Guthrie of Collistounwritten by Da Pearson son to Mr Ja Pearson clerk of Arbroath; W: Henry Lindsay brother germ to umqll Da Lindsay sometime of Vayne, And Erskyne uncle(?) to Da E, And Gray son to umqll Pa Gray sometime of Lour
1621647/8/26SasineAlex Barrie BoAPeter Broune BoATh Pearson, common waysNew MuirlandsW: Wm Broune brother germ to sd Peter B
1647/8/27Sasineumqll John Ramsay brabiner BoAJohn Ramsay his son[blank], common way, BrothokNew Marketgate
1631647/8/27SasineJohn Ramsay son to umqll John Ramsay brabiner BoAAlex Barrie BoA[blank], common way, BrothokNew Marketgateconsent of John Ouchterlony BoA, Alex Fethie BoA & Euphame Pearson his sp
1647/9/9SasinePeter Renny brother germ & heir to umqll John Renny sons to John Renny cordiner BoA & Wm Butchart cordiner BoAPunderlawfeild
1647/9/9Sasineumqll John Renny eld son to John Renny cordiner BoAPeter Renny brother germ & heir to sd umqll John R jr1) Copgate 2) Horners Wynd 3) Newgate 4) EmeslawschedJohn Ouchterlony baillie Arb
1641647/9/9SasinePeter Renny brother germ & heir to sd umqll John Renny jrWm Butchart cordiner BoA1) Copgate 2) Horners Wynd 3) Newgate 4) Emeslawsched
1647/10/9SasineJa Anderson BoAJohn Petrie BoAsd Ja Anderson, Alex KydCopgate
1651647/10/30SasineJohn Peter in Bollischen [Bolshan]Wm Ouchterlony of CairnieCairnieEast New MuirlandsPa Ouchterlony BoA procurator
1647/10/30SasineWm Ouchterlony of CairnieJohn Aikman merch burg Edinburgh, Marg Hamilton his spCairnieEast New MuirlandsWm Ouchterlony servitor to sd John A; W: John Ouchterlony of Guynd, John Ouchterlony BoA, John Ouchterlony son of sd Wm O of C
1661647/10/30SasineWm Ouchterlony of Cairnie, Ja Ouchterlony his son & app heir, Catherine Spence dtr to Ja OJohn Aikman merch burg Edinburgh, Marg Hamilton his spCairnie, Smydihill, Labelaw, Ward formerly Abbey Ward, WardlandsWm Ouchterlony servitor to sd John A; W: John Ouchterlony BoA, John Ouchterlony 2nd son of sd Wm O of C, Pa Ouchterlony cordiner BoA
1671647/11/1SasineMr Alex Inglis minister St Vigeans, Mr Henry Pearson BoA, umqll Jean Gray his spMr Peter Ingils his sonJohn Inglis son to sd Mr Alex IW: Alex Murray BoA, John Murray his son
1647/11/1Sasineumqll Th Pearson of LochlandsTh Pearson now of Lochlands his grandson & heirLochlands, Barngrene
1681647/11/3Sasineumqll Th Pearson of Lochlands, umqll Mr Da Pearson of Lochlands his sonTh Pearson of Lochlands his grandson & heir to umqll Th P of L and son to sd umqll Mr Da Psd Th Pearson of Lochlands, formerly to Rot Pearson and now to Peter Broune, common waysEast New Muirlandsland bought by umqll John Richie & umqll J….. Mekesone, then by sd John R to Mr Da Pearson of Lochlands father to sd Th P now of L, assigned by umqll John Ritchie in favour of umqll Th Pearson of Lochlands
1701647/11/3Sasineumqll Pa Gray eld son to umqll Da Gray BoADa Gray brother & heir to sd umqll Pa Gcemetery, common way, formerly to umqll Henry LeslieBarngreneTh Pearson of Lochlands superior of the lands
1647/11/3SasineNinian Durward BoADa Gray son to Da Gray BoABarngreneTh Pearson of Lochlands superior of the lands
1647/11/9SasinePa Lyell notar ArbElizabeth Guild sp to And Symsone taylor BoA, Ja & John & Isobella Symson their childrenJ…. Ogilvy, common ways, John CouperLordburne
1711647/11/9SasineWm Butchart cordiner BoA, Mariore Renny his spAnd Strachan cordiner BoADa Strachan, heirs to umqll Da AndersonApilgate
1647/11/9SasineWm Alexander taylor BoA, Barbara Aikman his spHenry Finlo merch BoA1) heirs to umqll John Mader, Abraham Strachan 2) Ceres Croft pert to Ja Anderson, John Petrie, common ways1) Lordburne 2) ibid
