Parties in the Protocol Books of the Town Clerks of Arbroath

A finding aid

Source: NRS B4/1/5: 17 Oct 1631 to 19 Jul 1639

Town clerk: James Pearson

This protocol book is in the series NRS B4.

This minute of the records in NRS B4/1/5 was kindly provided by Jan Haraldson, who writes:

The Extra column includes information that I have not been able to put into the other columns, including witnesses if they can be identified by a family relationship or belong to the Ouchterlony family.

The Land column includes the properties involved in the sasine, which can include many different types of rights of heritable ownership.

The bordering column includes the owners, possessors or occupiers of the lands bordering the properties involved; more details can normally be found in the sasine.

The From and To columns include the grantor(s) and grantee(s) of the sasine and sometimes also people giving consent.

A question mark after a word means that I'm unsure about the word. It's not a transcript so some names have been standardised and others not. I have shortened some names, professions and places (e.g. Arb = Arbroath). Text within [] are my own comments or clarifications.


Alex: AlexanderAnd: AndrewArb: ArbroathBoA: Burgess of Arbroathburg: burgessDa: Daviddtr: daughter
eld: elderexer: executor(s)Geo: GeorgeJa: James
Marg: Margaretmerch: merchantPa: Patrickport: portionerRot: Robertsd: said
sp: spouseTh: Thomasumqll: umquhile [deceased]
W: witnessWalt: WalterWm: Williamyr: younger


air: heir;fear: fiar;notar: notary;oy: grandchild

Place-names in and close to Arbroath

Applegate, Barngreen, Berryfauld, Boulzie Hill, Brothock Water, Burnside, Cairnie, Common Faulds, Copegate [the south part of the High Street], Dishland, Eleemosynary [i.e. Almonry; Eleemosynary Street was the north part of the High Street; an adjacent area came to be called Almerieclose], Emislawshade, Gallowden, Grimsby, Horners Wynd, Keptie, Lady Bank, Lochlands, Lochshade, Lordburn, Marketgate (Old, New), Middleshade, Millgate, Muirden, Muirlands (Old, New, West, East), Muttonhole, Newgate, Ponderlaw, Rottenrow [the central stretch of the High Street], Seagate, Shorehead, Stobcross, Wandersknow, Warddykes, Wardmilne, Warslapshade

Place-names further from Arbroath

Anniston, Arbirlot, Auchmithie, Balblain, Balmirmer, Bonnyton (of Arbirlot; but the Woods of Bonnyton owned the Bonnyton in Maryton), Boath, Bolshan, Bonhard (of Arbirlot), Boysack, Braikie (Easter, Wester), Brax, Brunton, Bryanton, Cairnton, Colliston, Crudie, Dickmontlaw, Ethie, Fallaws (in Inverkeilor), Gilchorn, Grange of Conon, Guynd, Hodgeton, Inverkeilor, Inverpeffer, Kelly, Kinblethmont, Kinaldie, Kirkton (of St Vigeans), Letham (of St Vigeans), Muirhouse (of St Vigeans) - now called Parkhill, Newbigging (of St Vigeans), New Grange (of St Vigeans), Panlathie, Peebles (of St Vigeans), Ruives, Rhind, Seaton (Easter, Wester), Skryne, Tarrie (North & South), Whitehall