1721647/11/9SasineWm Alexander taylor BoABarbara Aikman his sp, Marg Alexander their dtrEleemosynary Croft & Mr Alex Inglis, Henry Finlo, common way, heirs to Peter Ferrar & BrothokLordburne
1731647/11/9SasineWm Alexander taylor BoAIsobella Alexander his dtrKeptie Loch
1647/11/10SasineElizabeth Guild spAnd Symsone taylor BoA her spJohn Ogilvy, common ways, John CouperLordburneW: And Ouchterlony in Cairnie BoA
1741647/11/11SasineTh Pearson of LochlandsMr Th Pearson minister ForfarLochlandsJohn Ouchterlony BoA baillie in that part; W: John Ouchterlony of Guynd
1647/11/11SasineTh Pearson of LochlandsAlex Fethie baillie ArbLochlandsJohn Ouchterlony BoA baillie in that part; W: John Ouchterlony of Guynd
1751647/11/25Sasine marriage contractJohn Wallace BoA, Marg Fethie his sp, Pa Wallace his eld sonIsobella Granger fut sp to sd Pa W dtr to umqll Mr John Granger BoA[blank], Da Strachan, common wayRottonrawMr Geo Granger brother to sd IsobellaW: John Ouchterlony BoA, Wm Wallace BoA son to sd John W
1761647/12/1Sasineumqll John Ouchterlony blacksmith BoAJohn Ouchterlony his son and airRot Carnegie, umqll Ja RyndCopgateW: Pa Ouchterlony BoA
1647/12/3Sasineumqll Wm Pearson BoATh Pearson his eld son & heir1) Wm Anderson, heirs to umqll Mr Ja Philip 2) Pa Lyne, sd tenement Wm Anderson1) Rottonraw 2) ibid
1647/12/3SasineTh Pearson eld son to umqll Wm Pearson BoA, Joneta Lyon his mother, Wm Guthrie BoA now sp to sd Joneta LJa Carnegie merch BoA, Elizabeth Wod his sp1) Wm Anderson, heirs to umqll Mr Ja Philip 2) Pa Lyne, sd tenement Wm Anderson1) Rottonraw 2) ibidJohn Ouchterlony of Guynd, Da Ramsay of Cairntoun, Mr Th Pearson minister Forfar, Mr Pa Lyon minister Barrie tutors to sd Th Pearson
1771647/12/11Sasineumqll Ja Gardyne BoAIsobella Gardyne his dtr & heir, Richard Duncan her spJohn Ouchterlony, Alex Fethie ballieNew Marketgate
1647/12/11SasineIsobella Gardyne dtr to umqll Ja Gardyne BoAGeo Ramsay BoAJohn Ouchterlony, Alex Fethie ballieNew Marketgate
1781647/12/21Sasine marriage contractDa Wod eld BoA, Marg Mekesone his sp, Da Wod yr their sonElizabeth Ouchterlony relict to umqll Da Duncan taylor in Brechin fut sp to sd Da W jrWm Stevenson, Ja AuchinleckCopgateW: John Ouchterlony late baillie Arb, Wm Brown brother to Peter Brown BoA, Alex Wod son to sd Da W sr
1648/1/14SasineJa Carnegie merch BoA, Elizabeth Wod his spHenry Finlo merch BoA, Isobella Carnegie his spPa Lyne, Wm AndersonRottonraw
1791648/1/21SasineDa Ramsay eld of Cairntoun, Pa Lyell BoAJohn Spynk BoA, Elizabeth Grant his spNinian Spynk, And ChrystieCopgateDa Spynk brother to sd John S
1648/1/25SasineAlex Hailis son & heir to umqll Alex Hailis maltman BoA, Marg Dunlop sp to Alex H jrJohn Spynk mariner BoA, Elizabeth Grant his spNinian Spynk, And ChrystieCopgateDa Spynk brother to sd John S
1801648/2/26SasineJohn Peter of ….landJohn Aikman merch burg Edinburghheirs to umqll Mr Pa Carnegie formerly to umqll John Low now to Da Alexander formerly umqll Mr Henry Fethie now to Alex Kyd, land formerly to sd umqll Mr Henry Fethie now to Ja Anderson, comes viasHorners Wynd / Pitt..dykJohn Ouchterlony late baillie Arb
1811648/3/2Sasineumqll Charles Young son to umqll Sir Ja Young of SeatonPeter Young of East Seatonumqll Alex Spynk, heirs to umqll Henry Rynd, And Chrystie, common wayCopgateJohn [Carnegie] earl of Ethie, tenement of And Chrystie, ….. BeatonW: And Ouchterlony BoA
1648/3/2SasinePeter Young of East SeatonTh Fleming, Isobella Greig his spheirs to umqll Alex Spynk, sd Peter YoungCopgateW: And Ouchterlony BoA
1821648/3/15Sasineumqll John Wallace yr son of John Wallace eld late baillie Arb, Marg Fethie sp to John W srWm Wallace cordiner BoA brother germ & heir to sd John W jrJohn Mekesone, aqueduct, common wayApilgate