11631/10/17Sasine marriage contractJohn Mackoull BoA, Marg Lyddell his sp, Marg Mackoull their dtrPa Ouchterlony [her future sp] natural son to John Ouchterlony of Guynd1) Eleemosynary 2) Warlapsched 3) Auld Muirlands 4) Mylngate4) tenement of Ja Mader yr
21631/10/17SasineJohn Barrie BoA, Christina Gomelay his spJohn Ouchterlony of Guynd1) John Hucheone, sd John Hucheone 2) airs to umqll Alex Lyne, Ninian Durward, common ways1) New Marketgate 2) Auld Muirlands
31631/10/19Sasineumqll Wm Buchan merch BoAAlex Buchan his son & air1) Mr Ja Philip, common ways 2) John Thomson, Alex Smyth1) Rottonraw 2) Seagate
1631/10/19Sasineumqll Da Buchan merch BoA, brother german to umqll Wm Buchan merch BoAAlex Buchan his nephew & air1) common ways, John Ouchterlony 2) Mr Ja Philip, Ja Androson, common ways1) Old Marketgate 2) ibid?
41631/10/19SasineAlex Buchan son to umqll Wm Buchan merch BoA and air to his uncle umqll Da BuchanAgnes Rynd mother to sd Alex B1) Old Marketgate 2) ibid?John Rynd merch burg Edinburgh brother & advocat to sd Agnes R
51631/10/26SasineJa Gardyne of Pressak, Elisabeth Rutherfurd his sp, Alex Pearson in BalmadesJohn Gardyne of MidiltounPressak & Mains of Gardyne in parish of Idvie [Kirkden] and barony of Gardyneland formerly pertaining to Ja Lamb, Wm Logy & Da Peter his tennants
1631/10/27SasineDa Ferror in Drumheid of Leyes BoA, Isabell Schillgrene his motherJohn Petrie, Agnes Chrystie his spsd John Petrie, Hercules Dalgety, Wm RennyNew Marketgate
61631/10/28SasineMariore Baxter dtr to umqll Ja Baxter BoAMarg Ogilvy her dtr with umqll Archibald Ogilvy in Wester CraigJa Emmeres, common way, the port & Pa LyellEleemosynary
1631/11/10SasineRot Haillis BoA, Marg Hamilton his spJa Lamb in Skryne, Jean Hucheone his sp1) Ja Jack, Ja Bowman 2) airs to umqll John Sturrok, Alex Peter 3) Da Young, And Ingraham 4) John Kid, sd Alex Peter 5) airs to umqll Th Man1) Warlapsched 2) ibid 3) Emmeslawsched 4) Lochsched 5) Old MarketgateW: John Ouchterlony BoA, Pa Ouchterlony his son
71631/11/15SasineJohn Ouchterlony yr son & air to umqll Gilbert Ouchterlony BoAJohn Mekesone BoA, Giles Schakart his spPa Lyell, John AllanApilgate
81631/11/21SasineAnd Ingraham BoA, Giles Tyrie his spJa Lamb in SkryneJohn Renny, possessed by Th Allan, [blank] Smyth & Henry KinnearCopgate
91631/11/23SasineGeo Scot BoAJohn Strachan yr BoA, Marg Mader his spMr Geo Aikman, [blank] Ja WodRottonrawJa Mader father & advocat to sd Marg M
1631/11/24SasineDa Ferror in Drumheid of Leyes BoA, Isabell Schillgrene his motherWm Pearson son to Th Pearson of LochlandsEmmeslawsched
101631/11/24SasineJohn Strachan elder BoA, Isabella Edgar his spWm PearsonJohn Ouchterlony, Ja Mader, sd Wm Pearson, Da FerrorEmmeslawsched
111631/11/28Sasine clare constatumqll Ja lord Ogilvy of Airlie, umqll Jean [Ruthven] lady Ogilvy his spJa lord Ogilvy his sonMylne & Mylnelands of ArbroathW: Ja Ruthven brother to Wm Ruthven of Gardyne
121631/12/6SasineJohn Aikman BoA, Marg Rankine his sp, Nicolas & Isobella Aikman his dtrs, consent of Da Smart of Hospitalfeild & Mr Geo Aikman elder notar BoA curators to sd Nicolas & Isobella AMr Geo Aikman yr BoA brother german to sd John A1) John Kid, Ja Esplene 2) John Petrie, Ja Gardyne1) Midilsched 2) Auld Muirlands
131631/12/19Sasineumqll John Spynk elder BoANinian Spynk BoA his son, Isobella Bait relict to sd umqll John Sairs to umqll Rot Cruikschank, Ja Carnegie, airs to umqll Alex HaillisCopgate
141632/1/10SasineDa Gardyne of LawtounIsabella Ogilvie his spLawtoun, Balmulliestoun & Falhillis in the barony of KinblathmonthW: Alex Jack son to umqll John Jack BoA
1632/1/21Sasineumqll Ja Ouchterlony BoAJohn Ouchterlony his sonJohn Chrystie, Ja Carnegie, airs to umqll Rot CruikschankCopgate
151632/1/21SasineJohn Ouchterlony son & air to umqll Ja Ouchterlony BoAAnd Young merch burg Dundee, Elisabeth Lyne his spJohn Chrystie, Ja Carnegie of Newgate, airs to umqll Rot CruikschankCopgateJohn Ouchterlony of Guynd superior of the sd lands
161632/2/1SasinePa [Murray] earl of Tullibardin, lady Elisabeth [Dent] his spCharles Murray his 2nd sonbarony of Redcastle
171632/2/2SasinePa Lyell notar publ ArbJohn Essie weaver BoA, Joneta Murrat his spJohn Carnegie, John MekesoneApilgate
181632/3/8SasineNinian Durward cordiner BoA, Joneta Dunlop his spJohn Petrie BoAJohn Ouchterlony, John BarrieMutonholl
191632/3/12SasineMr Geo Aikman elder BoAWm Pearson BoAPunderlawfeild
201632/4/5Sasine clare constatumqll Geo Mudie of BryingtounDa Mudie now of Bryingtoun his sonBryingtoun in the barony of Redcastle alias InverkeillorPa [Murray] earl of Tullibardin baron of Redcastle alias Inverkeillor superior of the sd lands, W: Mr Da Pearson app of Lochlands, John Mudie brother german to sd Da M
211632/4/5Sasine marriage contractDa Mudie of BryingtounJoneta Ramsay his future sp eld dtr to Da Ramsay of Cairntounsunny half of Bryingtoun in the barony of Redcastle alias InverkeillorW: John Mudie brother german to sd Da M
1632/4/19Sasine marriage contractDa Huntar BoAHelen Mader his future sp dtr to Ja Mader BoA1) Ja Carnegie 2)Ja Androson, John Ouchterlony yr 3) sd Ja Androson,sd John Ouchterlony yr 4) sd Ja Androson,, Mr Ja Philip 5) sd Ja Androson, Alex Allan 6) sd Alex Allan 7) Alex Peter, John Grant1) Newgate 2) Old Marketgate 3) ibid 4) ibid 5) Mylngatebank 6) ibid 7) Lochsched
221632/5/17Sasine marriage contractArthur Mader son to Ja Mader elder BoAIsabella Hodge his future sp dtr to Wm Hodge weaver BoA1) And Inghraham, John Renny 2) John Ouchterlony, Wm Pearson1) Emmeslawsched 2) HeadlandsW: Wm Hodge son to sd Wm Hodge
231632/5/25SasineJa Mader yr BoA, Helen Austen his spJohn Grant yr cordiner BoAPeter Ferrar, Mr Ja PhilipLordburn
241632/6/6SasineAnd Ouchterlony superior of sd lands son to umqll Da Ouchterlony BoAJohn Ouchterlony of Guynd1) airs to umqll Th Man, Aqueduct 2) airs to umqll Ninian Wod, John Ouchterlony 3) Rot Haillis, airs to umqll John Sturrok 4) Ja Anderson1) Grimsbie 2) ibid 3) Warlapsched 4) MidilschedW: Wm Ouchterlony of Cairne, And Ouchterlony in Cuthlie his brother german
1632/6/7SasineMichael Young son to umqll Sir Peter Young of SeatonJa Carnegie of Newgate1) West Muirlands, Crowdie1) Muirden 2) West Muirlands?
251632/6/7SasinePa Gardyne son to umqll John Gardyne BoAJohn Renny BoA, Marg Pilmor his sp1) John Renny 2) [blank], sd John Renny1) Emmeslawsched 2) Longbutt
261632/6/22SasineJohn Austen in Kirktoun of Inverkeillor, Helen Layngeres his spJohn Ogilvy BoA, Joneta Pilmor his spairs to umqll Alex Smyth, Pa LyellEleemosynary
271632/7/19SasineJohn Strachan cordiner BoA, Isabella Edgar his spJa Jack BoA, Catherine Kid his spJohn Ouchterlony yr, John RichieEmmeslawschedW: John Chrystie elder BoA, John Chrystie yr BoA his son
281632/8/1Sasineumqll Alex Lyne BoACatherine Lyne his dtr1) Alex Peter, airs to umqll And Eliot, land of their heirs and "pretorum" of Arb, common way 2) airs to umqll John Sturrok, common way, And Wod 3) common way, Ja Carnegie 4) airs to umqll Rot Narne, common ways, Brothok 5) Ja Androson, Wm Renny, common ways 6) John Mader, Agnes Irnes 7) [blank], John Barrie1) Copgate 2) Newgate 3) ibid 4) New Marketgate 5) Old Marketgate 6) Auld Muirlands 7) ibid5) land of the airs to sd umqll Rot Narne
291632/8/1Sasineumqll Wm Lyne BoAJohn Lyne mariner in Dundee his brotherJohn Myln, common ways, Mr Henry PearsonCopgate
301632/8/1SasineJohn Lyne mariner in DundeeCatherine Lyne dtr & air to umqll Alex Lyne BoAJohn Myln, common ways, Mr Henry PearsonCopgate
1632/8/1SasineJohn Ouchterlony of GuyndTh Dunlop litster BoACatherine, Lyne, Ninian Durward, common waysAuld Muirlands
311632/8/18Sasine clare constatumqll Rot Myln in BarngreneIsabella Myln his dtrHenry LeslieBarngreneTh Pearson of Lochlands superior of the sd lands, Mr Geo Inglis son to Mr Alex Ingils baillie in that part, W: Wm Pearson son to sd Th P of L
321632/9/3SasineMr Geo Aikman yr BoAMarg Aikman his sister german, Mr John Kinnear son to sd Marg A & umqll Mr Wm Kinnear minister Kinnell1) John Kid, Ja Esplene 2) John Petrie, Ja G...,1) Midilsched 2) Auld Muirlands
331632/10/11Sasineumqll John Aikman yr son to Marg Rankine & umqll John Aikman elder BoANicolas & Isobella Aikman sisters german to sd John A yrAgnes Irnes, John RennyEmmeslawsched
341632/10/11SasineNicolas & Isobella Aikman sisters german to umqll John Aikman yrJohn Strachan elder BoAAgnes Irnes, John RennyEmmeslawschedW: Ja Chrystie BoA son to Da Chrystie, Alex Chrystie BoA son to John Chrystie
1632/10/23SasineHenry Leslie BoA, Bessie Logie his spMr Alex Inglis minister St VigeansMr Henry Pearson, Daniel LyellEleemosynary
351632/10/31SasineJa Spynk BoAAnd WodAlex Spynk elder, John MylneCopgate
1632/11/06Sasineumqll Ja Ouchterlony of West SeatonWm Ouchterlony now of West Seaton his son & airWest SeatonW: Pa Guthrie of Auchmutie, Ja Guthrie his son & air
371632/11/16SasineRot Haillis BoA, Marg Hamilton his spJa Lamb in Skryne, Jean Hucheon his sp1) Ja Jack, Ja Bowman 2) airs to umqll John Sturrok, Alex Peter 3) John Kid, sd Alex Peter 4) air st umqll Th Man1) Warlapsched 2) ibid 3) Lochsched 4) But on Old Marketgate
381632/12/17SasineMr Henry Pearson BoA, Jean Gray his spMr Alex Inglis minister St Vigeans1) 2) 3) Daniel Lyell, common ways1) Eleemosynary 2) ibid 3) ibid 4) Punderlawfeild1) land formerly possessed by Ja Ramsay formerly of Arbekie 2) sold to sd Mr Henry P by John Gardyne of Legastoun 3) 4) possessed by sd Mr Alex Inglis, W: Mr And Drummond mimister Panbryd, Mr Alex Pearson BoA, Mr Ja Pearson common clerk of Arbroath, Mr Geo Inglis son to sd Mr Alex I
391632/12/17SasineMr Henry Pearson BoA, Jean Gray his spMr Alex Inglis minister St VigeansCroft in Eleemosynary?W: Mr Geo Inglis son to sd Mr Alex I
401632/12/18SasineMichael Young son to umqll Sir Peter Young of SeatonJa & Alex Spynksd Ja Spynk, umqll And Petrie?, Henry Richard, sd Alex Spynk formerly to Rot Huntar, common wayCopgate
411632/12/18Sasine marriage contractMr Alex Inglis minister St Vigeans, Mr Geo Inglis his eld sonMariore Pearson future sp to sd Mr Geo I dtr to Mr Alex Pearson BoA1) 2) 3) Daniel Lyell, common ways, land bought by sd Mr Alex I from Mr Henry Pearson 4) 5)1) Eleemosynary 2) ibid 3) ibid 4) Demmesdaill 5) Punderlawfeild1) land formerly possessed by Ja Ramsay formerly of Arbekie 2) land formerly possessed by Henry Leslie, W: Mr Ja Drummond son to Mr And Drummond minister Panbryd, Wm Pearson son to Th Pearson of Lochlands
431633/1/22SasineBarbara Haillis dtr to umqll Da Haillis baxter BoAAlex Haillis baxter BoA son to sd umqll Da Haillis baxter BoA, Christiane Clerk his spAbraham Strachan, And DallRottonraw
1633/1/24SasineAnne & Joneta Forrester dtrs to umqll John Forrester of Deyhous, John Strachan formerly of Balwossie sp to sd Anne FJohn Forrester yr son to John Forrester elder of DeyhousSt Mernois Croft in Kirktoun of Barrie
John Lamb in Benefaulds, Jean Scot his sp
461633/2/8SasineJohn Ouchterlony of GuyndJohn Ouchterlony maltman BoA, Joneta Wedderburn his sp1) airs to umqll Th Man, Aqueduct 2) airs to umqll Ninian Wod, John Ouchterlony maltman 3) Ja Lamb, airs to umqll John Sturrok 4) Ja Anderson1) Grimsbie 2) ibid 3) Warlapsched 4) MidilschedAnd Ouchterlony son to umqll Da Ouchterlony BoA sold the lands to sd John O of G under reversion for 1,600 merks, W: John Ouchterlony son to umqll Gilbert Ouchterlony
471633/2/8SasineJohn Ouchterlony maltman BoA, Joneta Wedderburn his spJohn Ouchterlony of Guyndairs to umqll Ninian Wod, AqueductGrimsbieW: John Ouchterlony son to umqll Gilbert Ouchterlony
481633/2/8SasineJohn Ouchterlony maltman BoA, Joneta Wedderburn his spJohn Ouchterlony yr son to umqll Gilbert Ouchterlony maltman BoA1) Ja Mader, [blank] 2) [blank], Da Young1) Headlandis 2) Muttonholl
491633/3/7Sasineumqll John HoigGiles Gomelay his relict, Wm Hoig their sonJa Falconer, John CarnegieApilgateDa Ramsay elder of Cairntoun superior?
1633/3/23SasineHenry Kinnear, Alison Bruce his spJa Anderson BoATh Dunlop, sd Henry KinnearNew MarketgateW: Da Kinnear son to sd Henry K
501633/3/23SasineHenry Kinnear, Alison Bruce his spDa Kinnear his sonJohn Petrie, Brothok, Allan TownesNew Marketgate
1633/4/18Sasineumqll John Livingstone of Donypace, Da Livingston his eld son, Jean Livingston eld dtr to sd umqll John L of D, Sir Pa Hepburn of Wauchtoun, Mr Alex Livingston, John Livingston app of DonypaceDa lord Carnegie of Kynnardbarony of Cragie, Meikill Perth, Connony near Northesk, Ballochy, Muirton all in Forfar, East & West Inglismaldie in Kincardineshire, Kilrie, East & West Dane, Over Craigie, Glemland, Nether Craigie all in Forfar
541633/4/26Sasine marriage contractWm Renny BoA, Marg Pearson his motherMarg Dalgety his future sp dtr to Hercules Dalgety BoA1) John Gardyne, John Petrie 2) John Jafrasone, [blank] 3) John Ramsay, Barbara Wichtoun 4) Catherine Lyne, Ja Anderson 5) common way, John Ouchterlony yr1) New Marketgate 2) ibid 3) ibid 4) Old Marketgate 5) Warlapsched
551633/4/29SasineDa Wod BoA, Marg Mekesone his spJohn Grant yr BoA, Marg Ogilvy his spJohn Ouchterlony, AqueductGrimsbie
561633/5/23SasineCharles Young son & air to umqll Sir Ja Young his father & grandson to umqll Sir Peter YoungSir John Carnegie of EthieSeaton, Dikmontlaw, barony of Lownnan, Halkhill, Newtoun, Dunbartnet, ArbekyDa Ramsay elder of Cairnton baillie in that part
581633/5/24SasineRot Haillis BoA, Marg Hamilton his spJohn Hamilton elder BoA1) sd John Hamilton 2) John Allan, Wm Anderson1) Kepty 2) Butt
591633/5/25SasineJohn Renny BoATh Symson BoAMylngateW: John Grant yr BoA, Da Grant burg? Arb his brother
1633/5/27SasineChristian Renny dtr to umqll Wm Renny BoA, John Crystie yr BoA her spWm Renny son to sd umqll Wm R1) New Marketgate 2) Old Marketgate
601633/6/3SasineJohn Petrie BoAAgnes Chrystie his sp1) Auld Muirlands 2) ibid1) land sold by Da Ferrar 2) land sold by Michael Young
611633/6/3SasineJohn Petrie BoA, Agnes Chrystie his spJa Forsyth BoAsd John Petrie, Wm RennyNew Marketgate
1633/6/3SasineMr Ja Gardyne BoA, [blank] his spJa Forsyth BoAJohn Ouchterlony, [blank]New Marketgate
621633/6/7SasineDa Fethe son & air to umqll Ja Fethe cordiner BoAPa Lyell notar ArbMariore Baxter, sd Pa LyellEleemosynarytenement now possessed by Ja Almeres/Almeies
1633/6/7SasinePa Lyell notar ArbJohn Almeres/Almeies son to Ja Almeres/Almeies [in previous sasine]Mariore Baxter, sd Pa LyellEleemosynary
1633/6/8SasineMichael Young son to umqll Sir Peter Young of Seaton, Ja & Alex SpynkJa Carnegie of Newgate, Marg Ouchterlony his spsd Ja Spynk formerly pertaining to umqll And Peter, Henry Richard, sd Alex Spynk formerly pertaining to umqll Rot HuntarCopgate
631633/6/11Sasineumqll Ja Forsyth yrJa Forsyth elder BoA, Joneta Forsyth his dtr air to sd umqll Ja F yr her brother germansd Ja Forsyth elder, Mr Alex InglisNew Muirlandis
1633/6/11Sasine marriage contractJa Forsyth elder BoA, Helen Spenyie his sp, Joneta Forsyth his dtrJa Wod BoA, sd Joneta F his spJa AndersonNew Muirlandis
641633/6/11Sasine marriage contractJa Wod BoA, sd Joneta F his spLordburn
1633/6/11SasineJa Forsyth BoAHelen Spenyie [Spenzie] his spNew Marketgate
651633/6/14SasineJohn Grant yr BoA, Marg Ogilvy his spFrancis Ogilvy of NewgrangeJohn Ouchterlony, AqueductGrimsbie
1633/6/14SasineTh Dunlop elder, Isabell Lyell his spDa Ramsay of Cairntoun[blank], [blank]Lordburnbefore pertaining to Ja Carnegie baillie Arb
1633/6/14SasineTh Dunlop elder, Isabell Lyell his spIsabella Dunlop their dtr[blank], [blank]Lordburn
661633/6/19SasinePa Guthrie of Auchmutie, Ja Guthrie his son & app airJohn Ouchterlony of Guynd, Joneta Pearson his sp, John Ouchterlony their son & app airAuchmutieAnd Ouchterlony son to umqll Da Ouchterlony BoA advocat to sd Joneta P
671633/6/20SasineAllan Townes BoAAnd Duncan son to Ja Duncan in BurntounDa Kinnear, John RamsayNew Marketgate
1633/6/20SasineJohn Hall BoAWm Anderson taylor BoAJa Durward, [blank] AndersonApilgate
681633/6/24Sasineumqll Da Schakart BoAMarg Schakart his dtr & airJa Esplene, Alex Wod, And Dall, common wayPittimsdykis?
1633/6/24SasineMarg Schakart dtr to umqll Da Schakart BoA, Joneta Auchinlek her motherJa Anderson merch BoAJa Esplene, Alex Wod, And Dall, common wayPittimsdykis?
691633/6/24SasineMr Geo Aikman BoA, John Aikman his sonJa Anderson merch BoAPittimsdykis? [could refer to the land in previous sasines]
1633/8/21SasineJoneta Ramsay sp to Geo Read BoAJohn Ramsay BoA her brotherNew Marketgate
701633/8/29Sasineumqll Ja [Beaton] archbishop of GlasgowDa Beaton of Balfour his nephew & airSouth Tarry, Auchmutie, North Terry, Grange of Conan, Guynd
711633/8/31SasineJohn Ouchterlony BoA, Joneta Wedderburn his spAnd Ouchterlony in CuthlieBrothok, common wayon the Brothok
721633/10/12SasineAnd Wod BoAJohn Gardyne of MidiltounJohn Ouchterlony, Aqueduct, common wayGrimsbie
1633/10/18Sasine marriage contractAnd Dall in Peysiehill BoABarbara Henderson his future sp dtr to Alex Henderson in Easter KnoxAlex Hallis, Th RennyRottonrawJa Henderson brother & advocat to sd Barbara H
731633/11/8SasineJohn Hamilton chalmerlane of Arbroath, Pa Ouchterlony superior of sd lands & eld son to umqll Pa Ouchterlony of BanhardPa Maule of PanmureEast Banhard, 4 oxgangs of West Banhard in the barony of Kellie
741633/11/9SasineJohn Hamilton chalmerlane of ArbroathPa Maule of PanmureEast Banhard, 4 oxgangs of West Banhard in the barony of Kellie
1633/11/9SasinePa Ouchterlony superior of sd lands & eld son to umqll Pa Ouchterlony of BanhardPa Maule of PanmureEast Banhard, 4 oxgangs of West Banhard in the barony of Kelliethe lands were sold to umqll Pa O by his father & brother umqll Wm Ouchterlony of that ilk & Sir Wm Ouchterlony son to sd umqll Wm O, umqll Pa O of Banhard & Euphame Maule his sp sold the land under reversion to John Hamilton chalmerlane of Arbroath
761633/11/15Sasineumqll Alex Melville BoA & umqll Catherine Meikesone his spIsabella & Marg & Elisabeth & Catherine Melville their dtrs, Ja Petrie sp to sd Isabella M, Th Henderson in Balbenny sp to sd Elisabeth M1) formerly pertaining to umqll Ja Pikeman now to Mr Alex Pearson, common way 2) formerly pertaining to umqll Th Ramsay and now to [blank], formerly pertaining to umqll And Ouchterlony and now to John Ouchterlony yr his grandson 3) John Jaffrasone, Da Young1) Emmeslawsched 2) ibid 3) Muttonholl in Auld Muirlands
771633/11/18SasineTh Pearson of LochlandsEuphame Haillis dtr to umqll Da Haillis BoAJa Wod, Mr Geo AikmanLordburn
781633/11/18SasineEuphame Haillis dtr to umqll Da Haillis BoATh Strachan "chir"? BoA, Isabella Dalgety his spJa Wod, Mr Geo AikmanLordburn
1633/12/05SasineJohn Ouchterlony elder, Joneta Wedderburn his spJohn Ouchterlony yr son to umqll Gilbert Ouchterlony BoAAlex Wod, Ja AndersonOld Marketgate
791633/12/10Sasine marriage contractDa Guthrie son to umqll Ninian Guthrie BoAJoneta Guthrie future sp to sd Da G & dtr to Ja Guthrie BoANinian Spynk, Alex Spynk elderCopgateJohn Guthrie brother & advocat to sd Joneta G
1633/12/11SasineWm Pearson son to Th Pearson of LochlandsRot Haillis BoARottonrawthe tenement was sold to sd Wm P by Mr Da Pearson his brother and pertained formerly to umqll John Haillis & Da Ouchterlony and is now possessed by sd Rot H
801634/2/3SasineBarnard Renny BoAJa Mudie son to umqll Th Mudie BoAAnd Wod, Aqueduct, Ja Lockie, common wayCopgateW: John & Wm Allan sons to Th Allan BoA
1634/2/3SasineJa Mudie son to umqll Th Mudie BoAMr Th Mudie brother german to sd Ja MAnd Wod, Aqueduct, Ja Lockie, common wayCopgateW: John & Wm Allan sons to Th Allan BoA
811634/2/10SasineAnd Weir BoAPa Low weaver BoA, Agnes Manny his spEleemosynary, [blank], [blank], [blank]Lordburn
1634/2/13SasineDaniel Lyell elder BoA, Catherine Guthrie his spJohn Hamilton chalmerlane ArbEleemosynary
821634/2/13SasineJohn Ouchterlony yr son to umqll Gilbert Ouchterlony BoA, Euphame Pearson relict to sd umqll Gilbert OJohn Couper BoANew Muirlands
1634/2/13SasineJohn Couper BoAJohn Hamilton chalmerlane ArbNew Muirlands
831634/2/13Sasineumqll Da OuchterlonyAnd Ouchterlony his son & air, Helen Gardyne mother to sd And OJa Carnegie, Wm RennyNew Muirlands
1634/2/13SasineAnd Ouchterlony his son & air, Helen Gardyne mother to sd And OJa Carnegie BoAsd Ja Carnegie, Wm RennyNew Muirlands
841634/2/13SasineJohn Renny BoAJa Carnegie BoAsd Ja CarnegieNew Muirlands
1634/2/13SasineWm Renny BoAJa Carnegie BoAsd Ja CarnegieNew Muirlands
1634/2/18Sasine marriage contractAlex Allan in Arbirlot BoAAgnes Carnegie his future sp dtr to Mr Pa Carnegie baillie Arb & Catherine Haillis his sp1) John Strachan & John Renny, common way, Ja Esplene, sd John Renny 2) Da Wod, common way, [blank] Allan, airs to umqll John Wod 3) Daniel Low, Maders Croft, common ways 4) gardens "Loa" of Arbroath, airs to umqll Pa Edgar, common way 5) Da Anderson, Aqueduct, John? Wallace, common way 6) Da Huntar, Mr Ja Philip, common way 7) John Grant, Mr Ja Philip, common way 8) sd Da Huntar, common way, airs to umqll John Aikman, Dischland1) Copgate 2) Newgate 3) ibid 4) Rottonraw 5) Apelgate 6) Mylngatebank 7) ibid 8) ibid
861634/5/23Sasineumqll Da Haillis baster BoA, umqll Euphame Strachan his spBarbara & Euphame Haillis their dtrsAbraham Strachan, And DallRottonraw
1634/5/23SasineBarbara & Euphame Haillis their dtrsAlex Haillis baxter BoA his son, Christian Clerk his spAbraham Strachan, And DallRottonraw
871634/5/23SasineHercules Dalgety, Barbara Haillis his spHelen Haillis relict to umqll And Butchart, Wm Butchart their sonJa Thomson, Ninian Spynk, Wm Renny & Ja Forsyth & John PetrieCopgate
1634/5/27SasineWm Alexander taylor BoA, Barbara Aikman his spJa Lamb in Skryne BoA & Jean Hutcheon his sp, Ja Wod BoA & Isobella Huntar his sp1) Alex Steinheill, sd Wm Alexander & sd Ja Wod, common ways 2) sd Wm Alexander, common way, airs to umqll Alex Guthrie, sd Ja Wod1) Copgate 2) ibid
891634/5/29Sasineumqll Gilbert Ouchterlony BoAJohn Ouchterlony his son & airHercules Dalgety, Ninian Spynk, sd John OuchterlonyCopgate
1634/5/29SasineJohn Ouchterlony son & air to umqll Gilbert Ouchterlony BoANinian Spynk BoA, Christian Peit his spHercules Dalgety, sd Ninian Spynk, sd John OuchterlonyCopgate