1648/3/15Sasine marriage contractWm Wallace cordiner BoA son to John Wallace eld late baillie ArbMarg Dalgety fut sp to Wm W relict to umqll Wm Renny BoAJohn Mekesone, aqueduct, aquednotum, common wayApilgate
1831648/3/22Sasineumqll John Low BoAAgnes Low his dtrformerly pert to umqll John Aikman and now to John Mekesone, formerly pert to umqll Mr Henry Fethie and now to Ja AndersonAuld Muirlands
1648/3/22SasineAgnes Low dtr to umqll John Low BoAAnd Low BoA her bother germformerly pert to umqll John Aikman and now to John Mekesone, formerly pert to umqll Mr Henry Fethie and now to Ja AndersonAuld Muirlands
1648/3/22Sasineumqll Marg Low eld dtr to umqll John Low BoAAnd Low BoA her bother germ & heirformerly pert to umqll Wm Mudie & now to [blank], formerly pert to umqll John Ferrar and now to [blank]Auld Muirlands
1841648/3/22SasineAnd Low BoA Jean Peter his spformerly pert to umqll Wm Mudie & now to [blank], formerly pert to umqll John Ferrar and now to [blank]Auld Muirlands
1648/3/22SasineMariore LowDa Grant BoA her sp[blank], [blank]Auld Muirlands
1648/3/22Sasineumqll Alex Low son to umqll John Low BoA, Marg Ouchterlony relict to umqll Ja Carnegie of Newgate, Rot Carnegie their sonAnd Low brick maker BoA his brother germ & heirheirs to umqll Dr Henry Phlip, Brothok, common way, Arthur MaderMylngate
1851648/3/22SasineAnd Low brick maker BoA, Marg Ouchterlony relict to umqll Ja Carnegie of Newgate, Rot Carnegie their sonDa Grant cordiner BoA, Mariore Low his spheirs to umqll Dr Henry Phlip, sd And Low, common way, Arthur MaderMylngate
1648/3/22SasineAnd Low brick maker BoA, Marg Ouchterlony relict to umqll Ja Carnegie of Newgate, Rot Carnegie their sonJean Peter sp to sd And Lheirs to umqll Dr Henry Phlip, Brothok, common way, Da GrantMylngate
1861648/3/31SasineJohn Aikman burg EdinburghAlex Guthrie merch burg Edinburghheirs to umqll Mr Pa Carnegie formerly to John Low now to heirs to umqll Wm Alexander formerly umqll Mr Henry Fethie now to Alex Kyd, land formerly to sd umqll Mr Henry Fethie now to Ja Anderson, common waysHorners Wynd / Pitt..dykis
1648/4/5SasineMr Ja Guthrie minister Arbirlot, Isobella Durie his spJa Mudie BoA, Marg Adam his spheirs to umqll Mr Ja Philip, common waysvici quartur ad templum
1871648/4/6SasineJohn Anderson eld son to umqll Alex Anderson cordiner BoA & grandson to umqll Hector Anderson BoAWm Butchart cordiner BoAKeptieland now possesed by John Mores BoAW: Alex Kyd eld son to Alex Kyd merch BoA
1648/4/6SasineWm Butchart cordiner BoA, Mariore Renny his spPeter Brown BoA, Helen Ogilvy his spKeptieland now possesed by John Mores BoA
1881648/4/6Sasineumqll John Low BoAAnd Low his sonAnd Low, aqueduct, common wayMylngate
1648/4/13SasineJohn Mekesone merch BoAAnd Mudie blacksmith BoA, Agnes Gardiner his spheirs to umqll Henry LeslieBarngreneTh Pearson of Lochlands superior of the lands
1891648/5/10SasineTh Kinnear in Blathmonth, Catherine My(?) his spPa Nicol merch BoA, Marg Allan his spheir to umqll And Adam, common way & Ja Philip BoA, heris to umqll Donald Donaldson, [blank]Copgate
1648/5/25SasinePa Lyell baillie ArbEuphemia Symsone his sp, Arthur Lyell & Catherine Lyell his children1) sd Pa Lyell, common way, sd Pa Lyell, cemetery 2) sd Pa Lyell, common way, sd Pa Lyell, cemetery1) Eleemosynary 2) ibid1) sold by Marg Ogilvy dtr to umqll Archibald Ogilvy in West Craig & umqll Mariore Baxter his sp dtr to umqll Ja Baxter BoA 2) sold to him by Ja Elmers BoA & John Elmeres BoA
1901648/5/25SasinePa Lyell baillie ArbEuphemia Symsone his sp, Arthur Lyell & Catherine Lyell his childrensd Pa Lyell, Rot CarnegieLochschedsold by umqll Alex Anderson