901634/5/31SasineJohn Kid BoA, Helen Young his spWm Henderson in Balmirmur1) John Ouchterlony yr, John Morgon 2) sd John Ouchterlony yr, common way1) Midilsched 2) Emmeslawsched
1634/5/31SasineWm Henderson in Balmirmur BoACatherine Guthrie his sp1) John Ouchterlony yr, John Morgon 2) sd John Ouchterlony yr, common way1) Midilsched 2) Emmeslawschedland sold to Wm H by John Kid merch BoA
911634/5/31SasineAlex Chrysteson in Comiescura?, Joneta Mekesone his spPa Mekesone writer BoA1) Pa Mekesone, Ja Anderson 2) Mr Alex Pearson, And Ouchterlony1) Midilsched 2) ibid
921634/5/31SasinePa Mekesone writer BoAWm Henderson in Balmirmur BoA1) Pa Mekesone, Ja Anderson 2) Mr Alex Pearson, And Ouchterlony1) Midilsched 2) ibid
931634/6/3SasineGeo Ogilvy BoA, Jean Hayok his spHenry Richard in North Tarry BoA, Elisabeth Ogilvy his sp, Elspet & Nicolas & Barbara Richard their dtrsWm Smyth, common waysEleemosynary
1634/6/3SasineGeo Ogilvy BoA, Jean Hayok his spDa Mitchel in Seaton, Agnes Ogilvy his sp, Ja & Marg Mitchel their children, John Strachan BoA & Catherine Strachan children to Th Strachan BoA & umqll Euphame Ogilvy his sp[blank], the cemetery, common wayEleemosynary
941634/6/9Sasine marriage contractWm Pearson son to Th Pearson of LochlandsJoneta Lyon future sp to sd Wm P & dtr to And Lyon citiner Brechin, Mr Pa Lyon minster Guthrie1) Wm Anderson, Mr Ja Philip 2) Alex Anderson, Wm Anderson 3) 4) 5)1) Rottonraw 2) ibid 3) Emmeslawsched 4) Lochsched 5) Auld Muirlands
951634/6/16SasineJa Thomson baxter BoA, Euphame Richard his sp, And Low slater burg MontroseAnd Chrystie wright BoA, Lilias Gary his spairs to umqll And Butchart, Hercules DalgetyCopgate
961634/7/1SasineHenry Richard in North Tarry BoAElisabeth Ogilvy his spairs to umqll Alex Haillis, airs to umqll Ja Ouchterlony of W Seaton, And Chrystie, airs to umqll Sir Peter Young of E Seaton, Alex & Ja Spynk, Henry PetrieSeagate
971634/7/1Sasineumqll Pa QuhytRot Quhyt BoA his sonDa Mekesone, Aqueduct, John Chrystie yrMylngate
1634/7/1SasineRot Quhyt BoA son to umqll Pa QuhytWm Dickson BoADa Mekesone, Aqueduct, John Chrystie yrMylngate
981634/8/20SasineAnd Wod BoAJohn Mekesone merch BoA, Daniel Low maltman BoA[blank], John MylneCopgate
1634/8/26SasineJa marquis of HamiltonTh Pearson of Lochlands, Mr Da Pearson app of Lochlands his eld sonPeblis in the regality of ArbroathWm Pearson son & advocat to sd Th P of L
991634/8/26SasineJohn Ogilvy BoA, umqll Catherine Jameson his spAlex Ogilvy their sonJohn MacCoull, common way[s?], Mr Alex PearsonEleemosynaryAlex O as air to Catherine J inherited her 1/4 of the tenement
1001634/8/26SasineAlex Ogilvy son to John Ogilvy BoA, Marg Jameson relict to umqll Ja Beg citiner Brechin, Elisabeth Jameson sp to Rot Colin burg DundeeJohn Grant BoA, Giles Jamesone his spJohn MacCoull, common way[s?], Mr Alex PearsonEleemosynaryAlex O, Marg J, Elisabeth J & Giles J each owned 1/4 of the tenement
1634/8/26SasineJohn Grant BoA, Giles Jamesone his spJohn MacCoull BoA, Anna MacCoull his dtrJohn MacCoull, common way[s?], Mr Alex PearsonEleemosynarythe whole tenement
1011634/9/12SasineAlex Steincheill blacksmith BoA, Joneta Schakart his spPeter Brown servitor to Pa Maule of PanmureAnd Dall, common way, Ja LambCopgate
1021634/9/16SasineMr Pa Carnegie baille Arb, Catherine Haillis his spAlex Allan in Arbirlot BoAWm Alexander, common ways, John? PeterCopgateW: Rot Carnegie son to sd Mr Pa C,
1031634/10/6SasineJa Guthrie BoA, Joneta Eliot his spTh Dunlop litster BoAairs to umqll John Spynk, Alex Peter, Walter FetheSeagateJohn Ouchterlony of Guynd superior of the sd land, W: Rot Carnegie son to Mr Pa Carnegie baillie Arb
1041634/10/28SasineJohn Chrystie elder BoA, Elisabeth Mekesone his spJohn Kenny son to umqll John Kenny baxter BoAAnd Young, Da ChrystieCopgate
1634/11/10Sasineumqll Sir John Wischart of PittarrowSir John Wischart formerly of Pittarrow his sonMylne & Mylntoun of Conveth in the Regality of Arbroath and in KincardineshireAlex Walker at the mylne of Conveth baillie in that part, W: Rot Walker son to sd Alex W
1051634/11/12SasineSir Henry Wod of BonytounPa Wod his eld son & app air, Anna Carnegie eld dtr to Sir John Carnegie of EthieLeatham & Newbigging & Kirktoun mylne in barony of ArbroathTh Hamilton son to John Hamilton elder BoA advocat to sd Pa W
1061634/11/21Sasineumqll Da Ouchterlony BoAAnd Ouchterlony his son & air1) John Ouchterlony yr, common way, Brothok 2) airs to umqll John Sturrok, Pa Mekesone 3) Mr Alex Pearson, Merchedykis? [march dykes] 4) common way, Ja Anderson 5) common way, [blank] 6) John Morgon, John Low 7) John Ouchterlony, airs to umqll And Wichtoun, Aqueduct1)Haghous yard 2) Midilsched 3) ibid 4) New Muirlands 5) ibid 6) ibid 7) on the Brothok
1071634/11/21SasineAnd Ouchterlony son to umqll Da Ouchterlony BoA, Helen Gardyne mother to sd And OJohn Hamilton chalmerlaine Arb1) John Ouchterlony yr, common way, Brothok 2) airs to umqll John Sturrok, Pa Mekesone 3) Mr Alex Pearson, Merchedykis? 4) common way, Ja Anderson 5) common way, [blank] 6) John Morgon, John Low 7) John Ouchterlony, airs to umqll And Wichtoun, Aqueduct1)Haghous yard 2) Midilsched 3) ibid 4) New Muirlands 5) ibid 6) ibid 7) on the Brothok
1634/11/28SasineJa lord Ogilvy of Airlie, Ja master of Ogilvy his sonDa Souter of the mylne of AlytSallaris Croft, Brothok, Cunyngarhill of Arbroath, Demongdaill, Guthriehill, mylne of Arbroathreferring to an old contract between umqll Ja lord Ogilvy and umqll Jean Forbes lady Ogilvy his sp on one part and sd Ja lord Ogilvy of Airlie & umqll Ja lord Ogilvy his father son to sd umqll Ja & Jean F dated 1582, W: John Ogilvy eld son to John Ogilvy of Peill
1091634/11/28SasineJa lord Ogilvy of Airlie, Ja master of Ogilvy his sonDa Souter of the mylne of AlytWardmylne, Sallaris Croft, Brothok, Cunyngarhill of Arbroath, DemongdaillW: John Ogilvy eld son to John Ogilvy of Peill
1101634/11/28SasineJa lord Ogilvy of Airlie, Ja master of Ogilvy his sonDa Souter of the mylne of Alytmylne of Arbroathreferring to an old contract between umqll Ja lord Ogilvy and umqll Jean Forbes lady Ogilvy his sp on one part and sd Ja lord Ogilvy of Airlie & umqll Ja lord Ogilvy his father son to sd umqll Ja & Jean F W: John Ogilvy eld son to John Ogilvy of Peill
1121634/11/28SasineJa lord Ogilvy of Airlie, Ja master of Ogilvy his sonDa Souter of the mylne of Alyt [Alyth]mylne of Arbroathreferring to an old contract between umqll Ja lord Ogilvy and umqll Jean Forbes lady Ogilvy his sp on one part and sd Ja lord Ogilvy of Airlie & umqll Ja lord Ogilvy his father son to sd umqll Ja & Jean F
1131634/11/28SasineJa Hamilton of KilbrakmonthJohn Ogilvy son & air to umqll Th Ogilvy of WardmylnCunyngarhill of Arbroath
1141634/11/28SasineJohn Ogilvy son & air to umqll Th Ogilvy of WardmylnJa lord Ogilvy of AirlieCunyngarhill of Arbroath, GuthriehillW: John Ogilvy eld son to John Ogilvy of Peill
1151634/12/2SasineAlex Allan in Arbirlot BoA, Agnes Carnegie his spJohn Mekesone merch BoA1) "hortis loci" [gardens] of Arbroath, airs to umqll Pa Edgar, common way 2) Da Anderson, Aqueduct, John Wallace 3) Da Hunter, Mr Ja Philip, common way 4) John Grant, sd Mr Ja Philip, common way 5) sd Da Hunter, common way, airs to umqll John Aikman, Deischland1) Rottonraw 2) Apelgate 3) Mylngate 4) ibid 5) ibid
1161634/12/2SasineArchibald Rynd BoA, Helen Watson his spJohn Mekesone merch BoAsd John Mekesone, sd Archibald RyndRottonraw
1634/12/2SasineAgnes MekesoneJohn Mekesone merch BoA her spJa Carnegie, John Adam, common way, John HamiltonSeagate
1634/12/2SasineJohn Mekesone merch BoAAgnes Mekesone his spMr Ja Philip, common way, sd Archibald Rynd, Rot HaillisRottonrawPa Mekesone writer BoA brother & advocat to sd Agnes M
1171634/12/5SasineAnd Ingraham BoAAnd Adam BoA, Marg Johnston his spJohn Renny, Th Allan [blank] Smyth, airs to umqll Henry KinnearCopgate
1181634/12/8Sasineumqll Gilbert Ouchterlony BoAJohn Ouchterlony his son & airNewgatethe land was pledged to Da Wod BoA by sd umqll Gilbert O under reversion
1634/12/8SasineJohn Ouchterlony son to umqll Gilbert Ouchterlony BoADa Wod BoANewgateland from prev sasine
1191634/12/8Sasineumqll Ja Forsyth BoAJonet Forsyth his dtr, Ja Wod BoA her spNew Marketgatethe land was pledged to Ja Gardyne under reversion
1634/12/8SasineJonet Forsyth dtr to umqll Ja Forsyth BoAJohn Ouchterlony yr son to umqll Gilbert Ouchterlony BoANew Marketgateland from previous sasine
1201634/12/8Sasineumqll Ja Forsyth BoA, Helen Spengie [Spenzie] his relictJonet Forsyth his dtr, Ja Wod BoA her spJohn Petrie, Wm RennyNew Marketgateland possessed by sd Helen Spengie
1211634/12/18Sasine marriage contractWm Alexander BoA, Bessie Watson his sp, Da Alexander his sonIsabella Ouchterlony his future sp dtr to umqll Da Ouchterlony BoA & Helen Gardyne his spJohn Kyd, Mr Pa CarnegiCopgate
1634/12/18Sasine marriage contractAnd OuchterlonyIsabella Ouchterlony his sister german future sp to Da Alexanderon the BrothokJohn Ouchterlony yr son to umqll Gilbert Ouchterlony advocat to sd Isabella O
1221634/12/18Sasineumqll And Eliot BoA, Agnes Wod his relictDr Ja Eliot minister Forfar his brother german1) Copgate 2) Newgate 3) Copgate 4) Emmeslawsched1) possessed by sd Agnes W, 2) pertaining to Alex Allan, 3) pertaining to Da Wod 4) pertaining to sd Agnes W, Mr Henry Pearson minister Bedrewll [Bedrule] advocat to sd Dr Ja E
1231634/12/19SasineDr Ja Eliot minister ForfarMr And Eliot minister Inverkeillor his eld son1) Copgate 2) Newgate 3) ibid 4) Rottonraw 5) Copgate 6) ibid 7) Emmeslawsched1) possessed by Agnes W relict to umqll And Eliot BoA 2) pertaining to Alex Allan, 3) 4) sometime pertaining to umqll Th Nicolson now to the airs to umqll Wm Buchan 5) pertaining to Da Wod 6) pertaining to airs to umqll John Wod 7)
1241634/12/19SasineDr Ja Eliot minister ForfarMr And Eliot minister Inverkeillor his eld son1) 2) Ja Carnegie, Da Ramsay1) St Mary's [chapel] 2) Da Ramsays land in Langsched in Punderlawfeild 3) Keptie1) possessed by Agnes W relict to umqll And Eliot BoA brother german to sd Dr Ja E 2) 3) sometime possessed by sd Agnes W
1251634/12/22Sasineumqll John Lyne BoAWm Lyne his grandson?Punderlawfeild
1261634/12/22Sasineumqll Th Ogilvy at WardmylneJohn Ogilvy at the Mylne of Dillavard? his sonCunyngarhill of Arbroath, Demingdaill, Guthriehill
1271634/12/23Sasineumqll John Richie BoAJa Richie his son1) Ja Jack, Th Henderson 2) airs to umqll Th Anderson, John Petrie 3) John Hamilton, John Ouchterlony elder1) Emmeslawsched 2) New Muirlandis 3) ibidJohn Richie has sold the land in New Muirlandis under reversion to John Ouchterlony elder BoA which is now redeemed, W: John Murray son to Alex Murray BoA
1281634/12/27SasineJohn Ouchterlony of GuyndWm Pearson son to Th Pearson of Lochlandsairs to umqll Ninian Wod, AqueductGrimsbie
1634/12/27SasineWm Pearson son to Th Pearson of LochlandsJohn Ouchterlony yr son to umqll Gilbert Ouchterlony BoAairs to umqll Ninian Wod, AqueductGrimsbieW: Alex Fethie son to umqll Henry Fethie sometime app of Ballosik [Boysack]