1911648/5/25SasinePa Lyell notar BoAEuphemia Symsone his sp, Arthur Lyell their(?) son[blank] Anderson, cemetery, sd Pa Lyell, common wayBarngreneTh Pearson of Lochlands superior of the lands
1648/8/23Sasineumqll Peter Broun BoAWm Broun his brother germ1) Alex Steinchheill 2) And Wod, common ways 3) heirs to umqll Alex Guthrie, sd And Wod 4) Ja Anderson, Wm Esplen 5) common way 6) heirs to umqll Ja ---., John Ouchterlony 7) 8) Th Pearson, common ways 9) 1) Copgate 2) ibid 3) ibid(?) 4) Midilsched 5) Emeslawsched 6) ibid 7) ibid 8) New Muirlands 9) New Marketgate4) reserving rights to sd And Wod & Isobell Huntar his mother 7) pert to umqll Th Henderson BoA & Elizabeth Melville his sp 9) possesed by John Narne
1921648/9/17Sasineumqll Alex Spynk BoADa Spynk BoA his son & heirJa Spynk, Th FlemingCopgate
1931648/9/17SasineDa Spynk BoA son to umqll Alex Spynk BoAMarg Broun his spJa Spynk, Th FlemingCopgate
1648/9/30SasineAlex Fethie baillie ArbJohn Mekesone merch BoA[blank], common way, John HutcheonNew Marketgate
1941648/9/30Sasineumqll John Durie BoA & his sp Christian PearsonIsobella Durie & Barbara Durie their dtrs & heir to sd John DEleemosynaryformerly pertaining to umqll Da Lyell notar BoA
1648/9/30SasineIsobella Durie & Barbara Durie dtrs to umqll John Durie BoA & his sp Christian PearsonAlex Fethie baillie ArbEleemosynary
1951648/9/30SasineJean Fethie eld child to umqll Henry Fethie sometime app of Ballysik [Boysack]Alex Fethie eld son to sd umqll Henry FEleemosynaryW to charter: Mr Th Pearson minister Forfar, John Ouchterlony late baillie Arb, Mr Da Pearson & Ja Pearson sons to Mr Ja Pearson clerk of Arb
1961648/9/30SasineAlex Fethie baillie ArbEuphame Pearson his spEleemosynary
1648/10/2SasineAlex Steincheill BoA, Joneta Schakart his spMariore Steincheill his dtrAnd Dall, common way, Wm BrounCopgate
1971648/10/2SasineAlex Steincheill BoA, Joneta Schakart his spMariore Steincheill his dtrNew Marketgatenow possesed by John Duncan & assigned to sd Alex S by umqll And Wichtoun & his sp Isobell Spingie & their dtr Barbara Wichtoun
1649/1/10Sasineumqll Da Young baxter BoAHelen Young his dtrJa Lamb, common wayEmeslawsched
1981649/1/10SasineHelen Young dtr to umqll Da Young baxter BoA, John Taylor her sp, Joneta PetrieWm Henderson brabiner BoA, [blank] Gardyne his spJa Lamb, common wayEmeslawsched
1649/1/11SasineMr Da Souter of Wardmylne1) 2) Brothok 3) Demyngdaill & Guthrie Hill & aqueduct1) Wardmylne 2) Sallares Croft 3) Onumgearhill(?)
2011649/1/16SasineJa Petrie at M…. of PanlathieRot Petrie his sonMr Alex Inglis, common wayEleemosynary
1649/1/27SasineTh Dunlop lister BoALucretia Granger his spheirs to umqll Da Kinnear, common waysNew Marketgate/ Horners Wynd
2021649/1/27SasineAlex Hailis yr BoA, Marg Dunlop his spJohn Hailis their sonAlex Peter, common waysBrothokPa Wallace son to John Wallace baillie Arb
2031649/1/27SasineTh Dunlop lister BoAJohn Hailis son to Alex Hailis yr BoA & Marg Dunlop his spJohn Jafrasone, Brothok, common waysNew MarketgatePa Wallace son to John Wallace baillie Arb
1649/3/2Sasineumqll John Allan blacksmith BoA, Mariore Ouchterlony his relictJohn Allan in Hederstak his sonKeptie
2041649/3/2SasineJohn Allan in Hederstak son to umqll John Allan blacksmith BoAMargaret Chrichtoun his sp, Isobella Allan their dtrKeptieJa Allan brother germ to sd John A
1649/3/14SasineJohn Ogilvy cordiner BoAJohn Strachan cordiner BoA, Isobell Edgar his spheirs to umqll Alex Smyth, Elizabeth Guild sp to And Symsone, Alex FethieEleemosynary
2051649/3/17SasineAnd Young burg DundeePeter Young of East SeatonGeo Kyd, [blank], Ninian Spynk, common wayCopgate
2061649/4/10SasineTh HodgeJohn Peter merch BoANewgate(?)