1301635/1/28SasineJohn Hamilton chalmerlane ArbroathWm Henderson in Balmirmur BoA, Catherine Guthrie his sp1) John Ouchterlony, common way, Brothok 2) airs to umqll John Sturrok, Pa Mekesone 3) Mr Alex Pearson, ...1) Haggis yard 2) Commonfaulds 3) ibid
1311635/3/16SasineJa Lokie BoA, Barbara Fethie his spAnd Bardie BoAJohn Ouchterlony yr, airs to umqll Da FethieNew Marketgate
1635/3/21Sasineumqll Da Gray BoAPa Gray his eld sonthe cemetery, common way, Henry LeslieBarnegreneTh Pearson of Lochlands superior of sd lands; W: Wm Pearson son to sd Th P of L
1321635/3/21SasineAbraham Strachan BoAWm Alexander taylor BoAsd Wm Alexander, sd Abraham StrachanLordburn
1635/3/21SasineWm Alexander taylor BoABarbara Aikman his spLordburnland sold to sd Wm A by Abraham Strachan
1331635/3/24SasineMr Geo Aikman notar publ ArbJa Carnegie of Newgate baillie Arb1) Terry Meadow pertaining to the airs of umqll And [Lamb] bishop of Whithorn, Elisabeth Boyes, common way, Da Ramsay 2) Aqueduct, sd Da Ramsay, sd Elisabeth Boyes, the airs of umqll And [Lamb] bishop of Whithorn1) Punderlawfeild 2) Seaton Denheid
1341635/4/1SasineIsabella Myln dtr to umqll Rot Myln in Barnegrene, John Philip at the mylne of Colistoun her spJohn Mekesone merch BoAHenry LeslieBarnegreneTh Pearson of Lochlands superior of sd lands
1635/4/2SasineJohn Renny elder BoAJohn Renny yr his eld sonPunderlawfeildW: Wm Maule son to umqll And Maule of Guldie
1351635/4/2SasineJohn Renny elder BoAJohn Renny yr his eld son1) Copgate 2) NewgateW: Wm Maule son to umqll And Maule of Guldie, John Pilmor in Auchrynie, Leonard Pilmor his brother german
1361635/4/2SasineJohn Renny elder BoAPeter Renny his son1) airs to JaStrachan, Alex Allan 2) aielder to umqll Ja Strachan, Da Anderson1) Rottonraw 2) ApelgateW: Wm Maule son to umqll And Maule of Guldie, John Pilmor in Auchrynie, Leonard Pilmor his brother german
1371635/4/6SasineJohn Myln in BarnhardJohn Hamilton chalmerlane ArbAnd Wod, Christiane LyneCopgateW: Alex Spink elder BoA, Wm Spink his son
1635/4/7SasineGeo Myln BoA, Marg Dall his spAnd Dall in PeysiehillNew Marketgate
1381635/4/8SasineJohn Renny elder BoAJohn Renny yr his eld sonEmmeslawsched
1635/4/29SasineJohn Thomson BoAJohn Rynd merch BoAairs of umqll And [Lamb] bishop of Whithorn, flux of the sea, airs to umqll Wm Buchan, common waySeagate
1391635/5/8SasineFrancis Ogilvy of Newgrange, Mr Alex PearsonJohn Grant yr BoAJohn Ouchterlony, Aqueduct, common wayGrimsbie
1635/5/8SasineJohn Gardyne of Midiltoun, And Wod BoAJohn Grant yr BoAGrimsbie?
1401635/5/8SasineJohn Grant yr BoAMarg Ogilvy his spGrimsbieFrancis Ogilvy of Newgrange father & advocat to sd Marg O
1635/5/8SasineJohn Grant yr BoA, Ja Mader yr BoAHelen Austen sp to Ja M, John Mader their sonPeter Ferrar, Mr Ja PhilipLordburnW: Th Austen father to sd Helen A
1635/5/13Sasineumqll Geo [Hay] earl of KinnoullGeo [Hay] earl of Kinnoull his sonGrange of Conan in the barony of Arbroath
1411635/5/16Sasineumqll And [Lamb] bishop of WhithornJa Lamb his son & air1) Over & Nether Hayes of Arbroath, 2) yard in the monastery 3) Punderlawfeild 4) South Tarry meadow1) 2) sometime occupied by John Haillis 3) sometime pertaining to Ja Lamb & to sd bishop And L his brother german
1421635/5/16Sasineumqll And [Lamb] bishop of WhithornJa Lamb his son & airSouth TerryDa Beaton of Balfour superior of sd lands
1441635/5/16Sasineumqll And [Lamb] bishop of Whithorn, Superiors: John Hamilton chalmerlane Arbroath, Lucrecia Gardyne dtr & air to umqll Mr Rot Gardyne BoA, Alex Wod son & air to umqll Alex Wod BoAJa Lamb son & air to sd umqll bishop AndSouth TarryTerry Meadow Croft alias Terry Meadow Aker in W SeatonW: And Peter son to John Peter commissar of Peibles
1451635/5/16Sasineland pertaining to And Ingraham BoA & umqll Giles Tyrie his sp, Ja Lamb in Skryne superior of the landAnd Adam BoA, Marg JohnstonJohn Renny, Th Allan, [blank] Smyth, airs to umqll Henry KinnearCopgate
1461635/5/23SasineAnd Ouchterlony son to umqll Da Ouchterlony BoA, Helen Gardyne his relict mother to sd And ODa Alexander, Isabella OuchterlonyJohn Ouchterlony yr, airs to umqll And Wichtoun, Aqueducton the Brothok
1471635/5/25SasineIsabella RennyTh Couper taylor BoA her spGeo Myln, John PetrieNew MarketgateW: Mr Pa Carnegie BoA, Pa Carnegie his son
1635/6/6Sasineumqll Pa Edgar BoAElisabeth & Isabella & Euphame Edgar his dtrs, Alex Anderson sp to sd Elisabeth E, John Strachan sp to sd Isabella E, John Mader sp to sd Euphame E1) Rot Haillis 2) John Mekesone, Wm Pearson, common way 3) [blank], Aqueduct, common ways1) Apelgate 2) in the Abbey 3) Apelgate?
1481635/6/6SasineElisabeth & Isabella & Euphame EdgarJa Anderson merch BoA1) Rot Haillis 2) John Mekesone, Wm Pearson, common way 3) [blank], Aqueduct, common ways1) Apelgate 2) in the Abbey 3) Apelgate?
1635/6/6SasineJa Anderson merch BoAJohn Mores BoA, Agnes Anderson his spRot HaillisApelgate
1491635/6/7SasineJa Anderson merch BoAJohn Mader BoA, Euphame Edgar his sp1) John Mekesone, Wm Pearson, common way 2) [blank], Aqueduct, common ways1) in the Abbey 2) Apelgate
1635/6/7SasineJa Anderson merch BoAJohn Strachan BoA, Isobella Edgar his sp[blank], Aqueduct, common waysApelgate
1501635/6/8SasineWm Mudie BoA, Elisabeth Ouchterlony his spDa Ramsay eld of CairntounAnd Chrystie, Da YoungCopgate
1635/6/8SasineJohn Ouchterlony elder BoA, Joneta Wedderburne his sp, And Ouchterlony in CuthlieBrothok, Aqueduct, common wayson the Brothok
1511635/6/16SasineJohn Hamilton chalmerlane ArbMr Alex Inglis minister St VigeansEleemosynaryland sold by umqll John Aikman BoA & Daniel Lyell BoA to sd John H, W: Alex Murray BoA, John Murray his son
1521635/6/22SasineTh Dunlop BoA, Catherine Blaiketour his spMr Ja Guthrie minister Arbirlot, Isobella Durie his sp1) New Muirlands 2) Auld Muirlands
1635/6/24SasineTh Dunlop litster BoA, Catherine Blaiketour his spHenry Guthrie of Colistoun, Mr Ja Guthrie minister Arbirlot, Isobella Durie his sp1) Horners Wynd 2) New Marketgate
1531635/6/24SasineTh Dunlop litster BoA, Catherine Blaiketour his spHenry Guthrie of Colistoun1) New Muirlands 2) Auld Muirlands
1635/6/25SasineJa Durward BoAJean Hayok relict to umqll Geo Ogilvy BoAApelgate
1541635/6/25SasineTh Dunlop litster BoA, Catherine Blaiketour his spMr Ja Philip BoA1) 2) Ja Lockie, Jean/John Fethe, [blank], sd Mr Ja Philip1) Lordburn 2) Eleemosynary
1635/6/29SasineDa Wod BoADaniel Lowsd Daniel Low, Alex AllanNewgate
1551635/6/29SasineDa Wod BoAJa Anderson BoACopgate
1635/7/25SasineJa Wod BoA, Isobella Hunter his spMr Geo Aikman notar publ ArbPunderlawfeild
1561635/10/15SasineAlex Wod BoAsd Alex W, Ja Wod his brother german, Sir Henry Wod of BonytounJa Esplen, And DallCopgate
1635/10/31SasineJohn Wallace BoA, Marg Fethe his spAlex Wod BoAOld Marketgate
1571635/10/31SasineAlex Wod BoAJohn Wallace BoA, Marg Fethe his sp1) Ja Esplen, And Dall 2) 3) Ja Carnegie, Aqueduct, airs to umqll Th Man, common ways1) Copgate 2) Old Marketgate 3) Park & Bog on Mylngate
1635/11/9SasineJohn Barrie BoA, Christina Gourlay his sp, Mr Ja Guthrie minister Arbirlot, Henry Guthrie of Colistoun, Th Dunlop litster BoAJohn Hucheone in NewgrangeCatherine Lyne, Ninian Durward, common waysAuld MuirlandsJohn Smyth writer in Edinburgh procurator
1581635/11/9SasineJohn Barrie BoA, Christina Gourlay his sp, Th Dunlop litster BoADa Hunter BoAAlex Spink, John Hucheon, common wayNew Marketgate
1635/11/21SasineJohn Renny elder BoA, Peter Renny his sonJohn Strachan elder BoA, Isobella Edgar his spairs to umqll Ja Strachan, Alex AllanRottonraw
1591635/11/21SasineJohn Strachan elder BoA, Isobella Edgar his spJohn Renny elder BoA, Peter Renny his sonArchibald Rynd, John RyndRottonraw
1635/11/28SasineDa Ramsay of CairntounTh Dunlop elder BoA, Isobella Lyell his spLordburn
1601635/11/28SasineTh Dunlop elder BoA, Isobella Lyell his spTh Dunlop yr BoAJa Leslie, Jean FetheEleemosynary
1635/11/28SasineAlex Allan in Arbirlot BoAJohn Hamilton chalmerlane ArbWm Alexander, common ways, John PeterHorners Wynd on Copgate
1611635/12/3SasineTh Symson weaver BoAHelen Strachan his sp1) garden of [sd Th Symson?], airs to umqll Th Lyell, John Chrystie 2) sd John Chrystie, Aqueduct, airs to sd umqll Th Lyell1) Mylngate 2) his garden ibid
1635/12/31SasineJohn Hall son & air to umqll John Hall BoAAlex Peter merch BoAAlex Anderson, common way, airs to umqll Ja Falconer, Th RennyApelgate
1621636/1/14SasineAnd Young merch burg Dundee, Elisabeth Lyne his spGeo Kid weaver in Dickmontlaw, Marg Henderson his spJohn Chrystie, Ja Carnegie, sd And Y & Elisabeth L formerly pertaining to umqll Rot CruikschankCopgateland formerly pertaining to umqll Ja Ouchterlony and presently possessed by Alex Lyell & John Smyth
1631636/1/21SasineHenry Duncan BoAJa Philip BoA, Isobella Allan his spTh Allan, common waysCopgate
1636/2/2SasineFrancis Ogilvy of NewgrangeElisabeth Adamson his sp1)Easter Brakie 2) Logyhill 3) Caistoun 1-3 in barony of Kynnell 4) Kennymeikel in barony of Lintrathen1) occupied by John Ogilvy 2) occupied by sd Francis O, 3) occupied by And Ogilvy, W: Ja Ogilvy son & app air to sd Francis O of N, Ja Ogilvy son to Da Ogilvy of Pitmowes
1641636/3/15SasineAnd Duncan son to Ja Duncan in Burntoun BoADa Dryburgh weaver in Inscheok BoA, Joneta Lamb his spDa Kinnear, John RamsayNew MarketgateW: John Lamb BoA brother to sd Joneta L
1651636/3/21SasineJohn Strachan elder BoA, Marg Rankine relict to umqll John Aikman BoA, Nicolas & Isobella Aikman his dtrsJohn Mores BoA, Agnes Anderson his spAgnes Irnes, John RennyEmmeslawsched
1636/3/22SasineJohn Ramsay burg Dundee, Joneta Fletcher his spJohn Adam BoA, Catherine Durward his spBarbara Ouchterlony, Aqueduct, And Wod, airs to umqll John AllanCopgate
1661636/3/29SasineAlex Anderson eld son to umqll Hector Anderson BoA, Elisabeth Edgar sp to sd Alex AJohn Renny elder BoAKeptyland possessed by Catherine Durward relict to sd umqll Hector A
1636/4/5SasineMr Geo Aikman notar publ ArbJa Carnegie of NewgateLangfrydeyes in PunderlawfeildW: Pa Peter son to Alex Peter BoA
1671636/4/21Sasineumqll And Eliot BoADr Ja Eliot minister Forfar his brother germanSeagatetenement possessed by Ja Guthrie BoA
1636/4/21SasineDr Ja Eliot minister ForfarMr And Eliot minister Inverkeilor his sonSeagatetenement possessed by Ja Guthrie BoA
1681636/4/26SasineDa Souter of WardmylneWm Souter in Alyth his brother german1) mylne & mylnlands of Alyth & town of Mylnhauch 2) Carneleyth 3) Hauch of Pitrondichie2) land occupied by Jean Fyfe relict to umqll Wm Broun, Da Salter, John Salter, Rot Moncur & Ja Lamb 3) occupied by sd Wm Souter, the lands are in the barony of Alyth formerly pertaining to the Laird of Clovay, W: Wm Quhytsone son to umqll Ja Quhytsone port of Grange of Abirborthie, Ja Salter son to umqll Ja Salter in Alyth, Da Guthrie son to John Guthrie BoA
1691636/4/26SasineWm Souter of MylnhauchJean Pearson his sp1) mylne & mylnlands of Alyht & town of Mylnhauch 2) Carneleyth 3) Hauch of PitrondichieW: John Souter in Alyth brother german to sd Wm S of M, Wm Quhytsone son to umqll Ja Quhytsone port of Grange of Abirborthie, Ja Salter son to umqll Ja Salter in Alyht, Da Guthrie son to John Guthrie BoA
1701636/5/12SasineWalter bishop of Brechin, Mr Simon DurieMr Arthur Grangerparish of Panbryd
1636/5/24Sasineumqll John Black wright burg DundeeGeo Black his brother german & airPa Mekesone, Catherine LyneNewgateJohn Sturrok merch burg Dundee had sold to sd umqll John Black
1711636/5/24SasineGeo Black brother german to umqll John BlackSir Pa Ogilvy of InchmartenePa Mekesone, Catherine LyneNewgateDa Black wright brother and advocat to sd Geo B
1636/6/1SasineJohn Petrie BoA & Agnes Chrystie his sp, umqll And Symson BoA & Marg Bardie his spTh Symson weaver BoA son to sd umqll And S, Helen Strachan sd to sd Th SDa Wod, Da FetheCopgateW: Pa Lyell son to Pa Lyell baillie Arb
1721636/6/8SasineBarnard Renny BoAJohn Strachan yr BoA, Marg Mader his spsd Barnard Renny, Ja CollieLordburn
1636/6/8SasineJohn Strachan elder BoA, Isobella Edgar his spJohn Wallace BoAairs to umqll Ja Strachan, Alex AllanRottonraw
1731636/6/8SasineJohn Wallace BoAMarg Fethe his spairs to umqll Ja Strachan, Alex AllanRottonraw
1636/6/16SasineRot Haillis BoA, Marg Hamilton his spIsabella Ouchterlony relict to umqll Mr Ja Philip BoAKepty
1636/6/16SasineRot Haillis BoA, Marg Hamilton his spIsabella Ouchterlony relict to umqll Mr Ja Philip BoAKepty
1741636/6/22SasineJohn Chrystie elder BoA, Elisabeth Mekesone his spAnd Chrystie BoA, Lilas Grey his spDa Chrystie, Ja Carnegie, Geo KidCopgate
1751636/6/27SasineDaniel Low BoA, Joneta Durward his spAnd Fullartoun in LeathaneDa Ramsay, sd Daniel Low, Da WodNewgate
1636/6/27SasineDaniel Low BoA, Joneta Durward his spDa Wod BoAAlex Allan, sd Daniel LNewgate
1761636/6/27SasineDaniel Low BoA, Joneta Durward his spDa Ramsay of Cairntoun1) common ways, Da Ramsay of Cairntoun 2) Alex Allan, sd Daniel Low1) Newgate 2) ibidland sold to Da Wod BoA under reversion
1636/6/29SasineJohn Hamilton elder BoARot Haillis BoA, Marg Hamilton his spKeptyland had been sold by sd Rot Haillis & Marg Hamilton his sp, W: Th Hamilton son to sd John H
1771636/8/28Sasineumqll Joneta WodJa Wod BoA her brother german & air1) John Butchart, common ways 2) Walter Fethe, John Ouchterlony1) Seagate 2) New Marketgate1) land pertaining to Alex Peter merch BoA 2) pertaining to Ja Gardyne
1636/9/2SasineMr Geo Aikman BoA, Joneta Aikman his dtrJohn Aikman his son & app aie1) Abraham Strachan, John Couper, sd Mr Geo Aikman, Th & John Strachan, common way 2) sd Th Strachan, sd Mr Geo Aikman, sd John Couper, common way1) Rottonraw 2) Lordburn
1781636/9/26SasineJa Lamb of South TarryIsabella Ouchterlony his future sp relict to umqll Mr Ja Philip BoA1/2 of South Tarryland possessed & occupied by And Lamb a relative to sd Ja L of S T, Mr Geo Granger baillie in hac part son to Mr John Granger BoA, W: Mr Geo Inglis son to Mr Alex Inglis minister St Vigeans
1791636/9/27SasineJa Lamb in Skryne BoA, Jean Hutcheon his spPeter Broune servitor to Pa Maule of Panmure, Ja Wod BoA & Isabella Hunter his sp1) Alex Stenchill, sd Ja L & Jean H, sd Ja Wod, common ways 2) previous tenement, common way, airs to umqll Alex Guthrie, sd Ja Wod1) Copgate 2) ibid
1801636/11/5SasinePa Guthrie of AuchmuthieJoneta Reid his spAuchmuthie
1636/11/7Sasine marriage contractPa Lyell notar publ BoA, Euphame Symson his sp, Mr Pa Lyell his eld sonBarbara Durie dtr to umqll John Durie BoA1) Lochsched 2) Howchehead 3) Henchhead 4) Langfeydayes all in Punderlawfeild?1) & 2)? sold to sd Pa L by Da Haillis son & air to umqll Da Haillis baxter BoA and by umqll Rot Lyell BoA 3) & 4)? sold by Ja Wod BoA
1811636/11/7SasinePa Lyell notar publ BoAEuphame Symson his spEleemosynaryW: Mr Pa Lyell son to sd Pa Lyell notar
1636/11/7Sasine marriage contractPa Lyell notar publ BoA, Euphame Symson his sp, Mr Pa Lyell his eld sonBarbara Durie future sp to Mr Pa L & dtr to umqll John Durie BoAEleemosynary
1821636/11/7Sasine marriage contractPa Lyell notar publ BoA, Mr Pa Lyell his eld sonBarbara Durie future sp to Mr Pa L & dtr to umqll John Durie BoABarnegrenTh Pearson of Lochlands superior of the sd lands
1831636/11/16SasineJa Jack BoA, Catherine Kid his spJa Lamb in Skryne BoA, Jean Hutcheon his spDa Young, Da ChrystieCopgate
1636/11/16SasineJa Jack BoA, Catherine Kid his spJa Lamb in Skryne BoA, Jean Hutcheon his sp1) Ninian Spink, Ja Lamb in Skryne 2) John Ouchterlony yr, Ja Ritchie1) Warlapsched 2) Emmeslawsched
1841636/11/16SasineJa Lamb in Skryne BoA, Jean Hutcheon his spJa Lamb his son1) [blank], Ja Bowman 2) airs to umqll John Sturrok, Alex Peter 3) John Ouchterlony yr, Ja Ritchie1) Warlapsched 2) ibid? 3) Emmeslawsched
1851636/12/8SasineWalter [Whitford] bishop of Brechin, Mr Henry Pittillok minister CarmyllieMr Arthur Granger now minister Panbrydmans house of Panbrydland previously occupied & possessed by umqll Mr And Drummond last minister Panbryd
1636/12/29Sasinethe whole or part pertaining to Peter Guthrie now of that ilk son & air to umqll Mr Pa Guthrie minister Logie BuchanJohn [Guthrie] bishop of Moray, Nicolas Wod his sp, Mr John Guthrie their 1st son, Mr Pa Guthrie their 2nd son, And Guthrie their 3rd sonthe whole or part of the barony of GuthrieMr Ja Guthrie minister Arbirlot brother german & advocat to sd bishop John [Guthrie]
1871637/1/3SasineJohn Ramsay weaver BoA, Helen Man his spDa Dyburghsd Da Dyburgh, Wm Renny, BrothokNew Marketgate
1637/1/3SasineDa DyburghPa Mekesone writer BoA son & air to umqll Adam Mekesonesd Da Dyburgh, Wm Renny, BrothokNew Marketgate
1637/1/3SasinePa Mekesone writer BoA son & air to umqll Adam MekesoneDa Dyburghsd Da Dyburgh, Wm Renny, BrothokNew Marketgate
1881637/1/10SasineAlex [Lindsay] lord SpynieMarg Hay lady Spynie his spHauch of Finneven, Achnadet, Kingsseat, Carlabank all in barony of Fineven & Forrest of Plattan, Cotton of Ballisak, mylen of Ballisak, BarnyardJohn Mudie brother german to Da Mudie of Bryingtoun advocat to sd lord Spynie, W: Th Dalgety son to Alex Dalgety in Nomdeage?
1891637/1/10SasineAlex [Lindsay] lord Spynie, John earl of Kinghorne, lord Lyon of Glamis, Geo earl of Kinnoull, lord Hay of KinfaunsAlex [Lindsay] master of Spynie eld son to lord Spynie, Geo Lindsay brother german to Alex master of S, Marg Hay lady Spynie sp to sd Alex lord Spynie, Sir John Carnegie of Ethie & John Carnegie his 2nd sonLand in the barony of Fineven & Forest of Platane, land in the parish of InverkeilorJohn Mudie brother german to Da Mudie of Bryingtoun baillie in that part, Th Dalgety son to Alex Dalgety in Nomdieaege advocat to Alex master of Spynie
1921637/2/9SasineJa Wod mason BoA, Joneta Forsyth his sp, John Ouchterlony son to umqll Gilbert Ouchterlony maltman BoA, Euphame Pearson his relict, Alex Fethe BoA now her spWm Pearson BoAJa Anderson, Mr Alex InglisEast New Muirlandis
1637/2/9SasineJohn Hamilton chalmerlane ArbWm Pearson BoA1) Mr Alex Inglis, common way 2) Ja Ritchie, common way 3) John Morgoun, John Low1) New Muirlandis 2) ibid 3) ibid1) sold to sd John H by John Couper 2) sold to sd John H by And Ouchterlony son & air to umqll Da Ouchterlony BoA
1931637/3/15SasineJa Low BoA, Marg Hayok his spAnd Low his son, Jean Peter his spNew Muirlands1 acre sold to Ja L by umqll And Nicoll & 1 acre sold to Ja L by umqll Wm Strachan, W: Pa Peter father to sd Jean P
1941637/3/22SasineJohn Renny BoAHelen Haillis his spJa Mudie, Pa MekesoneCopgateland of the airs to umqll Ja Lokie BoA sold by Ja L & Barbara Fethe his sp under reversion to sd John R
1637/3/22SasineRot Quhyt BoAAnd Adam BoA, Marg Johnston his spJohn Ouchterlony elder, airs to umqll Th AndersonEast New MuirlandisW: Peter Renny son to John Renny BoA
1951637/3/22SasineAnd Ingraham BoAAnd Adam BoA, Marg Johnston his spRot Haillis, Ja MaderEmmeslawschedW: Peter Renny son to John Renny BoA
1637/3/23SasineAnd Dall in Persiehill BoA, Barbara Henderson his spAlex Haillis, Christiane Clerk his spsd Alex Haillis, Th RennyRottonraw
1961637/3/23SasineAlex Haillis baxter BoA, Christiane Clerk his spAnd Dall in Persiehill BoA, Barbara Henderson his spAbraham Strachan, sd Alex Haillis bought by him in previous sasineRottonraw
1637/3/27SasineJa Esplene elder BoA, Agnes Guild his sp, Ja Esplene yr his eld sonAlex Esplene son to Ja E elderAlex Allan, airs to umqll Alex WodCopgateW: Pa Lyell BoA, Pa Lyell his son
1971637/4/10SasineTh Couper BoA, Isabella Renny his spJohn PetrieGeo Myln, sd John PetrieNew Marketgate
1981637/4/11SasineJa Wod BoAAlex Peter1) John Butchart, common ways 2) John Ouchterlony, Walt Fethe1) Seagate 2) New Marketgate1) tenement of sd Alex Peter 2) tenement of Ja Gardyne, W: Pa Peter son to sd Alex P
1637/4/11SasineTh Couper BoA, Isabella Renny his spWm Renny BoAGeo Myln, John PetrieNew Marketgate
1991637/4/14Sasine marriage contractDa Lindsay of Kinnettles, Marg Young his sp, Marg Lindsay their eld dtrWm Ouchterlony in Murhous her future spKinnettels in the barony of RescobieW: Mr Th Lyon apperand of Cossines, Michael Young son to umqll Sir Peter Young
2001637/4/15SasineJa Duncan BoA, Helen Murie his spJohn Hucheon in Newgrange BoA1) John Renny, Wm Pearson 2) John MacKull, airs to umqll Alex Haillis1) Emmeslawsched 2) West New Muirlands
1637/4/26Sasine marriage contractRot Ayssone of Arthurestene son to umqll Ja Ayssone of Arthurestene, Sybil Ogilvy mother to Rot AJohn Hamilton of Kirktoun of Arbroath, Anna Hamilton his eld dtr future sp to sd Rot A of AArthurestene in the lordship of Couper in PerthshireW: Pa Campbell brother to Geo Campbell of Crunan, Wm Ayssone brother to sd Rot A of A
2011637/5/1SasineJohn Mader BoA, Euphame Edgar his sp, Ja Mader his father, Helen Durward mother to sd John MJa Lamb in Skryne BoA, Ja Lamb his son1) John Wallace 2) sd John Wallace, Christiane Lyne1) Auld Muirlands 2) ibidJa Low superior? of sd lands
1637/5/1SasineAbraham Strachan, [blank] Mader his spJa Lamb in Skryne BoAAuld Muirlands
2021637/6/9SasineWm Renny BoA, Th Couper BoA, Isobella Renny, John Renny elder BoAJohn Petrie, Agnes Chrystie his spGeo Myln, sd John PetrieNew Marketgate
1637/6/10SasineJohn Hamilton of Kirktoun of ArbroathJohn Mekesone, Agnes Mekesone his sp1) sd John Mekesone, airs to umqll [Wm] Ouchterlony of W Seaton 2) common way, sd John Butchart1) Seagate 2) ibid2) tenement of John Butchart W: John Hamilton elder
2031637/6/23Sasine marriage contractJa Carnegie of Newgate, Marg Ouchterlony his sp, Rot Carnegie his son & app airTh Fotheringham of East Dynnone, Isobella Fotheringham his eld dtr future sp to sd Rot C1) 2) 3) Heys of Arbroath, Croft pert to Da Ramsay, the Abbey 4) 5) 6) Peter Young of E Seaton, ......, Pa Mekesone, sd Ja Carnegie's land in Punderlawfeild1) Punderlawfeild & Dischland 2) ibid 3) Rig in the Abbey 4) Darnzet Croft in the Abbey 5) Sklaterbank? 6) Houp in St Ninians Hench1) pertaining to umqll John Carnegie of that ilk grandfather to sd Ja C of N & umqll Alex Quhytlaw 2) pertaining to sd Ja C of N & umqll Mr Geo Aikman