1649/5/2Sasineumqll Ja Anderson BoA, umqll Elizabeth Wichtoun his sp, umqll Pa Anderson their son, umqll Th Anderson also their sonHenry Anderson brother germ & heir to sd Pa A & Th A1) Alex Kyd, Alex Guthrie 2) 3) 4) heirs to umqll Alex Guthrie 5) 6) 1) Copgate 2) Old Marketgate 3) ibid Butt 4) Copgate 5) Petrinsdyks 6) Copgate 7) Butts 8) Mylnegatebank 9) Lochsched 10) ibid(?) 11) Midilsched 12) Auld Muirlands 13) new Muirlands 14) ibid 15) Lordburne 16) ibid(?)2) umqll And Wichtoun Isobella Spingie his sp umqll Ja Wichtoun their son Barbara Wichtoun their dtr & sd assigned to umqll Ja A & sd umqll Elizabeth W 3) assigned by umqll Alex Haillis BoA & umqll Marg Watson his sp 6) sold by John Hamilton & Helen Pearson his sp 7) sold by umqll Dr Ja Eliot minister Forfar & Euphame Lindsay his sp 8) possesed by John Grant 9) sold by umqll Ja Fethie burg Dundee 10) assigned by umqll Joneta Auchinleck relict to umqll Da Schakart & Marg Schakart dtr & heir to Da S 11) assigned by umqll Ja Fethie 13) assigned by sd umqll Ja Fethie 14) assigned by John Hamilton chalmerlane of Arbroath, Helena Pearson his sp 15) assigned by umqll Ja Mader to sd Ja A and then to sd Th A 16) assigned by John Lindsay to sd Ja A and then to sd Th A
2091649/5/9SasinePa Guthrie of Auchmuthiemajor Wm ScrymgeourAuchmuthie in the barony of Arbroath, Newtoun of Arbroath, Bruntoun
2111649/5/10SasineWm Brown BoATh Dunlop lister BoA, John Petrie BoA his cautioners in an obligation to Geo Petrie bailie Montrose1) Copgate 2) Comonfaulds in Midilsched
2121649/5/10SasineWm Alexander taylor BoAJa Chrystie BoAJohn Mackcoull, Alex PeterWarlapsched
1649/5/21Sasineumqll Th Strachan cordiner BoA, Isobella Dalgety his spBarbara Strachan & Agnes Strachan their dtrs & heirs to Th SJa Wod & John Strachan jr, John Peter, common wayLordburne
1649/5/21SasineBarbara Strachan & Agnes Strachan, Isobella Dalgety their motherJohn Strachan jr, Marg Maders his spJa Wod & sd John Strachan jr, John Peter, common wayLordburneW: Abraham Strachan BoA, Ja Strachan his son
2131649/5/28SasineMariore Steinchill dtr to Alex Steinchill BoAJohn Duncan, Marg Ramsay his spNew Marketgateumqll And Wichtoun & Isobell Spenzie his sp, Barbara Wichtoun their dtr, sd Alex Steinchill & Joneta Schakart his sp were all assigned under reversion
2141649/6/14SasineJa Esplen BoADa Esplen maltman BoA his brother germJohn Guthrie, heirs to umqll Ja WodCopgatesd Da E was cautioner for sd Ja E in a band to And Baxter in Muresyd of Loure
2151649/6/19SasineJa Lamb in Skryne BoA, Jean Hutcheon his spDa Alexander cordiner BoA, Isobell Ouchterlony his spAlex Kyd BoA, common way, heirs to umqll Mr Pa Carnegie, Alex GuthrieCopgateW: John Ouchterlony BoA
1649/7/5SasineWm Ouchterlony of Cairnie, Ja Ouchterlony his son & app heir, Catherine Spence dtr to Ja O, Christine Symmer sp to Wm O of CJohn Aikman merch BoA, Marg Hamilton his sp1) Cairnie 2) Smidihill 3) Ward 4) Lamblawreferring to a contract dated 1633 betweem sd Wm O of C and umqll James Hamilton marquis of Hamilton 3) formerly pertained to umqll Ja Pearson of Cairnie, sold by umqll Th Pearson BoAJa Ouchterlony servitor to sd John Aikman W: Th Hamilton son to John Hamilton BoA, Wm Grime son to umqll Wm Grime merchant burg Montrose
2181649/7/8SasineJohn Lindsay BoATh Dunlop lister BoARot Henderson, heirs to umqll Mr Ja Philip, common wayEleemosynary
2191649/7/8SasineTh Dunlop lister BoALucretia Granger his spRot Henderson, heirs to umqll Mr Ja Philip, common wayEleemosynary