2041637/6/23Sasine marriage contractJa Carnegie of Newgate, Rot Carnegie his son & app airTh Fotheringham of East Dynnone, Isobella Fotheringham his eld dtr future sp to sd Rot C1) 2) 3) 4) sd Ja C of N 5) sd Ja C of N 6) Walter Ouchterlony, airs to umqll And Butchart1) Mairden 2) West Muirlands 3) Newmuirlands 4) ibid 5) ibid 6) Copgate1) & 2) sold to sd Ja C of N by Michael Young 3) sold by And Ouchterlony BoA 4) sold by John Renny 5) sold by Wm Renny 6) sold by umqll Da Cruikschank
2051637/6/23Sasine marriage contractJa Carnegie of Newgate, Marg Ouchterlony his sp, Rot Carnegie his son & app airTh Fotheringham of East Dynnone, Isobella Fotheringham his eld dtr future sp to sd Rot C1) sd Ja C of N 2) 3) 4) 5) Da Hunter,sd Ja C of N, common ways 6) sd Da Hunter, common ways 7) 8) Punderlawfeild, Pa Mekesone 9) Ja Esplene, the flux of the sea 10) John Kid, airs to umqll Rot Lyne, sd Ja Ca of N 11) air s to sd umqll Rot Lyne, sd Ja C of N 12) sd Ja C of N, Joh Mekesone, John Adam 13) sd Ja C of N, common way, sd John Adam 14) airs to umqll Ja Lockie, airs to sd umqll Rot Lyne, And Chrystie, sd Pa Mekesone 15) Ja Spink, Alex Spink 16) Ja Anderson, airs to umqll John Aikman 17) Guthrielands now pert to Alex Peter, sd Ja Anderson 18) John Ouchterlony, airs to umqll Alex Wod 19) airs to umqll Wm Buchan, sd Ja Anderson1) Newgate 2) 3) Cutcherbank on Newgate 4) Lichous Croft on Newgate 5) Newgate 6) ibid 7) Ladiebank 8) Rig 9) But 10) Newgate 11) ibid 12) ibid 13) Lichouse 14) Copgate 15) ibid 16) Buttis on Old Marketgate 17) Sandibut 18) Wardland on Old Marketgate 19) Ougstennes Land on Old Marketgate 20) Mylngate 21) ? 22) ? 23) ? 24) ? 25) ? 26) ?20) now pertaining to John Low 21) pert to Arthur Mader 22) pert to John Lamb 23) pert to Da Mekesone 24) pert to Wm Hodge 25) pert to Alex Gray 26) pert to John Quhytlaw
2071637/6/24SasineJohn Mader BoA, Eupahme Edgar his sp, Catherine Durward her motherPa Lyne merch BoAJohn Mekesone, Wm PearsonRottonraw
2081637/6/26Sasine marriage contractJohn Ouchterlony yr BoAHelen Pearson relict to umqll Wm Gryme merch burg Montrose & future sp to John O1) New Marketgate 2) ibid Old Marketgate 3) Grimsbie 4) Heidlandis 5) Muttonhoul 6) Pittardykis 7) Greinyard on Lordburn 8) Apelgate 9) ibid8) pert to John Allan 9) pert to John Mekesone
2091637/7/17SasineJa Anderson BoAJa Littlejohn BoA1) Jean/John Fethe, Peter Ferrar, common way, Th Dunlop 2) Broyhok, Peter Ferrar, common way, Ja Mader1) Lordburn 2) on the Brothok
1637/7/17SasineJohn Hamilton chalmerlane ArbJa Anderson BoAcommon way, Ja AndersonNew Muirlands
2101637/8/2Sasineumqll Alex Wod BoAJa Wod his brother german & air1) Ja Esplene, And Dall 2) 3) Ja Carnegie, Aqueduct, airs to umqll Th Man, common ways 4) Lucretia Gardyne, John Mylne 5) John Chrystie 6) [blank] 7) And Young, airs to umqll Alex Haillis1) Copgate 2) Old Marketgate 3) Park & Boig on Mylngate 4) New Marketgate 5) Mylngate Pittransdykis 7) Copgate4) land of John Gardyne 5) land of Th Symsone 6) land that John Ouchterlony bought fr umqll Da Craik 7) Land of Ninian Spynk
2111637/8/31SasineAlex Allan in Arbirlot BoA, Agnes Carnegie his spJa Carnegie of Newgate1) Copgate 2) Newgate
2121637/10/31SasineJohn Ouchterlony of GuyndJoneta Pearson his spMains of Guynd
1637/11/2SasineJohn Hamilton of Kirktoun of Arbroath, Mr Pa Carnegie BoA, Catherine Haillis his spAlex Allan in Arbirlot BoAWm Alexander, common ways, John PeterHorners Wynd on Copgate
2131637/11/2SasineAlex Allan in Arbirlot BoAMr Pa Carnegie BoA, Catherine Haillis his spHorners Wynd on Copgate
1637/11/13SasineAnd Dall in Peysiehill BoA, Barbara Henderson his spAlex Haillis BoA, Christiane Clerk his spAbraham StrachanRottonrawtenement of Alex Haillis BoA
2141637/11/15SasineJohn Renny yr BoA, John Renny elder BoA his fatherMr Ja Guthrie minister Arbirlot, Isobella Durie his spEmmeslawsched
2151637/11/24SasineMr Pa Carnegie BoA, Catherine Haillis his spJohn Hamilton of Kirktoun of Arbroath, Catherine Ouchterlony his sp1) Croftis 2) Firth of Arbroath 3) town and lands of Conan with mylne & mylnelandsJohn Hamilton son & advocate to sd John H of K, W: Rot & John Carnegie son to sd Mr Pa C
2161637/11/25SasineTh Henderson BoA, Elisabeth Melville his spPeter Broun BoA1) Mr Alex Pearson, common way 2) Ja Ritchie, John Ouchterlony yr1) Emmeslawsched 2) ibidW: Mr Pa Lyell son to Pa Lyell
1637/11/28SasineTh Dunlop yr BoATh Dunlop elder BoA, Isobella Lyell his spairs to umqll Ja Lockie, Jean/John FetheEleemosynary
2171637/11/28SasineTh Dunlop elder BoA, Isobella Lyell his spTh Dunlop yr BoAairs to umqll Ja Lockie, Jean/John FetheEleemosynary
1637/11/28SasineTh Dunlop yr BoAMr Alex Inglis minister St Vigeansairs to umqll Ja Lockie, Jean/John FetheEleemosynaryW: Da Ramsay elder of Cairntoun
1637/12/19SasineHenry Guthrie of Colistoun, Mr Ja Guthrie minister ArbirlotTh Dunlop BoA, Catherine Blaktour his spNew MarketgateHorners Wynd
2181637/12/19SasineTh Dunlop litster BoA, Catherine Blaktour his sp, Henry Guthrie of Colistoun, Mr Ja Guthrie minister Arbirlot, Isobella Durie his spAlex Barrie son to John Barrie BoATh Pearson, common waysNew Muirlands
2191637/12/30SasineTh Renny BoA, Jean Fethe his spHenry Fullartoun in Leathane BoA, Elisabeth Guthrie his spJa Anderson, common waysNew Muirlands
2201638/1/2SasineJohn Renny elder BoA, Helen Haillis his spDa Tueddell BoAJa Mudie, Pa MekesoneCopgatetenement had been sold by umqll Ja Lockie BoA & Barbara Fethe his sp under reversion to sd John R
1638/1/4SasineJohn Mekesone merch BoAHenry Finlo merch BoA, Isobella Carnegie his spPa Lyne, common way, the AbbeyRottonrawDa Carnegie brother & advocat to sd Isobella C,W: Ja Carnegie brother to sd Da & Isobella C
2211638/1/12Sasineumqll John Aikman yr son to umqll John Aikman elder BoANicolas & Isobella Aikman sisters german & air to sd John A yrAuld Muirlands
1638/1/12SasineNicolas & Isobella Aikman dtrs to umqll John Aikman elder, Marg Rankine his relict their motherDa Mekesone BoAAuld Muirlands
1638/1/12Sasineumqll John Aikman yr son to umqll John Aikman elder BoANicolas & Isobella Aikman sisters german & air to sd John A yrAuld Muirlands
2221638/1/12SasineNicolas & Isobella Aikman dtrs to umqll John Aikman elder, Marg Rankine his relict their motherJohn Petrie BoAAuld Muirlands
1638/2/16SasinePa Guthrie of AuchmuthieJoneta Guthrie his eld dtrBurntounHenry Guthrie baillie in that part son to umqll Alex Guthrie of that ilk
2231638/2/16SasineJa Ritchie BoA, Helen Peter his motherPeter Broun BoAJa Lamb, Th HendersonEmmeslawschedW: Wm Broun brother to sd Peter B
1638/2/26SasineNinian Davidson BoA, Agnes Pikeman his spMr Alex Inglis minister St Vigeans[blank], sd Mr Alex InglisLordburnW: Ja Pearson son to umqll Geo Pearson BoA, Alex Murray BoA, John Murray his son
2241638/4/4SasineJohn Strachan elder BoA, Isobell Edgar his sp, John Mader BoA, Euphame Edgar his sp[blank], Aqueduct, common waysApilgate
1638/4/11SasineTh Allan BoATh Kinnear in Kinblathmonth BoA, Catherine Moge his sp... Adam, common way, Ja Philip, [blank]Copgate
2251638/5/15SasineJohn Kenny son to umqll John Kenny baxter BoA, John Chrystie elder BoA, Elisabeth Mekesone his spDa Chrystie yr BoA son to sd John CDa Chrystie elder, Geo KidCopgateW: sd Da Chrystie elder BoA, Da Chrystie yr BoA
1638/5/15SasineJohn Chrystie elder BoA, Elisabeth Mekesone his spDa Chrystie yr BoA son to sd John CDa Chrystie elder, Geo KidCopgateW: sd Da Chrystie elder BoA, Da Chrystie yr BoA
2261638/5/16SasineJa Bowman litster BoA, Helen Pyet his spJean & Isobella & Agnes Bowman his dtrs1) [blank] 2) Ja Anderson 3) [blank] 4) Ninian Durward, Da Young1) Warlapsched 2) Midilsched 3) Headlandis 4) Muttonholl
2271638/5/16SasineJa Bowman litster BoA, Helen Pyet his spJean & Isobella & Agnes Bowman his dtrs, Henry Bowman his son1) [blank] 2) Ja Anderson 3) [blank] 4) Ninian Durward, Da Young1) Warlapsched 2) Midilsched 3) Headlandis 4) Muttonholl
2281638/5/16SasineJa Bowman litster BoA, Helen Pyet his sp, Pa Mekesone writer BoAJa Chrystie eld son to Da Chrystie BoAJa Jack, John ChrystieCopgate
1638/5/16SasineDa Chrystie BoA, Mariore Mitchell his spJa Chrystie his eld sonJa Jack, John ChrystieCopgate
2291638/5/21Sasineumqll John Fenton in Eastertoun of GuthrieGeo Fenton his grandson1) 1/4 of Haltoun alias Eastertoun of Guthrie 2) 1/4 of Mylntounsd umqll John F & umqll John Scot & umqll Richard Ramsay formerly occupied the sd lands, John [Guthrie] bishop of Moray baron of Guthrie superior of the lands, W: Mr John Guthrie rector at Duffis son to sd bishop John
2301638/5/24SasineJohn Hamilton of BothTh Mylne BoAAnd Wod, airs to umqll [blank] LyneCopgate
1638/5/25SasineMr Pa Carnegie BoA, Catherine Haillis his spRot Ramsay at the Mylne of AuchinlekWm Alexander, Hornerys Wynd, John PeterCopgateW: John Carnegie son to sd Mr Pa C
2311638/5/27SasineTh Renny BoA, Jean Fethe his spMaria Rynd dtr to umqll Da Rynd BoAsd Th R & Jean F, Geo & Barnard Renny, Alex AndersonApelgate
1638/5/29SasineAlex Esplene son to Alex [later in sasine called James] Esplene elder BoAJa Esplene yr son to Ja Esplene elderAlex Allan, Ja WodCopgateW: Da Esplene son to sd Ja E elder, Ja Ogilvy app of Newgrange
2321638/6/8Sasine marriage contractJa Alexander of Ravinsbie, Da Alexander his eld son & app airJa Carnegie of Newgate, Magdalene Carnegie his dtr future sp to sd Da ARavinsbie, Crankhill, 1/4 of Grange of Barrie all in the barony of Barrie
2331638/6/13Sasineumqll Ja HamiltonElisabeth & Margaret Hamilton his dtrs1) common way, Ja Pearson, Th Pearson 2) Ja Pearson, John Hamilton1) Eleemosynary 2) ibid
2341638/6/13SasineElisabeth & Margaret Hamilton dtrs to umqll Ja HamiltonTh Hamilton son to sd Marg Hamilton [is this correct?]1) common way, Ja Pearson, Th Pearson 2) Ja Pearson, John Hamilton1) Eleemosynary 2) ibidW: John Hamilton of Both, John Hamilton elder BoA
1638/6/13SasineJerome Ouchterlony BoAHelen Haillis relict to umqll And Butchart and now sp to John Renny elder BoAEmmeslawschedW: Wm Butchart son to sd umqll And B & sd Helen H
2351638/6/13SasineDa Gardyne son to umqll John Gardyne BoADa Wod BoAformerly pert to umqll Ja Ingrahame and now to And Adam, common way, Ja Philip, airs to umqll John RyndCopgate
1638/6/13SasineDa Wod BoATh Kinnear in Kinblathmonth BoA, Catherine Mog his spformerly pert to umqll Ja Ingrahame and now to And Adam, common way, Ja Philip, airs to umqll John RyndCopgate
2361638/6/15Sasine marriage contractAlex Fyiff in Buttergill, Mr John Fyiff his brother germanDa Ramsay elder of Cairntoun, Euphame Ramsay his dtr futrure sp to sd Alex FyiffDa Mitchell, common way, common way, airs to umqll Walter Scotin BrechinW: Mr Da Pearson app of Lochlands, Da Ramsay app of Cairntoun, Ja Fyiff brother german to Mr John Fyiff
1638/6/28Sasineumqll Henry Kinnear BoA, Alison Bruce his relictTh Kinnear their sonTh Dunlop, [blank], sd Alison BruceNew Marketgate
2371638/6/28SasineTh Kinnear son to umqll Henry Kinnear, Alison Bruce mother to sd Th K, Ja Anderson BoADa Kinnear son to umqll Henry Kinnear BoA & umqll [blank] Kaird his sp, Christian Nicoll sp to sd Da K
1638/6/29SasineDaniel Low BoA, Joneta Durward his spDa Ramsay elder of CairntounDa Ramsay elder of Cairntoun, common wayssouth of road to "templum"" in Arbroath
2381638/7/4SasineAlex Peter merch Arb, Pa Peter his sonMr And Eliot minister InverkeillorSeagateland sometime pertaining to Ja Guthrie BoA
1638/7/4SasinePa Mekesone BoAMr And Eliot minister InverkeillorSeagate
1638/7/10Sasine marriage contractJohn Richardson in Berriefaulds BoAIsobella Kay his future spBerriefaulds in ArbroathJohn Kay brother & advocat to sd Isobella K
2391638/7/12SasineJohn Petrie BoAthe poor of ArbroathNew Marketgate
1638/7/14SasineMr Pa Carnegie BoA, Catherine Haillis his spJohn Hamilton of Kirktoun of Arbroath, Catherine Ouchterlony his sp1) Croftis 2) Firth of Arbroath 3) town and lands of Conan with mylne & mylnelands
2411638/7/19SasineTh Balfour BoA, Matilda Low his spJohn Essie BoA"templum"
1638/7/23SasineJohn Wallace BoA, Marg Fethe his sp, Ja Wod brother german & air to umqll Alex Wod BoAPa Wod app of Bonytoun1) Ja Esplene, And Dall 2) 3) Ja Carnegie, Aqueduct, airs to umqll Th Man1) Copgate 2) Old Marketgate 3) Bog on Mylngate Lands
2421638/7/27SasineJohn [Guthrie] bishop of Moray, Nicolas Wod his spMr And Guthrie his 3rd son, Mr Pa Guthrie 2nd son to sd bishop John GFirth of Arbroath, BraxMr Pa Lyell baillie in that part son to Pa Lyell BoA, W: Alex Gourlay in Brax, Alex Gourlay there his son
2431638/8/4SasineJohn [Guthrie] bishop of Moray, Nicolas Wod his spMr Pa Guthrie his 2nd son, Mr And Guthrie son to sd bishop John G1) Haltoun alias Eastertoun of Guthrie in the barony of Guthrie1) occupied by Geo Fentoun
1638/9/10SasineWalt Fethe son to umqll Henry Fethe sometime app of Ballosak, Isobella Gardyne relict to umqll Henry F, John [Jean?] & Helen Fethes children to sd umqll Henry F, Mr Rot Udny sp to sd Helen FAlex Fethe eld son to sd umqll Henry F1) Alex Peter, Mr And Eliot, John Hucheon 2) airs to umqll Ja Gardyne, sd John Hucheon 3) And Barrie, Ja Duncan1) New Marketgate & Seagate 2) New Marketgate 3) ibid
2441638/9/10SasineAlex Fethe BoAAlex Peter merch1) sd Alex Peter, comonn vemallas, sd Alex Fethe 2) Mr And Eliot, sd Alex Peter, sd Alex Fethe, John Hucheon1) Seagate 2) New Marketgate
2451638/9/18SasineAlex Fethe BoAJohn Mekesone merch BoAAlex Peter, comonn Vemall, John HucheonNew Marketgate
2461638/9/20SasineEuphame Pearson sp to Alex Fethe BoAMr Alex Inglis minister St VigeansLordburneland pertaining to Ninian Davidson BoA & Agnes Pikeman his sp
2471638/9/20SasineEuphame Pearson sp to Alex Fethe BoAto the poor of ArbroathApilgateland pertaining to umqll Ja Falconar BoA & Marg Forbes his sp
1638/9/22Sasineumqll Hector Anderson BoA, Catherine Durward his spAgnes Anderson their dtr, John Moreis her spEmmeslawschedland pertaining to umqll John Aikman yr BoA & Marg Rankine his sp
2481638/9/22Sasineumqll Da AndersonAgnes Anderson his sister german, John Moreis her spcommon way, John Renny, Aqueduct, sometime possessed by umqll John Allan and now by John MekesoneApilgate
2491638/10/11SasineDaniel Low BoA, Joneta Durward his spAnd Fullertoun in LeathameMader CroftNewgate
1638/11/2SasineJa Ritchie BoAJa Lamb in Skryne BoA, Jean Hucheon his spsd Ja Lamb, Th HendersonEmmeslawsched
2501638/11/2SasineRot Haillis BoA, Marg Hamilton his spJa Lamb in Skryne BoADa Young, And IngrahamEmmeslawsched
1638/11/2SasineJa Lamb in Skryne BoAJean Hucheon his spDa Young, And IngrahamEmmeslawsched
2511638/11/22SasineSir John Carnegie of EthieMagdalen Halyburtoun his sp1) Mains of Ethie 2) Kynnaldie 3) Murdrum 4) Fischersched1) land possessed by Th Lichtoun & Da Airth, W: Rot Carnegie son to Ja Carnegie of Newgate
2521638/11/22SasineSir John Carnegie of Ethie, Da Carnegie his eld son, Jean Maule sp to Da CJohn Carnegie son to sd Sir John CKynblathmonth, Murhous, Burnsyd all three in parish of Inverkeillor Garnge of Conan
2531638/11/22SasineSir John Carnegie of EthieJohn Carnegie son to sd Sir John C, Jean Maule sp to Da Carnegie eld son to sd Sir John C1) Rynd in the parish of Inverkeillor 2) Myremow & Hoigis land in North Tarry2) occupied by Th Vinrame?, W: Rot Carnegie son to Ja Carnegie of Newgate
2541638/12/11SasineRot Haillis BoA, Marg Hamilton his spJa Lamb in Skryne BoA, Jean Hucheon his sp1) common ways, Wm Anderson, airs to umqll Mr Ja Philip, John Mores 2) common way, John Mores, sd Rot Hailis & Marg Hamailton, airs to umqll Alex Rynd, airs to umqll Ja Strachan1) Rottonraw 2) Apilgate
1638/12/29SasineIsobella Aikman dtr to umqll John Aikman yr BoA, Marg Rankyne her mother, Barbara Aikman & Wm Alexander taylor BoA her spJohn Grant yr BoA, Marg Ogilvy his sp, John Grant his 2nd sonDeischland
2551638/12/29SasineNicolas & Isobella Aikman dtrs to umqll John Aikman yr BoA, Marg Rankyne their mother, Barbara Aikman & Wm Alexander taylor BoA her spJohn Grant yr BoA, Marg Ogilvy his sp, John Grant his 2nd son1) Ja Anderson, Ja Carnegie 2) sd Ja Anderson, Alex Peter1) Old Marketgate 2) Flanght?
2561638/12/29SasineJohn Ouchterlony yr son to umqll Gilbert Ouchterlony BoA, Euphame Pearson relict to sd umqll Gilbert O, Alex Fethe BoA now her spJohn Grant yr BoA, Marg Ogilvy his spLochsched
2571639/1/8SasineHercules Dalgety BoA, Barbara Haillis his sp, John Renny elder BoAWm Pearson BoAcommon way, sd Wm Pearson, [blank], Ja AndersonWandersknow in Auld MuirlandisW: Da Chrystie BoA, Ja Chrystie BoA his son
1639/1/14Sasineumqll John Hamilton of BlairJohn Hamilton now of Blair his grandson & airNorth Ferrie with fishing rights on Tay
2581639/2/6SasineBarnard Renny BoA, Catherine Mudie his spBarnard Grant BoA, Jean Smyth his spMr Alex Inglis, John StrachanLordburne
2591639/2/6SasineJa Grant BoA, Jen Pearson his spBarnard Grant BoA his son, Jean Smyth sp to sd Barnard GJohn Rynd, Da StrachanRottonraw
1639/2/9Sasine marriage contractHenry Petrie BoAChristiane Thomson his future sp dtr to Pa Thomson burg Forfarairs to umqll Alex Haillis, [blank], Ja SpinkCopgate
2601639/2/20Sasineumqll John Aikman elder BoANicolas Aikman his granddtr, umqll John Aikman yr BoA father of sd Nicolas A1) Deischland 2) ibid1) land possessed by John Grant yr BoA 2) land possessed by Joneta Clerk relict to umqll John A elder
2611639/2/20Sasineumqll John Aikman elder BoAIsobella Aikman his granddtr, umqll John Aikman yr BoA father of sd Nicolas A1) Deischland 2) ibid1) land possessed by John Grant yr BoA 2) land possessed by Joneta Clerk relict to umqll John A elder
2621639/2/20SasineNicolas & Isobella Aikman dtrs to umqll John Aikman yr BoA, Marg Rankyne their mother, Barbara Aikman & Wm Alexander taylor BoA her sp, Joneta Clerk grandmother to sd Nicolas & Isobella AJohn Grant yr BoA, Marg Ogilvy his sp, John Grant his 2nd son1) Ja Carnegie, John Mekesone land called Mylngaitsbank, Readbrae, Pa Mekesone, sd Barbara Aikman, common way 2) sd Ja Carnegie, sd John Mekesone1) Deischland 2) ibidW: Mr John Kinnear son to umqll Mr Wm Kinnear minister Kinnell
2631639/2/21SasineDa Souter of WardmylneChristiane Maule his sp1) Wardmylne 2) Cunnyngarhill of Arbroath 3) Denningsdual & Guthriehill
2641639/2/23SasineDa Smart of Hospitalfeild, Elisabeth Smyth his sp, Ja Smart his sonJohn Ouchterlony elder of Guynd, John Ouchterlony yr his son & app airHospitalfeild
2651639/3/2SasineMr Th Mudie schoolmaster at the church of Arbirlot, Wm Allan BoA, Catherine Kenny his spJa Mudie BoA brother german to sd Mr Th MAnd Wod, Aqueduct, airs to umqll Ja LockieCopgate
2661639/3/2SasineJa Mudie BoATh Johnston in Arbirlot, Joneta Furd his spAnd Wod, Aqueduct, airs to umqll Ja Lockie, common wayCopgate
2671639/4/18SasineJohn Lyon earl of Kinghorne lord of Glamis, Sir Alex Lindsay lord SpynieSir John Carnegie of Ethie, Da Carnegie his sonKinblathmonth in parish of InverkeillorMr John Moncreiff son to Mathew Moncreiff of Kintullo
2681639/4/22SasineJohn Lyon earl of Kinghorne lord of Glamis, Sir Alex Lindsay lord SpynieSir John Carnegie of Ethie, Da Carnegie his sonKinblathmonth in parish of InverkeillorMr John Moncreiff son to Mathew Moncreiff of Kintullo
2701639/4/22SasineJohn Lyon earl of Kinghorne lord of Glamis, Sir Alex Lindsay lord SpynieSir John Carnegie of Ethie, Da Carnegie his sonKinblathmonth in parish of Inverkeillor, Muirhous in parish of Inverkeillor, Collandrand & Marto, BurnesydMr John Moncreiff son to Mathew Moncreiff of Kintullo
2721639/4/22SasineJohn Lyon earl of Kinghorne lord of Glamis, Sir Alex Lindsay lord SpynieSir John Carnegie of Ethie, Da Carnegie his sonMuirhous in parish of Inverkeillor, Collandrand & Marto, BurnesydMr John Moncreiff son to Mathew Moncreiff of Kintullo, W: And Fullartoun in Murehouse, Henry Fullartoun in Murehouse his brother german
2741639/4/22SasineJohn Lyon earl of Kinghorne lord of Glamis, Geo [Hay] earl of Kinnoull, Sir Alex Lindsay lord SpynieSir John Carnegie of EthieGrange of Conan in the barony & regality of Arbroath
2751639/5/27SasineMr Alex Inglis minister St VigeansTh Dunlop yr BoA, Th Dunlop elder BoA, Isobella Lyell his spEleemosynary
1639/5/27SasineTh Dunlop yr BoA, Th Dunlop elder BoA, Isobella Lyell his spMr Alex Inglis minister St Vigeans1) [blank], [blank] 2) airs to umqll Ja Lockie, Jean Fethe, [blank], airs to umqll Mr Ja Philip1) Lordburne 2) Eleemosynary
2761639/5/28SasineJohn Lyon earl of Kinghorne lord of Glamis, Geo [Hay] earl of Kinnoull, Sir Alex Lindsay lord Spynie, Marg Hay his sp, Alex Lindsay master of Spynie their sonSir John Carnegie of Ethie, John Carnegie his 2nd sonBallisak, Braidfuttis Gardyn, Lindsay muir [alias] Douglas muir, Quheitfeilds in barony of Redcastle alias InverkeillorMr Da Peterson baillie in that part son to Rot Peterson merch burg Couper, W: John Dalgety son to Hercules Dalgety BoA, Michael Ouchterlony son to umqll Wm Ouchterlony of W Seaton, Geo Guthrie son to Th Guthrie in Ethie
2771639/5/28SasineJohn Lyon earl of Kinghorne lord of Glamis, Geo [Hay] earl of Kinnoull, Sir Alex Lindsay lord Spynie, Marg Hay his sp, Alex Lindsay master of Spynie their sonSir John Carnegie of Ethie, John Carnegie his 2nd son1) Mains of Finneven 2) Hauch of Finneven, 3) Auld Mylne of Finneven 4) New Mylne of Finneven 5) Ward of Finneven 6) Ordie, Blakdykes, Birkinbuss, Kynges meadow, Kingsseat, Cairoie, Sroftbank?, Aikinhait, Wardmylne, Wod & Wodend of Finneven, Parkfurd, Wind..., Craigheid, Parkheit, Shipherdisseat, ........ all in the barony of Finneven & Forest of Platane1) lands possessed by John Peacock, And Duthe, Charles Guild, Alex Burst, Da Samson, Pa Ross, John Duthie, Da Durward, John Masterton, John Strachan, 2) lands occupied by John Watt 3) occupied by Ja Ramsay 4) possessed by Wm Ramsay 5) possessed by sd Sir John C, Mr Da Peterson baillie in that part son to Rot Peterson merch burg Couper, W: John Dalgety son to Hercules Dalgety BoA
2801639/6/5SasineAnd Dall in Peysiehill BoAJohn Petrie BoA, Agnes Chrystie his spsd John Petrie, Marg Dall relict to umqll Geo Mylne, Alex ForresterNew Marketgate
2811639/7/19SasineJa Ritchie BoAAlex Gibson BoA, Joneta Ritchie his spNew Muirlandis

See also:

Minutes of Notaries' Protocol Books for Arbroath

Parties in the Act Books of the Commissariot of Brechin

Parties in the Register of Deeds of the Commissariot of Brechin

This page updated 8 Jun 2019