1649/8/18SasineElizabeth Lockie dtr to umqll Ja Lockie BoA & Barbara Fethie his relictTh Hamiltonsd Th Hamilton, Alex Fethie, [blank], Eleemosynary CroftEleemosynary
2201649/9/5SasineJohn Butchart BoA, Agnes Irnes his spJohn Mekesone merch BoA1) Da Wallace, [blank] 2) John Grant, Pa Gardyne1) Emeslawsched 2) Auld Muirlands
1649/9/20SasineWm Broune BoADa Kyd in Ochlaw BoAsd Wm Broun, common way, heirs to umqll Alex Guthrie, And WodCopgate
2211649/9/26SasineJohn Mekesone taylor BoAJoneta Ferrie his spJohn Essie, [blank]Apilgate
2221649/11/1Sasineumqll Th Lyell BoAJa Lyell his son & heir[blank] Symson, aqueduct, John ChrystieMylngateprevious sasine from umqll And Symson brabiner BoA & with consent of his sp umqll Marg Bardie in favour of umqll sd Th Lyell BoA & Elizabeth Symson his fut sp
1649/11/1SasineJa Lyell son to umqll Th Lyell BoAJohn Symson brabiner BoA, Martha Myln his sp[blank] Symson, aqueduct, John ChrystieMylngate
2231649/11/8SasineAlex Barrie BoAJohn Duncan taylor in Newtoun of Arbirlot, Helena Anderson his spheirs to umqll John Ouchterlony, common way, BrothokNew Marketgate
2241650/1/28SasinePa Low brabiner BoA, Agnes Manny his spDa Ramsay brabiner BoA, Isobella Gardyne his spEleemosynary, Marg Stevenson, Henry FinloLordburne
1650/2/11SasineAnd Wod BoAHenry Finlo1) Alex Spink, John Mekesone 2) And Fullertoun, John Guthrie 3) heirs to umqll John Sturrok1) Copgate 2) Newgate 3) ibid W: And Wod son to sd And W
2251650/2/12Sasineumqll John Hog brabiner in Tempeltoun Wm Hog brabiner in Tempeltoun his son & heirDa Butchart brabiner, heirs to umqll John CarnegieApilgate
2261650/2/12SasineWm Hog brabiner in Tempeltoun son to umqll John Hog brabiner in Tempeltoun Pa Low brabiner BoA, Agnes Manny his spsd Wm Hog, heirs to umqll John CarnegieApilgate
1650/2/20SasineAlex Guthrie son to Henry Guthrie of CollistounMarie Garioche his sp, Alex Guthrie 2nd son to John Guthrie app of Colestounheirs to umqll Ja Anderson, Alex Kyd & Da Alexander & heirs to umqll Mr Pa Carnegie, common waysHorners Wynd / PetomsdyksW: Ja Ogilvy son to umqll Mr Da Ogilvy of P[blank]
2271650/3/6SasineNicolas Aikman & Isobella Aikman dtrs to umqll John Aikman yr BoA & heirs port to umqll John Aikman eld BoA their grandfather, Wm Essie brabiner BoA sp to sd Nicolas ATh Hamilton son to John Hamilton BoAJohn Mekesone, And Wod, common way, John GrantDischland
2281650/3/18SasineAbraham Strachan BoA, Elizabeth Mader his spJa Strachan his son, Agnes Thomson sp to Ja SJohn Peter, Alex HailisRottonraw
2291650/3/19SasineWm Broune BoAthe poor of ArbNew Marketgatenow possesed by John Nairne fisherman BoA
2301650/3/28Sasine marriage contractWm Broune BoAMarg Muretoun his fut sp dtr to umqll Wm Muretoun burg Brechin1) Mariore Stenchill, Da Kyd & And Wod, common ways 2) Henry Anderson, Wm Esplen1) Copgate 2) Midilsched
1650/3/28Sasine marriage contractWm Broune BoAMarg Muretoun his fut sp dtr to umqll Wm Muretoun burg BrechinKeptie
2311650/3/28SasineWm Broune BoAJohn Strachan eld BoATh Pearson, common waysNew Muirlands
1650/4/5Sasineumqll And EliotMr And Eliot minister Inverkeillor his grandsonPunderlawfeild(?)following on a charter dated 1649
2321650/4/5SasineMr And Eliot minister Inverkeillor, Wm Gray clerk in sheriffdom of ForfarWm Ouchterlony in Muirdrum & Marg Lindsay his sp1) 2) 3) Rot Carnegie, sd Da Ramsay1) Punderlawfeild 2) St Mary's 3) Longsched in Punderlawfeild 4) Keptie1) occupied by Agnes Wod relict to umqll And Wod BoA uncle to sd Mr And E 2) sd Agnes W's tenement 3) land of Da Ramsay 4) possesed by sd Agnes W
2341650/4/5SasineMr And Eliot minister Inverkeillor, Wm Gray clerk in sheriffdom of ForfarWm Ouchterlony in Muirdrum & Marg Lindsay his sp1) Copgate 2) Newgate 3) ibid 4) Rottonraw 5) Copgate 6) Emeslawsched1) & 2) possesed by Agnes Wod relict to umqll And Wod BoA uncle to sd Mr And E 3) formerly pertaining to umqll Alex Allan and then to John Guthrie 4) formerly pertaining to Th Nicolson and then to the heirs to umqll Wm Buchan 5) tenement of Da Wod 6) possesed by sd Agnes W
2351650/5/15SasineJa Littlejohn BoAElizabeth Guild sp to And Symsone taylor BoA, Giles Sturrok sister to sd Ja L & Th Richie BoA her spheirs to umqll Peter Ferrar, common way, Alex HillLordburneW: Ja Ouchterlony of Cotsyd, Pa Ouchterlony BoA
2361650/5/15SasineJohn Adam BoAGilbert Stratton taylor BoA, Marg Adam his spRot Carnegie of Newgate, John MekesoneNewgate
1650/6/1SasineJohn Guthrie app of Colliston son to Henry Guthrie of CollistonJohn Guthrie BoA natural son to sd Henry G of CNinian Durward, common way, heirs to umqll Bernard Grant, Da StrachanRottonraw
2371650/6/1SasineJohn Guthrie BoA natural son to Henry Guthrie of Colliston, John Guthrie app of Colliston leg son to sd Henry G of CJean Ramsay relict to umqll Da Beg at the Mylne of Kennell1) Ninian Durward, common way, heirs to umqll Bernard Grant, Da Strachan 2) John Wallace & Da Strachan, Ja Esplen1) Rottonraw 2) Copgate
2381650/6/5Sasineumqll Mr Pa Carnegie BoAPa Carnegie his eld son & heirDa Alexander, common ways, Alex GuthrieCopgate / Horners Wynd
1650/6/7Sasineumqll Ja Lockie BoAElizabeth Lockie his dtr & heirTh Johnstone, Pa MekesoneCopgateW: Gilbert Ouchterlony BoA
2391650/6/7SasineBarbara Fethie relict to umqll Ja Lockie BoA, Elizabeth Lockie their dtrJohn Nauchtie at the Mylne of Lunan, Marg Lockie his spTh JohnstoneCopgateposessed by Th BlantyreW: Gilbert Ouchterlony BoA
2401650/7/9Sasineumqll John CarnegieDa Carnegie his eld son & heirPa Low, John EssieApilgate
1650/7/18Sasine marriage contractAlex Johnstone merch BoAMariore Steincheill his fut sp dtr to umqll Alex Stenchill blacksmith BoAAlex Gibson, And AdamNew MuirlandsWm Broune BoA brother to sd Mariore S
2411650/7/18Sasine marriage contractMariore Steincheill dtr to umqll Alex Stenchill blacksmith BoA, Wm Broune BoA brother to sd Mariore SAlex Johnstone merch BoA her fut spAnd Dall, sd Wm BrounCopgate
1650/7/18SasineTh Johnstone merch BoAElizabeth Adam dtr to umqll And Adam BoAEupheme Symsone & Norman Mar(?), Th JohnstoneNew MarketgateAnd Adam her brother
2421650/7/27SasineJohn Quhytlaw [Whitelaw] BoAEuphame Quhytlaw [Whitelaw] his dtr, John Anderson BoA her sp, Marg Ouchterlony relict to umqll Ja Carnegie of Newgate, Rot Carnegie his sonheirs to umqll Alex Gray, common ways, heirs to umqll Dr Henry PhilipMylngate
1650/8/2SasineTh Fleming BoA, Isobell Greig his spJa Fleming his eld son, Peter Young of E SeatonDa Spynk, Peter YoungCopgate
2431650/8/20SasineHenry Anderson merch BoA son to umqll Ja AndersonMarg Philip dtr to umqll Mr Ja Philip BoA1) Old Marketgate 2) Butt ibid 3) Old Marketgate 4) ibid 6) Milnegatebank 7) Lochsched 8) Warlapsched 9) Midilsched 9) Auld Muirlands 10) New Muirlands 11) ibid 12) Series Croft 13) Lordburne1) assigned by umqll And Wichtoun to umqll Ja Anderson father to sd Henry A 2) assigned by umqll Alex Haillis to sd umqll Ja Anderson 3) sold by John Hamilton to sd Ja A 4) sold by umqll Dr Ja Eliot to sd Ja A 5) fr sd umqll Alex Hailis to sd Ja A 7) fr umqll Ja Fethie to sd Ja A 8) fr umqll Joneta Auchinleck & Marg Ratartenis(?) dtr to sd Ja A 9) fr sd umqll Ja Fethie to sd Ja A 9) 10) fr sd umqll Ja Fethie to sd Ja A 11) fr John Hailis to sd Ja A 12) fr umqll Ja Mader to sd Ja A 13) fr John Lindsay to sd Ja A
2441650/10/26SasineWm Broune brother germ & heir to umqll Peter Broune BoAMr Arthur Granger minister at Panbryd, the poor of Panbryd1) [?], common way 2) heirs to umqll Ja Richie, John Ouchterlony1) Emeslawsched 2) ibid 3)3) pertaining to umqll Th Henderson BoA & Elizabeth Melville his spDa Ouchterlony baillie Arb
2451651/1/20SasineGeo Lamb in North Tarrie, Isobella Guthrie his spAlex Hill son to Ja Hill BoAJohn Peter & Abraham Strachan, heirs to umqll [blank] Hoig, heirs to umqll Alex Fullartoun, common wayLordburneDa Ouchterlony baillie Arb
2461651/3/14Sasineumqll Christiane Lyne dtr to umqll Rot Lyne lister burg Dundee, And Ouchterlony lister burg Dundee her spWm Ouchterlony their son & heir to his motherheirs to umqll Ja Peter, Wm Butchart & Da Esplen & sd Wm Ouchterlony, common wayCopgateDa Ouchterlony baillie Arb
1651/3/14SasineWm Ouchterlony son to And Ouchterlony lister burg Dundee, Isobell Lyne & Bessie Lyne dtrs to umqll Rot Lyne lister burg Dundee, And Gardyne lister burg Dundee sp to sd Isobell L, Rot Henderson BoA sp to sd Joneta LRot Henderson BoA, Joneta Lyne his spheirs to umqll Ja Peter, Wm Butchart & Da Esplen & sd Wm Ouchterlony, common wayCopgateW: Alex Mekesone son of Alex Mekesone officer in Arb
2471651/3/27SasineWm Ouchterlony son to And Ouchterlony lister burg Dundee, Isobell Lyne & Joneta Lyne & Bessie Lyne dtrs to umqll Rot Lyne lister burg Dundee, And Gardyne lister burg Dundee sp to sd Isobell LJohn Peter merch BoA, Marie Stevenson his sp1) And Lamb, Rot Carnegie 2) Da Ramsay, Rot Carnegie 3) sd Da Ramsay1) Ward 2) Rig 3)ButtW: John Ramsay mariner son to umqll Th Ramsay BoA
2481651/7/15SasineHenry Anderson son to umqll Ja Anderson BoAJohn Carnegie earl of Ethie1) Copgate 2) Petrusdykis 3) Brothok 4) Old Marketgate 5) Mylnegatebank 6) Croft on Brothok 7) St Mary's 8) Butts 9) Seres Croft 10) Lordburne 11) Lochsched 12) Warlapsched 13) Midilsched 14) Old Muirlands 15 ) New Muirlandsband of £6,000 Da Ouchterlony baillie Arb
2491651/7/21SasineBarbara Fethie relict to umqll Ja Lockie BoA, Elizabeth Lockie their dtrJa Gardyne BoA, Marie Paterson his spTh Johnstone, Pa MekesoneCopgate
2501651/7/22SasineRot Ramsay at the Mylne of Auchinleck, Catherine Hailis his spPa Carnegie son to umqll Mr Pa Carnegie BoAformerly to Wm Alexander now to Da Alexander, common way, Horners Wynd, formerly to John Peter now to Alex GuthrieCopgateDa Ouchterlony baillie Arb; W: Ja Ramsay son to sd Rot R
2511651/7/23SasinePa Carnegie son & heir to umqll Mr Pa Carnegie BoA & Catherine Hailis his relictJohn Lowson at Wardmylne, Agnes Chrystie his spHorners Wynd, Da Alexander, common ways, Alex GuthrieCopgateJa Chrystie brother to sd Agnes C
1651/7/25SasineJa Wod BoA, Joneta Forsyth his spJohn Petrie BoAJohn Petrie, heirs to umqll Wm RennyNew MarketgateDa Ouchterlony baillie Arb

See also:

Minutes of Notaries' Protocol Books for Arbroath

Parties in the Act Books of the Commissariot of Brechin

Parties in the Register of Deeds of the Commissariot of Brechin

This page new 8 Jun 2019